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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. LazMan was not saying your internet connection was a problem. He was suggesting that IF you have a good internet connection you could use an NVIDIA service where you play the game on their servers in the cloud. The service is called "Geforce Now"
  2. The aoe effect is only achievable with the candy. One of the books allows you to recharge the baton faster and the other book gives a repulsor mod to throw zombies away. AFAIK fully perked you can keep one zombie in stun lock forever no matter how big it is. I looked into the XMLs: T0 primitive wooden club and T0 primitive baton both have the same damage (13.8) ! Consequently T2 stun baton has LESS damage (10.8) than even its lower tier T0 baton!! This seems to indicate that the developers think that the stun ability is worth much more than the damage difference between those tier0 weapons (3). When comparing it to the tier1 and tier3 clubs (19.2 and 26.2) we could assume that without the stun it would have a damage somewhere in the middle between those values (22.7). And that would mean the developers value the stun as effective as 9 damage. Note I did not compare other attributes like stamina-loss, reach, ... but I don't think there is much difference in those values.
  3. Follow the links in big bright red for information about future updates. Basically the xbox version was a licenced port done by a different company that went bankrupt and left a released aka finished game that still should have got some after-release-patches. It has not much in common anymore with the PC version and can not ever be updated for multiple reasons. A new console port is in production but will very likely only run on the current consoles. The hardware of the old consoles is simply too old and weak for a voxel game of this "size" (voxel games need a lot more power and data throughput than conventional games for the same graphics fidelity) Especially the xbox version had a serious problem which was called the md5 error. Solutions are discussed here: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/4343-possible-work-around-solution-to-md5-error
  4. The only other explanation I can think of is a syntax error in the password line or above it.
  5. The solution is a new skin resulting in a dog that hovers around you and says stuff like "Woof. I detect something ...." with a female voice.
  6. At the moment I would suggest to turn off reflections and/or shadows completely, not only to low. In my case at least I don't experience big drops in cities, but if I turn on one of those even to low I get noticable drops. I play on a ryzen 5 2600x middle class cpu from 4 years ago and have always had smooth performance in cities, never going below 40 fps. And you could turn off dynamic mesh, I consider this an experimental feature still in A20. This should be different in A21 as Naz said, that specific performance problem in cities was fixed or at least diminished.
  7. It seems you had version A20.3 a year ago, right? In A20.4 two new lines were added to serverconfig.xml (see https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/28529-alpha-204-stable/ ) I think you should check your serverconfig.xml file whether those two lines are in there, and if not, add them. Then try again if a password set in there works.
  8. I thought you were continuing Old Crow's argument so I was responding to his and your post combined. If you don't think INT is inadequate, why do you think it needs to be bolstered. Isn't that double reward of Daring a cool thing?
  9. If you got the game on steam you can select to stay on A20 as long as you like. OR you can save your current game directory to a different location and as long as steam is running in the background you can start that game by hand and play both A20 and A21. I would use different user accounts on the same PC for each version though as there sometimes are settings that are incompatible between versions. That knowledge may soon be a relict of the past. We know they had to doctor on the parts mechanism. Whether they only increased the drop chances for parts or did more? Who knows?
  10. One flaw of the perk scheme I can think of is the double buff. You put a point into pistols. That buffs your damage but ALSO buffs your crafting of pistols giving you potentially a better pistol as well, buffing your damage. It makes no sense for one perk giving you two different effects that both essentially do the same, increasing your damage and handling, Thereby doubling the progression each point into the perk gives you. Didn't matter in A20 because crafting was seldom usable but imagine a better balanced crafting in the game and it would be a real flaw.
  11. Yes. A big improvement to the progression could be to increase the damage jump between Q3 and Q4 and decrease or even remove the damage jump from Q4 to Q5 (likewise for the other quality level jumps). I wouldn't be surprised if this were either already implemented or on a to-do list of the developers. Before it made almost no difference as you didn't craft most weapons but just used what dropped in a POI, but in A21 those jumps in progression would be more noticable due to a smoother progression overall and more crafting.
  12. What BFT said. And the draw of INT are the non-combat perks, even if the schematics go away now. It is unknown how A21 will fare, but in A17-A20 some players viewed Daring Adventurer the top perk even above Better Barter. Part of it was that the trader was not balanced with the progression so Daring Adventurer alone made sure you were progressing your gear very fast. And at the same time generated more money through quests than other players so you could buy more or better stuff, similar to the effect of better barter.
  13. Then players also shouldn't care in which way the team is reaching that goal. But they do. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Taking risks and trying out new mechanics is not a choice. It is a necessity as players get used to the same mechanics, Remember how the real-time strategy genre almost went away because there was no innovation anymore and every new RTS game was the same in slightly different graphics? You only see half of the brokenness here: In the old crafting system this also meant the progression was in big jumps, part of the progression was never reached. Lets say you can craft a double barrel shotgun of quality 4 soon because you put 3 points into shotguns. Then you put one point into shotguns, get the pump shotgun recipe and immediately the next step is a quality 5 pump shotgun. So lets assume you have a smooth progression through looting. But here is that big jump that never makes crafting a low quality pump or auto-shotgun possible or necessary. In a well-balanced game there would be a big gap between the time you can craft that q4 double barrel and that q5 pump. And another just as big jump when you find the auto shotgun recipe. I have never ever crafted a quality 1 2 or 3 tier2 or 3 weapon, one reason being I couldn't but the other reason being I wouldn't even if I could because that higher quality tier3 weapon was at worst 1 or 2 loot runs or a trader visit away (for the parts) and most of the time already possible. I would not consider the whole crafting system broken because of this, but it is certainly a big drawback or fault of that system.
