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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. I've done this with past alphas and the challenge of it has increased considerably with newer versions. If you like to stay busy and don't mind having resource shortages then it can be fun.
  2. You might be surprised how many people would have an issue doing one or more of the steps involved. Killing the live animal. Gutting it. Skinning it. And unless you plan on putting the whole thing on a spit over a fire you'll also have to cut it up into smaller pieces. Not everyone is cut out for life in an apocalypse, pun intended.
  3. But could you kill and process the live critters and make food out of them?
  4. Coffee abuser. Couldn't you have had two drinks for breakfast?
  5. Don't forget sharp sticks and a crafting grid.
  6. Too many jokes, not enough time.
  7. So Jar Jar Binks could clear the world of zombies faster than anyone. I see.
  8. Caves and central city maps are two I miss most. I'd even be happy if they just made a few huge mine or cave system POI's (the smaller ones are cool, but some big ones with some sort of theme would be really neat) to make up for the lack of dynamic caves.
  9. On a side note, TFP should add a brand of "butter" to the game and call it: "It's Most Definitely Not Butter"
  10. But why not let us set the defaults for our own style of play? That was an option until very recently.
  11. I, for one, like tomatoes. Not big chunks of stewed tomatoes, though. I'd rather eat toes than those.
  12. Not entirely true in this case. They will still add bandits and a story, which will mean lots of quests and such added as well as bandit specific POIs (I would assume) at the very least. But that will likely be the end of "new" content until release (except that they will occasionally be adding things like POIs to the game as time goes on, even after release).
  13. I actually miss some of the glitches that used to happen with the RWG. At one point it created sheer cliffs where one step you were following a road through a town and the next you were staring down at the rest of the town below you some 50 meters below. Grand times trying to figure out how to get down there without dying. I don't remember if that overlapped caves but it made for some interesting hiding places for night time.
  14. I can't remember the name of it but there was a game I played in high school that you had to sit there and watch it draw each screen, like that program The Designer's Pencil. It was a mostly text game with a graphical image for each "room". It took 30 seconds or more to draw some of them.
  15. Back in my day we measured seconds per frame.
  16. Or you could just follow the lag.
  17. The easiest way I've found to remove traders from maps is by editing rwgmixer.xml. Find this line at the end: <prefab_spawn_adjust tags="trader" bias="20" min_count="10"/> And change it to this: <prefab_spawn_adjust tags="trader" bias="0" min_count="0"/> Maps will now generate without traders and you don't have to edit prefabs.xml for each map (like I used to do).
  18. But ElCabong has a face for radio and a voice for silent films. Or so I'm told. The voices in my head are very rude.
  19. On a side note, if you look at the real world around you there will be lots of duplication, too. This is especially true in housing areas.
  20. That's the thing with flying... you always make it back to the ground.
  21. All of my gyro controls seem to automatically be programmed for crash and burn.
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