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Everything posted by Vaeliorin

  1. But having to find/use a particular armor in order to go to the desert/snow would be quite annoying. It'd be no different than the current niche 1.0 armors (lumberjack hat, miner stuff, etc.) Hopefully whatever they do won't require specific armor (when it required semi-specific clothes that was fine because that was basically all clothes did, though it was kinda annoying having to constantly change clothes whenever the weather changed) or specific perks. This is especially true since it seems we'll have to progress through the various biomes now.
  2. Yes. If you play on the default difficulty, you can one shot zombie dogs with a primitive bow on day 1 if you headshot sneak attack them. By the time you encounter zombie bears/dire wolves (presumably) you should have weapons that make them not a huge issue. Anyway, I have to say I don't really like the idea of the trickle zombies on horde night. When it was a mod I could use or not use, it was fine (I've done the horde always lasts all night thing, and Day 7 with a bunch of super scary mod added zombies is ridiculous, but kinda fun.) But I sometimes have even Game Stage ~150 horde nights over by midnight (I play on 2 hour days) so having to deal with a zombie every 5-10 seconds for the rest of the night sounds incredibly annoying (not threatening, just having to stand around on cleanup duty instead of being able to do something useful with my time doesn't sound fun.)
  3. My guess is since they got rid of clothes, there's no real way for the player to deal with hot/cold at the moment, so they've basically disabled it (by giving large resistance to the player) until the overhaul that's supposedly coming.
  4. No. Regardless, if I don't have the ability to craft a crucible by day 11-12, I consider it a bad RNG playthrough. But I ignore putting perk points in any sort of gun until I've maxed out the quality of life stuff (I'd skip melee weapons too if the stamina bonuses weren't tied into them now. )
  5. I believe the POI name is Fiery Farms, and I assume from the name that it's intentional.
  6. You say that like it's a bad thing. Currently, the game is like the first 2 or 3 missions in a tower defense game. I'd like to be able to play the last 1 or 2 instead.
  7. Honestly, I'd like the A16 AI back, just fix the spinning, make the zombies aware of elevation, and add in rage mode. It was possible to control zombie pathing back then (without exploiting them not understanding if you were above/below them) but it was hard. For example, this base only kinda controlled their movement, because a decent portion of them would just throw themselves off the edge and start destroying everything down below. And I say this as someone who's primary interest in the game was because of the Tower Defense part. I watched the game for years, and thought "If they ever add mechanical traps, I'll definitely buy this." They did, and I did.
  8. No, I mean smart. Because it always knows the weakest point in your base, it's very easy to control where it goes, and thus simple to defeat.
  9. No, I think the AI is too smart and needs to be less easily cheese-able
  10. They should, but I don't know if they have any plans to work on the zombie AI.
  11. Some of us rarely use guns (pretty much only horde night for me) and I honestly couldn't really tell you what the models or animations look like. I'm not looking at the gun, I'm looking at the zombies. And it's not like I'm a newbie
  12. You should probably make sure to bleed your kill too, if you want the meat to last a decent amount of time.
  13. It is less free in that you can no longer ignore looting. But it's not like it's linear. It's not too awful, but I did prefer when I could go weeks without entering a POI and still be able to progress.
  14. Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'd love to have caves. I just think they'd need to rework structural integrity if they were to re-add them to the game, and I don't think that's very likely at this point.
  15. Pink, but it should. But the game right now often shows pink blocks when there actually isn't anything wrong with the structural integrity, so it's not entirely reliable. Nut that would require me checking every single block where I'm planning to build before building there, and that sounds awfully tedious. Maybe if they gave us a non-Debug Mode way to see the structural integrity it could work, though.
  16. I was thinking more of caves that are nearer to bedrock. I remember the old days of having places where you could place a block on the ground and it would just instantly break, supposedly because there was at least one block missing between the ground level and bedrock. I'd just be really annoyed if I'd dug my standard 5 wide and 5 deep trench around my base only to discover that the place I'd intended to build wouldn't support a structure properly.
  17. God, no. You can 1 shot stone-type blocks, 2 shot metal-type blocks as it is now. I'd much rather have the 20% bonus ore (though I do wish it wasn't based on the default ore amounts instead of the modified ones from Mother Lode). I always hated the one shot mining, it was totally useless as someone who never uses the auger (though how you'd ever have all the mining books while still using stone axes completely mystifies me, admittedly.)
  18. I'd like to have this back, but the way it could mess with structural integrity would be really annoying. If it wasn't looking for a connection to bedrock, but just to "solid ground" it would be okay, but finding out your base is structurally unstable because you built it over a cave system would be really annoying.
  19. Given that Q6 of tier 3 items are at best a minimal step up at this point (and sometimes worse...though they may have changed this? I haven't paid much attention) unless they do something to make Q6 items more worthwhile, it seems a strange mechanic to me.
  20. Okay, so I started a new game, and I found a water filter on day 10 or 11, so apparently it was just bad luck previously. Just thought I'd let you know.
  21. This is my easy starter base in my current world. Only day 19 (though I play on 2 hour days). Eventually I could add in a bunch of dart traps, but I'll likely move on to a more permanent base before doing so.
  22. It's the extra reward chest for doing an infested quest. Also, you can certainly use melee endgame, even against rads/demos
  23. If I needed steel 20-30 hours before I was unlocking crucibles, I'd need steel before I ever started a world. My current world I'm on Day 19 (2 hours days) and I've already crafted several thousand steel. While I will agree that getting all the magazines takes a lot of time, maxing out the ones for your early game perked skills isn't bad. I've maxed out the magazines for all of my perked skills but one (machine guns, which I didn't perk until very recently.) I outpaced looting for all the things I perked into early, but not things I haven't perked into or perked into later (later means after day 7). That said, I do really think that the base game should include a way to scrap unneeded magazines for bits to make new magazines. There are mods for it, but it's something that I'd like to see in vanilla. Makes all those cooking magazines feel less useless, and smooths out progression when you've got most of your perked magazines maxed out, since you still get lots of magazines for things you've maxed.
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