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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Isn't that just another form of fixed prob value? Prolly meant to be changeable "later". But mainly..: I guess I'll have to test that next, won't I? EDIT: went and did that: Removed the mod effect on _bonus, so those are back to 3,6,9,12,15 Made the _mod 1,2,3,4,5 At those settings, the same POIs Forest (previous Wildeness) 2 T1 POIs 7 (2x2 + 3 would match) (As in (player_loot x (1 + _mod) + _bonus) Burnt biome 13 (2 + 11?) constant +11 from burnt? T2 in burnt 23 (2x3 + 6 + 11) would line up One more data point for curiosity. Desert 13 (2 + 11?) matches the burnt, why not? Dishong 38 (2x6 + 15 + 11) would match. EDIT 2: misspelled Dishong pretty horribly... and poking @Boidster
  2. Ok, I went and did just what I described above. Made a modlet to replace poi_tier_bonus="3,6,9,12,15" with 100,200,300,400,500. (am I a mod author now? ) Zipped around Nav. Wilderness was at loot stage 1. A spawn site car on the road gave a UI loot stage at 101, nearby derelict house equally 101. A military camp gave 211 (in burnt biome). Spawned in a few demos, looted a chainsaw .. based on my reading of loot xml, that requires quite high loot stages, so it seems to work as I expected. Does it do something else... I dunno. Yet at least .. I have a problem trying to think about that as a possibility, and that's my understanding of those prob=X statements. It may well be wrong / outdated, but: That prob effects the chance between members of a Group of loot. Ie (pseudo xml..): group tools: stone_axe prob=0.5 stone_shovel prob=0.5 would give one of those, with 50/50 chances. Changing it to group tools: stone_axe prob=0.5 stone_shovel prob=1 would give one of those, stone_axe having 33% chance against the 67% of the shovel. Now, multiplying all of those numbers would only yield the exact same result. Adding constants to all would just take the odds into a more even distribution. However, I repeat, this is only my very limited understanding of that... may well be wrong EDIT: verbiage to Not confuse the difference ..
  3. I wouldn't want it, really. If you really really want something along those lines, maybe increasing zed-bag drop chance for the night would be better. I wouldn't want that either, but at least that wouldn't be as trivially gameable. But might be an idea for a modder out there.
  4. I'm going to go ahead and find some nihilistic amusement between the statements: and .. It doesn't do anything, but it's there for you to eff up a save. ...
  5. Nice data, looks pretty clear for that question For: I would have to assume it's (A - 1.0) and B for: actual_loot_stage = A*player_stage + B Just an assumption of course.. might also be ((player_stage + B) * A) and no idea with the relationship to all other modifiers. To verify that that's how it is used, you could just run a similar set at the border of a POI. Preferentially at some known hard limits .. to separate the difference between mod and bonus, it would have to be pretty well calculated. Unless one wants to trust that editing them produces predictable results.. EDIT: I forgot the obvious; that "actual_loot_stage" is also shown on the UI in the character sheet. If one were to trust that, the testing would be as simple as changing the xml (maybe to something silly enough like 0.0 and +500 ) and seeing that the effect shows up as expected on the UI. Maybe verify with a couple bags of loot with the silly-mode.
  6. I just watched Kage848 reset a hardware store with 8 grills, of which one lootable. None of them changed state with the reset. Quite unlikely for any randomness.
  7. Thanks! Yeh, it will change. I guess the main take-away for those discussions is, "It is a little weird that the 'main loot item' is there only in 1/4 of the boxes at high loot stages"
  8. Since I had the loot.xml open for the other thread, I ended up checking what to look for. Basically the only expected difference will be the tiers and quality of the gear obtained. Other things don't really seem they're affected, although for ammo count there's a tag that implies stage-modification, but there's no explanation to it. Might be loot_stage * 0.01 added into the count, or something completely different. I would probably try to see if I can get higher tier loot from a bag standing in the lower stage area. Loot standing in wasteland, with the bag in forest. (Or similarly with a POI) For that, I would set my "character gamestage" to 38 or 39 (39 is the last one with no chance of T1 armor and you might level up looting...) and then loot a bunch of forest-bags standing in the wasteland. The first T1 armor would be enough for that side, then one would have to loot a whole lot on the other side to be pretty sure that the same item doesn't drop there. I wouldn't feel particularly safe about using loot goggles or eye candy in the test, but they could of course be used, just assuming they work as we think... For the bags, if spawning them in manually, try at least standing in the forest while doing so. Or for zed bags, spawn-25 to forest, killall, repeat. Hmm.. is killall damage from player ... ? Soo many threads for such a little test .. EDIT: If levelling up threatens to become an issue, I guess a diet of glass might help. The reaper shouldn't effect loot stage... yet another variable though. Don't forget the bedroll!
  9. Yeh, I dropped into game for another reason and checked the description, it's crop. And that's an interesting point about the skills.. I never wanted to optimize on that level, I used the combo of glasses and stew to give me a quite cheap LotL in earlier patches. Plus it was less punching anyway
  10. Hmm, I do kinda agree with most of that, except the spear doesn't stagger as well so it might get you hit regardless (ok, I haven't even tried A20 spears, why am I talking? ). And I don't think the enrage mechanic is practically even there for new players / default difficulty. I was just saying it's not that obviously "the best" even with that group of caveats. "Not quite on par" was indeed more about the general use, nabs will be nabs with whatever you give them, in all kinds of creative ways ...
