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Everything posted by Sirillion

  1. That is correct. All the SMXui related optionals are dependent on SMXui and will not work with any other mod. They will also become obsolete when the new SMXui get released though, as we plan on adding those to Gears too.
  2. SMXcore, SMXmenu and SMXhud has been updated to 1.0.333.1 In this version we have some minor bugfixes, adjustments and we have added Gears support. Gears support means no more optional downloads. Grab the mods you want, add Gears and just adjust the settings and features from within the game. SMXui is still not up to date for 1.0. (It is being worked on)
  3. SMXmenu and SMXhud has been updated to work with v1.0 and is out now on Nexusmods. -> https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/22 SMXmenu has gone through a huge design upgrade. A lot of the windows have been done, but there are still vanilla windows and those will be converted over the coming weeks. SMXhud is just a port of the A21 version to make it work with v1.0. We have a new design in the works for it, it is just not ready yet. It will be simpler, less fluff. SMXui is NOT ready for v1.0 and will NOT work if you try to add it now. Please don't attempt, you will likely ruin your save if you do. It is late now, I am tired. I have not updated any documentation yet and I will try to get around to doing that over the coming days.
  4. Then you've done something wrong. Those messages really doesn't help us figuring it out. We would need the log file for that. But I'd suggest you remove the larger backpack mod and see if that fixes the issue and then try and install it again following the instructions and see what happens. Are you running other mods that affects the backpack and/or loot/bags/containers? If so then that could be the issue.
  5. Not without adding other mods that add that functionality. Afaik there are mods out there for this and there are even compatibility patches to bridge the gap. Where to find and what to install you will have to figure out for yourself as I’ve never tested it. Also, we do not assist with issues that might occur as a result of adding them.
  6. There are currently no plans to add search to the fixed backpacks. It is a well known issue and has been for a while. No need to report it.
  7. The search function is only available in the 100 slot scrollable backpack. SMXmenu is not compatible with ModManager, so that is the issue.
  8. Just do a complete reinstall of the mod following the instructions and it probably gonna sort itself out.
  9. We will need more information than that if we are going to be able to help. Your logfile and information about what mods are installed is a good start.
  10. It is working, you just haven't updated SMXcore. The only up to date version of SMXcore is on Nexusmods, grab it from there and all will be ok. I've just been too busy irl to do anything about uploading it elsewhere.
  11. Sounds like you have an outdated SMXcore. A21.1 required an update and since I was at work when it dropped we were only able to update on Nexus.
  12. That site is not an official SMX host so we don’t announce there.
  13. It was updated, 12 hrs ago or so. But it will only be available on Nexus until I get back from work. See the response above.
  14. Well, some of it, the workbench stuff, is not SMX related. The others looks like outdated modlets.
  15. Yes, from nexus mods under old files.
  16. Nothing is bugged, this can happen when adding a bigger bag mod. You can try to dump the entire inventory into a box, then dump the box back into the bag. That should resolve this and the game should now recognize all the slots. It usually happens when adding the BBM to an already existing save.
  17. We don’t change any kind of function in regards to that, so if it doesn’t happen in vanilla it won’t happen in SMX and vice versa.
  18. Not sure tbh as I am still in my work rotation and won’t be able to take a look at anything 7D related until next week at the earliest. I do think I read somewhere that something similar was a bug with the stable release but I can’t say for sure. You can try to run the console command xui reload to try and reload the UI and see if that rectify things for the time being.
  19. None of those will work with SMX. We do have our own 3 slot forge and big bag modlets though. Nothing for the toolbelt I’m afraid but I think someone made a patch for A20 that might still work.
  20. I have now been able to reproduce this error when adding a BBM after a save is created. It's due to some weird thing going on where the game doesn't seem to recognize the BBM at first. To rectify this try and dump the entire bag into a chest and then retrieve it. This seems to "fix" the issue. Pushed a fix for SMXui today which might have fixed that.
  21. Cannot seem to reproduce this either. I tested by gearing up and filling all slots of both the bag and the toolbelt so that all available slots are filled and the death bag works as expected every time. Have you been running any kind of BBM or modified any part of the code to increase the size of bags or the toolbelt?
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