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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Why should it need video? The steps to reproduce are very clear to describe in text. Just say something like this for steps to reproduce: 1) spawn a zombie without AI 2) go to him as close as possibe 3) shoot at his face with an arrow 4) the shot goes through (in my test x% of shots went right through without doing damage) If you have anything else that needs to be said, add it to that list, but generally that is so clear even I could reproduce it with my two left hands 😉. For good measure you probably should use the template they provide.
  2. This is when I search for factory buildings in the PREGEN10k map of A20: <decoration type="model" name="factory_lg_02" position="-393,39,-2563" rotation="2" /> <decoration type="model" name="factory_03" position="-1170,24,-2337" rotation="1" /> <decoration type="model" name="oldwest_coal_factory" position="-3767,30,-1181" rotation="1" /> <decoration type="model" name="oldwest_coal_factory" position="3822,32,-1727" rotation="3" /> <decoration type="model" name="factory_lg_01" position="-2470,44,2190" rotation="3" /> lg_01 is shamways, lg_02 is shotgun messiah factory PREGEN8K even has two shotgun messiahs and a shamways. only PREGEN6K has no shamways
  3. Phil did a bug report, but he did not read the explanation what info to provide, did not write how to reproduce. And worst of all he wrote it happens at distance as well so the testers will likely assume he does not know about the hit circle. Since you have found a good way to reproduce it you could add that to the bug report: https://community.7daystodie.com/a20-bug-database/bug-pool/collision-detection-r812/
  4. "when he joins a team". What do you mean by that? Do you mean the in-game grouping of players so they see each others position and can play a quest together? If yes, does it happen when he opens the grouping menue or when he clicks on the icon to accept an invitation?
  5. Agreed. But the climate is naturally positioning winter and desert biome as harder in the survival genre. It just needs to be turned on eventually, i.e. a real downside to being cold or hot. Lets see, if water isn't that readily available it may already get harder in A21 to survive there. Yes, 7D2D always had the problem that difficulty of zombies is rather uneven. Any zombie walker can't compare to even the lowest running zombie. So increase in difficulty is marginal for experienced players if we are talking about a few more hitpoints and damage of a zombie. Once you can actually get a feral in the mix the danger is perceptibly increased, but I don't know if that happens in the other biomes in the first days. And naturally a small chance might not even occur when you try to test it. Vanilla is mainly balanced for novice players and for them a feral is a huge danger and so is the wildlife. For them even zombies with more hitpoints and damage are a danger because without hundreds of arrows they need to melee as well and novices usually do get hit quite more often than experienced players. Buildings in forest biome are usually much closer so you can always reach them easier and try to clear rooms until your arrows are depleted. Mostly it is the end room that presents a danger in a tier5 and I would agree that that end room might then have better loot but not the whole building. There are also some trap rooms and auto-trigger rooms where suddenly a group of zombies emerge but you can find such rooms in all tiers starting at tier2 I think Can't really comment on that as I didn't try it recently. I'd say if you easily find tier2 weapons of a quality above 2 in the first 3 days then you probably are right (for A20). I would have suggested a balancing bug report but at this time that would be useless as A21 is near and might be different. Especially because it is possible that they removed the overlap of lower quality (and tier?) weapons being better than higher quality (and tier?). So play A21 once it is out and if the issue persists do a bug report.
  6. Why are the skeletons in the north territory ALL better fighters than the orcs in the swamps in "Generic Fantasy Game III" ? Why are the people of the Highlands all so much better fighters than the people of the Lowlands and why are the Lowlands not already conquered by the Highlands then? Fact is, they are. 😉 I'm sure there will be a journal entry eventually that tells scavengers of more dangerous biomes. But other biomes have more dangerous zombies, more dangerous animals, more difficult weather. Sure, weather isn't where it needs to be and is currently ignored by players. And I fully agree that animals are not the threat imagined by TFP. They maybe need an ability to throw players from their vehicles. And the old surprise spawn mechanism directly behind you of dog hordes, at least in snow biome. I assume you didn't increase gamma, changed brightness or contrast on your monitor or turned off shadows completely, right? If either of that is the case it isn't really TFPs fault that you can see so well in these biomes. If not, it is difficult to see how that could be improved, except maybe make animals somewhat transparent to simulate stealth Yeah, as if T5 was difficult for an experienced player. Building inaccesible spots, blocking doorways, and especially knowing what to expect, make a T5 as manageable as desert or snow
  7. If the progression is too slow for your taste you could set 200% loot and maybe skip the first part of the game by giving you some xp (via console "giveselfxp" command), a good gun and a stack of ammo from the creative menue. But the game isn't designed as a game you can play for 20 minutes before going to bed. I would suggest puzzle games or rogue-likes like "into the breach", "FTL", "Slay the Spire" for that. It was not done for realism but to make farming failable and less deterministic. In other words make more of a mini-game out of it. In my opinion plants that give back a seed should just stay in the earth instead of going into the backpack (reducing the grind by half), but I like the failure chance.
