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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Try turning off hyperthreading (SMT), see if it helps. I assume you start the server in a virtual machine? If yes, adding more RAM to see if it makes a difference should be easy.
  2. I was implying that your server should be able to achieve more FPS. But I don't know that for sure, someone with a similar CPU would know. As long as it doesn't go much below it is fine. I'm just surprised it doesn't fluktuate more.
  3. If that is nearly the lowest you see then it is ok. The server operates at 20 ticks per second, anything below for a longer time and the server could miss out on some events. If that is the average then you have no safety margin. With your CPU you should be able to "get a better deal". On my rented server I get anything from 19 up to 43 FPS and normally around 36 FPS
  4. Check out this thread in general support: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/ It lists the logfile location for each operating system. Note that the logfile moved in 20.4.
  5. Thread was moved to the right location. For help on a specific mod it often is better to ask the mod author himself in his thread. As far as I can see you did everything right except maybe starting the exe directly instead of using one of the shell script. The scripts are often used to add some library to the search path before a program is started. So I don't know if it helps but you could try that first. The next step would be looking inside 7DaysToDie_Data for the logfile (output.log) that shows the error message, posting that on pastebin and linking to it when you ask for help. The error messages alone often do not tell the complete picture to find out the problem.
  6. Please use "Game Modification->Discussion and Requests" for this, Mods is only to list existing mods. Moved.
  7. The fault of wearing heavy armor maybe?
  8. I agree. To make that work they would need to be decisively better than Q5 and a durability increase would help as well. The q6 needs to be good enough to make it worth carrying a spare around. Legendary weapons might be different or good enough that at least I would actually use them for a limited time.
  9. The OP said something about breaking doors to get into the hidden rooms and his argument depends on that. Your example has no door to break.
  10. After that the 5th player should never get an invitation to join another quest until he says sorry 4 times and promises to never do it again. Anyway. the big giveaway lottery is when everyone get the quest reward from the trader and this already makes co-op groups OP compared to SP.
  11. One thing I noticed in the log: These are two lines concatenated as the first line seems to be missing part of the path and a newline. I would have said the savegamefolder setting got corrupted, but she did use the tools tab to clear her settings, so maybe this is something else !??? I also notice the logfile does not have EAC enabled anymore while the initial error message was about EAC. Does the server allow connections without EAC? (I may be on a totally wrong track, don't ever use EAC myself)
  12. There is still the fact that there are very few of them. So I think making them more special could certainly be a way. And by special I mean that there won't be 5 of them offered every time you visit the trader but that a trader has only one such quest offered every fourth day on average. This would mean that whether it was worth it or not, a tier5 quest offered would be something special.
  13. meganoth

    Dont run

    Good. But just to be sure, have you previously ever played with mods? If yes, check your Mods folder and delete anything in there that shouldn't be in there (on all PCs used for playing that savegame).
  14. Could you please post some explanation to the pictures as well. Is this you looking up? Are you underground? What is above that block he funneled through? Was this zombie the only one to funnel through?
  15. Reading this my first suggestion would be: Build one horde base and one crafting base for all of you. Do quests and you will have always shiny new POIs to clear. Also when starting a new game, everyone of you should select the main attribute he wants to spec into. Whoever does INT for example builds not 1 but 4 vehicles (in A21 this might change, but the principle stays the same). As soon as you all have motorbikes create some small subbases in other towns. If one of you had enough of group raiding for a while he can just go to that subbase between horde nights and clear another town. (In A21 you will have an option so that seldom used areas are reset automatically so you don't even need to do quests there.
  16. Lots of people were complaining that zombies always go the most efficient way, so the AI developer added some randomness to their decision making, now some hit on a random wall instead.
  17. There is already too much mod swapping necessary. Before any of that the UI would have to be improved so you don't need so many clicks for swapping mods in and out.
  18. I remember we had been getting new plants when we reset a farm POI for questing. I could be wrong, so I asked another player and he agreed with me.
  19. Current talk about crossplay you may have heard is about a new console port that is currently in first steps of development. The owners of TFP want to develop crossplay into the game, even to PC, but again that will depend on whether MS and Sony agree to that.
  20. Secret stash going is fine by me. What is secret about a stash that gets offered to everyone? And yes, skipping the loot progression with the better secret stashes should not happen. Another interpretation that also would make game play sense would be that better secret stashes now increase aka stack on the lower stashes. I.e. someone seeing a higher secret stash will see the same stuff as someone seeing a lower stash, plus a few additional items.
  21. Not really. Talk about A22 started ~ a year ago when it already was stated that A21 would only have a half-finished form of bandits. And in the recent video from the game owners A22 was even given a ballpark release date which we all know will not be met.
  22. Not sure which rooms you reference with hidden rooms. There are possibly a few trap rooms that don't have a normal access route and there are a few rooms not at all hidden behind half-damaged doors you are supposed to destroy (which I consider confusing and a bad idea to include). Everything else should be a design bug. And I don't know of any end-loot room that isn't accessible through a normal route.
  23. We can't tell you what measures we take, but if your posts get hidden and later shown you can be sure you were just false positives.
  24. Optimization is happening all the time. Faatal, the head programmer is often talking about it here in the dev dairy. For example: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/28129-alpha-21-dev-diary/?do=findComment&comment=504639 https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/28129-alpha-21-dev-diary/?do=findComment&comment=504640 However good your idea might be, it won't happen in 7D2D. First of all the developers said action skills/learn-by-doing is not coming back for 7d2d. Secondly they are relatively speaking near the end of development, they will only do the necessary stuff to get to a release and they consider the current perk system ready for release (except for the crafting subsystem that is)
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