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Everything posted by Vaeliorin

  1. For me, it's the first thing I spec in (along with Sex Rex.) I'm usually crafting max level iron tools day 3 or so, and I like to have a minimum of 30k cobblestone available for building my Day 7 horde base. It's honestly one of the things that really concerns me about A21, because not having high quality iron tools fairly early will completely disrupt the way I like to play (I basically spend all night, every night, mining), as mining with the stone axe is absolutely miserable.
  2. That's only true if you do construction on a small scale. On one of my playthroughs I'll easily go through several hundred thousand to several million concrete depending on just how big I'm building, and trying to do that without maxed Miner 69er/Motherlode is not something you want to do. Granted, I do a lot of aesthetic building, not just building the minimal that I need to survive.
  3. I have a backpack that's almost 30 years old, and the pull tabs are still in perfect shape (in fact, the backpack is still in really good shape, and I've put it through some hard use), so I'd think they'd last more than 2 weeks.
  4. Yeah, if it's 50 blocks for a horde base, you're going to wind up with zombies beating on your walls instead of going down the tunnels, most likely. I've had that happen where I built my base too large, and the zombies just went after the wall nearest me during horde night (despite it being about 15 blocks below me) instead of through the paths I'd built for them.
  5. I think it's 14 blocks. I know I had a base where I stretched them as far as they would go, and it was an even number of blocks, but I can't recall the exact number.
  6. Unless, you know, you want to build (which is >75% of the point of the game, to me), in which case it's straight into strength again. I'll admit that I'm an oddity who tries to have 30k cobblestone ready to go by Day 6 (since I tend to spend Day 6 and 7 building a starter base), but it still frustrates me that when people talk about this, all they talk about is weapons and kind of ignore the gathering/building folks.
  7. -5 Health, Dysentery chance and possibly something else, iirc.
  8. It used to back in A16 (and possibly before, but that's when I started playing.) Pretty sure it was removed in A17.
  9. Specialization would be fine if I played multiplayer, but I don't. My complaint is this is going to lead to me needing to spend a bunch of time waiting around for stamina regen until I have tons of perks in all these skills. I tried playing once without perking Sex Rex and it was miserable. This is basically forcing me to play without Sex Rex for a long time, unless I completely misunderstand it. Making your players stand around doing nothing is not a good gameplay loop. Yes, I play differently than you do (though I do find your videos interesting). I play 7D2D mainly to build. I basically don't raid more than 1 POI a week after Day 14 or so. And I'm usually level 70-80 by Day 7 (I play with 2 hour days.) My horde base mainly kills things with traps. I also don't play on insane. I play on whatever the default difficulty is, usually. I've even considered removing zombie spawns outside of horde night. This has never been an issue up until this point (and I have 1700 hours played.) And it's nothing to do with "I have to make a decision now." It's "playing without Sex Rex was awful, and now you're going to make me basically play without Sex Rex for 40%-50% of what I do in the game (which would be more like 80% if I didn't always max Miner 69'er and Motherlode first) until I've invested a ton of points." Having to stop halfway through harvesting a car or bear sucks. Having to rest for stamina 3 or 4 times while harvesting my farm sucks (my default vanilla farm is 300 plots.) Sex Rex made this not an issue, even when I hadn't invested into the related perks. As I understand this change, this is going to be an issue until I've dropped tons of points into all these skills. Yes, Sex Rex was really strong, and always taken. If they wanted to get rid of that, it seems they should just make the benefits of Sex Rex the default state of the player (probably without the refund on kill) instead of spreading it out across a ton of skills. And it's possible that they've increased base stamina regeneration, but I haven't seen anything about that. My understanding is that the magazines are solely for crafting, not actual perks.
  10. I really, really wish we could pipe them together and have them empty into one of those blue water barrels. Harvesting a bunch of them every day or two is going to be really tedious.
