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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Thread moved. Please use the "Discussions and Requests" section for questions like this.
  2. If we assume random statements and both try to answer to their best knowledge and his claim was just that the probability is higher (not exactly 99%), then he is actually correct. Because a statement that is easier and simpler to evaluate will increase the chance that both judge it correctly and therefore the same. Was there a screenshot of the dew collector UI? Anyway, a single slot that makes use of fact that water bottles are stacking would be slightly less immersive but allow almost unlimited production increases for modding. This is a luxury complaint that in my opinion should be ignored by TFP completely. Once there was a time where you put your farm somewhere on the ground around your base and even had to protect it from zombies who might accidentally destroy them (A15). And that was good because you needed to think about the placement of your farm. Now there is a chance that at least players who want a big dew farm and want 100% safety for it have to do the same. Good. Excellent. Carry on.
  3. Puzzle time: My take on the turnabout sign on the raging kid is that the kid symbolizes raging like a zombies and as it is on a menue that is a choice to **turn** into a zombie. This means the kickstarter promise that you can play as a zombie was implemented finally. Part of the package if nobody pays for information anymore. And the alternative is even worse now.
  4. Yes. Found that spot. While he correctly shows that the Fun Pimps don't answer every concerned guy totally serious (especially if the concerned guy is already rushing to conclusions (IMHO)) he also blows up the case. He literally says the Fun Pimps have insulted players but shows no evidence of that (at least none I could find). I have only seen mild mocking by Roland and short answers by Schwanz9000 that do not really answer the question. This sensationalizing many youtube influencers do is radicalizing people for monetary gain. I haven't watched the video completely, does he ever present the two sides of the coin somewhere? The irony is that people thought youtubers would revolutionize journalism, but the mass of them seems actually to be a mockery of journalism now.
  5. Which comments? Who from the Fun Pimps staff? Nobody can help or change his ways when you just lob such general accusations into the forum. Generally said, hundreds of players said the game is too easy, hundreds of other players have said the game is too hard. Which one is the legit concern, which is the wrong concern? Which one should be addressed? Ok, finally something concrete. I am not Fun Pimps staff, but I have an answer to your questions: The skill system is not getting an overhaul, the CRAFTING system is. And crafting (at least of weapons and armor) was useless in the last alphas and seldomly used. So they overhaul the crafting system to make it more useful And water was simply a non-issue from day one. In a survival game that should not be the case. So they implemented one solution. There are a dozen possible solution to this, they decided on removing jars because all the other liquids in the game already work like that, i.e. don't leave any containers when you use them.
  6. Not sure. What happens in twitch stays in twitch 😉. At least for me. If the devs want to talk about new A21 features they could do that independently of a 20.7 which would consist of only bug fixes and twitch features.
  7. If you follow the advice by Beelzybub your own maps will not be deleted. Only discovered maps of online games which means you will just download them again once. And fog of war will be back (AFAIK) but that will probably happen anyway whatever you do to fix the problem. If even that would be too much, then you could leave out the map reset and do the rest of the steps. If it works, fine. If not then you would have to do it again, **with** the map cleaning
  8. This is an english language forum, please use a service like DeepL or google translate if you are not fluent in english. If you want to ask about modding then the "Game Modification"->"Discussion and Requests" section is the right place.
  9. Yes, but you have to do it manually. You need to move the world data and the save game. They can be found by starting the launcher and using the second option in the tools tab.
  10. "go down fairly easily" is relative to the abilities of a player. Vanilla is supposed to be the intro-game for new players and they will surely often get their bases destroyed by demos. How do you know the behemoth would have more HP and armor than the demo? Do you know more than me (which is entirely possible, I could be unaware or forgetting ideas madmole was posting a long time ago) ? Or are you just projecting your own idea of what the behemoth would be into the discussion? Case in point, the behemoths modders have re-enabled seem to me often to be at about the same level as the demo. If you want to know the reason the behemoth was abandoned, just ask. Someone would have told you that it was because of clipping/movement problems TFP did not want to accept.
