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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. So as you know, Valheim is a fantastic game, and has many many features I'd love to see in 7days. I've been slowly modding features in, but I was wondering about fast travel/portals? Have y'all considered introducing them? On one hand, it doesn't really fit thematically with the current stage of the game, but on the other, if earned or as a quest reward or as a jump start to a quest itself, it could be an amazing add. Something I hope you guys consider. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgCDX7NioZE Another thing I'm wholly interested in is upgrading workbenches by placing bench addon's nearby; I know we used to be able to upgrade workbenches by adding things like a crucible and whatnot, have y'all put any consideration into workbench upgrades by proximity?
  2. If you're finding them in POI's then that means they're in a placeholder group and that placeholder is positioned in the POI. What you (and the VM guys) can do is edit that list to only include "normal" sized vehicles.
  3. In HIS case, doubtful it would work because he has modified soooo many other things; and he makes it a point to say his mod shouldn't be modified. BUT. If he's modifying score features via XPath then his may be compatible with other score mods, because he's not changing score directly. There may be other issues, like if he edits out vultures but some other mod changes vultures, but that's the nature of the beast. if he's editing the score files directly then it wouldn't be compatible at all though, because he likely doesn't update to the new score that has the portal features. ideally, mods that use score should be modifying score via separate XPath like I'm doing, or that npc mod does, or not medieval, probably wasteland, the list goes on. Then the mods would be compatible regardless of their score settings. That's the goal, anyway. Modding standards. In Khaines case though, he has too many moving parts so to speak. So no. You wouldn't need to install score separately. The whole idea is to install it only once.
  4. Okay so the GuppyFuturePortal01 and 02 aren't actually in MY mod, they're in SCore as samples; I sent Sphereii the icons I guess he hasn't included them yet. The reason for that name is because I set up the models, but mine are named GuppyFuturePortal1 and 2, not 01 and 02. I don't have any benches or recipes planned yet, since we're still adding cool new features (like key cards, powered options, dialogue options, etc), so for right now you'll have to hand place them or make your own recipe. @pApA^LeGBa The reason is because several mods already use SCore as a dependency, which is the decided-upon-method a lot of us are going with; if I packaged SCore with my mod, then someone tried to use it in say, the NPC mod or Not Medieval Mod, they'd have problems because that mod ALSO requires it as a dependency. So we all kinda got together and decided to keep dependencies as separate downloads, and that we'd just link to them when making what's basically an accessory mod. SCore does SO much more than just this... from entity AI/bandits/npc to cave systems to food spoilage to ... the list goes on. So, a lot of modders are simply referring to it rather than re-inventing the wheel. One Download to Rule them All kind of approach. 😃
  5. Yeh I wanted a lot more options than than non code mods allow for; especially since it's powered by SCore, a lot of (including overhauls) will already have the backbone for this pack.
  6. ...any port scanner will find your open ports. There are a bazillion ways to get your IP, I'd rather not make it even MORE difficult for players to join than it already is, thank you.
  7. This mod requires Sphereii Core (SCore) in order to work. A20 compatible. Non EAC. Client install required. Download HERE ...are you ready for fast travel? This mod uses a new feature in Sphereii Core that allows for teleport blocks. Either place one, label it and then place another and give it the same label to travel between the two portal blocks, OR, edit the XML to give it a label name there, so that when you place it in a custom POI (or two), you can have a fast travel point from one place to another. Imagine a trader who has a fast travel spot to a specific area. You can now do this!
  8. So... Now it really CAN shoot. 1st post edited.
  9. Dude. Calm down, geesh. Stuff takes time.
  10. About time, slacker.
  11. I've got a harpy D. You should as well, thinking about it.
  12. What's it look like on what settings? ...asking for science. I can say it's a hella lot easier to produce a vehicle with opaque glass, because then you aren't spending an extra hour on hand positions. For realsies though, which vehicle and what setting looks bad, and more importantly, which opaque window looks good; might be easy for them to give them all the same good material.
  13. Well, I'd like the one that used to be included in the game.
  14. ...then you lack imagination. A pvp game with a truly destructible environment and the ability to create custom defenses is fun as hell. It just needs a mode that bypasses all of the grindy stuff to take advantage of it.
  15. Edit entitygroups and rename those entries to a valid one that you like.
  16. @faatal So the two big Kickstarter things I haven't seen word about are VR support and Playing as a Zombie. I'm curious if those two are still on the roadmap, and if so, how much attention would be given to the VR side. Just a new camera and controller mappings or would we see hand movements and being able to pick up rocks. Also, I'm curious if there are plans to go more into PvP. I've only played heavily modded PVP games because the design just isn't set up for quick matches. Will there be any additional modes? Something I've been working on is this: https://youtu.be/azGWj_Jbd40 Also, madmole promised me horde mode would make a return. I know you came on board after horde mode was gone but I'm wondering if you have played it or seen it or if it really is coming back. Thanks faatal. You may spell your name wrong but you're pretty cool.
  17. What if... Now hear me out... What if tfp had a mod switcher for when the move is permanent. Woah.
  18. Well the issue is what happens when you get to that quest in the chain if you DO have ocd and keep going; it's not pretty.
  19. Huh? Just put the correct sized pois in the poi folder or subfolder or mod folder and it'll automatically pick them up.
  20. I'm curious what the bandit to zombie to player relationship will be like.
  21. Well if bullets actually were a challenge to get, AND if they were actually effective as they should be, then they'd always (rightfully) be the pinnacle of loot and something you always strived for. ... unfortunately I can perk up in knuckles and punch my way through the challenges.
  22. Bandit shoots you with mp5. Loot on bandit is a candlestick. Yeh that's "fun". ...and yeh, the alternative IS actual fun. Sense of accomplishment for earning the gun, still needing to get ammo, noise level of the battle attracting a large horde...
  23. Do we even know if those vehicles will be made driveable or are they just new block decorations? Roland says "decorative", so I assume the latter. If so... Then uh... Big whoop? There are better free models on the unity store.
  24. So I tried three different methods, to find the best, but basically it's show everything then hide, or show nothing then add.


    ...but it works well and would certainly work better on one or two spawning at a time.



    1. Crater Creator

      Crater Creator

      Amazing! So glad to see a proof of concept of this working in game. And you're right - demonstrating that it's also performant should take away the biggest counterargument. For a fair comparison, you'd want to spawn in 75 vanilla entities.  Anyway, I'd be interested in any documentation on how you accomplished this, if available.

  25. ... definitely my first thought when I saw that ... It'd be trivial to have them spawn in hiding/showing those mesh pieces (I know because I've done it), so yes I think they purposely have it set up that way for that specific purpose.
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