  8. Two of your issues are already confirmed features in A21. Read the first post in the dev diary thread, it is always updated with everything that is sure to be in A21. Bow misses: If you are refering to bows not hitting when you are using them point blank then that is a bug (and it isn't on the official bug list, I just checked). If you want that fixed you should make a bug report, see the link in the red banner above. If your shots miss long range then that is no bug but the miss chance of your bow shown as the circle around your aim pointer. If that circle isn't completely filled with your enemies shillouette you have a chance to miss as the actual hit is somewhere random in this circle. And that is the case with all guns in the game (as well as many other games).
  9. Yes, the info about buying brass items is what I remembered from an earlier alpha and might not be true anymore. That is why I added the AFAIK. Always good to do the math yourself to check such information is still valid. But isn't the ratio for smelting 3 dukes to 1 brass? Or am I totally off here?
  10. First let me say that I'll give some advice here but just ignore it if it harms the way you want to play. Mod the game it if that better suits you. But one thing is safe to say: The game does not force you to mine for days, not even in vanilla A20. Turning brass into dukes is the most inefficient way to turn dukes into ammo (AFAIK). Even buying stuff that scraps into brass gets a better ratio (though I don't remember if trophies are still buyable at the trader). Even better is to buy casings or complete ammo at the trader. The other source of brass is looting. If you don't use a wrench to at least wrench down anything that looks reddish in the game (for example those orange pipe connectors or candleholders) you are ignoring free brass. No traps on a horde base means you need the maximum amount of ammo and the horde does maximum amount of damage meaning a lot more time wasted for repairs EVERY week. Bulding some traps takes time as well, but that is only a one-time expenditure and when they work well they save you time for repairs and ammo scrounging every single week!! I view traps not necessarily as a means to make damage, but as a means to slow down the horde, make them waste time coming to me. Means less zombies to kill (less ammo) and less time to damage blocks (less repair). And more time to get in head shots because you don't have to deal with all zombies at once (more ammo efficiency. The most simple form of a trap by the way is just a one block deep trench that they have to jump into and out again. And if you have some narrow accessway for the zombies you save a lot of time to build trenches because they don't need to be all around your base. Each week you travel to lots of traders but don't want to utilize them fully (to buy ammo for example). Why then even travelling to all of them? Sounds like forcibly wasting your time, especially since you use the bicycle instead of a faster vehicle. After 219 half-days you should have got ample opportunity and money to buy yourself a motorbike, or build any of the advanced vehicles as you should have found the recipes to complete at least one advanced vehicle by now. You have miner69er and sexrex fully perked but don't use a steel pickaxe. Another inefficiency. Do you at least drink coffee if you have read the book that gets you more resources when you have the coffee boost? Anyway, with a steel pickaxe you have to drink coffee anyway to manage your stamina.
  11. I can't say anything about the arguments of others. Also my answer to stills was merely listing what I think the developers intention was. Though I have always said that the trader is too OP for my taste and I would like him balanced. And so I am glad this is done. But I have a friend who likes how the trader is OP now and would like the trader to stay unchanged. Whenever TFP changes the game it will usually disappoint some players and delight some others. If you lump those two groups together there is no surprise you get mixed signals out of that group.
  12. Ah, right. Let me just correct the sentence above, you did not receive a ton of resentement, you received a ton of opposition. Resentment happened because of word choices (if I remember correctly). And now for a proper reply to the original question: "If" doesn't count. Do you know someone who enjoys weapon and armor crafting in A20?
  13. There is a risk/reward system in the game. Just go to desert, winter biome or wasteland and you can jump ahead of the curve
  14. I stopped reading once I saw the first two mods that were from A19. RULE 1 of modding: Do not use mods from previous alphas. 😉 If you want to use those mods, check if there are newer versions available that have been cleared for A20. If not, say goodbye to those mods.
  15. No pictures shown yet (to my knowledge, I'm not on their social media channels) I think it means that trader won't have stuff that is miles ahead of your progression and therefore won't make crafting useless. They also will have magazines to buy. It probably also means that there will be more crafting ingredients to buy (especially weapon parts) instead of only complete weapons. Because that is where the normal progression was massively bypassed.
