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Everything posted by Vaeliorin

  1. I wouldn't mind dogs in T1s if they weren't hidden so well. There's that one T1 gas station POI that has a dog in it, but it's completely visible as soon as you open the door, so you can just shoot in the head with a bow, and it's basically dead. The dogs that you can't see until they're running at you are a bit crap.
  2. The difference is, with glass jars, I'd just go once a week and fill them up and then cook up whatever drinks/glue I wanted throughout the week. And I almost never crafted jars. But I also never threw them out, like most people seem to do. If the dew collectors didn't have a max capacity (or I could pipe the water into a mass storage...), I might find it less tedious, but I don't want them ever not running, so I end up checking them every time I come back home.
  3. I had 3 dew collectors set up on day 2 in my restart for b317. Sure, I've got almost 2k hours, but once you know about the need for dew collectors and how to build them, it's trivial, and I don't see why it wouldn't be for a new player as well (though I suppose they may not know where to acquire the materials.) I don't mind them, my biggest complaint is that I can't pipe them together to grab all the water from one source. Having to loot a bunch of dew collectors every day post week 1 just seems like annoying tedium.
  4. Yep, I agree (though not so much about the better gameplay removed part. Water was trivial before and it's trivial now.) It's part of why I said in another thread that I expected them to either make water filters random (rare) loot only or increase the cost. And they did increase the cost, though not as much as I feared (I was expecting them to at least double it if not more, but they only increased it by 50%.)
  5. Honestly, the biggest thing that's bugged me about this so far is locked doors that magically unlock and open when you cross an invisible line. Honestly, much as I hate it, zombies smashing through a wall made much more sense than magically unlocking doors.
  6. Looting your dew collectors (basically, just more busy work) every day is entertaining? I don't hate the change or anything, but it just seems almost entirely pointless to me. Yeah, day 1-3 maybe were a bit annoying on the water front, but after that it was completely trivial (honestly, easier because I didn't have to track down a water source on the map to find water, which I've occasionally had trouble with in past alphas.)
  7. Just build a dozen or so dew collectors (which is really simple), and you'll have all the water you want. I'm on day 11 and have 55 water sitting in chests, and 20 Pure Mineral Water in my inventory. I've only got 5 Dew Collectors, and water is no longer an issue for me. Getting parts seems to be my biggest problem now. Tons of steel spear parts (which is fine, I'm running spears) but only 2 steel tool parts.
  8. It slows down progression in some things, but not in others. I could make q5 iron tools on Day 3. I'm on day 11 now, and have a q5 iron spear. Unfortunately, looting for gear seems worthless so far, outside of armor. I'm still finding stone stuff (admittedly q6) but can make q2 motor tools.
  9. I have to admit, I'm getting kind of sick of finding cooking magazines. It seems like everything food-related I open has at least 1 (granted, I maxed out my cooking skill because the crafting times are insane otherwise.) Only like 12 more to find though, before they get booted out of the loot pool (much like the seed magazines have been.) I'm not sure how happy I am with the early game being drug out. I can't really go exploring to find a place to build a base (I always choose somewhere I find aesthetically pleasing, regardless of how near a city is) since I'm still on a bicycle. I have the ability to make q5 steel tools, but am quite a ways from being able to make steel. Not that the steel matters, since I've got 2 steel tool parts...though I've got like 30 steel spear parts (because I'm obviously going to make half a dozen q5 steel spears..) Water is a non-issue after a few days and 4-5 dew collectors, so that change seems a bit pointless, which makes me worry they're going to jack up the price of water filters (or remove them from trader inventories altogether.)
  10. Yes, heaven forbid I be able to make and use the iron tools I sunk 19 skill points into. I could make quality 5 iron tools on Day 3, but only had enough duct tape to make an iron pickaxe until Day 8. Fortunately I found a few repair kits so I could actually use the iron pickaxe and my wrench.
  11. My concern is that it's going to be like day 30 before I can get a crucible, unless I find one at the trader. I can make quality 5 steel tools, but I'm not going to be able to make steel for weeks, unless I get lucky at the trader. That seems like poor balance to me. And yes, I can wrench stuff for it, but wrenching 150+ steel would take a long time, and heaven forbid I want to build a 4X4.
  12. First of all, I'm running a couple mods, which is why I'm asking about this here instead of making a bug report. Anyway, I've completed the Art of Mining series, which now gives a 20% (before Mother Lode is applied) bonus to ore gained when mining. Seems to work fine for ore. But when chopping a tree with a stone axe, I get 330 wood for a 1200 health tree, while chopping it down with an iron fireaxe only yields 300 wood. I don't know which is the intended result, but I was curious if anyone else has encountered this, or if it was (somehow) related the the couple mods I'm running.
