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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. "instantly" is somewhat exaggerated when even shadows perk at 5 lets the zombies search for you for up to 20 seconds before they loose interest in you. Though I haven't tested this lately, I may be out of date with recent stealth changes, maybe it works instanteous. Consider that a pistol is the tier1 stealth weapon and has enough ammo capacity to kill 2 or more zombies (depending on settings) at that stage of the game. At a stage where you see glowies you should also have a (silenced) smg5. You are right though that especially at higher difficulties running (and restealthing) is always the safest though most time consuming route. That is a nice strategy, never thought of it. I'm already itching to try that
  2. Exactly. I tend to use a silenced pistol in these situations, which isn't as silent but silent enough for many rooms. What I just realized I could do better is moving back some way to have more distance to the other zombies before I start shooting.
  3. meganoth


    So did you start a new game? If your savegame is damaged nothing you listed helps in any way. Thanks. I can't imagine a "natural" cause for this glitch then.
  4. Lots of player (including me) don't have an EOS account and it still works. So it is a bit surprising even though there is an important difference here. Were you always logged into EOS when you tried all this? Has anyone else here both EOS and Steam and does it work for you without linking?
  5. meganoth


    Was there nothing near the door, before or in front or to the sides? Like chairs, rubble, a cupboard,...? Did the first zombie maybe act as an obstacle? If not, that is strange, because I don't see that in my game. PS: Since you have a lot of trouble with this game (see your post about Trader Joel in another thread) I would say your vanilla game is simply broken and you now see lots and lots of strange phenomen because your savegame simply has errors. Check your logfiles or simply start anew. It is not about vanilla. Mods usually do not change the AI and very seldomly add a bug fix, so if there is something not working in vanilla you should see the problem in modded games too. Since you don't it is just that specific savegame and it probably is damaged
  6. You could remove files in the directory Region from your savegame (while the server is down naturally). This simply resets a complete region to its original state, including resource nodes, but also anything built or looted. The problem is you have to find out which region files you can remove and which have bases on them. That is why I said remove instead of delete since you can move back a region file that you removed in error. The region files have numbers in their names corresponding to their location. Somewhere there is a thread that explains how that works: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/19010-guide-how-to-reset-regions-parts-of-the-map/ I think the description may be slightly wrong or not easy to grok at least but it helps to find the correct files.
  7. I agree, temperature should have serious consequences. But I think there will be no change to this before the new armor system is in the game.
  8. Sure option are always nice. Though your use case is already covered with the current settings. Your mood is for a slow paced game. set global xp gain to very low. Next day your mood changes and you want to see lots of progress, change the xp gain to high. Done.
  9. Thanks. No nameserver errors in this logfile so this was not the problem. Lets see if Monday brings new information, a malfunctioning microsoft server seems to be the most likely culprit for now.
  10. This may have changed in the meantime, but EAC puts a lot more log messages into the logfile, not only the single line you found. If she had EAC on then this logfile would have more EAC lines in it. So is it possible that she had EAC enabled when she was still able to play on that server? And after doing a reset with the tools tab maybe EAC is off now (though I seem to remember EAC is on by default)? And she simply can't join because she has to turn on EAC first ?
  11. Thanks for the logfile. I did not notice any problems or errors in the logfile. Seems replacing the ttw file with a fresh one isn't without problems of its own. I have a few ideas what you could try: 1) Start a quest, log out and in again. The quest should be reset, start it again. Check if the quest works now. 2) Go to a town you never were in before. Take a quest to a local poi there and check if the quest works there. If that works it would point to a discrepancy between ttw file and region files. The solution would be then to also delete many of the files in the Region directory of your save, but probably you want to avoid deleting the one where your base is stored. 3) Another desperate step could be deleting your player character (either in the save file or generally for all games with the Tools tab of the launcher). You can always get back XP and equipment with the creative menue (write down important stuff and your level before doing the reset). I would be happy to hear if any of this worked or not, these are just shots in the dark. But if one method works it gives a hint how quests are stored in the game files and I would know what to tell the next guy with the same problem.
