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Were we good because of the old AI?


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So I've noticed folks saying how more Difficult the game is and how zombies are harder, even some vets of the game say the game is way more difficult. Is it possible we were only good before because of how broken the AI was and now that it's more update and fixed it's exposing us for how bad we are at this game?

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I dunno, I can melee things in a17 and never get hit just like I could in a9-16, they are harder because the AI is better, like I was on the 2nd floor of a poi, steped on a piece of paper, zombie below heard me and bascally gpsed to me in 2 seconds at night, then killed me dead. In a16 that zombie would not have even reacted most likely. So yeah, the new AI is really something good, as you can't really exploit the hell out of them like you used to be able to.


So far every one of my deaths has been at night, haven't died during the day yet.

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For me the only thing that consistently messes me up is the inability to run backwards even though I think that is a good change. Outside of me forgetting that by backing into another Z thinking I should be moving faster (though I think there may still be some wonky spawning) and taking a few hits, my few deaths have been at night and due to groups catching me. I was able to clear half a horde with a shotgun last night (in the dark) before my old reflexes betrayed me and they ganged up and ate me. The Z AI is much better, but I don't think the Zs are harder because of it. I think they behave more predictably and don't randomly run in circles anymore, which is awesome.

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Adjusting to the new (actually functional) AI is definitely a learning curve, but I'm learning. We got lazy because it was so easy to exploit the A16 AI.


Over 4 hours of play, my two deaths last night were due to junkyard dogs (should have seen THAT coming) and a wolf horde (which was the second wandering horde of the day and caught me off guard).


I've had quite a few close shaves with zombies in POIs and a wandering zombie horde that stopped and loitered near my base (rather than riding off into the sunset). This required me to engage and dispatch them (fun, but it also interrupted me from building my flagstone fort).


I'm getting the hang of mixing bow and club. After the first knockdown with a bow, I can usually finish them off with a power attack to the head with the iron reinforced club. Saves arrows, and switching back and forth helps manage stamina a little.


Looking forward to many, many more hours, levels, and perks. And, inevitably, gruesome deaths.




I do wonder whether they really did sneak in some code to spawn zombies outside after you enter a POI. After reading several reports here, I'm going to try to pay closer attention the next time I try to loot a larger POI.

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a lot of the zombies hit more consistently, so i think the hitbox of the player has changed. Plus zombies WILL HIT when stunned which is an odd feature, kinda kills the point of stunning tbh


Yeah I'm hoping they fix that.


Zombies shouldn't hit you while stunned.


In the meantime, we just have to get used to ranging them a lot more I guess.

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They seen have a thing for doors now. They will by pass walls now it seems. Our horse night was over prepared but still scary. Created a ramp with a 2 block wide gap to get to our platform . Well they can jump those 2 blocks. We didn't die, but was it scary seeing all them pulling a Michael Jordan on us.

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Yeah I'm hoping they fix that.


Zombies shouldn't hit you while stunned.


In the meantime, we just have to get used to ranging them a lot more I guess.


Speaking of range, you may want to give the fireaxe a decent try. It's quite good for melee and

"seem" to have better range then a club. And with powerattacks, it hits quite hard.

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I surely still try to get back to my old habits...


1. Lit up a campfire (to prepare food) on my second night after i came back to "my cleared house" (shortly before night) to hear a horde ram at my door. I was upstairs and they were downstairs. The moment i heard the reinforced security door blow from the amount of hits i moved to the balcony on this floor and onto the roof (surprisingly it's accessible from it, such a POI). Wandering a bit on the roof i heard them slam at the roof from below, so i dunked to the edge and off onto a nearby hill, sneaking on the top to see if they come out. Circled around a bit and then came back to see all of my stuff intact, just a few walls missing. Now i got a few sets of doors leading up and spikes near the entrance.


2. Decided to raid a Crackabook looking like a library (during the day). Went from a nearby ruined building 1st floor and through a window inside. Pulled out my bow and started taking out the sleepers one at a time. Practically managed to get most killed one by one, even if there were a few together. When some "noticed" me through a wall or something (too much noise), i dispatched them fast and proceeded to kill "stealthily" the next sleeping ones. Most of these Zs that i killed with a bow didn't even know what hit them, although it was day time and i was just a few meters away. Just to clarify, i didn't have any sneak skills (for better hiding) or stealth damage increase.


3. After the library i saw a wandering horde push against my location. Having my whole inventory full i decided to make a run for it... But i couldn't run with all the items. So i went behind the ruined building next to the library (through which they were going) and on the other side picked them one after another with arrows as they walked towards me, sometimes using the club when too close.


So yeah, if you try hard enough, things are possible. Now investing into my fighting skills...

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I put in my first 6-7hrs of A17 last night and I have to say that it was a difficult adjustment for the first few levels for me... I enjoyed the heck out of it though. What really got me was that I setup shop on the balcony of a cabin and broke out the stairs, I had 1 torch and campfire going and had 6-7 zombies running through the cabin almost constantly. The 3rd day I boarded up the whole cabin and made roof access with a hatch as the way in and out. That seemed to fix the zombie parties lol. Haven't a single zombie even try to get in since.


I love that it is harder and takes some adjustments to my game play.

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The zombies aggro so easily, and I chalk that up to the AI. I cleared a building, went up on the roof to look around, and I saw a zombie down the street. I went back inside to tinker, and before long that street zombie was wandering up the stairs toward me.


The new apocalypse advice: If you can see them, they saw you...and they're coming.

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Might depend on what settings you're playing on, always run seems a bit clunky atm, maybe because of experimental, but zombies seem to run in all kinds of directions for a split second, your swing and arrows will miss a lot. And if you play 25% loot drop, I haven't found one egg in 8 days, all trash have zero loot, tbh most containers have zero loot.


I had 1 zombie loot drop in 30 kills and it was empty. No books from any shelves, no pills, weapons or anything, so basically I have nothing good to sell and had to scavenge for chump change just to afford a meat stew. Spikes have been nerfed, zombies won't lose their legs so easy now at least on Insane. Day 7 horde I had 35 arrows and a hunting knife. It's been a long time since I had to hide on a roof on horde night, but it definitely ups the survival challenge.

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