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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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as long as it looks not like Defiance






Just curious, is it possible for modders to insert artwork into the game for the purpose of painted blocks?

I saw that texture packs in minecraft allow for new player designed blocks. Any hope of that here?

not now, maybe later with Official Modding tools

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Yeah until Paradox decided to increase the price of ~10 year old games in certain parts of the world ('to compensate for buying power'). The backlash from that made them rethink their DLC-pricing policy I guess. Still one of the best game developers out there though.


Just took a break from a Hearts of Iron 4 game as Soviet Union. The AI is poor, the end game scoring is broken but if you take on the whole world, its OK. :) Mods are what makes their games great.


Edit: and this applies to A17 because... of DLC's helping dev make better games over time! Yeah.

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Hi Toad, just want to thank you for the nice comment in Are We There Yet Daddy. The thread was closed & I could not respond there & it was closed under some pretense of Release Date Harassment. I didn't quite get that as we are in between Alphas again with no pending major updates that are even close to being released. I just want a Stable A 16 like they promised & move on to A 17 Experimental.

I remember why & when they stopped giving release dates & will gladly give you the history but maybe its time they stop promising too.


Yeah. You know the frustrating thing 'piggio, that not only you and I have brought up legitimate points, but others have too.


Some people are hypersensitive to any request directed towards The Pimps and its almost like they just love the torturous wait.


The responses arent productive in the slightest and the rollback takes you into previous development, each build with its own respective problems.


I completely get your point too regarding being stuck between a rock and a hard place. You hit the nail right on the head.


The only thing I can see is the infinite spawn and the game stopping map corruption being the only real standout problems preventing us getting to stable, aside the other bugs that were reported long ago.


Yet, as you quite correctly point out here we are jousting with each other in this thread with only a handful of official updates, some decent feedback from *some* posters, and the rest - just insanity.


There is some terrible offence taken somehow for making a simple inquiry. These bugs have been the reason both me and a friend havent been able to play for so long.


Whats the big deal with even giving a progress update on how far along they got with the bugs.


As much as TFP are ok in their ways for the most part. They have done a great job so far, but they also get away with some shoddy behaviour like other companies.


If everyone on the forum or at least the majority were kicking off and demanding progress on the bug updates im pretty sure they would respond.


But this is where the other players come in. When you have some malitia that immediately jump on and close down any dialogue with false reports or trolling or whatever other tactics they employ, TFP will never need to address this.


They would rather just keep communication to a minimum and thats fine for the most part but when it comes to giving simple updates regarding bug fix progress they dont even need to do that, they already have a number of people beating down those with questions.


I, like you, would love to enjoy a stable build of Alpha 16. But this silence from the devs just has to make you question, whats really going on behind the scenes.


I also already said that this thread should have either been entirely cleared out, or renamed the Alpha 17 Speculation/ Update thread.


Undoubtedly ill get more crap for this post being too long or for 'picking on the pimps' or some other ludicrous trolling.


- - - Updated - - -


Please do not respond to offensive posts. Simply report and ignore. Let's keep a positive tone in here folks.


Sure, no problem.


Thats what ive been getting at.


And sorry I just saw your edits. This isnt a rant just an agreement with piggio on the transition between A16/17, and my real frustration with the way we get treated asking for updates.


This topic is relevant too, Roland, because this should be the last step before A17 unless we get more showstoppers in stable.


I will edit this post please be patient, im using my mobile.




Update: I went over my post and edited out any language that people may find offensive.


If there is anything I missed, please feel free to edit it. You dont need to give me warnings I was only responding in my previous post to people jumping on me. Its not nice Roland and you should discourage this gang mentality.


That may lead us to a more peaceful thread.

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I am one of biggest Fanboy's from the very beginning when I debated Day Z or 7Days long ago, I went with the obvious of course.

I agree it is getting to be a torment with the lack of info & the leaving us to attack each other like a pack of Z Wolves in the forum over stupid crap. I stopped playing on my Server & played X until they get a Stable A 16 & I do not want to revert back to A 15.2, I am not a Spam Crafter.

I only want what was promised & that is a Stable A 16, I can live with some bugs. If Sleepers keep re-spawning a POI guess what, I will go find another one some where else, that simple. If it bothers me that much I will open up the CM get a Rocket Launcher & take those Sleepers out if I want. There are ways to work around these bugs some easily & I am tired of waiting for a Stable Build to put on my Server.


I have a really good save game on my server where I left off because we were all told there would be one last fix for A 16 & they would move on.

I am tired of getting to this point every time & have to wipe because of updates. I level up & get a good mine & never get to progress passed that, never. I don't want to play W/CM on, I want to play a long term game & learn on the way & not have to wipe again before I get to make my first trap.

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I am one of biggest Fanboy's from the very beginning when I debated Day Z or 7Days long ago, I went with the obvious of course.

I agree it is getting to be a torment with the lack of info & the leaving us to attack each other like a pack of Z Wolves in the forum over stupid crap. I stopped playing on my Server & played X until they get a Stable A 16 & I do not want to revert back to A 15.2, I am not a Spam Crafter.

I only want what was promised & that is a Stable A 16, I can live with some bugs. If Sleepers keep re-spawning a POI guess what, I will go find another one some where else, that simple. If it bothers me that much I will open up the CM get a Rocket Launcher & take those Sleepers out if I want. There are ways to work around these bugs some easily & I am tired of waiting for a Stable Build to put on my Server.


I have a really good save game on my server where I left off because we were all told there would be one last fix for A 16 & they would move on.

I am tired of getting to this point every time & have to wipe because of updates. I level up & get a good mine & never get to progress passed that, never. I don't want to play W/CM on, I want to play a long term game & learn on the way & not have to wipe again before I get to make my first trap.


