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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. Pi ^ e ^ φ ^ C And then divide by absolute negative zero.
  2. It is possible, based on responses, that my take on this was misinterpreted. I am opposed to the technology that is the focus of this thread. I was also pointing out that this product is far from alone in its behavior and our use of cell phones, ISPs, web site browsing, your choice of defensive software (AV for instance), etc. are all vying for our data and succeeding far beyond what most people accept as reality. As I said, if you're online then you and your data are compromised... even with a metric crap-ton of defenses in place.
  3. Damage to whom? A good reality check could be a motivator for some defensive strategies.
  4. Also consider that this is likely not the only game you own with this tech or something similar. Or, in other words, if you're on the Internet then you're compromised.
  5. I think you have an unhealthy relationship with this game. 😛
  6. There be cobwebs in the basement, too...
  7. Sadly, you see it enough and you begin to enjoy it. Just sayin'... Kinda like if you repeat something enough it becomes a fact to some people.
  8. Harvest cotton and turn it into cloth... not like most worlds lack for cotton.
  9. I would argue you have a very narrow definition of "content". Literally 100's of POIs, thousands of items and decorations, and unlimited randomly generated maps don't count? A sculpted built-in map like Navezgane doesn't count? Easily modable content with MANY mods already built to make the game different however you want? None of this counts as content? What is "content" to you then? And what exactly is a unique item in the context of this game? Please explain.
  10. You could also look in prefabs.xml in the GeneratedWorlds folder for your map. That has the coordinates of every POI in your map and is easily searchable and editable. Just be careful editing POIs in places you've already visited... strange things can happen. But, if you're after a quick solution then RipClaw has the right of it. You can also hop into God Mode once you've enabled Debug Mode and fly around looking for a good place. If you really want to be clever, once in Debug Mode you can open up your map and CTRL-Right Click (I think I have that correct, not in a good spot to check) on a place and instantly teleport there (careful, things can get messy in a hurry at some locations).
  11. Rekt is to players like Mentos are to Coke.
  12. If you had to chase them down with a club, how many would you catch?
  13. Do you realize how insulting you are within this thread? You're being Apocalypse Karen. Surprise, as TFP changes the game that may require you to make changes to your play style and/or mod the game. Duh? Every person in this thread that tries to help you gets insulted by you. You are not letting anyone help you.
  14. I don't play with traders either (usually play perma death, no traders, no loot respawn, no supply drops). You can drink directly from bodies of water and takes the risks involved with that, but at least you won't die of thirst. You can also still find bottles of dirty water and either drink them (again, risks) or boil the water in a pot on a fire to make it safe to drink. Water is still available, it is just not so easily available now. Personally, I've known for many alphas that the devs' direction for the game is not what I would like overall. I will wait until release and then mod the game into what I want to play and once polished I will finally release that mod to the public in case other people want to play the game the same way. In the meantime I will continue to pop in from time to time and play each alpha just to get a feel for how things are progressing. Admittedly, my play time has been getting shorter and shorter with each new alpha.
  15. Speak for yourself. I'm just stupid with a side of dense.
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