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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. No, it's not a self imposed rule, it's just something I don't enjoy doing. I also don't jump off of roofs and go about my day with a broken leg either. I also haven't brought up balance. ...but nice try. Keep at it, you may get it one day.
  2. Some of us don't even use traders. So no.
  3. Thank you. Nice job, nice presentation.
  4. [bunch of stuff] So my fear is that the create item attribute will now be phased out of the game since (I believe) only the water uses it in vanilla. Thoughts on that?
  5. Radiation is an incredibly underused facet of this game ...
  6. Yeh you can make empty's be the only ones non stackable, since it's its own item. ...but also, remember there's going to be an influx of new users from the casual console types. Probably more than PC. I'd have thought that by now you'd have realized that the dev diary *is for* speculation. Hell, Roland makes a game out of it. I suppose by your standards, this should be a read-only thread, or maybe only allow suck up posts?
  7. And another good and simple idea to make it harder without having to remove something.
  8. Yeh there are lots of great spoilage ideas, but they're pushing for gold and by the time we see something here it's already set in stone. It ain't like it was in the good old days, but then again those days are probably why the game is still in alpha. I don't blame tfp for their decisions, they gotta do right by them, but it doesn't mean I gotta agree *with* the decisions. But I also fully acknowledge that not only have I gotten way more than my monies worth with the game, but also I'm not a dev so my voice doesn't, and rightfully shouldn't, matter. Thankfully some of the devs had some good forsight and exposed a lot of this stuff to XML and we can change it; even though some newer features don't offer the ease of modding (looking at you, turrets and drones!), there is still a lot of modding that can be done. And that's entirely thanks to tfp and members of their staff. But back on topic? Losing bottles is just weird.
  9. Well no, because what typically follows is the ability to get an item back is removed as well over time, as tfp stops using that xml trickery and it is no longer supported when it breaks, thus removing a potential modding feature, but that's besides the point. It's simpler. Now we have magic blocks that turn into water. That's less complicated than having to trudge out to get water, even if it's by one step. Before: Step 1) fill water bottle. Step 2) boil water bottle. A21: Step 1) make magic block. ...it's not a lot of additional complication, but it is more. Mind you, I say the following without really believing that bottles were removed to make water harder. Khaine is right. If you really wanted to make water harder, there are many ways that could have been accomplished. Some of them would have required bottles btw. Cooking clears bacteria 🦠 but not minerals. A still, charcoal filter that needs to be changed each time on the bottle, bottles having a chance of breaking... just 3 quick ideas I came up with while pooping. Heck I kinda like the one time use charcoal filter on the bottle to make it a drinking bottle. Coffee filter and charcoal required, plus a sewing kit if you're masochistic. That'd *really* cut down on water. Then, a dew collector would be a nice value add. See? Harder without the dew collector, while still making a dew collector cool. And I didn't even have to remove anything from the game.
  10. No man, I simply only meant because out of all the gates, we finally have a #watergate. Nothing more implied. Oh I know I'm not the target audience; I have a mouse and keyboard. Naw we have a spoilage mod and it works just fine with stacks.
  11. You brought up faatal (a developer) and Roland (a person with access to the design so is going to play with an unconscious bias), not me. Besides, I'm only arguing that removing bottles is weird and does nothing for water survival. Roland said pots are required to purify water, which means you will still find murky water, so unless there's something they still haven't told us, we will still be swimming in water. Pun intended. ...also, did you note that faatal said he was just thirsty for 3 days? Big whoop. Not exactly game changing. Early game is supposed to be hard. If water ends up being challenging, like, for real, players will adapt and just focus on looting sinks (or whatever has it in a21) to get the pot. They'll still have it on day 1. Find a town, break through the wall of the kitchen, loot sink, repeat. Since there isn't a zombie threat outside, and since sleepers although cool aren't exactly hard to avoid, you'll get your pot. Sure, I could make it harder on myself by "role playing" and following the lights in the stupid dungeon design (what was once a great feature is now overused), but then again I could poke my eye out with a stick too. But why would I. Besides. If water suddenly becomes hard to acquire, the casuals will complain and they will make it easy again. But that's all moot. The removal of the returning jar is weird.
  12. Because it doesn't do *anything* to increase difficulty. It's just an unnecessary removal that makes it weird. Absolutely. But you may want to look at the post I was responding to.
  13. Finally. Some acknowledgement. ... developers tend to play the game how they think it should be played. They don't do what a seasoned player does. This game hasn't been challenging from a survival aspect for many alphas.
  14. There's nothing to know besides history. Jars or lack of jars doesn't affect the ability to get water one bit. ...I suppose there were those freaks who would boil water directly in a jar but why? Pots are plentiful. If they're planning on limiting pots, they will still be plentiful. Water has *never* been a problem in the game and I suspect, despite their protestations, it still ultimately won't be. These dew collectors just replace any hardship their was.
  15. Well, let's be real, pretty much any decision to remove something at this point is simply for the console port. Yes it is weird, and unnecessary as it won't in any way shape or form make water more difficult, just weirder.
  16. It's not new tech so could already be done but I appreciate seeing your visionary side. ...now big is that sucker, 3x3? I've been watching a lot of "alone". A full pot of snow melts down to less than a cup of water so I get that. ...I don't get the removal of jars. How do you carry water?
  17. Sadly there were no models available.
  18. Can you provide your full log? Nevermind, I fixed it; thanks, please update to the latest version of my mod. 😃
  19. Updated so that only one mask can be worn at a time. If you're super quick enough switching between two masks you can make it happen, but if you're that kind of idiot then I don't want to support you anyway. 😃
  20. Oh. Dew, not rain. Yeh okay I'm fine with that. Good call whoever decided to say dew and not rain... Good call indeed.
  21. Once looted it destroys itself into a new container that requires a new rain cvar id. Meh just make it a tile entity and chunk observer then.
  22. Track the weather on the player, not the container, and when they go to open the container that tracking determines the loot, aka water amount. The beauty of it is that you already do the loot calculations using goggles and perks and stuff, so all you'd really need to add is a did it rain cvar on the player. You're welcome. /Helping since 1971
  23. Guppy's Wearable Mask Mod Download HERE This mod allows you to wear cosmetic masks. Due to limitations with modding UMA, the usage for these masks is a bit different than just "wearing" it in lieu of clothing. There are two types of masks; Items, and Item Mods, that you would place in a head cloth/armor slot. I've added blank masks to the loot tables for the sporting good groups, which will allow you to make the mask items that are wearable. If you want to make that item into an item mod, simply convert the item by clicking on recipe to create the item mod; no additional materials necessary. Currently, you cannot revert the change. For the item, you would hold the mask from your toolbelt as an item and left click to apply the cosmetic change. The mask remains in your inventory so that you can right click to remove. You *must* hold the item in your hand in order to apply and remove the mask. Known exploit: You can apply the change, then drop the mask for another to use. You wouldn't be able to remove the mask unless you have the item back to right click. Known bug: If you have access to DM, you can F5 and P to view your character in 3rd person view, however returning to 1st person view will show the interior of the mask over your face, obstructing your view. This is actually a vanilla bug (reported) that affects the leather knuckles as well. The fix is simply, if you used the item, to right click the item. If you are using the item mod, simply remove/reset the head gear the mod is in to fix the visual obstruction. Here's a video demo of how to use it and the bugs that you will find when using it. Since the time of the video I have fixed the recipes, the typo, and renamed solvent to White Dye.
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