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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. But they are not repopulated with sexrexy perks because the stamina buff is getting built into the weapon perk itself. The removal of Sexrex has probably nothing to do with the crafting change at all, it is just a reaction from TFP as they are seeing in their telemetry data that almost everyone perks into sexrex no matter which melee weapon he uses. And they probably also see that Strength is the attribute players use most often and second place is far behind. The second attribute after strength that is most often mentioned as overpowered is intellect. So I really don't know what you are talking about. But apart from that: This probably will change in A21 as the utility of intellect is linked with the trader and the trader is getting another long deserved nerf. And naturally Int will see some more changes as all the recipe perks need features to replace the recipes. That means all guesses are off what Int will look like exactly in A21.
  2. I read it as: @Blake, there will be no redesign of the character tree. Remember it is a riddle especially for Blake.
  3. It seems Dall-E doesn't really know how a zombies look like.
  4. added to the main weapon perk. The language on the first page is unambiguous
  5. What I dimly remember: I thought plant growth was independant from day-night cycle and always 3 real-time hours. But recently I think it was revealed that the dew collectors actually take 2 or 3 in-game days, so they could be producing faster or slower depending on the setting. I find it strange that dew collectors would work differently than farm plots so I wouldn't be surprised if one of the two "facts" I listed was wrong in serverconfig.xml you can set LootRespawnDays and AirDropFrequency to in-game durations which means they also get influenced by day length.
  6. It should not be and it isn't. Even LotL 1 is enought to have on average 1.5 plants per farm plot. Really. If you want to calculate it, here is the math: 5 plants convert to 1 seed, so 1 seed is worth 5 plants, and vice versa. Now per farm plot you get 4 plants and with 50% probability 1 seed. That is on average 4 plants + 1/2 seed that convert to 2.5 plants. In sum that is 6.5 plants. You need 5 plants to remake a seed, so you get 6.5 - 5 = 1.5 plants out of a farm plot per harvest. And yes, this is also happening in reality, I have produced food with LotL 1 in more than one game and it works.
  7. Please post something like this in "Discussions and Requests" or the mod authors thread itself. Moved.
  8. Please post questions in "Discussions and Requests" or the mod authors thread directly. Moved.
  9. There are players who build fancy palaces, they would have to be asked. I don't, I build functional. I was talking about what a developer has to do. Whether he assigns accurate "weights" or just puts them into classes he has to look at each. Though if there are very few blocks with high polygons and you already know them or know how to recognize them, then yes, that task would be done in an hour. Barrels on fire do not blow up. I somehow thought you looted gas barrels without seeing an inventory, but probably I always hit R so fast that I don't see any inventory anymore and got the wrong idea.
  10. Hey, do as you like, but I'll just mention that the LBD system was **officially** and more than once declared as a dead horse. Play one of the mods that reinstates it and be happy that there are modders who have the same taste as you.
  11. Sure, but would the players notice that it is some special block that costs him performance? Without FPS display they might only notice this at the next horde night when suddenly FPS starts to drop to unplayable levels. And then making the connection to having placed a lot fo those blocks in the week before? We here might have a good chance making the connection since we have heard of high polygon blocks being a problem. The typical player has almost no chance. Is there an automatic way to count block polygons? If not, they need to make a list of all say >1000 blocks with their polygon count. And a performant routine evaluating a chunk that needs to be called every time a block is placed. Just saying this isn't work done in a day. But sure, possible and a win for everyone. With the barrels I could imagine it isn't for their poly count but for there effectiveness as bombs. Or just an oversight. But I don't think they are containers, at the moment you would not be able to store gas in them
  12. You are right that a death indicator is useful, but there is definitely no **need** for it. You may like it that way, but the fact that zombies have this way of playing dead in the middle of the fight should tell you that it was intended that you have to guess, make sure with another hit or always stay a bit away from fresh corpses. Since I have bad peripheral vision I still mostly get the accidental benefit of having to cope with un-dead undead 😉 For TFP the XP display seems to be more important than to keep players guessing, I don't think they will change the xp display. But there are many players who like this guessing game for the same reason they like feral mode.
  13. If it is too easy, then yes, there is something to fix. That is called balancing. It matters to TFP since it could matter to players who are so weakminded or minmaxing that they always take the easiest or optimal solution. They would ask "Why should I build defenses for example if I can just sit there and shoot at Zombies at will or not at all with no danger to me?". Though I suspect they will declare it as good enough for this game as they don't want to hinder players to build separate horde bases. And it would mean a redesign in a very fundamental area of the game code they probably don't want to tamper with now. There simply is no solution to this problem that hasn't also serious disadvantages.
