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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. The question is how many dev streams and how far apart. 3 months between first dev stream and release was the maximum I assume. Did anyone check what the minimum was?
  2. https://community.7daystodie.com/announcement/11-report-a-bug/
  3. Maybe TFP should add version info into config files so that it generates an error
  4. According to an anonymous source one still undisclosed feature will be new safety measures for workstations. You will be required to wear safety gloves and a helmet when you work at one, and there will be a panic switch and protective covers on dangerous elements. Workplace safety has a high priority at TFP obviously
  5. Her player data is corrupted, damaged. And I don't know of any way to repair it. There are console commands that can give her back her level. Anyone with the rights (usually the one who has the server) can use the "givexp" command to give her xp until she is at level 60 again. And creative menu can give her back the items she had and the books she learned.
  6. "Tried removing the player data from the server and was fine, but then replaced the original player data and was unable to spawn again."? I don't understand what is happening here. You could not spawn, so you removed the player data from the server and could again spawn, if I get you correctly? But why then did you not stop and instead go on and replace something at some location? What is original player data? Where did you replace it and with what?
  7. Ok, that sounds more like it is a bug. Or some other program or Windows setting interfering that just accidentally didn't interfere before. Did you get the game from xbox store or steam? You could make a bug report, but please include server and client logs. Or go back to A20.5 which is still available. Another thought: If you have no antivirus installed on Windows, you automatically still have the windows-built-in windows defender. So you may still have to exclude some locations.
  8. I just checked and I didn't see anything to specify sides on a tile where no other tile should attach. I assume you mean that that is missing, right? Yeah, I think that would be generally something needed for the tile system to get some interesting applications. Likewise you should be able to specify a group of tiles that can attach to some side of a tile exclusively. In fact such a feature would also make it possible to specify a no-attach side, solving two problems.
  9. As suspected the game falls back to the less performant network protocol "steamnetworking" instead of using "litenetlib". Whoever is the server has to configure his router so that the ports I mentioned above are forwarded to the internet. If you can make it so there are no lines "LiteNetLib: Connection failed" in your log anymore you should see large improvements in your ping stats. Also at least your CPU is quite old, but I don't know what the server PC looks like. For network problems it is useful to post the logfiles of both server and client. This game may not look like a performance monster, but because of the voxels it actually is. On the server try to disable Dynamic Meshes, turn off most if not all graphics options and play with a lower resolution. Check the server logfile that the FPS in the logfile is always above 20. Test if that makes a difference. Lastly network has been reworked in the last iterations of A20 for various reasons, it is entirely possible you encounter a bug that can be avoided by going back to A20.3, if all else fails. But again, the most important change is getting litenetlib to work.
  10. This is a warning, not an error. Unless you actually have a problem, for example with a player not spawning, this can be ignored.
  11. To find out anything we usually need a logfile from a session where the problem happens, please read https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/ Without info I can only guess: Maybe both of you have not opened the correct ports for your servers and that means a less performant protocol of communication is used. Try to open ports 26900(tcp) and 26900-26903(udp). Also a PC need more RAM and power to be server and client at the same time, if you are playing on old PCs or laptops with 8G RAM or less it might not work that well. Did you check your network connection to each other? You could use a traceroute utility to see how many hops are between you and your friend. Maybe there is a heavily congested node inbetween.
  12. Could be a tier 6+, but probably would not be, I can't imagine them opening up a new tier just for one POI. The runway would probably be implemented like a river or city tile in one piece and around it would be randomly placed POIs of all tiers like hangars and commercial buildings, and at least one non-random tower POI. In other words an airport would be handled just like a small town where the streets and layout are fixed and locations for random POIs of specific sizes are set up. This way airports could have different sizes and layouts just like cities. @Laz Man wouldn't that be a project up your alley? 😉
  13. What make and model is the laptop of your son?
  14. Which camera? Are you saying moving the mouse is actually moving his character? Or is the character just walking or running in the same direction as if a key on the keyboard was stuck?
  15. I meant a new 7D2D game they will release shortly after they see your obituary in the newspapers 😁. I got the impression that TFP does not want to make DLCs. And I want health, world peace and to own a 100m yacht. I see disappointment in both our futures. 😉 And you have to understand that everyone here on the forum wants something added to the game. I want legendary weapons (at least that is a feature they have already worked on, I may get lucky), others want a behemoth, ziplines, learn-by-doing, fishing, boats, more cars, more weapons, more workstations, more enemies, more enemies at the same time, NPCs to hire, NPCs settlements to care for, more realism, more survival, less survival, chicken coops, .... And so on and on Now imagine everyone of those hundreds of people would post their wish daily. The forum would be unusable. That is why there is even a forum rule against doing it ( forum rule C4 in https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/5-official-forum-rules-and-guidelines/ ) I'm not saying your idea is bad. But "that can be trained" is exactly what I was talking about when I said it doesn't suffice to just drop them into the game without having lots of ways to interact with them. Pet animals that you can actually do something with would need a lot of work. There are hundreds of good ideas how 7D2D could be developed further. But you yourself recognized that the developers time is limited if they ever want to present you with a finished 7D2D.
  16. It is easy to implement in a basic way. It is more difficult when you apply higher standards, like how often that teleport happens, how well it follows you and not stands in your way and not attack zombies you don't want attacked yet, .... Also the developers would have to provide means to capture and tame animals, and ways to use them that are balanced for the game. And that also can be done relatively fast if the standards and quality you want to reach are low, and takes a lot more effort if you want to make it a high-quality feature. I would guess that they won't consider it for the current 7D2D anymore as they are trying to release the game as fast as they can finish the features they absolutely want in. I would also guess that it is one of the features on their list of possible features for a 7D2D 2.
  17. I don't think so. Just go into a random POI without taking a quest for it und you will find a loot room just like if you had taken a quest.
  18. I am not a modder currently, so just wildly guessing, but maybe stack_type "replace" and them being in the same effect group means a buff gets replaced by other buffs of the same group (or name_key) ?
  19. Please use the "Discussion and Requests" section for questions. Questions about a specific mod would better be asked directly on the mod authors thread Topic moved.
  20. Exactly. It's almost giving the impression INT might not be a combat class, right? 😁
  21. Oh, I forgot to take the DOT damage into account for the comparison
  22. I hope your imagination also supplied the slow height level oszillation a relaxing hover should have. No hovering dog would be complete without it.
  23. LazMan was not saying your internet connection was a problem. He was suggesting that IF you have a good internet connection you could use an NVIDIA service where you play the game on their servers in the cloud. The service is called "Geforce Now"
  24. The aoe effect is only achievable with the candy. One of the books allows you to recharge the baton faster and the other book gives a repulsor mod to throw zombies away. AFAIK fully perked you can keep one zombie in stun lock forever no matter how big it is. I looked into the XMLs: T0 primitive wooden club and T0 primitive baton both have the same damage (13.8) ! Consequently T2 stun baton has LESS damage (10.8) than even its lower tier T0 baton!! This seems to indicate that the developers think that the stun ability is worth much more than the damage difference between those tier0 weapons (3). When comparing it to the tier1 and tier3 clubs (19.2 and 26.2) we could assume that without the stun it would have a damage somewhere in the middle between those values (22.7). And that would mean the developers value the stun as effective as 9 damage. Note I did not compare other attributes like stamina-loss, reach, ... but I don't think there is much difference in those values.
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