  11. Hmm.. ok. Dug a bit in the loot.xml.. it seems that it is intentional. At least working as implemented. If I'm reading this right, there's an equal chance of getting on item from either groupWeaponsAllScaledNoStone, or groupArmorScaled. So, you might be having a 50% chance for a weapon, 50% for an armor, regardless of loot stage. Then, the groupArmorScaled, has Tier-based probabilities (through a template) as follows in the spoiler: This is clearly intended to choose which type of gear to give (padded or leather or military). Tier 2 armors are the military and steel, and it seems even that probability drops to zero at loot stage 240. Now, I don't know what the loot-generator is supposed to do when given three probabilites of zero, but it sounds it does indeed give nothing. Looks like the same armor-group applies to ALL levels of end-loot-chests, which should mean even T5 won't be giving armor after 240. The weapons use an extra prob-group, ProbT3, which "ends" at 0.5, so you'll always have a 50% chance of getting a high-tier weapon. Or a 100%, if the generator is using the numbers "relatively" as it used to. EDIT: If this is real, an easy "fix" would be to give the <lootprobtemplate name="ProbT2"> ... <loot level="240,999999" prob="0"/> a tiny "buff", into something like <loot level="240,999999" prob="0.001"/> Is this a bug report or a pimp dream..? @unholyjoe ? (I hope EDIT-tagging does something..)
  12. I haven't paid attention to it enough to say anything. Somehow it felt like it was a lot less random at least - I think I was hoping to get a vending machine to change into functioning one at one POI over several quests, but it never did. But that might as well be a high chance for that specific vendo being swapped to a perma-dead one, or the chance just being low, or me being unlucky etc etc.. If you don't mind testing, you used to be able to reset a quest by logging out, to restart a quest over and over.
  13. I'd say the easiest way to test would be to make a ramp from forest to wasteland (high enough to get well into the forest) and spawn a bunch of bags on top the ramp. Whether you need to have zombies drop them naturally or not for proper results, I can't say. Likely not, a bag is a bag, but they're also entities, they might hold a loot stage that is rolled upon "natural generation." If in doubt, making a quick cheese base with said ramp and running a horde there might help, but would be a decent chunk of work..
  14. I've never paid attention to cash registers, but I'm sure about Toolboxes for example - as they had the potential for important stuffs, I did "double dips" often. For those I can say that the state did indeed change earlier.
  15. Your phrasing confuses me a bit. You list "gears" alongside "armor" and "weapons", which could both be called gear (I assume you're not talking about steroids... ) and I can't decide what you're missing in the loot. Would this be reasonably accurate: At a lower loot stage, say 100, you'll get Padded Armor pieces from chests in "tier two quest"-POIs, but once you hit 222, you won't get one anymore? And you don't get anything in their place either?
  16. I feel ya, makes me wonder if the game is merely irresistible bait for OCD people, or actually inducing it... Although, for couple alphas now, I've ended up using the game to learn to just let some things go. It can be done, you CAN leave a piece of trash in the vicinity of your base if you really try. It will be all right..
  17. Mostly because I haven't tested looting in any way; I try not to make definitive claims without some actual evidence, and that's usually hard to come by. And the OP was basically asking what happens to a loot bag when it is rolled from forest to wasteland, will its probabilities shift. I honestly do not know, so, "guessing".
  18. Heh, thanks for that, but of course I had to hop in an test for myself Confirmed, and it looks like the damage is directly proportional to the "charging" bar (at least while skill-less). So if you've filled 10% of the bar, you'll do 10% of the damage. No extra damage for time after 100%.
  19. While I agree more with you on you guys's current argument, you've mentioned this bit twice now; Wasn't the change an added chance for a crop, not a seed? Quite a bit of difference, the chance for an extra crop isn't really worth mentioning, nevermind the implementation time spent..
  20. Basing this purely on the fact that you have to ask; no. Old maps won't work. "I intend" "to port" "my" "granite" "arena" ..? or something? If you want to export a POI from an old save, you might be able to do that and potentially import it to A20 somehow - I can't help with that, and it's likely a modding-section issue anyway.
  21. Not to be That guy, but rather a "skull cap mod" and a "hoodie", right?
  22. Coat for 15.3 sounds like a duster or a running jacket? You might be able to swap that for a Puffer coat for more. If you want to replace BDU for a hoodie, hoodie can give 15 There's a woolly hat mod which gives a good amount. If desperate, I think coffee gives some cold res, torches do too. If you look at your character sheet, it should show how the temp "feels like." That's a combination of everything, I think 30-70 is the normal range (please check with the UI when you start freezing, might even be different units between us (F/C)) If you're below that, the change you need to achieve is just literally the difference to the bottom value.
  23. If you want to learn about heat "intuitively", you can see it on screen in debug mode: F1 => dm Tap F8 twice (1. for FPS, 2. for heat info) Watch what that does while mining, but try to resist the temptation of going into god mode
  24. That works mostly nicely, but I had to add a step; the group of items of "anything I tend to carry around and expect to be in my inventory" needs its own container. That is "the current ammo type", wrenches, painkillers, hammers, boiled meat, wood/stone/iron - just so the ammo box doesn't steal my ammo and the food box doesn't eat my meds... Auto-Drop everything else, manually drop into that "refills"-box. Been testing that for the latest run, seems all right, a little bit of extra hassle with multiple stash locations though.
  25. There might've been slight pinch of sarcasm in my comment; my process to finding that link was a single startpage-search and clicking on the first sane-looking link - someone else re-creating those steps would be about as weird as plants producing seeds ...
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