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Over powered gun mods?


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So in madmoles new video where he shows off a few gun mods, at one point he put 4 mods on a pistol. (


One of these mods let him fire it in automatic mode, one extended the magazine by 7 bullets, one was a red dot sight for improved accuracy, and another let him fire faster. These 4 combined turned this slow firing semi auto pistol into a smg that shoots faster than the actual smg, and oh boy it can shred the zeds. And this was just the pistol. Imagine the ak or smg. Actually he modded the ak with a magazine extender and scope, and the ak had it's magazine extended by 15 rounds, while the scope let him kill a deer from like 150 meters away!


While this is cool and all I think that we need to balance this in some way.


1. They could turn zombies into damage sponges. (awful idea, this would kill melee gameplay)

2. They could increase the zombie spawn limit by a very large margin once the game can handle it. (My favorite choice)

3. They could make these mods uncraftable and rare.

4. They could balance the mods to make the buffs not as drastic.


Those are just my ideas, what do you think that they should do?


Changed my opinion, no point in commenting directly to me aymore.

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Yer it felt strange making the pistol into a light smg maybe it handles differently than smg. I was hoping devs were going more 'survivally' than fps, but weapon mods are cool and will be good addition.


Think I read we'll be making guns in forges in A17? Not sure how that would work, find blueprints?

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I don't think we watched the same video. When the pistol was semi-auto he took down a zombie with 2 shots. When it was upgraded with auto and fire rate, he was lucky to drop that same zombie with an entire mag. This was not a matter of making the gun do more damage, it was a matter of the recoil destroying accuracy and wasting a ton of rounds. It was basically a matter of luck whether a second round hit from that clip, effectively demonstrating the meaning of the phrase "spray-and-pray". It's already balanced by the extreme ammo cost.


This is the same reason the AK is unusable junk in 16.4, there is absolutely no accuracy as the recoil is too great. Being extremely careful to try to fire single shots can help, but beyond that it's not great. Better off with a revolver or smg. At least with the SMG you're not going to get mobbed by everything within 50 feet. And MUCH better off with the crossbow/explosive bolts.


Once 17 drops, pretty sure you're going to have a lot of people putting a silencer, scope, laser, and maybe flashlight on their pistol over the full auto and RoF. Because most people don't want to get caught in a Charlie Foxtrot.

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Alright let me rephrase that, it CAN shred. And I'm not sure what you mean by the ak being unstable junk, whenever I use it I can take down a crowd of zombies with ease. Madmole wasn't shooting the head at first which is why it took a lot of bullets. I'm not saying that I know the game better than him, but if you gave me that gun with 50 bullets and 40-55 zombies in a serious situation I am pretty sure that I could kill at least 90% of them in like 10 seconds..

Not so much spray and pray, more like spray and slay.

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Don't base life decisions on a preview video of unfinished content... there may be a multiplier or something to scale differently on a lower power gun. Plus this stuff will easily be modded out to your liking if you aren't satisfied with it. All hail the power of xml😀

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Well - first off - did you notice how much that pistol jumped around even with MM trying to 'hold it down?' It looked like it was acting like an AK/SMG! The mods really didn't catch my attention - they did to a degree but it seems to be better than what I expected. Albeit I'd still like the numbers like 100 to 600 instead of just colors... Cause a new player can quickly deduce from the numbers, but not knowing the color scheme - it maybe a bit confusing. I liked the terrain! What did catch my eye was that 'eye' icon in the bottom left! It looked like it was reacting to his movements or something similar to stamina or more likely 'full run'? Not sure how to term it but when walking it was at like 50 but when running it went up to 100.... Did you also notice the stamina drain? Looked like its getting a 'harder curve' than it is now.


Thee most important thing that caught my attention and ear was at 12:49... I think things have been put into high gear - albeit I don't know the exact timeline but it seems to have been sped up. That would explain all the polls we had recently. I'd say Alpha 17 will probably be one of the last chances to make any changes; maybe in Alpha 18 - just depends upon how things go. "We" can't make changes before they release Alpha 17, but after our testing and such we can make recommendations... If we're lucky we might get one more shot after Alpha 17.


