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  1. A21 update for the future? Nevermind I should've scrolled up a tad can't can't wait to see this mod working in A21 it is simply amazing.
  2. Will this mod be compatible with A21 in the future?
  3. Hey is the legcrawler mod A21 compatible?
  4. When I select my Lever Action rifle in my tool bar a cloud of smoke appears without me ever firing the weapon.
  5. Does this mod add realistic dysentery chances to murky water, raw meat, old sham sandwiches and eggs?
  6. I would like my Pipe baton to be repairable via metal pipe or repairkit. Is there anyway for this to be done?
  7. Dang it oh well.. Hey thanks for showing me what's possible for me to edit. Sucks that its limited to 7 lines of editable code. 😔
  8. I'm trying to make a mod that adds multiple items for repairing weapons. But I can only change the "RepairTool" value out for a different one not add any more. <configs> <append xpath="/items/item[@name='gunHandgunT1Pistol']"> <property name="RepairTools" value="resource_gunCleaningKit"/> </append> <item name="resource_gunCleaningKit"> <property name="HoldType" value="45"/> <property name="Tags" value="junk"/> <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sackPrefab.prefab"/> <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/> <property name="Material" value="Msteel"/> <property name="Stacknumber" value="25"/> <!-- STK resourceRepairKit --> <property name="EconomicValue" value="186"/> <property name="RepairTime" value="3"/> <property name="RepairAmount" value="225"/> <property name="Group" value="Resources"/> </item> </configs> Is it only possible to have a single "RepairTools" value for an item?
  9. Thanks for helping me out I got it working and I love it!
  10. Thanks for the help I appreciate the code.
  11. Dang that really sucks that ui is awesome. I know nothing when it come to modding the game's ui. But would its be possible to somehow add the old food , water and stamina bar into the ui? Is there anything I can do?
  12. I would like to slow Gamestage a little bit but I don't how I can slow it without lowering XP on everything. Is there a way I remove level from being counted into Gamestage?
  13. I really love this mods ui is there any way it could become its own mod?
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