  13. Seems mostly like an early game money sink. After you've got a few dew collectors set up, it's mostly just the tedium of having to loot them every day.
  14. I probably only looted one POI a week after Day 14 in A20, and I never had an issue. Granted, I'd loot random trash and cars as I was moving around the world, but I had plenty of parts for steel tools and such (after all, you only need to make them once.) As for the resources for traps, mining and wrenching gives everything you need for dart traps/blade traps/electric fences.
  15. Yeah, I have been too, but I haven't looted that much murky water, especially considering I looted nothing day 6/7 since I was building my horde base. I seem to be going through 10-12 red tea a day (never really paid attention in previous alphas) so I'm going to want to get another 4-5 dew collectors at least so I have enough for glue production. Getting the magazine to allow me to make mineral water will probably be a huge boon, since it (at least in previous alphas) gives so much hydration per water.
  16. So, for years I've always had my electric fence posts sunk 1 block lower than the floor, so that they'd get dogs, crawlers, and spider zombies. Well, come day 7 in A21, and everything was just walking over the top of my electric fences as if they weren't there (fortunately I had my base set up so that if I ragdolled a zombie they'd end up falling, so when they got close they were getting into the wires. Has anyone else experienced this? Was this change noted somewhere and no one talked about it? I honestly don't mind, I was actually kind of happy to see it, but it was a bit concerning at the start of horde night (though my Day 7 horde was kinda pathetic. I'm not really used to playing vanilla, and with a gamestage of 43, which is pretty low for me for day 7, I didn't have a single cop or feral, and it was all over by 11:30. )
  17. I'm up to 5 Dew Collectors, and I think I'm finally making a profit, water-wise. I'll have to play a few more days to know for certain, but my beverage stash has started trending up instead of down, though that could be based on finding drinks in loot (though the only loot I got on days 6/7 was from loot bags and the air drop.)
  18. The thing is, outside of combat, stamina is kinda a trash mechanic. Making the player stand around and wait is not good game design. And yes, without putting points in Salvage Operations, you can't salvage an entire car without stopping for stamina. I'm making do, but as someone who always puts at least 7 points into Strength (I always max out Miner 69'er/Mother Lode first) I don't really love the change. I'd say it's tolerable, but not a positive for me.
  19. Yes, though they don't seem to show up early game. I've only seen 1 or 2 so far, and no dire wolves or bears. I'm seeing lots more snakes and deer, though.
  20. I usually spend night 1 chopping trees, and subsequent nights mining or building.
  21. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I've got 3 Dew Collectors, and I'm still not even breaking even on water, and heaven forbid I should want to make some glue. I'm probably going to end up with at least 9 of the huge, ugly (not that they aren't well made, I just find them aesthetically displeasing) things.
  22. I've got 5/5 Miner 69'er and I think I've seen 2 steel tool parts. I can (theoretically) make quality 3 Steel Tools, but I have nowhere near enough parts. Granted, I also don't even have enough duct tape to make an iron axe or shovel yet, so... Granted, I'm not even looting quality 4 stone tools yet, so I assume that has something to do with it as well.
  23. I've got a single dew collector and the wherewithal to build more, which I'm going to have to do. I originally made 22 Red Tea, and I'm down to 6. Unfortunately all the trader has been offering are buried supply quests, which don't offer the opportunity to loot (and don't offer magazine bundles as a reward. ) Sure, I could go loot just randomly, but I'd like to make my way through the quest tiers.
  24. The first hit I took I got a concussion. They seem much more common than previously, but I haven't played (basically) vanilla in so long I don't really have a good point for comparison. That said, I find the unperked cooking times for food to be asinine. 20 water taking 16:40 to cook is just ridiculous. Sure, by late game it's a non-issue because I can cook up a bunch while I'm off doing other stuff, but day 1-2, I don't have the time to sit around waiting for it to cook, I need to be out doing things, but yet I'm near dying of dehydration. Very frustrating. Kinda hating stamina issues as well. Would be fine if I was doing clubs/sledgehammers since I'm going into strength first thing for mining stuff, but I wanted to try out spears (they seem really good) so I have all of 1 point in them.
  25. Prior to A21, I probably looted at most one POI a week from day 14-35+. It takes a long time to mine up resources to build massive structures, which is what I enjoy doing.
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