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How do YOU survive Horde Nights?


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How do YOU survive Horde Nights?

I've always been a mole but want to change things up a little and survive above ground.


Playing unmodded.


Is it viable to just use a POI? Do I need to upgrade it?


Is it almost essential to build a custom base?


I've currently camped out at the top of a large tower...do I need to clear it out?


What do YOU do to survive?


PS I have zombies on never run because I'm almost a pensioner and I'm emulating real life lol....is it viable even to run away?


PPS Are there any legal proceedings I can pursue against the fun pimps? This game's a marriage ruiner :tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink:

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Early on I often go on top of a small POI, block the ladders and take out the first floor stairs. I then make a ladder entrance on the outside with haybales so I can get down easily, and arrow slits around so I can shoot down and take out zombies trying to bring the building down.


Once I have concrete and enough resources for at least the start of a proper base with walls and traps, which is usually towards Day 10, I put together a base which will withstand Day14 horde and then I just expand. By D21 horde when it starts to ramp up a bit, it's secure enough as a main base for sure :)


Or, if I am bored with POI bases and find a good location I want to stay in, I create something like -->

... which can go up as early as the first day, and will withstand hordes for a fairly long time :)


/V :)

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One question - has or does anyone play by upgrading a POI or is it normal to build a base from scratch?


You are welcome :)


In Single Player, keeping a small POI (small enough that a bedroll with it's 15 distance zombie spawn blocking) is possible, as long as you don't remove the bedroll or place another somewhere else to nullify the first. The problem otherwise is that sleeper spawns in the POI will come back 5 days or so after clearing it, meaning you might wake up to having a zombie pound on you, destroying your chests etc.


A larger POI, or during multiplayer (a bedroll protection is only active when player is ONLINE), and you are not able to effectively block all sleeper spawns.


This often means people end up building their own base from scratch, to prevent issues with respawning sleepers :)


/V :)

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One question - has or does anyone play by upgrading a POI or is it normal to build a base from scratch?


Yes :-)


I'm lucky in that my wife plays with me, but we typically do both. We start in a POI, mod it to be defensible (remove ladders/stairs), rinse repeat until we find an area we like, then start up a base. If we are traveling around and a blood moon surprises us we usually just ride it out on a roof and let the Zs wreck the place (at least in the early game).


Our 7 day strategy in the end is I run around drunk on grain alcohol shooting and bashing things while my wife snipes them from a tower or series of towers surrounded by spikes and I periodically pop in to get patched up if I make a mistake. I tank, she DPSes, we heal :-)

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If I can find one, I usually use the Hurry Harry's restaurant and extend it with wood using cobblestone supports, later I'll upgrade another side to either steel / concrete mix, with iron bars to fill the gaps to shoot the Z's I have a small hut on top so if a vulture attacks I have a retreat point so I'm not risking falling to the horde below while dealing with the bird.

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I like to use garages, the metal ones. Climb up on roof, chop a few holes in roof and wait for the zeds to cluster below me. Then drop pipe bombs on them, or shoot with arrows or crossbow. Saves my base from needing repairs and is sturdy enough to survive hordes, have to move around on roof so building damage is distributed some.

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POI's are easy to use. I set up in an attic, then every few blocks on the ground floor I reinforce for support columns. They tend to beat on the weaker wooden blocks and leave the supports alone. The Fire Station is also good, I break out the top 2-3 stairs and make a ladder with hatch on top.


Other than that, it's pretty easy to survive the first horde by making a small bridge, 4 high, as long as you can. Then make a ramp that ends with a flat block 1 space away and 1 space down so you can jump over, and surround the ramp with barb wire on the sides and ground so you can get up without being slowed. When the zombies try to get through the barbed wire they are slowed making for easy headshots. They will then walk up the ramp, fall into the barbed wire, and go back up the ramp. You may need to repair the ramp and barbed wire as much as you can reach it without getting down, and protect your columns. Windows are good, they are cheap to make and you can shoot through them as much as you need to. Place them horizontally around the columns so you can stand on them and shoot whatever is attacking the columns.

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So Easy to survive horde night: Find any POI with 3+ stories. Concrete buildings are the best. Use ladder to climb to roof and knock out the first rung. Build small cloth or wood 1-block 'awning' around edge of roof to block spider zombies. Build small wooden shelter on roof to avoid vultures.


Zombies are dumb and will just run in circles below you... You can basically survive unlimited horde nights using the simple technique above.

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horde night turns into CoD zombies for me-- i run circles and pick em off with the bow or sniper. i try to find a level ground for herding em-- parking lots help SOOOOO much lol. if i need to heal or repair anything, i run to the nearest boulder for a few moments reprieve. not really a fan of defending a base on horde night-- it makes it too easy and boring for me, and the repair cost afterwards pisses me off lol

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My home bases (crafting and storage) are on top of POIs (a post office and a small apartment building); I don't try to fight hordes from them. Without any reinforcement, they're fine as of day 80. Wandering hordes and screamers have bored paths through them, but it hasn't destroyed the structures. I'm about to relocate my home base to underground and start farming screamer hordes, though, because I'm not sure how much more damage the POIs can take and don't want to find out the hard way.


