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A16 - STARVATION Mod for A16


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I believe the sanity skill only goes up when you actually gain sanity from meditating. If your bar is full, no skill gain. At least that's how it has worked in the past.


I completely agree about the need to know what is required to craft items. A hammer icon next to everything doesn't help because we don't know which crafting machine each item is made from. Any way to get custom icons for each workstation on the recipe? (forge, big forge, workbench, etc) I have this problem with the beaker. I still can't figure out how to make one, but the recipe is there.




I like this idea, or maybe make the treatment for spider/snake bites easier to craft early on, but require you to apply it every 4 hours or so until cured, kinda like antibiotics in the real world.




My vote is for some sort of bag functionality, where you have our current default inventory space when you start, but you can craft bags and backpacks to equip that either increases your inventory size, or maybe right click the backpack to open it's inventory to be used like a chest. If the latter, you'd need some sort of deterrent to keep people from using more than one, like reducing your movement speed to really low or zero if the bag is unequipped to your inventory. Something like that.



People are already pointing out that A16 is not the challenge it was and wondering if we have given in to doing what other mods have done and just added toys for people to play with. My viewpoint is that more inventory space is just another "make the game easier for me" addition and does nothing to add to the challenge of the game. Having to pick and choose what you carry and having to turn around when full or learning to manage dropboxes and so on is part of the challenge. Then again if you have to carry more inventory space you can get a minibike basket or a donkey :)

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People are already pointing out that A16 is not the challenge it was and wondering if we have given in to doing what other mods have done and just added toys for people to play with. My viewpoint is that more inventory space is just another "make the game easier for me" addition and does nothing to add to the challenge of the game. Having to pick and choose what you carry and having to turn around when full or learning to manage dropboxes and so on is part of the challenge. Then again if you have to carry more inventory space you can get a minibike basket or a donkey :)


I would disagree with you here.


By nature if you add more "toys" to the inventory/ catalogue you add the "decision" part by "x" factor. At one point it brakes the decision idea and becomes a tedious job. You spend more and more time to organize your limited inventory thus slowing your pace down. More and more- less fun each time.


Did this the first time ok, did that the 50th time -meh; Doing this for the 150th time it gets old fast.


The vanilla inventory space was designed for the vanilla space but even Funpimps will be adding bags and what not to increase the space. Im not sure you have tried playing other mods with the big bag mod.


I boughed this game many years ago and played vanilla since. Only in last 5 months I started to play mods. Big bag mods adds so much fun to the mod you dont go back. The mod Author already stated big bag mod will not work here given the code though he will increase it slightly.


Its not a challenge its a burden. An unnecessary one- coming from a guy who played vanilla for years.


If you want a challenge- build around it.

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I would disagree with you here.


By nature if you add more "toys" to the inventory/ catalogue you add the "decision" part by "x" factor. At one point it brakes the decision idea and becomes a tedious job. You spend more and more time to organize your limited inventory thus slowing your pace down. More and more- less fun each time.


Did this the first time ok, did that the 50th time -meh; Doing this for the 150th time it gets old fast.


The vanilla inventory space was designed for the vanilla space but even Funpimps will be adding bags and what not to increase the space. Im not sure you have tried playing other mods with the big bag mod.


I boughed this game many years ago and played vanilla since. Only in last 5 months I started to play mods. Big bag mods adds so much fun to the mod you dont go back. The mod Author already stated big bag mod will not work here given the code though he will increase it slightly.


Its not a challenge its a burden. An unnecessary one- coming from a guy who played vanilla for years.


If you want a challenge- build around it.


I agree, I think it's important not to confuse tedium for challenge and I wouldn't mind an option for a slightly bigger bag.

Edited by TooL- (see edit history)
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Love the new labels that tell us where to craft the things that need specific workstations. One question though, some say "Smith Hammer". How do you craft something with a smith hammer? (Nail Trap) I tried the large anvil with the smith hammer as a tool, and it's not listed there.


