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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Sure have.... multiple games.


I have as well. But, only for the purpose of getting to the edge. RWG 'world' is pretty huge as it is (20-30 towns+) so what are the 'practical' reasons for having a larger 'world? (and I assume SnowDog actually means 'explored' to mean - that you are actually utilizing all of the existing areas and not just running to and edge.) (And I am not saying I don't want a bigger world, but definitely not a priority for me.)

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With the new dynamic origin stuff they're putting in it should be nothing to increase the size of a RWG world. Time will tell if performance is better or if it will break something else if you go too big (really large memory requirements, that sort of thing).

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Hey guys I wanna ask you about size of random gen world, is that possible to make it bigger at least double it, I think it would be grate , thank you!


It would be nice to just be able to control the size of the RWG maps. I would like smaller maps so it actually puts some PvP conflict in multiplayer. It also would be nice to be able to control the probability of the different biomes and density of cities, mountains, lakes/water, etc.

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I tried, and failed, to express this. Some people get blinded by individual words and miss the real meaning of what was said.


Or maybe missing the forest for the trees. Or missing the pond for the scum. Maybe this is why I have trouble communicating?


There isn't very many ways to "insinuate" "A17 is Beta".


Maybe the whole team needs to get on the same page, or perhaps things like the above SHOULD NOT be posted on a public forum without at least a smiley or a wink. Especially by a Lead Dev?


"Mahrain is a murderer"


If I posted that on a public forum, would YOU assume it was just a joke? please stop acting like everyone overreacted and "looked into" something that was not there. Even Roland followed up with some banter about it. It appears he wasn't in on the joke either.


But lesson learned. Take everything around here with a grain of salt. Even the things actual Fun Pimps say I guess. I'm out.


"Ravenhearst 3.0 is releasing today"


Don't read too much into that though guys. I'm just joking.

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It would be nice to just be able to control the size of the RWG maps. I would like smaller maps so it actually puts some PvP conflict in multiplayer. It also would be nice to be able to control the probability of the different biomes and density of cities, mountains, lakes/water, etc.


All possible through xmls ATM and would probably be easy to make something that just edits those things. Just saying I wouldn't be surprised if TFP did so at some point.

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You think because you have played a couple dozen games and read a few forums you know for a FACT what most users want out of a game? You need to look up the word fact. Because I don't think it means what you think it means.


My dearest friends,


I like you all, with all your different perspectives.

However i am deeply saddened by some remarks.

Lets solve this democratically!

And i am not talking about some cheap ancient greek democratic 'voting', No my friends!

I am all about reals man democracy!

Lets do it Rocky Style!

On The Left Side PvP fans!

On The Right Side Story fans!

No go and smack each other, .....while i sit and ponder about Random Gen PvE experience.

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mini bike question


And I am using one of those mods but it would be nice if it were actual part of the game that worked with everything and not as it is at the moment.


I was wondering about the minibike seat. It says '1 person' suggesting there might be an upcoming seat for 2? Is that something under consideration?

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But... that's no fun!


That's really boring, I mean, I was thinking of writing another wall of text while reading his post but he killed my buzz, haha.


A zombie dog on the other hand, assuming it keeps its normal sense of smell, would be able to pinpoint the location your smell trail disappeared, good luck hiding from a canine nose :p


Maybe zombie dogs should ‘lead’ the homing hords- or *shudder* summon more dogs with a howl...


Right, last time I took part in this discussion, I was mentioning it would make sense for dogs to dig you out.

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Ten pages back....i was reading something about beta, alpha....

Something about why beta so early....

One Wisse-Man said that names like beta, alpha have meaning only to devs. Agree.

For us fans/followers/gamers it will be just number, just some patch notes and we will always want more!More!

However, it's not us who are making game. So if TFP will close work-shop tommorow... It is theirs decision, THEIRS work, theirs BABY.

We can cry about it, but that day will come.

Will we be ready for it?

Will we act childish?


Talking about babies, when is 7dtdie birth day? It is serious question!

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please stop acting like everyone overreacted and "looked into" something that was not there. Even Roland followed up with some banter about it. It appears he wasn't in on the joke either.


I used the word joke originally because I assumed MM was being a little facetious with his comment. With all of the past conversations being had on this forum I couldn't see a way in which they would actually, officially, turn A17 into Beta. I'm on the outside, sure, but I couldn't see that happening so I assumed he wasn't serious with the beta label. However, I did think he was serious about the sheer amount of work and changes going into A17 that it might as well be considered beta because so much was being done making them close to that point if not actually there (most of the core building blocks would be in place).


But I'm a software developer by trade and I've used, and heard other people use, very similar words. So my point of view on this is probably far from common. MM's statement didn't get me worked up and didn't make me panic that they were going to drop features just to release sooner and then forget about the game.


I assumed he meant something like this: "We've come so far with A17 and it feels like we've made such a huge step that we might as well call this beta." Something like that was probably tossed around in a meeting by one of the team and MM repeated it in his own words. Or some similar situation, at least.


Just because one of the colored names on here says something doesn't mean it is set in stone or a declaration of absolute truth. They're human and they're not writing doctrine with every post.

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Some how I missed the video for a week but when I did finally see it I liked it so much I watched it multiple times. So glad that the car explosions won't be blowing out huge areas in the ground. I am so looking forward to all the great stuff coming in a17. Thanks for all the hard work you guys are doing.

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So if TFP will close work-shop tommorow... It is theirs decision, THEIRS work, theirs BABY.

We can cry about it, but that day will come.


