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Everything posted by Sirillion

  1. Pushed an update for: SMXcore ChangeLog - SMXcore - r20.rc11: FIXED: Fixed a bug with the collection list when entering a vehicle. Released a new compatibility patch for SCore ChangeLog - ZMXuiCPSCBC - r20.rc1: ADDED: New compatibility patch to enable broadcast crafting in SCore. DEPENDENCY: Requires SCore to be installed (Not Included).
  2. Pushed a small hotfix for: SMXhud ChangeLog - SMXhud - r20.rc7: (No version number change) HOTFIX: Fixed a bug with the Bloodmoon indicator and made it more subtle.
  3. Pushed updates for: SMXhud, SMXcore, SMXmenu and SMXui. ChangeLog - SMXhud - r20.rc7: ADDED: Block damage display for tools. ADDED: Entity damage display for melee weapons. CHANGE: Moved elevation to active tools display. (Shows when tools are held) CHANGE: Moved back end code to SMXcore. ADDED: Bloodmoon indicator under compass. Gradually shows when bloodmoon is near. ChangeLog - SMXcore - r20.rc10: CHANGE: Back end code has migrated from all other modlets to SMXcore. UPDATE: Quartz has been updated to 1.4.1. (Can be updated independently if needed) ChangeLog - SMXui - r20.rc6: CHANGE: Moved back end code to SMXcore. ADDED: Quartz lockable slots system. (Use ALT + Click to lock) (Old system still works too) (Quartz lockable slots system allows for locking of individual container/vehicle/backpack slots and saves between sessions.) ChangeLog - SMXmenu - r20.rc5: ADDED: Video Options Window. ADDED: Audio Options Window. ADDED: Control Options Window. ADDED: News Window. ADDED: Animated Background (By Mumpfy).
  4. Well, there shouldn’t be two Mods folders, only one. It must be /Mods/modname/ModInfo.xml as is described in the instructions. Are you playing locally or on a server?
  5. You mean like a compatibility patch to make it work? If so I am sorry, we don't make those anymore.
  6. It isn’t unique, so setting a lock for one will mean it is the same lock for all. It was very annoying.
  7. The SMX modlet have now been updated on github, meaning all mirrors should now be in "sync" version wise. Pushed an update for: SMXcore ChangeLog - SMXcore: ADDED: New version of Quartz, v1.1.3.
  8. Are you running any other mod that adds to the forge somehow?
  9. This is the first I’ve heard of such an issue and I don’t have time to try and reproduce the issue until later tomorrow at the earliest. But to be honest I am not confident that I will be successful in reproducing it as I’ve never noticed this happening.
  10. No idea. First I’ve ever heard of something like that. Does it happen when you remove the mod too?
  11. Wrong version installed. The NexusMods version is the only one updated.
  12. This mod is dead and will not return.
  13. There is an issue with Linux currently, Laydor will try and track it down but as per now it is simply not working.
  14. That error usually presents itself when it is installed on a server but not on the client. It has to be installed on both places.
  15. Those windows have not been converted to the new style yet and there is no ETA on when they will be converted.
  16. I cannot say that I am able to reproduce this. Did you update to SMXcore (was SMXlib) and then removed SMXlib? Did you also update any modifications on your end to the new naming scheme? I know there was an issue prior to this update, but Laydor did a fix for that and when we swapped to the new Quartz version he put out that should have been fixed. Please double check all the versions and then come back with screenshots and logs if able, thanks
  17. SMX has been updated to support A20.4B42. Currently only available on our Nexusmods download site. Github and with that Mod Launcher updates will follow when I get around to it.
  18. Sharing more information about the error would be nice. Linking the log file here would go a long way.
  19. There is nothing to do, as far as I know it's how the game is.
  20. Not SMX related and as far as I know a vanilla thing.
  21. Dirt Bike should work as it has no XUi files as far as I can see. Storage Stuff I don’t know as I didn’t check that one. Never tried any of them though so I cannot know for sure.
  22. Not working on quality numbers at the moment. The back end code is in but I've simply not had time to mod of late and that is not high on the priority list I'm afraid. Not sure I understand what you mean by compatible with another mod that reworks the quality system. Witch icons do you mean? The item icons are vanilla and we do not touch those. The icons we mod are made in 700x700, saved in 160x160 but displayed a lot smaller.
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