It's an automated tool. It works through parsing since adding that to ALL previously existing items would be a terribly boring job for a hobby. Since trap nail can be made both by weapon smith (smith) and on player inv, the parser tool probably confused "smith" station with "smith hammer"...

More of those might happen.. If we have the time and people report them, we'll have to fix them manually.

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I would disagree with you here.


By nature if you add more "toys" to the inventory/ catalogue you add the "decision" part by "x" factor. At one point it brakes the decision idea and becomes a tedious job. You spend more and more time to organize your limited inventory thus slowing your pace down. More and more- less fun each time.


Did this the first time ok, did that the 50th time -meh; Doing this for the 150th time it gets old fast.


The vanilla inventory space was designed for the vanilla space but even Funpimps will be adding bags and what not to increase the space. Im not sure you have tried playing other mods with the big bag mod.


I boughed this game many years ago and played vanilla since. Only in last 5 months I started to play mods. Big bag mods adds so much fun to the mod you dont go back. The mod Author already stated big bag mod will not work here given the code though he will increase it slightly.


Its not a challenge its a burden. An unnecessary one- coming from a guy who played vanilla for years.


If you want a challenge- build around it.


Well, I would have to disagree with you too... I know big backpack is very popular amongst the usual player, but, and I have already said this quite a few times, that a bigger backpack destroys the need for things like the donkey or helper survivors... Which were initially the all point of the mod...


We did get sidetracked from this goal, so what we did admit doing was increasing backpack slightly ESPECIALLY if we can make it craftable or locked behind some skill set. Some of the team members would also like to see this, so it IS on our wish list... But clearly not as a urgent priority, considering the complexity.


As a personal note I do LOVE having to make decisions on the run... Do take this or that? Oh wait, I have no health and 10 zombies on my ass, what do I do??? AAAAAH!!!!

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I would disagree with you here.


By nature if you add more "toys" to the inventory/ catalogue you add the "decision" part by "x" factor. At one point it brakes the decision idea and becomes a tedious job. You spend more and more time to organize your limited inventory thus slowing your pace down. More and more- less fun each time.


Did this the first time ok, did that the 50th time -meh; Doing this for the 150th time it gets old fast.


The vanilla inventory space was designed for the vanilla space but even Funpimps will be adding bags and what not to increase the space. Im not sure you have tried playing other mods with the big bag mod.


I boughed this game many years ago and played vanilla since. Only in last 5 months I started to play mods. Big bag mods adds so much fun to the mod you dont go back. The mod Author already stated big bag mod will not work here given the code though he will increase it slightly.


Its not a challenge its a burden. An unnecessary one- coming from a guy who played vanilla for years.


If you want a challenge- build around it.



Actually your assumption is incorrect and I have played several mods with the big bag mod and from that experience is what I base my conclusion on. The reason we added the first time was due to other players on the server thinking that it was hard to have to mess with drop-boxes, or picking and choosing over what was important to bring home and what they had to decided to leave behind, and they did not like having to make multiple runs back to drop-boxes and their main reasons for a ;big bag' was as they stated 'to make it easier to carry everything and not having to mess with inventory so much.


A bag does not "add fun" - things you do add fun, not just being able to haul more stuff around. It does an an ease of living thing but it does not 'add fun' and in most ways removed the challenge of having to think ahead and stay organized. All a big bag does is give the the luxury of just grabbing everything ins site and cramming in your inventory and dealing with it later if at all. Big inventories just allow hit and run looting and really take away from everything about a scavenging game and having to pick and choose what lot you will carry. If you can just gather everything up and run with it a player does not have to stop and think about priorities, needs, and planning ahead.


