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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I think people are just worried they will continue to be kind of dismissive about the hate for it and it will end up in anyway. The negativity on it is pretty overwhelming, but sometimes people can interpret that negativity as a challenge and say "Screw them, keep it in". Its happened before with other additions and changes like food and water removal, so I'm just taking a shot in the dark here and assuming people just want to make sure their opinion doesn't get looked over.


The sound controls you pointed out is a perfect example of a much requested feature that is to this day ignored, even though the majority here seem to favor it.


Sounds just right. This bar could be really usefull in a mass combat, in closed area where you should better choose who to finish faster to avoid damage and get the hell rid off the situation like a dude.

As you said , lets first try it, we haven't tested it yet and it become a small riot ;)

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loot boxes and microtransactions ---- ouch Gazzzzzz -- lol. Made me think that when an air drop occurs and you reach it and try to open it and a textual prompt says "you can open this for $1, would you like to continue?" roflmao

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But, the devs also need to get (and I've no doubt that they do get) that while many people hate it, many other people like it. It's just that the people who like it aren't loudly complaining about it, for obvious reasons.


So making it optional is much better than simply taking it out.


so many other games have an option to toggle Health bars. why punish the ones (myself included) who want hp bars.


although, there seems to be people here who feel that they don't have opinions, they have facts

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1. The "red" dot sight sucks big time. Last time I saw something that bad was some freeware game in 1999.

For one it is not red.

More importantly dot itself jumps around when shot while the sight itself and gun stays completely level.


Dear pimps, you are spending tens of thousands on mocap on zombie animation could you please buy one $200 airsoft gun toy for you office.

So your animator and devs could once in their life see what real (well fake) physical gun looks like.



2. The HP bar sucks even more. Damn it is stupid and childish.


3. Still no hordes in the game. I for one want to see 1000+ zombie hordes in this game.



Mod Note: This opinion is rudely stated but is a valid opinion. Please do not respond in kind but do feel free to disagree with it in a respectful manner. A developer has responded regarding the rudeness and that is sufficient. Move along.

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"No Problemo" is the magic phrase. Without that you'll get nowhere.


So if you put it that way. It should be "No Problemo" for TFP's to release Alpha 18 by the end of March? ;)


- - - Updated - - -





You dirty man you! :)

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so many other games have an option to toggle Health bars. why punish the ones (myself included) who want hp bars.


although, there seems to be people here who feel that they don't have opinions, they have facts


I've not seen one person argue that the HP bar should be taken out instead of optional. People have stated they don't like them but I've not seen a single post where someone suggested there be a toggle for them and someone saying "No, not good enough. Take them away from everyone."

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So 25 hardcore players signed up on the forums with 1000's of hours of gameplay hate the health bars, so that MUST mean that everyone hates them right?





a) Never noticed anyone say that "everyone" hates them.

b) I'm sure TFP understands the forums are a small subset of their customers and are capable of picking and choosing ideas they like and don't like.

c) Just because you are in the vocal minority doesn't mean you should stop being vocal about something you feel strongly about.

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1. The "red" dot sight sucks big time. Last time I saw something that bad was some freeware game in 1999.

For one it is not red.

More importantly dot itself jumps around when shot while the sight itself and gun stays completely level.


Dear pimps, you are spending tens of thousands on mocap on zombie animation could you please buy one $200 airsoft gun toy for you office.

So your animator and devs could once in their life see what real (well fake) physical gun looks like.



2. The HP bar sucks even more. Damn it is stupid and childish.


3. Still no hordes in the game. I for one want to see 1000+ zombie hordes in this game.




These are rough work in progress videos. They do not represent finished work. The HP bar is being used for testing in order to see a visual of damage inflicted as they work on weapons. Whether it remains for the finished game is undecided. The developers know about all the reactions and suggestions that have been made regarding having enemy HP bars in the game.


1000+ zombie hordes = wild unrealistic expectations.

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It would be awesome if the number of hitpoints information in the healthbar was gated behind a perk, that allows seing both armor and health by number, like the "living anatomy" perk in Fallout New Vegas.


Every indicator on the HUD should be gated behind some sort of enhanced perception perk. That way you start the game with a completely invisible HUD but purchase whatever you want to appear. Instead of a free toggle in the options menu make people PAY for their options.



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Every indicator on the HUD should be gated behind some sort of enhanced perception perk. That way you start the game with a completely invisible HUD but purchase whatever you want to appear. Instead of a free toggle in the options menu make people PAY for their options.



LOL that makes sense.They should also gate chickens. That would instantly add animal taming to the game. It's a win win situation.



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1000+ zombie hordes = wild unrealistic expectations.


I would have to disagree, I could build a gaming rig that could handle a load like that no problem, of course it would be over $5,000 USD and most people can't afford a rig like that, so your point is mostly valid. :p

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I would have to disagree, I could build a gaming rig that could handle a load like that no problem, of course it would be over $5,000 USD and most people can't afford a rig like that, so your point is mostly valid. :p


1000+ zombies alive at the same time in a fully voxel world? I'm still skeptical

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Every indicator on the HUD should be gated behind some sort of enhanced perception perk. That way you start the game with a completely invisible HUD but purchase whatever you want to appear. Instead of a free toggle in the options menu make people PAY for their options.




Or start with them all and have perks to disable them and attain this ridiculous concept of "immersion"

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When I want more ai, I generally disable iterations of any that are too far from any players to be witnessed. The trick is to know that your number of players is going to be low enough to iterate through them instead of the ai, and do some kind of radius check to re-enable any disabled ai within range of players. Then enabled ai can simply check their distance from each player to see if they need to disable. You also do not need to run this check all at once, nor each frame, so it can be pretty low overhead.



This would allow for more persistent ai, but not more in one area, nor more enabled at one time.

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