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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. It's a good thing I boil my air before I breath it. Could we get air collectors in the next alpha?
  2. I had a game once that put me a long way above a tree at the center of the map. Going straight down from entering the game broke my leg. Jumping from the tree after that killed me, unless I wanted to wait a very long time to heal. Yeah... let's just say I cheated a bit at the start of that one.
  3. I have over 9 months of time logged into this game and don't remember my first time, it was a long time ago. I do remember that I played for weeks before I looked for and found the forums. I had played for a few months before I started dabbling in the XML files. I wasn't part of the Kickstarter but wish I had been. I've always been a random gen junkie so while I have played several games in Navezgane, I've spent the overwhelming majority of my playing time in random gen maps. My favorite POIs have always been the ones with underground bunkers because they just feel more like what someone would build/use in a zombie apocalypse. Find a basement and be safer, that sort of thing.
  4. One thing I can say for certain... the game plays a lot better with RAM than without.
  5. When they talk to each other strange things happen.
  6. Playing Asheron's Call without autorun would be... ouch?
  7. Make sure you tap shift, ctrl, and alt on both sides of the keyboard.
  8. You keep using that word food but I don't think it means what you think it means.
  9. I've gotten to a point where my brain just ignores it completely for the vast majority of games. But modding it out is certainly worth doing. It would be reasonable to expect that TFP will eventually make an option to remove them for the advanced players.
  10. I realize A21 will change everything just as A20 did for A19. Nothing is tied down for certain and I get that. And, to be honest, this thread isn't an argument for or against what can or can't be done in vanilla. It was started as a "no loot" challenge which naturally lends itself to discussions about crafting and getting things without looting them. Invariably all threads like this lead to modding because vanilla was not, nor will it ever be, designed for these extreme challenges. I will ask one final question though. With a little bit of knowledge or luck it is very easy to loot your way around (no need to make) the pipe/duct tape dependency for making a forge. It is arguably a lot "harder" to loot/find a pot for making duct tape. I've always thought that cooking with a pot was supposed happen earlier in the game than building a forge (not every game for sure, but the majority). Logically, finding something/anything to cook with over a fire would be trivial in most survival scenarios, even if it is a stick stabbed through a fish, and eating or drinking clean water would naturally be a much higher priority. Obvious exceptions would be desert or equally barren areas devoid of advanced life (no POIs or remnants of human settlements, for instance). So the question is in which order do you people create your crafting stations through most of your games? For me, the aim is to solve early cooking (a pot), then a forge, and then a workbench. From there I no longer have a focus and it depends on how things fall as the game progresses.
  11. There used to be a recipe for making mechanical parts. But yeah... there are a lot of little obstacles to go crafting only. To get around most of them you'd have to create several recipes and re-balance everything to make sure the later game items couldn't be crafted first, that sort of thing. It wouldn't be a horribly difficult mod to make all things considered.
  12. Yes... but that still requires a forge to make forged iron. So, currently, there are no ways to make a pipe that do not require a forge, making looting one your only option. Which isn't a problem in vanilla but it is in the context of a crafting focused play-through.
  13. But that's kind of a moot point if you think about it. Nobody stays new for long and once they do find a source for something they will stick with that until they get more game knowledge and develop a better way (for them) of getting the resources they need. And there are quite a few POIs with toilets/sinks outside them. By the time a new player attempts to build their first forge they've most likely found many pipes and a whole lot of scrap. In A20 I'd argue that by the time someone stumbles onto how to get the knowledge to make a forge, gets up the nerve to spend a valuable point to make one, and then collects the resources to do so they are no longer a "new player". That's just my opinion, obviously.
  14. Obviously. I'd already modded the game to get where I was at to figure things out. Please keep in mind that the topic of a crafting-only game came up before I ever stepped into this thread and I was relaying my experience with attempting such a feat. So the premise is already there for making everything through crafting and all I'm doing is pointing out what would have to change at the bare minimum. Having said that, while we were on the topic, I also asked a simple question of why even have pipes only be created at a forge (that requires a pipe to make)? I'm not demanding TFP change it nor am I calling them idiots for not changing it. But I seriously do not understand why the circular dependency needs to be there in the vanilla game. Someday I plan make a crafting-only mod that will fix all the loot-only dependencies to make a version of the game that will allow building everything that can be built from scratch. I don't see turrets making their way into that version of the game, for instance, nor any of the complicated manufactured things like solar panels. But I'm not going to seriously mess with it until after release... I'm viewing this crafting-only version as a case of 7DTD in the wilderness (think northern Canada as an example). Remote areas that aren't overly penetrated by humanity.
  15. Well, yeah, but the fix is so easy and does nothing to ruin the progression of the game. Creating a pipe with scrap is no less difficult that beating the life out of a toilet or sink. Forcing the use of a forged item to make a pipe is a needless dependency unless I am missing something?
  16. That was a thread that I created and I was also the one that said that modifying / adding recipes for pipes and pots was the only way I could make it work in the early game. The goal with the experiment (no POIs including traders, as little looting options as possible) was to see if crafting-only was even an option and it wasn't. I did nothing in that thread except point out that there was a circular dependency between forges and pipes (you need a pipe to make a forge and a forge to make a pipe) that the devs might want to consider changing it if crafting-only games were something they were interested in supporting (and at the time at least they apparently were not interested). Adding a recipe to "craft" pipes from scrap (or consider it finding pipes within a pile of scrap) would probably be enough to make it work. Crafting pots from scrap (from a piece of sheet metal, for instance) was just a way to allow cooking to progress without waiting for a forge. I made no demands but I was repeatedly and aggressively bashed for even suggesting that someone might want to play without POIs/looting and that in doing so I deserved all the bad things in life. Nobody was interested in discussing the idea and nobody saw the forge/pipe circular dependency as a real issue. But it very much is an issue if you want to play a crafting-only play through, which was the main point I was trying to get across in that thread.
  17. I rubbed against a cactus once. After that I peed 3 streams at once. It made it very difficult to write my name in the snow later that day.
  18. Edit entitygroups.xml and remove every line that contains "animalSnake". Alternately, you could just set each line to have a probability of zero (prob="0").
  19. I bathe in the blood of the zombies I kill. Or the zombies bathe in mine. I think we take turns, honestly.
  20. Not entirely true. Travel on foot or in vehicles can very much be affected by more things than just snow. Anyone that has spent significant time walking through sand can tell you that it is a lot harder on your muscles than walking on dirt, for instance. Wet snow is a LOT harder to walk through than dry snow. Rain on some surfaces can make uphill travel nearly impossible and downhill travel incredibly risky. On a similar note, running uphill takes a lot more out of you than running downhill and running full speed downhill can lead to fatal injuries with some terrain/weather combinations (down a rocky hillside, for instance). There are a lot of ways they could make weather and terrain (and weather + terrain combined) affect gameplay without direct debuffs.
  21. So, in theory, you could make it only detect level 100+ Rolands using an augur to harvest meat from a bear corpse. Handy.
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