  16. Is your server in your local network with the client or at a hoster? I have a friend who is often (once or twice per evening) getting disconnected and we still have no idea where the problem is. One likely culprit is the network, i.e either his router, the provider or the rest of the network in some mysterious ways. Probably then some idiosyncracy or even bug in the network layer of the game is part of the problem. The other possibility is his PC which is in fact a laptop with (one could imagine) possible heat issues(?). But so far nothing really points to this being the issue. One suggestion we never got to try was for him to transport his PC for a session to one of our homes so he could try his PC with a different internet connection. If you have the ability to do this without too much inconvenience please do. I think this would help immensely with pinpointing the issue. Another aspect is that network code is currently being worked on by a newly hired developer inside TFP and the next alpha of the game will likely act differently in some respects. The issue might or might not be gone. But mostly it means that for TFP A20 is not anymore the version they look at to find bugs. So I would also suggest to try out A21 when it is out. And if the problem persists to make a bug report instead of using General Support.
  17. I don't think restarting the PC had anything to do with it. But luckily it worked anyways.
  18. What day is it in your game? What is your level and gamestage? Which tool are you using for mining and what is your perk-level with the mining skills? How much ammo do you get by buying from traders and looting in a day if you go looting (a crude estimate is enough) ? What do you do with the other ammo (9mm, shotgun,...) ? Do you use traps in your horde base?
  19. Just log out and in again and you should be above ground
  20. Sure. I try to argue objectively and logically as well and try to keep my personal tastes and views out of it (unless likes and dislikes are part of the topic). Does it work? Obviously no, since I still disagree with a lot of intelligent people on the forum about some things. And the same happens to you. Lets just assume that you were right about many things. And some of them even objectively true, not only from your subjective standpoint. How would they know? There are dozens of other intelligent people arguing here. They would have to keep a tab on dozens of people, noting their opinions on some topics and years later checking which of those people were mostly right after all. For you YOU are the middle of your universe. For them you are one of many forum users. And even if they somehow eventually recognized that you ARE a good designer: How do they know which of your opinions are the right ones? As you said you were also wrong about some things. Some decisions in game design can be logically reasoned or refuted. But many game design decisions depend on something that is not logical, player taste. And at that point logic alone is not enough to determine the right path. What do you mean "prove you wrong?". Through argument? I have never seen them going deeply into any argument. That would just be wasting time as there are too many players here who want to argue this and that point. That sentence is broken and hard to understand. Are you saying you are only 1/7th of each week looting and exploring? And the rest of the time mining for measly 700 bullets of ammo?
  21. More ammo makes the game easier, hence it would be a move against "hardcore" fans. So if they actually listened to the OP then "hardcore" fans would complain. For nearly all issues you will find people arguing for each side so whatever TFP changes will go against someone. Hence whether they care or not, they have to do "their own thing", that is the only possible way. All this nonsense about "listening to the fans" is almost always a veiled "listen to me and anyone that agrees with me". Ammo needed for hordenights directly depends on how well you construct your horde base. If people refuse to use narrow and long passageways and traps then they need to accept that they have to do more menial grindy work before the horde night. I agree though that especially the fortitude player is a bit handicapped because he needs a lot of expensive ammo but mining is in another tree. But that is his choice and handicap, he has the most powerful weapons. Agreed.
  22. That is the current task, but TFP has been and surely will optimize to give more FPS to weak PCs as well. But the important thing is that optimizations before all features are in are suboptimal. This is why this is usually called "premature optimization" in computer science. How do you know? Have you read through it? Or are you just guessing from having low FPS? One big reason for the low FPS is that this is a voxel game. It has unique and unusual challenges. Normal graphics libraries do not have any support for it and though voxels allow unique features like a fully destructible world the disadvantage is that it needs much more data to move around and calculate.
  23. How so? Answering "no" would pinpoint the release at exactly one day of the year, christmas and is almost surely false. While answering "yes" is almost certainly correct. Which after all was the joke as the answer was true but useless.
  24. Yes, and surely we should take whatever Hitler says as truth, especially with such a reliable translation 😁 Seriously. "when it's done" seems to have been coined by the company that developed Duke Nukem and especially Duke Nukem Fourever. As such it became a meme just like Bill Gates "you only ever need 640k RAM" for example. Everyone **usually** knows what it means. Except you as you still seem to complain about it having no message, no information. It also fits the tongue-in-cheek communication that TFP maintains with the community of players.
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