Now then... For those of you that have been here a long time there's a light at the end of the tunnel. "We" have been here for just over a year now. Beta is a whole different 'story' :)

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As a music studio owner, that is part of several online mixing forums, I am constantly amazed by people that give full-throated critiques of things prior to even hearing them.


I think the OP doesn't give the devs enough credit to balance this stuff. A lot of assumptions are being made prior to any real game play being analyzed for balance... In other words, your opinion is currently baseless and without a true point of reference.


For example, the Auger is a seriously powerful mining tool. I have 250+ hours of single player game time and I have NEVER found a fully functional auger. Why, because they should be super rare. Just like awesome gun mods. They will be unicorns in an undead world. I never use guns anyway. Once you have a decent crossbow, guns are more hassle than they are worth in my opinion.

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There is that big, fat, circle of accuracy that lets you know how wild your shots are likely to be. That looked pretty big on the pistol. I think the balance might be in that mechanism. Skill comes into it too I believe, you can't hit the side of a barn to start off.

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As a music studio owner, that is part of several online mixing forums, I am constantly amazed by people that give full-throated critiques of things prior to even hearing them.


I think the OP doesn't give the devs enough credit to balance this stuff. A lot of assumptions are being made prior to any real game play being analyzed for balance... In other words, your opinion is currently baseless and without a true point of reference.


For example, the Auger is a seriously powerful mining tool. I have 250+ hours of single player game time and I have NEVER found a fully functional auger. Why, because they should be super rare. Just like awesome gun mods. They will be unicorns in an undead world. I never use guns anyway. Once you have a decent crossbow, guns are more hassle than they are worth in my opinion.


You know funny enough you yourself gave a "full throated critique" to me before reading on to see if my opinion changed at all. I've already admitted that they probably will balance it later, literally one comment above yours actually. No need to restate the obvious.

You're kind of beating a dead horse here. Oh and by the way I have 500+ hours in game and I'm pretty sure I have found a few functional augers, and if I haven't I damn sure know that I have at least found all of the parts in a relatively short time frame.

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What did catch my eye was that 'eye' icon in the bottom left! It looked like it was reacting to his movements or something similar to stamina or more likely 'full run'?


My guess is the eye indicates how noticeable you are to the zombies. Just a guess, though.


100% agree with you on needing to keep the quality number with the color. The colors are kind of random, and don't really communicate the quality intuitively.

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As a music studio owner, that is part of several online mixing forums, I am constantly amazed by people that give full-throated critiques of things prior to even hearing them.


I think the OP doesn't give the devs enough credit to balance this stuff. A lot of assumptions are being made prior to any real game play being analyzed for balance... In other words, your opinion is currently baseless and without a true point of reference.


For example, the Auger is a seriously powerful mining tool. I have 250+ hours of single player game time and I have NEVER found a fully functional auger. Why, because they should be super rare. Just like awesome gun mods. They will be unicorns in an undead world. I never use guns anyway. Once you have a decent crossbow, guns are more hassle than they are worth in my opinion.


Yeah, I do a happy dance if I find any sort of Auger early game. Same if I find the blade and parts, as getting the engine and the rest is easy. Bit worried that tools like the auger and chainsaw will only be found complete anymore, which means upgrading parts of it won't be an option.

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Well for one, they said in a recent video or something that mods are either loot, or salvaged off guns you find so there is no crafting them. They also said the mods probally won't have a quality level, which means they will probally be pretty rare loot. The current mods they showed in the most recent video are still just rpoof of concept and will be tweaked, the only one that might make it untouched would be the scopes. I actually never use the full auto guns in 7 days to die, as body shots are pretty much a waste of bullets, when a headshot does say 6x dmg on pistol or 9x on the sniper.


Shotguns I hope get improved in A17 cuz right now in A16 they are kinda bottom tier. Point blank with pistol 2 headshots kill a zombie, but same for the shotgun, sometimes it takes more with the shotgun than the pistol.

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This is what Kinyajuu said of the showing of the gun in Madmoles vid...



The Rate of fire mod in the video was a 200% fire speed. It was simply for showing off what the new systems are capable of and you likely won't find a mod in vanilla that would make the pistol fire 600 rounds per minute. Showing a slight difference in speed isn't all that exciting but even a small bump in RPM, say 60, means another round of X damage per second. So numerically it adds up faster than visually hence cranking it up to 11.5 for the video.



Full post here...



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