  11. I know the topic has kind of moved on, but I don't get the happiness about the removal of Sex Rex. Instead of having to invest in one perk in one stat, I'm now forced to invest in 5 perks across 4 stats to get the same benefit to stamina for tool use that I did before. Now, I need Salvage Operations (Wrenches), Miner 69'er (Pick/Shovel/Axe), Fists (to punch plant life), Rule 1 Cardio (presumably improved so I can still run around everywhere) and Knives (to harvest animals/gut piles.) Then I still need to invest in a weapon (I hate the bone/hunting knife, so I'm not using those early game, and I'm not a fan of fists either) and if I want to use multiple different weapons (I've done builds where I used a spear on horde nights for the reach, but clubs while raiding because they're better for that...though maybe with the spear chances this won't be the case) I have to invest points in both just to be able to reasonably use them. Sure, there are other benefits to investing in those perks, but I'm strictly referring to stamina use. Sex Rex let me harvest my farm without constantly running out of stamina (sure, I could use a weapon I'm perked in to harvest, but then I'm wasting durability.) It let me use the wrench unperked without constantly running out of stamina. It let me run around without maxed Rule 1: Cardio without constantly running out of stamina. The way the change is described, it's going to be like I'm playing without Sex Rex whenever using a tool/weapon I'm not perked in, and having tried that once, it's a miserable way to play the game. I'm also not thrilled about needing to perk into a weapon early game (I usually don't until level 60-70+ when I've already got the must have QoL perks out of the way) or suffer with stamina. I just see it as me ending up needing to use many more points to cover stamina issues than I had to previously (it was something like 12 points to max out sex rex, iirc, versus probably 50 to cover everything now.)
  12. I only play on 120 minute days, and it does have a fairly serious effect. For one thing, I usually have cops in my day 7 horde. Granted, I tend to level up a lot because I tend to build a lot. My day 7 starter horde base usually ends up using between 20,000 and 30,000 cobblestone rocks. It does require more food/water (I often see youtubers go out for the day without taking food/water, and that's something I never do...I would easily run out before nightfall) and as such, I'm fairly worried about the dew collectors taking game days to refill. I'll probably end up having to build several dozen of them to get by (I run through a lot of duct tape as well.) This really only applies if you spend all you time questing/looting. Almost all of my nights are spent mining, which really doesn't cover all my needs (and thus I also spend many days mining as well.) But again, I spend a lot of time building (I spent so much time gathering sand for concrete mix in one a19 world that I had over 1.2 million clay stuffed in boxes.)
  13. I've gotten used to getting 5-6 screamers in a night of mining. They never get to scream (usually) but it's still super annoying. I only mine with hand tools, though (I hate the auger...too easy to accidentally hit something I don't want to, and you can't repair ore blocks.) I'd set up defenses, but I usually clean out a mine in 2-3 days, so I'd have to be constantly moving them, which is just way too much hassle. Fortunately they seem to be programmed to jump off stairs, so they ragdoll when they hit the bottom of the mine and I can kill them before they stand back up.
  14. While I haven't tried it in A20, I tried an all winter biome playthrough in an earlier alpha (it was one of 17-19, before they changed the lumberjacks, but I can't recall exactly which) and it was awful. Trying to kill lumberjacks and mountain lions with a wooden club (this was prior to pipe weapons as well) was very, very hard. Lumberjacks do seem less tanky now, though, so I imagine that would make a difference. They also don't seem as common in the winter biome as they used to (I swear it used to be 90% lumberjacks.)
  15. I feel compelled to point out that that was considered a major failure of the game by some. The original Deus Ex was able to be completed without killing anyone, and the fact that the 3rd (I think...it's been a while...and we don't talk about Deus Ex 2) game in the series didn't was somewhat disappointing.
  16. I wouldn't say it's not needed. I just think that the time and effort which would be required aren't worth the results. Balance is not a simple thing. Besides, I imagine MP would need a different balance depending on how many people are playing. 2 people playing together is a lot different than 8.