  14. The savegame plus possibly GeneratedWorlds in the same location and serverconfig.xml in the game directory should be everything you need to transfer a game to a new server
  15. There is also the theory this warning could be generated when virus scanners interfere with the save game/world gen location. No idea if the theory has any merit though Since you were modding I assume you know not to confuse modded and unmodded copy. But did you also make sure you really generated a new world? Maybe you reused a seed and the game just used a modded world?
  16. You probably should use the bug report section instead. Testers won't usually look here.
  17. Why not? A display to show how many jars have been accumulated in **all** your dew collectors.
  18. It was a shamless lie. How do you call someone who catches a ball in baseball? Maybe this word minus "ore" would get us somewhere.
  19. You misunderstood Roland. The picture he posted IS the new riddle. Fire away.
  20. First you should try to turn off graphics options to see whether one is not working with your new GPU. For example I once had similar issues and had to turn off reflections to get a correct display. If that doesn't help, remove your mods and see if that helps.
  21. I am not talking about this as it is a reason to visit any of the other biomes. Sure, there may be reasons why someone likes this or that biome better, but generally the other biomes just offer the same loot boost in different strength. But you have a very good argument why the loot bonus of the snow biome should be reduced. It seems generally too easy for its loot bonus. And it would be nice if the wasteland were a biome unlike any other, alone at the top in every respect.
  22. The telnet connection is from an ip which has the name "server.medicalnewstoday.com" and is not the same IP the player is from and also does not sound like a server from G-portal might call itself. It looks like someone tried to hack into telnet, but failed to guess the password. I assume you have a telnet password set into your serverconfig.xml, right? If yes, make sure it is a very good one, 12 relatively random characters or more. One detail does not fit well with the hypothesis though: It happens 30 minutes after the server was started, but just 3 seconds (!!) before the player tries to connect. Seems like a strange coincidence that the hacking attempt is at the same time you log in. Maybe you could check server logfiles from other times to see if telnet accesses happen and whether that coincides with login attempts or not The client logfile is partly useless as it is from a time where you just started and closed the client but did not even attempt to login to the server.
  23. Hopefully TFP adds something new as reason to visit other biomes in mid game. Desert still has oil shale, winter has lost one (already weak) reason and the other reason (meat) is weak as well as you can get enough meat in other biomes and usually have solved the food problem anyway when you finally are mobile enough to look for the other biomes.
  24. @everone, this is at last a serious post not laid with sarcasm, and it deserves a serious answer. @selevan: How many games have you followed from earliest version to now? Not many. For me, I can only cite one other game, Factorio. Most other games are developed behind closed doors or put in EA when they are already nearly finished. So no, I can't give you another example, though I'm sure there exist other games that have done lots of experimentation, but behind closed doors. Games like FIFA 15 for example don't need experimentation to develop, Electronic Arts just tells its developers to add at least one thing to be called a new feature (hopefully), adds conterfeits of new soccer players, some new graphics and calls it a day. But For FIFA 1 or whatever its first sports game ever was maybe 20(?) years ago even Electronic Arts did experiment to find what works and what not, because it was the first of its type. And they actually had to play around in the early versions to find out if they liked them or not, I'm pretty sure of that. What you call a mess I would call a game that slowly solidifies into the game that will eventually be released. I can see less and less change occuring and all sorts of systems are actually fixed now (at least I don't expect them to change anymore). For me the crafting change is just a fix to the crafting progression that was inevitable as it was a subpar part of the game and something had to change there for sure. It is not fundamentally changing the game. How do you define a fundamental change? Is the crafting change fundamental? If yes, maybe TFP should have advertised that their EA process will include fundamental changes so sensitive or change-averse players can avoid buying the game in EA. I don't really see the change as fundamental, crafting is just a small part of the activities in the game, and this change is only about the progression of it, crafting itself is not changed at all. If you had a version you particularily liked you can always go back to that version. Steam allows you to download any version from 8 upwards, just be sure to use the launcher to clear any settings. But you are not in the position to declare which version gets to be the release version. Previous versions and features are not promises, they are just what TFP needed to find THEIR ultimate version. And I at least don't find this game a mess, I like what it became and I also tremenduously liked the journey of different alphas through the years to reach A21. Your mileage may vary.
  25. My information is that TFP hired a programmer specifically for network stuff in 2022. Likely some improvements from his work should appear in A21, but there are also a lot of open issues in the network code and he never posted on the forum to tell us what he is working on at the moment. Since not all features of A21 have been presented it is quite possible that we will hear of some improvements when the A21 presentation videos start.
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