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Everything posted by Vaeliorin

  1. I wouldn't necessarily say I want slower loot progression, it was just an idea that popped into my head. Seeing the thread complaining about finding a Q6 steel tool on day 1 and another thread complaining about crafting being pointless, and so on just made me wonder if it was possible to add as an option. I do think it would be interesting to play a game where instead of having Q6 steel tools on Day 20, you wouldn't even see steel tools until Day 100 or something. You'd still be getting schematics and parts, though, so you could make steel tools well before Day 100, hence crafting being "worthwhile" again. I don't know exactly how parts and schematics are tied to loot stage, so you'd probably need to have them uncoupled, or have parts/schematics potentially appearing at lower loot stages if they require higher ones now. Heck, I can even imagine someone wanting to change the modifiers per biome, such that you got loot stage penalties in the forest and had to go to harder biomes to even be at baseline. Just wondered if it was something anyone would be interested in, and if it was possible to maybe do it as a slider (like Khaine's mod that lets you change number of land claim blocks, etc.)
  2. I'm aware of that, but if you read my post, I meant an option similar to XP multiplier and Loot Abundance (hmm...maybe I didn't make that entirely clear.) Basically a multiplier similar to those two that you would set when starting a game (say anywhere from 10% to 500%) so that your loot stage would either be decreased or increased everywhere based on that multiplier.
  3. So, I had this pop into my head tonight, and I'm curious what people would think of this idea. We have multipliers for XP and Loot Abundance, but now that Game Stage and Loot Stage are no longer tied together, we could have a multiplier for Loot Stage. Edit for clarification: What I mean by this is a setting before starting a game similar to the XP and Loot multipliers, such that your Loot Stage would be decreased/increased by the multiplier everywhere. This would help with the complaints I've seen about people getting quality 6 steel tools in the first week, and it could potentially help out with people who think crafting is pointless (when you're not seeing a q6 steel tool until day 150 instead of day 15...that makes crafting your own much more tempting...I'd probably want a q6 crafting mod with this, but that's neither here nor there.) You could also have positive multipliers for people who want to be able to find really good stuff right from the beginning. Obviously, there might have to be some balancing to get this to work decently (parts maybe available earlier? I'm not sure when you start finding them) and something would need to be done about the trader (trader stock/quest rewards dependent on loot stage would be a nice, I think) but I think this would be an interesting and fun option to add into the game. Possibly this could be done through a mod, though I'm not sure if the loot stage calculations are exposed. Anyway, I was just curious what people thought of this. I don't know how much I'd use it personally (though I kind of like the idea of setting the multiplier to something like .1x so that crafting was much better) but I thought it was something that some people would enjoy, and would help with some of the complaints people have had about loot and crafting.
  4. God I loved that game. 43 for 24 more days for me. \ Having started a second playthrough on A20 (stable now versus the initial experimental release) and it really feels like loot has gotten nerfed in the interim. Obviously not a large enough sample size to really know for sure, but I feel like the loot I've gotten so far has been..really bad. Heck, I can't even find a decent number of eggs...I've been living on grilled meat.
  5. This is the one thing that's really bugging me about A20. Finding schematics is such a pain now with every bookshelf (even the old, "good" ones) mostly just giving paper. Yes, I know there are books/schematics in crates now, but they tend to repeat quite often and rarely do I find the ones I'd actually like.
  6. Valmod Overhaul (+ Compo Pack) A16 is my favorite 7D2D ever. I change lots of things, but kind of different every time. I've got over 1000 hours of 7D2D and probably less than 50 of it is vanilla.
  7. It wouldn't be if they were more common and dropped earlier. But I almost never seem to get one before I find a compound bow, and bow parts are so rare that making one is pretty much out of the question. Granted, if I specced into archery earlier, that might be a thing. But Mining/Farming/Stamina come first, always.
  8. The Pill Factory was the first T5 POI I did in A20, and while the loot definitely wasn't worth it, it is a really cool POI. I especially liked that it had a built-in exit in the middle so that you could dump stuff off part way through without having to make your own exit or backtrack. I do think the number of zombies in the last room was a bit excessive, though. I wouldn't have wanted to try it without stealth killing most of them.
  9. When you get down to an elevation of (I think) 3, you can't go any deeper. The stone just makes a chiming sound when you hit it and doesn't take any damage. That's bedrock.
