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Everything posted by Sirillion

  1. I am not sure I understand what you mean. Suggestion noted. That said, the tool belt being transparent was a bit of the point earlier but the modlet have changed quite a bit since then. I will keep it in mind in the next dev cycle.
  2. I'd argue my SMXhud is more unique than this one 😛
  3. A new version is in the works. The coding part is finished but some testing remains. It’s just been put on hold while working on SMX updates. The icon size for the buffs and then collection sections have been increased and it is coded in such a way that it is easily interchangeable by setting a controls node in windows.xml. I expect to get it out in a few days.
  4. If you play on a server the mods needs to be installed on the server in addition to the client.
  5. Playing on a server? The correct install for SMXhud is SMXlib, SMXhud and ZMXhudCP for the base and then ZMXhudCPTHB for the optional target health bar. You did follow the installation instructions? Decompressed the archives and then moved the folders into the 7DTD installation folder?
  6. // SMXmenu & SMXui updated to 19.1.Release1 SMXmenu - Moved changelog localization file over to SMXlib. SMXui - Added modded quest window. SMXui - Added modded players window. SMXui - Did some minor changes to asset use in the journal window. SMXui - Adjusted positions for the journal window. SMXui - Adjusted positions for the map window. SMXui - Added a serverbanner to the players window. (*) (*) - A banner is now shipped with the SMXlib modlet in the Textures folder. If you wish to create a custom banner to put on your server use this banner as a template. The size of the banner is fixed in code to 1200 wide by 130 high so if you want the banner to look good you make it in those dimensions. Both NexusMods and GitHub are now updated with the new versions.
  7. Everyone must download and install the modlets for this one due to the custom assets that are used to create the different modlets.
  8. // SMX updated to 19.1.Release1 Totally re-worked the original post with all new download links and information. Go there to see screenshots of the new version and download the modlet compilation of your choice.
  9. Hardly a fix I'd say. From the screenshot he is either running it scaled down or at a higher resolution. But it also looks like it is running on a ultra wide monitor. The issue is likely a missing anchor point for that entry. If it was anchored property it wouldn't move when changing the resolution/aspect ratio/scale. I am sure the mod author will rectify it if that is the case.
  10. Oh you didn’t state that, but CrazyAluminum did and it was to that claim I responded as I felt it needed correction. I’ve experimented a bit with the use of code that requires playerPreview to be part of it on the hud but I’ve found it causes more issues than it is worth. Just have a look at the character window when using it on the hud and you will see a very brightly lit character compared to the normal. So it brings a bit more issues than what is immediately evident and not worth using imho. The reason it introduced that issue when being part of the compass is that the compass window group swaps with the paging and non paging headers when you open containers or go into UI panels and as such it calls that animator code every time it returns to the compass.
  11. Well, looking at that I can understand the concern he has but I think that is isolated to the use of the playerpreview texture in the code and the claim that putting information on the compass sides is not necessarily true. You get that same error that he mentions by opening and closing the character window also which leads me to conclude that it is the use of that playerpreview texture. It can of course be any information from the character frame window controller but since the error has animator in its name and the preview is animated that's where I would put my money. Any other information in that window should probably be ok.
  12. Doesn't answer the question. I don't have any lag when looting so it would be hard for me to do that check. But I am quite interested in knowing what it is as I make a HUD myself and when you make such a claim I am interested in knowing the details behind the claim so that I can investigate and make corrections if needed based upon your findings that lead you to conclude that is a reason for lag when looting.
  13. Please do elaborate. Why is this the reason?
  14. Well, I haven’t tested it but the latest version is coded the same way that Z2 was and that one worked with DF iirc. So, the best answer I can give is try it. You will need the 10 slot optional download in addition though...and let me know if it worked This is in regards to SMXhud, SMXui will definitely not work.
  15. Check the Nexus page under Files and Optional.
  16. By changing the size you have set yourself up for potential issues unless you chained that change through all the three files. The correct fix would be to install the 10 slot optional modlet.
  17. Hi, Currently there are no plans to do anything with the tool belt. I am aware that it needs some love but at the moment it is good enough and my limited modding time is better spent on other areas. No that is not a bug per say, it is a "hidden" feature that is disabled in the vanilla code. I simply just enabled it for fun. It is basically an overview over what the buffs do, that buff in particular does a LOT and it grows beyond the borders of the window and the code simply whips it back into place by reducing its size. So for that buff it's pretty useless, other buffs...not so much
  18. There is already a predefined global color style called transparent so change the color value to 0,0,0,0 and it will be black but transparent due to the opacity being set to 0.(last digit)
  19. It is part of the action menu, so the top choice of what you see there, the hammer. Due to a limitation within the engine I cannot show tooltips for those entries at this point. I do have a DMT script lined up to fix that but I've not had time to polish them up yet.
  20. Those orange lines can be removed in styles.xml simply by setting their color to transparent. The other two requires custom code to achieve I think as there are no such feature in the visibility code afaik.
  21. Oh I missed this one it seems ... The credit button is the FTP logo in the corner.
  22. Theoretically yes. I've not spent any time on that though. The values exist in the character frame window and in theory you should be able to call them there. It probably won't be easy and it might not work at all but that is where you will need to start to try and display it on the HUD. I know people had the food and water values pulled from that window to display the "true" value but it had a tendency to bug the character frame window when done that way and as a result I opted not to go that route. I pull from that window in the conversation windows in SMX to display the player name and the character model.
  23. Uploaded Z2 A19.0.Release4 to github. Release Notes - Z2: Added tool belt numbers. Added outside temp display. Release Notes - Z2TB10: Added tool belt numbers.
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