  14. But as [mining,farming,lockpicking,hunting,sneaking] is part of the game, it'd be nice to not feel required ... ๐Ÿ˜‰ And another point: INT is not the best best tree for combat. If you then can bolster INT by going into another tree that is one more option than you have in many other games were you can only select one class and if that class is the medic, that's it.
  15. Note this is just about crafting. By mining a lot you still get levels and the trader gets better stuff. Even with phenomenal bad luck in magazines or excuslively mining you still can buy adequate tools at the trader.
  16. A: Story based games: You play it. For ~6 to 60 hours. Done. You'll never touch it again B: Some other games: You play it, again and again. But the game basically never changes. You mostly will get up to say 100 hours out of it C : EA games: You play it, again and again. Because the game is in EA you get a few months or years of changing game play unitl it falls back to A or B d: Service games: You play it, again and again. There is new stuff to consume in regular intervals, for a price, but the mechanics don't vary too much. Still, you might get many years out of it until you got over it, but you have to pay for it. E: Game series: Whether the game is part of the series or the developer just creates games that mirror each other, you play it, again and again, by buying a new part of the series. The mechanics can vary more than with D but there is always the danger of too much change or the company changing its direction. Still, you might get many years out of it until you got over it, but you have to pay for it. F: Moddable games: You play it, again and again. There is new stuff to consume when you want it, with even mechanics (and quality) varying wildly. You might get many years out of it until you or the modders got over it. This game is F with a loong time of C on top and E very likely. Everyone wants more of a good thing, but how can you top this? Pointing to mods is warranted, they are an important part of providing longevity to the game.
  17. I have no direct knowledge why the developers put no tier3 turret in the game. But I have a good guess, I know that they intented INT to be the one attribute that is NOT combat heavy. In my games I don't miss tier3 fighting turrets because two turrets are already quite effective. And I very much like the different combat opportunities and difficulties. But I have no use for the flying bag turret. Don't like it in my face. Should be behind me and come around when I hit some key then I might use it
  18. Is JaxTeller718-BirdsNestAndTrashDestroyOnLoot really part of AOO? From here it looks like you have a lot more mods installed and I see a lot of errors from mods conflicting with each other. It may be the reason why AOO is not working anymore. Maybe while updating and rearranging you added some more mods than intended?
  19. Nope, two when fully perked ๐Ÿ˜ Seriously, Int is special and I like that it is so special. INT is the attribute that helps replayability the most.
  20. My current serveradmin.xml has lines like this: <user platform="Steam" userid="76561198014024593" permission_level="0" /> To get a similar file, just delete your old serveradmin.xml file and start the game once. You should get a new one. Sadly the comment section of the serveradmin.xml is not updated to list what values platform can take, but for example "EOS" and your EOS id should probably work as well and you definitely have an EOS id no matter where you come from. Also you probably will find out the correct platform name for gamepass if you look at any login attempt in the logifles of your server. In my case I see many lines with "PltfmId='Steam_765....", maybe you will see "PltfmId='Gamepass_765..." or "PltfmId='Xbox_765...". PS: I would be interested in whatever you find out. I.e. whether EOS really works or what the correct platformid is in your case.
  21. If you are complaining there is no new information right now, you are correct. Though nobody promised there would be new information out now.
  22. They would have said "we can expect a drop in 2024, but no promises" if they were realists ๐Ÿ˜‰. But for me it already sounds like nearly a miracle that they want to do the porting largely themselves and get out a prototype much sooner than I would have expected.
  23. Ok. Let's see what he says: "... next year we can do a drop, no commitment yet " And then he says that again in different words: "... a possibility to get it out next year ... interim release and another release for gold" before that he says "a lot of work ... lots of uncertainties ... Sony and Microsoft have to agree ..." What that all means is that somewhere in 2023 there is a possibility that a prototype of the console version may be released. But that depends on many uncertainties and even on a permission by sony and microsoft to release a prototype version. As he said they can't give a commitment to this, there is just a chance that it may happen. All this points to the end of 2023 as the earliest possible time to see that prototype getting released if at all. It does not sound like there is a version they could get out soon. And let me tell you TFP is always too optimistic about their release dates. They are always late with their releases and I have never ever seen them guess on a release date and actually get it right. Remember they always point out that those guessed dates ARE guesses, not promises. And I can also tell you from my own experience that this is normal with software projects generally. Software always is either late or incomplete. My advice: Expect that prototype somewhere in 2024. And that only if Sony and Microsoft agree to it. If they don't agree then you will see the console version only AFTER the PC version gets out of EA.
  24. Which interview where? If you are refering to the video interview with a youtuber, that is a long video. At what time in the video?
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