  10. It's certainly frustrating, not only because of blocks that can't be picked up, but also because of all the experience you miss out on. Technically it's cheaper in terms of stone to do wood->cobble->concrete now (because it's only 10 concrete mix per block instead of 20) but you need the extra clay and wood (which admittedly, usually aren't a problem for me) but the time crafting the cobble is kind of nuts. If I look at my last big build in A19, it started with a 65X65 concrete slab as a base. That took 4225 rebar frames and 84,500 concrete mix and I got ~2,000,000 experience from doing all the upgrading. Were I to do that now, I'd need 33,800 wood, 42250 cobblestone and 42250 concrete mix if I wanted to do it from removable blocks. This wouldn't really be a huge problem because I often end up with 100,000+ wood and tons of clay shoved in a box somewhere (one playthrough I had over a million clay stashed in a box from digging sand in the desert) but I feel like I'd need 2-3 workbenches churning out cobblestone 24/7 to actually end up with a usable amount. The rest of the build took a lot more materials (it was ~75 blocks tall) so...I don't know how long it would take to craft all the cobblestone I would need now, but I'm thinking it wouldn't be a short time. I wouldn't want to miss out on all that experience from doing it from straight concrete now, though.
  11. Yeah...I'm using a 120 slot backpack mod (the one I normally use is 78, but it's not updated for A20 yet), and I still had to make a couple trips out of a new T5 (the Pop 'N' Pills Factory) to get everything out. But I admittedly refuse to throw anything away or scrap things that can be smelted directly. Sure I may end up with thousands of things that just sit in a box forever...but you never know when I'll need 1000 empty cans. (And yes, I'm also one of those people who finishes RPGs with an inventory full of consumables because I never use them because I might need them later.)
  12. There is a trench coat, but honestly, I just ignore it. It doesn't really matter if you get wet unless you're in the snow biome.
  13. So, the new cities and everything about A20 seems really excellent so far, with one exception. I don't know if this is just bad luck on my part, or is consistent for other people, but the roads between cities are lacking. I don't mean to say they're bad, I mean I've found 4 cities so far (5 if you count the 1 street old west tourist trap town) and my starting city (city A) connects to one other city (call this city B), and the other 2 cities (cities C & D) are connected, but there are no roads between my starter city or city B and cities C or D. Basically, I've got 2 groups of 2 cities with no roads in between. There is, granted, a "mountain" range kind of in the middle of all the cities, but without going too far out of the way one can get to city C without having to traverse the mountains (though you have to go cross country.) I don't know if this is intended, or a bug, or what, but it's fairly frustrating having to go cross country (though nowhere near as bad as it would have been in A19) to get to cities C & D. Granted, I've mostly only gone to them to do the trade routes quests, but I'll probably end up moving to either city B (a large city in the forest) or city C (a large city in the desert) since my starter city isn't one with a city center/skyscrapers. Anyway, the point/question is whether or not this lack of intercity roads is intended, is it a bug, or did I just get really unlucky?
  14. Bars are available as one of the shapes for frames, so you can make wooden/cobble and presumable concrete and steel bars.
  15. Honestly, I feel like it's increased the chance of getting infected. I almost never got infected in A19, but I've had issues with it in A20. Granted, it just may be that the cure was so abundant in A19 that I just don't remember getting infected that often because it was never a concern, but it's been a problem for me a couple times in A20.
  16. I've found 13 honey so far (admittedly, 4 of those came from hornets...there's a mod ), 1 antibiotic (found it the first day) and 3 herbal antibiotics. But I've also spent a lot of time traveling cross-country trying to figure out if there's an actual road that goes from my starting town to the second trader's town...I have about 1600 feathers, so...obviously I've been through a lot of nests (and killed a few vultures...) in my cross country trek. But yes, when I got infected the very first day, I was kind of worried (day 5 now, 2 hour days.)
  17. Electrocutioner at least increases tier for it. Whether or not it effects damage/etc. like it should, I couldn't say (I saw a streamer who wanted to make one, but didn't get the glue for it before the end of their episode.))
  18. Hmm...my initial reaction was that that was kind of cool. Then it occurred to me that I'm going to end up spam crafting stuff to get the stuff with the best stats. Now I'm kind of torn.
