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Everything posted by Vaeliorin

  1. Hmm...maybe set up a couple sledge turrets down at the bottom and that would stop them from being so destructive. Would still probably require a re-design, but it's got possibilities. Thanks!
  2. So basically I'd need another player hitting them, myself hitting them, or them to hit each other to quit area destroy mode. Guess I'll have to change my design if I want to do a base where I can knock them down if I don't one shot them.
  3. So this line is included in the patch notes, but I'm not sure what qualifies as an entitiy. Is it only players? Do blade traps, electric fences and dart traps count? What about a sledge turret? Basically, the enhanced destroy area ended up with my basic day 7 base getting broken and almost collapsing, and I'm just wondering if it can be cancelled out by putting traps down where the zombies fall when knocked off by me or my sledge turret. Not necessarily going to do the whole elevated base thing again (it's usually just something I do for the first couple of hordes while I'm building my actual base) but was curious if there was now a workaround for this issue (other than the whole floating blocks thing, because I'm not going to do that.)
  4. I feel compelled to retract my previous statement in regards to the motorcycle and 4X4. I had, in my two previous worlds, spent little time in "downtown" areas because the only large cities in the maps I had generated were in the desert, and honestly? Screw vultures. The 4X4 works in big cities, but you often have to go around, whereas the motorcycle can sneak through. Still use the 4X4 though, but I loot everything and hate scrapping anything that can be smelted.
  5. I'm playing using spears right now (I know, they suck..already gotten me killed once in a fight I'd have been fine with a club) and I'm using a q5 iron spear I crafted. I haven't found anything better than a q3 stone spear (but I got a q6 steel axe from the trader and a q5 AK...got a q4 steel shovel from like my 2nd or 3rd Tier 2 quest...3 different compound crossbows and 3 machetes as well.) So...that's why I'd craft a weapon.
  6. A couple days ago I spent the night mining with a steel pickaxe and had 5 screamers spawn through the night. So they still show up, and seemingly way more frequently in A20 then they ever have before (at least for me.)
  7. Generally clubs. I'm okay with knives, fists or spears, but I can't stand the sledgehammer or stun baton. For the sledgehammer, I've always hated slow weapons (never used any of the strength weapons in Dark Souls because of that), and for the stun baton...maybe I was just using it wrong, but when I tried it fully perked (literally every perk maxed in the entire game), full books, full mods, etc. I just found that it didn't kill quick enough to give me back the stamina from flurry/sex rex, so I was always without stamina. Granted, I was using it super late game against mobs of radiated bikers and such, so maybe that was the problem, but I wasn't impressed.
  8. We used to be able to make Gas from...grain alchohol that was made from corn, I think? It's been a long time and it was never something that was really necessary, so I don't recall exactly how it was made, but I remember it being a thing (Google seems to say grain alcohol and animal fat,)
  9. The only problem I've found navigating the 4x4 through cities is when I want to cut through a fenced area, and it's quick and easy to just chop out the fence in areas you regularly traverse. The only other time I've had a problem was when I needed to chop out some trees in an area I regularly traversed because the foliage filled the whole area between building so I couldn't see what the heck was in front of me. As for gas...I regularly have tens of thousands sitting in a box (and I almost never mine shale), so...not an issue for me.
  10. I pretty much always spec int and str (not for the weapon perks, but for mining/sex rex/engineering/grease monkey/daring adventurer/better barter...also 1 point in Physician in Alpha 20 since so much aloe cream drops and I never find the bandage recipe early.) Like my current game, I'm going spears, but I've got 4/4 Daring Adventurer, 4/4 Sex Rex, 5/5 Miner 69er, and only 1 point in spears so far...and my next 5 points are going to Mother Lode (I mine a lot because I build huge bases for fun.) Perception/Spears/Salvage Operations are next, though (maybe Lucky Looter...but mostly for the speed increase.)
  11. Definitely not abnormal. I've had games where I've killed 2 dire wolves and 3-4 bears by day 3. Granted, whenever I see them if there's a building near by I stair-step up the side and fill them with arrows. I need the meat, I'm quite a hungry survivor (I mine a lot...)
  12. Air drops can have bundles in them and Farm Bundle 03, in my experience (I didn't check the files or anything), always drops 3 plots and 1 hops/pumpkin/super corn seed. So either I've had really crazy luck to always get those three seeds out of that bundle, or it always drops the same 3 seeds.
  13. Yeah, but it was always the same number of seeds. And we didn't have to spend weeks gathering rotten flesh to make farm plots. Honestly, I didn't really mind it back then (though some seeds took a long time to craft, especially from mods) but having lived through not having to replant now, I find it annoying to constantly have to replant.