My fighting base is a 10 x 10 platform of trusses (so I can shoot down) on four L shaped legs, and a wood and window roof, located 20 - 30 meters from my home base.

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Open field fight:

1) Need 2 grain alcohols(anti-stun protection and run buff for all night), few splints (need in case crawlers broke your leg), 1 antibiotic (used preventually on night begins), some meds(bandages, or painkillers or kits)

2) Weapons - melee(machete, or spiked club), crossbow, sniper rifle, or hunting rifle, or shotgun, and ammo. For first night usually enough even decent melee weapon bought from trader.

3) Find flat area, best place is crossroads it towns, use first alcohol and antibiotic at 21:55.

4) Run and fight. Try to avoid zombies attacks, always run, use melee attacks when running through enemies. Careful with spiders and crawlers, they may broke your leg easily.

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4) Run and fight. Try to avoid zombies attacks, always run, use melee attacks when running through enemies. Careful with spiders and crawlers, they may broke your leg easily.


I found that instead of running through spiders and crawlers, jumping over them as you hit them usually

prevent them from breaking your legs.

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Thanks for these replies!


I see some people are using POI's.....what's the longest you've survived like this? First horde? Second? Tenth?


Are using POI's exclusively with some reinforcement and spikes viable in "late game"?


If you surround a poi with enough spike traps and barbed wire and add a ring of pylons to the POI to lead the horde around (to make sure they don't just attack a single point and have to go through as many spikes as possible) you probably can go as long as you want.


I can't vouch for it though, I ususally start a new game much earlier than infinity :smile-new:, don't think I played a single-player game much past day 100 if at all. Also the question is, if you add pylons around the POI, is it still only a POI or more like a custom pylon base with attached POI?

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Well - first off theres some great advice here... Ultimately I think its now important to get out there and see how things work or don't work for you.


Since this is your first time out I'd suggest a POI. Since its fast and easy and it'll get you into the 'upgrading' part. For building you're own base you have to account for a lot, where you want to put it. Your base design layout, etc. Gamers4Kicks has a bunch of POI takeovers... He gives a lot of info about doing such.


If looking for a POI its important to see if and how and how much it will take to upgrade it. Once you get the hang of it you'll finally 'see' how much it can take to upgrade a POI. OH! It definitely needs to be upgradeable to at least reinforced concrete for the short term. Cobblestone (upgraded from Flagstone that you can make) is the base route for the early part. That is upgrade able to concrete and then reinforced concrete. Do not underestimate the upgrading path of a POI - this can get you levels as you upgrade the building - not 'fast' but its there. Some POI's have a lot of concrete already, but then you have to figure in how long it'll take you to be able to make concrete... There are a lot of factors but you'll get it one day! It'll be like riding a bike - once you know how it is easily doable. One other factor in taking a POI is the Sleeper drops! Zombies that are set to spawn within a POI. Sometimes they'll pop into the world right near you! So you'll have to be prepared.


With building you're own base - you generally don't have to worry about sleeper drops. On top of that you can put it almost anywhere you want. Generally you don't want to destroy a POI and build on top of where it was because of the sleeper drops...


As a side note - destroying things - wither by wrenching them or hacking at them with a pick or axe can show you what kind of resource you can get out there in the world. OH! Last suggestion - I'd say grab Magolis' Compo Pack! A bunch of POI's for Vanilla. You can get it HERE.

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Depends on my mood, but usually I find any 2+ floor poi, get on the 2nd floor and knock out the stairs, I then put wood frames to close the hole at the top of said stairs to prevent spider zeds from climbing up. Usually takes 6-8 wood frames to do this. Then I just turn my pc volume down. Sometimes I will bust out a bit of the floor I am on and replace with wood frames to shoot down at the zombies. Wandering hordes are more of a threat to me than the 7 day hordes as they can appear anytime sometimes more than once a day. Its easy to prepare for the day 7 horde because you always know exactly when it is coming.


I've died more to wandering hordes than I even had to the 7th day ones since I started playing around Alpha 10 I think? They can sometimes sneak up on you, that dog/wolf+bear one is extremely nasty, if that catches you off guard RIP almost every time. Especally if you play on th ehigher diffcultes, hell on the 2nd highest one normal wolves do almost 40-50 hp damage if unarmored. Even armored they hit like trucks. Wel maybe not quite that high but it sure as hell feels like it with how much the health bar dips when one hits you. I am going to fear the wolves and dogs even more now since the AI is fixed in A17 apparently and they arent going to randomly chase their tails anymore.

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