  19. The thing people seem to forget is that crafted items have absolutely average stats for their level. I've used a mod that lets me craft Q6 gear, and I'd quite often find Q5 stuff that was better than the Q6 I'd crafted. Also, I don't see why people should be forced to go out and loot. For me, looting gets boring pretty quick. I'd rather mine, build and fight blood moon hordes than spend days and days running the same POIs over and over (if not using Compopack.) And yes, I know, A20, new POIs, etc., but you're still going to end up running the same POIs over and over because they have the best loot modifiers (especially since you can choose quest tiers now, making it easier to try and get quests for the same POIs). That said, I don't really care whether they re-enable Q6 crafting or not. I can always just use a mod (and considering I've got 1000+ hours in game and less than 30 of that is vanilla, I obviously don't mind using mods.)
  20. Pretty crazy XP, too. I made over 2 million xp in an hour the other day, but that involved 4225 Rebar Frames and 84,500 concrete mix.
  21. The small stairs or wedges (the ones that go up 1/2 block per block, there are wedges and wedge tips that go together) tend to be the ones that zombies navigate best. They seem to have problems with ramps, and bears seem to have problems with anything other than flat open ground in my experience. As to the zombies attacking your supports, zombies will sometimes go into "destruction mode" where they just start attacking random/nearest blocks.
  22. I wouldn't use solar for a horde base, but I like to use solar to keep the defenses running at my home. No need to run generators to kill all the wandering hordes/screamers (and I get a lot of screamers...once they start showing up I tend to get a constant stream of them...granted, my current base is a little light, only having 3 forges and 3 cement mixers running non-stop, so they only show up 4-5 at a time now, with a little break in between.)
  23. My problem was greed. I feel like I need to harvest blood from every fallen I encounter. If I hadn't tried to do that, dying wouldn't have been an issue. Spell turrets with Comet spells definitely helped. Anyway, I don't know if you're interested in suggestions, but I thought it would be pretty cool to have some "permanent" turrets (like the shotgun and smg turrets) that could be used for base defense. I doubt you'd want to implement some whole Sorcery Power Network thing, with like an Essence Furnace burning essence to generate Sorcery power that needed to be hooked up, so I was thinking they could take either powder or extract of the corresponding element as fuel, but not burn it at too high a rate (1 per 30 seconds, maybe?) and only be able to be loaded with the basic (Fire, Ice) tier of spells. It'd just be nice to be able to replace (almost) everything with Sorcery stuff, and I just really am enjoying the spell turrets and casting in general. One other suggestion that I don't know if it's possible...maybe make the Fire Fallen explosion not do so much damage to dirt if that's possible? I get a little tired of filling in holes, and I just fought one near the edge of a lake, and now the water is all kinds of messed up from her blowing up so much underwater terrain (it was like she was trying to tunnel under me or something...)
  24. Just out of curiosity, how do people usually do with 3+ Fallen at a time? I'm playing with Romero Mod (with the headshot bit turned off) and I just had a wandering horde (plus at least 4 screamers) at my base, and I ended up with 4 Ice Fallen, 1 Fire Fallen and 1 Lightning Fallen, and I died so many times trying to kill them. I admittedly don't have very good weapons (I've been spending my time building and mining so far) but it seemed like if I got clipped by one of them (outside the fire one), they'd all be able to hit me because of the slow/pull of the ice/lightning fallen. That meant pretty much instant death. Is there a trick I'm missing, or is it more of a "if there are 3+ fallen, just run" type of thing?
  25. Honestly, playing this without bloodmoons has kind of revitalized the game for me. I'm no longer feeling that pressure to get a base done, but instead have to stay aware for a horde (and since I added Sorcery, the hordes can be super scary, what with multiple enemies basically firing rocket launchers at you, others freezing you, and yet others stunning you and pulling you towards them.) I fought one horde inside of a pharmacy POI, and most of the inside of the building had been blown up before the last 3 mobs (all special sorcery mobs) finally managed to take me down (to be fair, any time I fight more than 1 of those mobs, I tend to have problems against them, unless I've got some pretty decent weapons...which I didn't on day 4.) I think the most scared I've been in a long time in the game was when I was out looking for eggs at night and I turned around to see lot of burning/freezing/electrified mobs (courtesy of Sorcery) approaching me through the dark. I quickly crouched down and skirted around them, terrified they'd notice me before I got to my bike to get the heck out of dodge. It was super creepy...and awesome.
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