  14. Hoeing was a one time thing, replanting isn't. Honestly, I'd rather the RNG be on whether we get any harvest instead of whether we get a seed. It's not just the planting, it's the crafting of seeds that's supremely annoying. Though I may be overly sensitive to it, since my typical farm consists of a minimum of 300 plots (325, if we count mushrooms.)
  15. More XP means more perk points means I can actually spend perks points on things for fun rather than required QoL stuff (required QoL stuff for me means at least 7 levels in every single attribute, more in some. Anything that makes harvesting and movement more efficient is required as far as I'm concerned.)
  16. I always build from wood (though I really miss rebar frames.) And my last base I built got me more like 40 levels as opposed to a couple. But it also took me 18 in game days of doing nothing but harvesting and building (along with 2 horde nights). I didn't end up finishing it (I wanted to go higher), but I got kind of bored with that world a week or so after that, since I was basically invulnerable.
  17. I usually run 8, 4 for stone, 2 for iron, 1 for lead, 1 for brass. But I go through lots of cement. In previous alphas I may have dropped some spikes for screamers (solar powered turrets later game), but I haven't had enough time in A20 to know what's really needed for that (though I have found annoyingly frequent screamers while mining...like 5 a night.)
  18. Good to know. Really looking forward to the Lightning release,
  19. I've seen lootable trees, and once a tree that claimed it was cotton.
  20. You did forget their most important acquisitions, though. They bought InXile and (more importantly) Obsidian.
  21. I'd hate having to spend time in the wasteland. It's not that it's hard (it isn't when you're decently geared) but just that's it so ugly. I've admittedly gone there to farm zombie bears (I needed rotten flesh for my farm) but I only spent an hour or so (found 2 Q6 Chainsaws and a Q6 Auger from cars while there. Sadly, I don't use either.)
  22. Hi, still really loving the mod, but there's one thing that sort of bugs me. I don't know what the overhead of adding new recipes is, but it would be really nice to be able to craft class runes for a pretty high price. I'm thinking being able to scrap class runes, and then needing like 5 runes worth of whatever they'd scrap into and 10 omni blood plus whatever else might be appropriate. This is pretty much because I have probably a couple dozen duplicate (beyond the 3 needed to complete the class) class runes, but I've only found one Spell Knight rune (which is one of the classes I was really hoping to use.) Anyway, just a thought. Love the mod, and really appreciate all the work. Edit: Clearly, the game is powered by irony. 2 of the next 3 runes I picked up were not only Spell Knight runes, but were the correct two so I didn't even need to change them.
  23. I know at least in Alpha 19 (I haven't tried in A20) the surface nodes on a map would be different every new game you started on a map (I had a map that I really liked that I used 4-5 times.) Not sure if the underground resources were the same (never bothered to check.)
  24. You forgot coyotes. Which, admittedly, is pretty easy as they're fairly rare. Except the coyote pack I got attacked by today. In the snow biome. Wandering coyote horde, I assume. Wasn't a big deal, but was kind of surprising as I was at least 1 km from the desert. Anyway, I'm on Day 24 (2 hour days) and I've got over 4k meat. Granted, I've been spending basically all my time in the winter biome and keep killing bears/dire wolves/mountain lions so they don't end up chasing me since they're pretty trivial at this point. So yeah, there are lots of animals, but it doesn't bother me. Food isn't really an interesting challenge in any game I've ever encountered. It's usually hard at the start, then either mostly forgettable or just plain tedious (and I'll take forgettable over tedious any day of the week.)
  25. If you'll recall, that's how A16 worked. It kinda sucked for me because in hundreds of hours of A16, I only found the sniper schematic once, and snipers are my favorite weapon in games (I usually roll sniper/assault rifle combo in most games where it's an option.) Anyway...I never really found this to be a horror game, and honestly, I don't really want it to be. I wouldn't have bought it if it were actually a horror game, as I don't care for horror (movies or games). Yeah, the first in game week was a bit spooky/tense, but not really horror. Then again, I can't help but think that I'm a bit of an oddball on this forum, in that I don't even care that this is a zombie game (I've never seen The Walking Dead and have only seen 2 zombie movies - Night of the Living Dead and Zombieland), and truth be told would probably prefer something else (I've been dreaming about a 7DTD-like set in the Remnant: From The Ashes setting on Earth, where you're the head of a Ward and have to collect people with useful skills as well as materials/recipes/etc., build out your base, protect it from Root attacks, etc.) So yeah...no need for more horror. I am a bit annoyed at the nerfed book cases, which is kind of forcing me to do more looting than I really want to (though I haven't been in a POI in about 9 days in my current playthrough...been mining and working on my new base) but other than that I don't feel forced to play a certain way. Granted, I'm not one who ever really used any of the things that have been nerfed over the years (I did do a bedrock base once, but not for horde night, just so I didn't have to deal with screamers.)
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