  11. I assume you know the "feral sense" option? It sometimes generates the onslaught of zombies you are looking for
  12. Sphereii gave the reason why it doesn't work for xPandoBoo and explained how it would work. I can attest that friends of mine who use the mod launcher had no problems installing "Undead Legacy". Funny that it works. Only people who have problems usually post here. You won't see hundreds of "hey it works" posts because people without problems don't post. YOU yourself failed to post ANY information about YOUR problem and add insults into every post. No wonder nobody can help you. Sphereii asked you about the mod launcher version and what mod you are trying to install and you never answered.
  13. While I don't agree with this, I have heard the concern about inventory space from multiple sources. The fact that in any co-op game you will find lots of magazines that are destined for your co-op players will put a larger strain on inventories. I only have heard feedback from Rolands playtesting but it seems he is playing SP where this is no problem at all. I assume there are testers playing co-op somewhere, any feedback from them about it?
  14. A fixed mount in the game would be exactly like an M60 you use while standing still. Just with an initial buff of ammo capacity. Lets say I don't see what that would bring. But don't worry, I'm just a normal forum user, maybe TFP finds your idea interesting. Though I have to mention that this late in the development of the game ideas are not the problem TFP faces, but time to implement all the ideas.
  15. I agree. I would rate the importance of having bandits in A21 above releasing before christmas.
  16. A quiet phase in the middle of an alpha is normal. They said something about attending twitch con, if that event is still in the future some of them are preparing for that. I doubt there will be another patch, but that is just a guess from watching previous alphas. Pretty sure there will again be a weekend for streamers. It is not only about the patches, it is a promotion event and the exclusivity is how the streamers are attracted to the event.
  17. Que in the questions from the forum: What's movie-guy Shawns real name? When will the movie be released? How many alphas are planned for it? Does the real Shawn look similar to movie-guy Shawn? What other dev tools are in the prefab error? 😉
  18. Well, Danny Boyle might not classify its movie as a zombie movie, but the general public does. Just search for "zombie movies" in google and 28 days later will show up in position 4 of the list shown. Danny is the creator of the movie but he hasn't any more say in what a zombie is than everyone else.
  19. Factorio developers found out that this is not true. And their stellar reputation partly comes from them even talking about minute details of their bug fixing with or without pictures before and after. For example they once made a blog post about them fixing alignments lines in their UI with pictures and forum users were happy to read about that. Another blog post just narrated the search for a very elusive bug. Naturally the detail they went into resulted in a lot of work for the one doing the blog post, but lets say an explanation of a bug and optionally two pictures of an interesting* bug could be done relatively fast and still keep Blake_ happy 😉 * interesting either in the result, the search method or how hidden he was. Factorio devs even posted the code in question and a lot of forum users were tech-savy enough to get entertainment or knowledge from that.
  20. But you should remove your passwords in the server config you put up in pastebin
  21. I on the other hand am pretty sure that most of the participants in this discussions seem to accept the "modern" vague definition of a zombie made popular by newer movies, otherwise this objection would have been launched a few pages earlier.
  22. My knowledge is that of a layman as well but we have wikipedia to help. And clearly wikipedia tells us that mutation comes from errors while processing (copying) DNA via RNA. Errors in a chemical process that are not predetermined by the DNA (even though not completely random). So those 10008 virus-populations with exactly the same DNA in each of those humans will immediately start to change in RANDOM ways. Because the chemical process is the culprit, not the DNA. Your example of a cloned patient works because you clone the defect that is already there at cloning time. Baah, obviously gIRLwITHraBIES already mutated.
  23. But we banned Rabies from the forums. All safe now 😜
  24. Are you only adding the symptoms and a sort of second incubation period? (*). Or transmission over the air as well? Because your talk about distancing rules seems to suggest the latter. Quite non-traditional compared to most zombie movies. And it makes a huge difference in results. (*) I am talking about a second incubation period because the first one would be from infection to showing flu symptoms. The second one would until showing "eating people" symptoms. To analyse what would happen at first we can simply ignore the flu symptoms since they would be largely ignored anyway and set the time from infection to biting as incubation. And then it will be undoubtedly a global pandemic but the zombie plague will have problems generating the numbers to overwhelm human population as the humans have a lot of time to adapt before zombies can show up in numbers and multiply.
  25. Please use the "Mods" section only for announcing mods. I have moved this thread to "Discussion and Requests". If you want to start modding, Guppycur's discord group might interest you.
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