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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. Nice to see this rebooted. 😃
  2. Guppycur's Kill Streak Mod for A20 A20.5 Requires: Client and Server install (dedicated, p2p, whatever) Just for some fun, I made a mod that adds some visuals and audio when kills are made. For zeds there is a 25% chance to get the event, for PvP there's 50% chance. At 25 and 100 zed kills you get a unique audio. At 7, 15, and 25 PvP kills you get a unique audio. Mumpfy did the graphics, I did the particles and xml, and Goldmanvision did the audio. The following video is NOT the audio used; goldman's was much much better. DOWNLOAD LINK
  3. Can confirm that in my game, the latest SCore fixes both issues. Thanks to discord's Alpha Dodo/10hp Fe Man for letting me know about it.
  4. Updated portals to include better documentation within the XML and to use the new SCore features. MAKE SURE you also update SCore to the latest version. This can't be said enough. There are still two issues outstanding but those are in the SCore side, not mine. One being the portals disconnect on game exit/reload and another being the portal active animation doesn't fire if the power value is greater than 0.
  5. Is it possible it's something not reading from the new mods install folder?
  6. So... anyone with a brown leather jacket. Got it.
  7. I've seen you play, I think tfp does have code against you...
  8. If steam.name="gamida" then Oops, sorry. Wrong window.
  9. I'm going to, after making sure Piper's stuff works, edit the mod to include block types for more scenarios, so that it works more "out of the box". Powered version Buff version Destination version POI version Powered Buff version Original version ...so that'll be what, 6 variants for each type of portal (I think there's 6 of those) for 36 portal types? Kind of ridiculous but whatever. 😃
  10. Don't worry Roland, round is a shape, so you're a shape guy too.
  11. <property name="Class" value="PoweredPortal, SCore" /> <property name="RequiredPower" value="0" /> ...change the Class to that, and add the RequiredPower line. I will test soon but I bet that fixes it. ...yep, that works. Thanks for pointing out the error.
  12. Naw you're right, I'll get with Sphereii on it. Lulz.
  13. Okay, from SCore blocks.xml <block name="samplePortal01"> <property name="Extends" value="portalMaster"/> <property name="DisplayType" value="blockMulti"/> <property name="MultiBlockDim" value="3,3,3"/> <property name="Model" value="#@modfolder:Resources/gupFuturePortal.unity3d?guppyFuturePortal"/> <property name="Location" value="samplePortal01" /> <!-- Legacy and default --> <property name="Display" value="true" /> <property name="RequiredPower" value="0" /> <!-- Does not require power to operate --> </block> ...so I'm thinking for YOUR xml, all you need to do is add the Required Power line, but leave Location = "", and also add the Display property. But I'm not sure. I'm almost done with work so can test in a bit, but try that and lemme know.
  14. Oh sweet, yeh no worries. It turned into a complicated little mod with a lot of scope creep coming from the three of us and Sphereii just doing what we asked. 😃 I had one thing in mind, Josh another, Piper another. Lol. Once it's "settled" (I think it may be to that point but I'm not sure if all of Piper's stuff is working correctly) it'll deserve another instruction video.
  15. So there's four of us working on this. Sphereii, who just does the coding for SCore, then me, MageJosh and PipeMac are doing the actual testing. It's working for us, can you post the log again? Also, the xml's for the portals that aren't working for you? (Not sure if you've edited them to fit your needs or if you're trying them straight out of the box). IF you're using them "straight out of the box", you'll definitely want to see how each one is configured and how to configure them. Check the blocks.xml in SCore/Config (near the bottom) for samples. Some require buffs, some require electricity, some are destination only, some are placed in a poi, some require some combo of the above. It may just be that my blocks.xml isn't configured in a way you'd expect them to be. I hesitate on adding "samples" because SCore already does, so I've got them set up how *I* would use them, if that makes sense, because I can't guess how others would use them. Hell it's also possible I haven't updated my git with the new properties, I dunno. Unfortunately I'm stuck working a bit and can't really muck around with it, but ultimately I won't know what configuration people would want anyway. I suppose for the purpose of *this mod*, I can make variants and name them appropriately, like requiresPowerPortal01, requireBuffPortal01, destinationOnlyPortal01, etc... Thoughts?
  16. Please update to the latest SCore, it has the fixes as well as some new features to implement. These can now be placed in POI's and the code will search your generated world to find the POI, and then teleport you to that location. Currently (and probably forever) it will tele you to the first one it finds on the list, wherever that may be. You have to do some xml work to set this up but the examples will be in the blocks.xml in the Score/configs folder.
  17. Yeh so apparently there's a bad score version out there, some other dudes found it out as well (I'm personally a version or two behind so I didn't catch it), we're working with Sphereii to get it right. There's still more features coming as well, like teleporting from buffs, dialogues and such.
  18. Thanks, because the log looks fine.
  19. Could I get your game log, and possibly a video?
  20. Check the blocks.xml file in the /configs/ folder, it will have samples of different setups for different methods of using the portals. My guess is that you're using GuppyPortalMagic1 and it has this one: <property name="Location" value="test1" /> ...that means that one is set up to place two of them and automatically has the name "hard coded" (by xml) in. You'd want to make it: <property name="Location" value="" /> ...or remove that line entirely for it to work where you can hit E. Try one of the other portals, if you are still having the issue then there is a likely a problem with the setup and I would like to get your game logs to see what's wrong. Always make sure you have the latest SCore; if you've got it loaded from another mod (like NPC Mod) it would benefit both mods to update SCore. If this is a new fresh install then we can go from there after you've tried my above suggestions.
  21. Damn skippy. 😃 ...you see the vid? I even did a travel image.
  22. Right now there are no recipes for it so yeh you'll have to make recipes or pull them from CM; there are some new features testing today that should give us greater flexibility so might be released later tonight if they pass the tests, then I'll do recipes and whatnot. You hit E when close to the portal, and edit it like you would a sign. Client and server, yes absolutely.
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