  12. You don't need to scroll up, the command "listents" should list all persons and vehicles.
  13. What Star69 meant was the directory below that. For example I have a savegame in .../New Ceguvi County/hol/. "hol" would be the seed name.
  14. "Basically your game doesn't ask more from my system it's like "yea we are at maximum power we're good here" and it's not the vsync either, I removed that too, exact same fps." This is probably not the reason. More likely is that some other bottleneck limits the speed. For example there are CPU caches and if a program uses more memory than fits in one of the caches the CPU needs to wait many cycles to get the data from slow main memory. Or there is a data path that is used to the limit and slows down the rest of the PC.
  15. "Basically your game doesn't ask more from my system it's like "yea we are at maximum power we're good here" and it's not the vsync either, I removed that too, exact same fps." This is probably not the reason. More likely is that some other bottleneck limits the speed. For example there are CPU caches and if a program uses more memory than fits in one of the caches the CPU needs to wait many cycles to get the data from slow main memory. Or there is a data path that is used to the limit and slows down the rest of the PC.
  16. If you have problems with too dark places just turn off shadows completely, that helps with FPS too. I turned of shadows myself because I was constantly switching between headlamp on, headlamp off, headlamp on, headlamp off. ...
  17. A long time ago I used to play roleplaying games by save scumming, i.e. whenever I got a bad random roll I reloaded. Eventually I recognized that it was bad for my enjoyment to do this and that I had the power to stop this by simply not giving in to the temptation. Yeah, sounds simple but it is hard to change your habits at first. I really needed to check my impulse whenever it happened for the first few times but soon it was the new habit. Maybe try to test your willpower again, you may surprise yourself.
  18. Mmh, and another poster has the same problem: As I said there, the senddata warning is a harmless result of the already broken connection. it would be interesting to see the server logfile as well, as it is the server that breaks up the connection Seeing that it seems to happen to a lot of xbl users it would be interesting to know if all xbl users have the problem. If yes, there might be a server at microsoft that needs a restart. If not it might have something to do with the logfile messages that some nameservers refuse connection. Though I don't see any messages later indicating that that does result in anything bad.
  19. Read the pinned thread that says to read it before posting. It tells you how to find and post the logfile. And change back ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols to "SteamNetworking". Preferably post the logfile of yesterday when the problems began. You can still connect, right? Internally the game uses an epic service to give everyone an id and translates the steam or xbox id to an eos id (don't know how that is done though, many possibilities). The error message you posted is only a warning not an error and usually harmless as it just means that one side of the server-client connection already closed the connection while there are still a few packets coming from the other side. That is why we need to see a logfile, it has all the messages, not only the ones you notice by accident. EDIT: Others on xbox store seem to have the same problem: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/30633-send-data-request-without-active-connection/?do=findComment&comment=505535 As I said there, server logfile would be interesting as well as client logfile And there is a good chance that the problem goes away suddenly because the server operator of whatever service is in trouble notices the problem too and restarts the service or server.
  20. Maybe not seeds but Rekt has a lot more fruits and vegetables on display in A20
  21. Or the description could simply be precise and you would know without wiki which is better. Problem solved.
  22. Solutions: Play with friends who host the server. And tell your friends first that they never ever should give you console rights. Play on open servers. There are pve servers so you don't necessariyl need to cope with aggressive people
  23. My server stops without players, so I get no lines at all until I join. You should also see no FPS lines until you join. I don't know of any setting that would disable this!
  24. Yes. Did you only check the first FPS line? Because in the first two lines of a recent logfile I had 20.15 and 20.00 as FPS values directly after logging in from a client. But then the third line was at 37 and further lines stayed around that value for a loong time.
  25. Please read the information in the blog post above (the link in the red banner). Basically there will never be an **update** of the current console game as it was developed by a publisher that went bankrupt.
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