Yes, TFP are considering adding other bags with more room, and one will have to reach a level to craft them and a level to use them and won't get them just for logging in the game. In that way it is probably more acceptable if its something earned. I have played this game since pre-alpha and have heard all the reasons for an against more inventory room at the start of the game. And I agree with those, including TFP that don't think just giving you more inventory slots to start with is the way to go. Except for the increase in size when the HUD changed in early alpha TFP have not increased inventory size although some have pushed for it a great deal based on the fact that inventory control and management is part of it. Allowing you to have ways to increase it as you progress in the game is a compromise but there is a good reason why they are not just making it easy on themselves and doubling the size of the existing bag but considering adding extensions that you can get later in the game.


There needs to be some inventory control considerations. If you are just going to give every a huge bag to carry them you need to think about implementing other ways to have a player deal with the difficulties of inventory - such as putting weight on all objects and allowing you to only carry what your strength allows, and you can carry more and more as you level up and improve your strength. TFP chose not to use weight as a deciding factor and just went with 'slots'. Simply applying a mod that doubles or triples the slots in the bag for no reason from the start of the game, without adding in some other mechanism to provide a need to do inventory management is circumventing a part of the game.


I know some of our team, like Morte said, would like to see it increased in size, if it could be locked behind a skill or some other function of the game, and as I said I can accept that - but its not a priority and since TFP have now said that that is on their road map to do much the same thing its probably going to end up waiting and letting them do it.

Edited by rentechd (see edit history)
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What's up guys, still getting the "no download" in log files in the 7DTD Launcher. My ISP is still causing problems with it. Anyone else that can't install the Starvation mod via the 7DTD Launcher even with the "Direct download" feature? Cheers.


Sorry for the trouble. What is the issue?


Have you tried click on Disable SSL, restarting the Mod Launcher, then trying the download again?


You can also click on Direct Download in the mod launcher, and it'll try a more direct approach of getting the files.


If you could post some log files, I may be able to help a bit more: https://imgur.com/a/QXEg5

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What's up guys, still getting the "no download" in log files in the 7DTD Launcher. My ISP is still causing problems with it. Anyone else that can't install the Starvation mod via the 7DTD Launcher even with the "Direct download" feature? Cheers.


Not sure why you are not getting the download via the but some people have had a few issues. The starvation team did not create the launcher - it was developed by Sphereii and he is helping people troubleshoot tehir issues. When available he is in the Starvation discord chat or you can post in the 7D3DModLauncher forum with your issues or send him a PM here in the forums.

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It's an automated tool. It works through parsing since adding that to ALL previously existing items would be a terribly boring job for a hobby. Since trap nail can be made both by weapon smith (smith) and on player inv, the parser tool probably confused "smith" station with "smith hammer"...

More of those might happen.. If we have the time and people report them, we'll have to fix them manually.


That makes complete sense. I'm not sure why but I don't think I could craft them when I tried last. I'll test it again later and give a definitive on that.



On the topic of bag space, I can see both sides of the argument, and while I do feel that bag space is a great thing to have to juggle in the early game, late game it can get frustrating as you start to carry around more and more tools/weapons/healing supplies/etc. This is a normal aspect of the game though. I do love the idea of unlockable expansion built into progression. But keep this in mind: It is important to consider how many new lootable objects a mod is adding to the game and balance the space to carry those items. If a mod keeps adding more and more useful objects we would want to carry then the normal inventory size can quickly go from being a fun mechanic to organize to being tedious and frustrating. There needs to be a balance.

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After a few days searching for the errors, we successfully run the server after Linux system (Debian exactly). We found that the error is in the "blocks.xml" file and one of the letters has a bad size ("mods" instead of "Mods"). Unix_like systems do not like it ;)

Additionally needed a setting propertly locales, on some systems.


Ok, we put small fix (as .tar.gz archive) on this site or you can edit manually needed files. These changes are working for us.


Good luck!

Edited by Belugo (see edit history)
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@ Mortelentus

@ rentechd


Well If you guys put it that way i can see the point. No really for some things stated I feel the same. To my mind there are fundamental problems that needs to be solved in the first place(by Devs).