Except, their baby will be met with criticism and comparisons, which will affect their reputation. If they want to release an incomplete broken game to carry on ASAP, it's their decison indeed. But expect them to get trashed.


Now, I must say that I was pointing out an harsh reality here, and that I fully support the game and would find it utterly unfortunate if they failed because of that.

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All possible through xmls ATM and would probably be easy to make something that just edits those things. Just saying I wouldn't be surprised if TFP did so at some point.


Yeah I know, but I am still at the editing the items, loot, and entities stage. Havn't played around with the RWG xml stuff yet. But it would be nice if these were game options to choose from before creating a new game.

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There isn't very many ways to "insinuate" "A17 is Beta".


Maybe the whole team needs to get on the same page, or perhaps things like the above SHOULD NOT be posted on a public forum without at least a smiley or a wink. Especially by a Lead Dev?


"Mahrain is a murderer"


If I posted that on a public forum, would YOU assume it was just a joke? please stop acting like everyone overreacted and "looked into" something that was not there. Even Roland followed up with some banter about it. It appears he wasn't in on the joke either.


But lesson learned. Take everything around here with a grain of salt. Even the things actual Fun Pimps say I guess. I'm out.


"Ravenhearst 3.0 is releasing today"


Don't read too much into that though guys. I'm just joking.


I read that post. I took it to mean that A17 is "in" beta. As in, 17 is content locked and they are just bug squashing. I did read it again and thought, "hmmm, not the best phrasing on that." My reason for reading it the way I did is they wouldn't call it A17 if they were seriously making it Beta. It would probably be B1 or at least B17. The A has a specific meaning and if he meant that comment the way everyone seems to have taken it I would assume the name of the release would have changed also.


I'm not sure why you are taking it so personally. It's an internet forum about a game.

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I still think it's a shame they don't release more often in smaller patches. I understand the marketing point of view of it, since you kinda release the kraken at once and you can hype it up and stuff, but it comes at a price. Obviously the delay between two deliveries is pretty big, but also

there's always this huge bug squashing phase that feels like an eternity depending on how you perceive the bugs to be gamebreaking or not to you.


The upside on a personal level is that i'm not getting burnt out from the game by actually playing and playing with small additions at a time.

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I still think it's a shame they don't release more often in smaller patches. I understand the marketing point of view of it, since you kinda release the kraken at once and you can hype it up and stuff, but it comes at a price. Obviously the delay between two deliveries is pretty big, but also

there's always this huge bug squashing phase that feels like an eternity depending on how you perceive the bugs to be gamebreaking or not to you.


The upside on a personal level is that i'm not getting burnt out from the game by actually playing and playing with small additions at a time.


The other big reason to release less often is if they patched every month for instance you'd have to restart your game every month and that pisses people off. Plus it breaks mods

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The other big reason to release less often is if they patched every month for instance you'd have to restart your game every month and that pisses people off. Plus it breaks mods


Well I'm not really into that argument to be honest. Everybody has a right and thus a responsability to actually update the game to his liking. You wouldn't have to update for the gyro or whatever if it doesn't warrant a restart for you.

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Well I'm not really into that argument to be honest. Everybody has a right and thus a responsability to actually update the game to his liking. You wouldn't have to update for the gyro or whatever if it doesn't warrant a restart for you.


Steam forces updates on you, and it makes playing on servers a nightmare if people are running all different versions. Just imagine playing on a server for month and half the population wants to update and the other half doesn't.


Plus all the modders who'd have to keep rebuilding their mod every time their is an update.

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I'm not sure why you are taking it so personally. It's an internet forum about a game.


I didnt realize posting a reaction to something was taking it personally. Ok then. I agree with you, he COULD have meant that if not for Rolands follow up on it as well.


I love how ANYONE with an opinion that MAY slightly critique a dev move is automatically either childish, troll worthy or taking it personal. Read back, there are FAR more people here who take things personally. Normally I'm a big defender of the Pimps. The post was misleading, and it didn't help he said in the video that 17 feels like Beta. And it should NOT have taken a week for someone to come out and clarify it.


So you are saying I should have taken that and the follow up comments to mean A17 was in Beta stage. That's a bit of a reach. Sometimes the simplest answer is to take it at face value and NOT try to dig up some other reasons to support a misleading statement.

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The A has a specific meaning and if he meant that comment the way everyone seems to have taken it I would assume the name of the release would have changed also.


There are at least 5 different interpretations floating around. The simple fact is nobody knows exactly what he meant. And the least likely interpretation is that A17 is already the beta for the whole game, that doesn't fit the facts and doesn't fit with Gazz's statement.

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I didnt realize posting a reaction to something was taking it personally. Ok then. I agree with you, he COULD have meant that if not for Rolands follow up on it as well.


I love how ANYONE with an opinion that MAY slightly critique a dev move is automatically either childish, troll worthy or taking it personal. Read back, there are FAR more people here who take things personally. Normally I'm a big defender of the Pimps. The post was misleading, and it didn't help he said in the video that 17 feels like Beta. And it should NOT have taken a week for someone to come out and clarify it.


So you are saying I should have taken that and the follow up comments to mean A17 was in Beta stage. That's a bit of a reach. Sometimes the simplest answer is to take it at face value and NOT try to dig up some other reasons to support a misleading statement.


To be honest with you, at this point I have no idea how it should have been taken. That is the way I originally took it. That A17 was "beta", as in content lock for the Alpha. But, subsequent posts made it so I have no clue what he meant.


Also, I could've read more into your post than was intended. It just seemed like you were pretty angry. If I did, sorry.

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