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Everything posted by Sirillion

  1. There is actually a compatibility patch for this available, have been for quite some time now. Just add this to the mix and it should work. https://github.com/Sirillion/ZMXuiMeanCloudCP
  2. It does but you need to install it on the server as well.
  3. A18.4B3 brought nothing new that affects how SMXhud works. No updates needed.
  4. Thank you for the kind words, they are much appreciated
  5. SMXhudTHB has been updated to 18.3B4. OP updated with new links and screenshot. Github repos now updated.
  6. Well, that’s it then, my work is done and I can finally go back home. I will be taking another pass at the new features from the 18.3 release and I am particularly interested in how people perceived the block selector. Am I swinging a miss with the whole radial style look? Would you prefer it as a more normal window? Same goes for the new unit frame. Did you prefer the old one or the new one?
  7. You’re most welcome. Also, SMX now have a support channel at Guppy’s Server on discord. This will be the official SMX discord.
  8. A small bug was fixed in SMXuiBBM. Those that downloaded that should redownload to get the resources positioned correctly.
  9. SMXhud update available. SMXmenu update available. SMXui update available. SMXuiBBM update available. Currently only available for download on Nexus as I am at work and have limited time. Expect all links and posts to be updated on Wednesday next week when I am back home. Until then download from Nexus New in this version: New Unit Frame (SMXhud) New Vehicle Frame (SMXhud) New Forge Windwo (SMXui) New Block Selector (SMXui - Experimental, not final version) New Map Screen (SMXui - First Draft, not final version) EDIT: And about losing saves. It is a good routine to do a save backup before doing any mod changes.
  10. It should work, but for now only on 18.2.
  11. 18.3 versions will be made available when the experimental version moves to the stable branch. I try to add a patching modlet whenever an experimental releases but the changes introduced this time around made that an impossibility due to the amount of changes needing to be done.
  12. Thank you for the kind words. I am sure TFP has someone much more qualified for the job should they wish to change their user interface
  13. Which client version are you running it on? If 18.3 then that is the reason as SMX modlets do not support 18.3 until it leaves experimental. And that is because the versions doesn’t exist yet, I am soon finished with SMXmenu, moving to SMXhud when that is done.
  14. I normally don’t do compatibility changes but this was so simple to do I figured it was worth it. I will probably not remember to maintain it though, so you are more than welcome to do a fork on GitHub and take it over as your own.
  15. Here you go...was a very quick and painless adaptation. Hope you all enjoy it https://github.com/Sirillion/SMXmenuClaymoreOptions
  16. No worries, it is not that big of a deal with most errors as I am able to identify the modlet at fault myself but sometimes bugs can be trickier and in those cases knowing which modlet is the culprit can be very helpful When it comes to SMX, as a rule of thumb, everything menu related is SMXmenu, both main and in-game menus and menu windows. Everything you see in the world(when you can move around and execute actions) is SMXhud. Everything you navigate through in the window panels is SMXui.
  17. I messed up when packing up the latest SMXhud version and it has an extra folder. So I guess that could be the issue you are facing. Check the folder hierarchy, it should be Mods\SMXhud\ModInfo.xml If any extra folder is present like \Mods\Mods then you need to move SMXhud one level up and it will work.
  18. I found time, new version of SMXmenu is up, go to the SMXmenu thread to find it.
  19. I see, I guess they moved 18.2 to stable. I have just left for work so I cannot give an estimate on when I will have an update for it. But for now, the SMXmenuPatch should be viable to fix this issue as it was made for experimental and should work just as well for stable.
  20. No I am sorry, that is for the A16 version only and is no longer supported. There are currently no plans to revive that design.
  21. You are most welcome. I am glad to hear you like it
  22. Awesome, glad to see you got that fixed
  23. Hi, sorry to see you are having some issues. You are probably missing the mod from SphereII that this modlet is dependent on. The 0-SphereIICore modlet.
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