  17. Yeah, the only way this would really work is if they got rid of the "stay within the area" part of quests. Which honestly, I think would be a good thing. It's kinda silly if you happen to move away for a couple seconds the quest fails (not that I've ever gone chasing after meat, forgetting I was doing a quest, and failed a quest because of it...)
  18. I play strictly single player, and post day 14, I basically don't loot outside of the random car or bookstore, usually. I spend the time gathering resources and building. What would I need to go looting for other than the books I'm missing? That said, trying to balance for two separate modes is a fool's game. Look at something like World of Warcraft, where whenever they made changes for PvP, it would mess things up in PvE, and vice versa. The amount of time it would take just isn't worth the reward (which would, honestly, be pretty minor, especially given all the options for players/servers to do their own balancing.)
  19. My default horde base involves 12 pairs of electric fences (so 24 posts), 8 blade traps and 48 dart traps, so the zombies normally don't get past the first 3-4 sets of traps. Honestly, I never felt they needed too much repairing (and I always set it up so that I can repair everything during the horde) even with late game hordes and endless horde night. I also think I'm low on steel if I have less than 1000 stuck in a box, so...I may not be the best person to go by in terms of what's expensive in terms of resources. I tend to mine a lot (I generally go through 3-4 iron veins by the time I stop playing a world.) When it comes to xp...I'm generally around level 40 by day 7 (but only around 100 by day 35...leveling slows down tremendously the higher level you get) so I don't worry too much about the lost xp (though I try to pick off the zombies before they ever make it to my traps just because I find it fun.)
  20. Gotta admit, I've never really found brass to be a limiting factor (and I've never smelted dukes.) Yeah, I may on some late game horde nights go through ~1000 rounds of 7.62, but that's mostly because I felt like it, not because I needed to (traps will kill everything if I let them.) That said, I wouldn't be adverse to minable zinc and copper. Oh, and on horde night, brass would be easy to recover. Less so in the wild/POIs, but sweeping up the brass after horde night (at least in my bases) wouldn't be much different than sweeping it up at the range.
  21. Honestly, if I could pipe the dew collectors together and have them all feed into one central collection tank/barrel (that I could swap out when full), I'd find the concept less annoying. But having to potentially harvest 10/20/30/however many I set up every day just sounds like adding tedium. Well...I also think they're ugly. Not like that the model is bad, but just that they're completely off-theme for any base I would build, and as such annoy me aesthetically.
  22. Truth of the matter is, I hate survival games. But I don't really consider 7D2D a survival game. You couldn't pay me to play something like The Long Dark or Green Hell, yet I have over 1000 hours in 7D2D. I'm an RPG nerd. And I definitely disagree with whatever definition of RPG Meganoth was talking about before (there are 2 things that define an RPG...can the ruleset be converted directly to be playable on tabletop, even if it would suck to actually play, and are you given choices that have consequences), even though he didn't give specifics. 😛
  23. I...really don't know that I'd call that system better. Tedious and annoying are what come to mind. It wasn't hard, it wasn't a challenge, it was just tiresome. Having to spend 20 seconds hitting "W" on a few inventory items isn't what I would consider better. It also wasn't just when changing biomes. You could go from freezing to sweltering in a matter of a few real life minutes while staying in the forest biome. I'm honestly not sure how weather could really be better without it killing the whole "we're forcing you to go out an explore" thing TFP seem focused on at this point. I don't think most people would be real happy about having to stop and build a fire/set up a tent every few minutes, then wait a few minutes to "recover" before you can go out and explore further.
  24. I have to say, I'm disappointed in this forum. There reason there aren't peaches is obvious. Peaches come from a can, they were put there by a man, in a factory downtown. The factory and the man no longer exist, hence why there are no peaches. ...hopefully somebody gets that reference...
  25. The problem is that they do it even when you're actively fighting them. The number of times I've been engaged in melee with a horde of zombies at my defensive position only to have one get up from having fallen/crouching and now be inside my walls instead of outside is pretty numerous. And it's usually through a less than 1 block opening. Not a big deal if it's something weak, but if it's something strong...
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