Yeah time invested thats another good point. Lots of others have kicked off about that too, and quite rightly.


I love the game also, in fact I recommended it and passed it around because it has incredible potential.


They should perhaps consider your point of not making promises. MM said they reworked physics and now bikes ride like GTA.


One could infer that physics is playable since hes already commented on what its like now that physics functions at least with the bike.


We could infer also that since the behemoth is out, ziplines are out, and the trader and and wolf taming is just concept; and MM told us explicitly new crops are down the line but not anytime soon, that the major possible updates are already to be counted out.


Other than the bike and hog w/ physics, and some new wallpaper, it seems like a way off for what is very little.


Of course I come back to the title of this thread because it really is just speculation.


Saying that, they may well have a lot hidden like MM hinted at when he said that if he told us about everything the forum would explode or something haha (not his actual words but not far off).

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On a more serious note; what's the status on the bread-crumb system? Since it was announced (I believe) 2-3 alpha's ago, and we haven't heard anything more substantial on that front.


Not a16.5 or a16.6 or however number of exp it takes to make a16 being marked as done, but my hope for a17 is a lot higher there.



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I am exited about the new changes & the New 2017 Unity implementation but alas, Zip-Lines, thought the BB would have been gotten a makeover with a Z-Line Launcher. I have never complained about an update, never, until now & I have a right to this time. It is going on the 5th mo. since A 16 release & they are still fixing things. I have taken some SGD classes & coding & have a glimpse on how the Dev process works & a lot of people are working on different things but it is Rally Time Boy's.

We need all hands on deck to get this Pig Stable & Archive it. Only release another Experimental if you are ready & we will wait for it.

I on the other hand will be immersed in a long term game of survival on my server.

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I researched new games to play for a clan I was in & gave away 7 copies of 7DTD to friends. I left but they run a 40 man server now & my friend DAQ had the #1 server for a long time. I saw a great potential for this game as a PVP Zombie Survival game. Like COD or BF1 having TDM or DOM I saw a long term battle on a large server for different clans to have bases for a free for all type game.

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If everyone on the forum or at least the majority were kicking off and demanding progress on the bug updates im pretty sure they would respond.


Probably you are right there. But not everyone on the forum thinks that those updates are important enough to participate in a ♥♥♥♥storm or make the forum a hellhole for a week. You are in the same position as a poilitician who believes to know exactly that he is right but still only 5% of the population vote for him. Because, well they have different opinions or priorities.


I think TFP just don't want the pressure of dealing with dozens of self-styled developers giving suggestions on how to deal with a bug and the ensuing discussion why or why not that solution works. If you do any sort of work, think how it would be if 50 people were looking over your shoulder and making "helpfull" comments or critizising you for not doing the right thing. But that's just my guess.


And meaningless progress reports like "we are working on it", "we are nearly finished", "nope, hit a problem" are as useless as they sound. I don't mind not getting those.


I also think maybe only one or two developers are still working on A16 and the majority is already doing A17 stuff. But telling us players such a fact (even if that is reasonable) would be like throwing a dead dog into a group of drama queens. :smile-new:


So that is the reason I won't join the protest.




Other than the bike and hog w/ physics, and some new wallpaper, it seems like a way off for what is very little.


Since they talk about stuff only when they know it is working well enough, it follows that bigger features will be announced later than small features (if their development starts at the same time).

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Probably you are right there. But not everyone on the forum thinks that those updates are important enough to participate in a ♥♥♥♥storm or make the forum a hellhole for a week. You are in the same position as a poilitican who believes to know exactly that he is right but still only 5% of the population vote for him. Because, well they have different opinions or priorities.


I think they just don't want the pressure of dealing with dozens of self-styled developers giving suggestions on how to deal with a bug and the ensuing discussion why or why not that solution works. If you do any sort of work, think how it would be if 50 people were looking over your shoulder and making "helpfull" comments or critizising you for not doing the right thing. But that's just my guess.


I also think maybe one or two developers are still working on A16 and the majority is already doing A17 stuff. But telling us players such a fact (even if that is reasonable) would be like throwing a dead dog into a group of drama queens. :smile-new:


And meaningless progress reports like "we are working on it", "we are nearly finished", "nope, hit a problem" are as useless as they sound. I don't mind not getting those.


So that is the reason I won't join the protest.


Yeah. +1 there. Ill go with the "its done when its done" too. Such ease of mind that brings.



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I think TFP just don't want the pressure of dealing with dozens of self-styled developers giving suggestions on how to deal with a bug and the ensuing discussion why or why not that solution works. If you do any sort of work, think how it would be if 50 people were looking over your shoulder and making "helpfull" comments or critizising you for not doing the right thing. But that's just my guess.


So you think self styled developing is a no go area.


Not sure what else to talk about and i thought that TFP being in an enclosed development know best as no community member has the source or know whats going on so i didnt think a bit of spectulating didnt hurt and to the ones in the know it is likely comical to read when they get time.


So maybe you right and i will just wait and comment on the upcoming videos of whats happening.

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I was thinking about the Sleepers Re-Spawning on the roof of the S/W I encountered recently. I cleared the entire roof & collected the remains & put down my chest by the front bill-board. They all re-spawned over & over again until I ran out of arrows & had to run away with no food & starving.

I was wondering if there might be some kind of conflict with the POI Sleepers inside & the ones on the roof. Could there be a problem with the sleeper spawn area related to being outside on the roof. If you enter a Cabin & lead the Z's outside you re-spawn the sleepers by leaving the Cabin. could this same thing be what's happening on the roof?

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