All I can add I've developed such a playstyle where i organize everything on the fly. I'm a builder and I find a place- I build my storage- then go each day looting- first on foot then on minibike- What I can- I scrap-organize on the go- what I cant- I bring back home and put it in boxes anyway. You can say- I have a storage room with labels bells and stuff.


Personally (my playstyle) favors big bag mod because I can loot longer- I can explore more buildings (POIs)/ map and sometimes I can enjoy the scenery without hassle. (90min hour time for this exact reason)


In vanilla and in this mod I'm constantly running from point A to B to C to A to D you get the idea. Trips getting longer and longer- sure- there is progress but old stuff what I have gets replaced with new stuff that I need- rinse and repeat. By the time Ill get the donkey (minibike excluded) its gonna be just one more job to do (maybe because I know what to expect as my gamestage climbs)


Maybe what I'm trying to say- vanilla storage space is just one more job that needs to be done. Or maybe its just me- Ive done the stuff you both have written down many many times- been there done that- I don't know- I tend to go with the flow. Today bigger storage space is popular tomorrow something else. If a moder can adjust to the demand of community- that's a good thing.


So far I see even If you disagree with many things you tend to adjust- that's a big plus in my book.


I do know I'm not alone on this one but I do appreciate Starvation mod when I'm not doing my inventory. Good things to come- more things to expect- Looking forward for the next patch! :wave:

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If we can find time to code extra mid/late game bagslots we will. There is just so many hours we have of free time to work on this mod, and lots we want to do, so this is on the list, but not on the top of the list. We hope you all understand.

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Sorry but my English is very bad. I'm trying to change a few things in the block file. My problem is that in other mod that I have tried I have always been able to change things without problems, but in this as I put it and I keep it when I open the game from 7D2D the file is erased and it is set as it was at the beginning.


I have tried normal entry and when it starts to read in blocks it stops and does not start the game.


Can anybody help me? or is that I am doing something wrong. Specifically what I want to add is this:


<drop event="Destroy" name="goldNugget" count="1" prob="0.02"/>

<drop event="Destroy" name="silverNugget" count="1" prob="0.04"/>

<drop event="Destroy" name="rawDiamond" count="1" prob="0.01"/>


Note: I put it in the stone that comes out a probability when mining.


I use google traslator......sorry.

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As far as extra slots... theres a mod that adds extra slots to the minibike, making it more valuable to craft. Maybe that is an easy option to add that appeases people who want more slots, but not imbalance loot collection too early in the game?


I've got all the changes documented here somewhere if you want them.

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Still trying to load the mod , installed through the Mod Launcher and I keep getting stuck on items and this is what pops up, game install is fresh and 16.3loading.jpg.c9430ab93278fd5a4305471c3c54d069.jpg


- - - Updated - - -


Still trying to load the mod , installed through the Mod Launcher and I keep getting stuck on items and this is what pops up, game install is fresh and 16.3loading.jpg.c9430ab93278fd5a4305471c3c54d069.jpg


Untitled.jpg.9590eb4ea98d7d35c9399355b1707a22.jpg Hope this is bigger

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Still trying to load the mod , installed through the Mod Launcher and I keep getting stuck on items and this is what pops up, game install is fresh and 16.3[ATTACH=CONFIG]23131[/ATTACH]


- - - Updated - - -




[ATTACH=CONFIG]23132[/ATTACH] Hope this is bigger


Sorry for the trouble. Would you mind posting some of your log files? After it fails, go to the View Menu in the Mod Launcher, click on Log Files. Then, for each log listed in the drop down, click on Upload Log file. Copy and paste the pastebin.com address it gives you.



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Hopefully i did that correct


- - - Updated - - -


Sorry for the trouble. Would you mind posting some of your log files? After it fails, go to the View Menu in the Mod Launcher, click on Log Files. Then, for each log listed in the drop down, click on Upload Log file. Copy and paste the pastebin.com address it gives you.




when trying to load into the server seems to get stuck at the same point and just says waitign on server

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