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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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As long as you don't take my begging spot in front of Stompys cement mixers...


In the near future^^



Water ---- Food ---- Coins ---- Your underwear




- - - Updated - - -


Playing in some low loot situations i've never been so happy to be attacked by a vulture horde!


Yes vultures are fine, all you need is a torch

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In the near future^^



Water ---- Food ---- Coins ---- Your underwear




- - - Updated - - -




Yes vultures are fine, all you need is a torch


The man has already said his poop is radioactive.....and you want his underwear?


You're either:

a) trying to give yourself some superpower or

b) making a dirty bomb

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Ok, I finally got to watch the video.

The new POIs and their flow are much better and appear to be designed around beings that were alive at the time they fortified, requiring jupms, and crouching, but no 1 block ingress/egress (I may have ranted about that before). Fantastic.

Pretty sure like some of the spots in the skyscrapers those round holes you need to crouch and jump to make getting in/walking through easier.

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Yes but even the hardest setting should be Playable.

Or better said, the Difficulty is fine, but the first 1-3 Days are imbalanced at that topic.

Sadly i have no suggestion how to fix that in vanilla without disbalance the easyer settings.


Here's a suggestion. Play it like Resident Evil (the original) where ammo was always so scarce that you had to evade and run and hurry and loot and then run and dodge and you only killed them if necessary.

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Not sure if mentioned yet, but it would be nice if you could view the map while on the mini-bike. Also a larger back-pack and mini-bike crate would be helpful.


I think they should add the old map back that was on the hud in previous alphas (alpha 1) and bigger backpack and basket for the bikes would also I be cool

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Hey Roland, I have a good question, i did ask this a few pages back but madmoles video came out so i never heard anyone on the topic, if you guys do anymore skill reworks can i make a suggestion, the repairing perk, can we possibly make that into a skill out of 100, i feel it should be like that for the more you use it the better at repairing you get rather than 5 perks bought and your done, to make it worth while to repair more stuff for other than trading, why not make it so the higher the skill the less resources it takes to repair an item, could even contribute to repairing the base that is built, i think it would help with the immersion and skill point distribution. What do you think?

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Here's a suggestion. Play it like Resident Evil (the original) where ammo was always so scarce that you had to evade and run and hurry and loot and then run and dodge and you only killed them if necessary.

And i dont want to argue against that roland. Finally i think i woud like both. But not in the same game.


Guppys Quality 1 Gun with 50-100 Bullets really make the difference. Its not imba if you start with it.

But it reduce the RNG as primary reason if you die or succeed.

And it allows to clean 1-2 small POI´s the first day. (Even if you have bad luck and cant find enough Birdnests)


Much more Rarity of Ammo and Warweapons is a other point i consider too. But not only the first few days, if then as a normal gameplay mostly independent from lootluck.

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Do you like driving your car and looking at the map at the same time there ?


I don't like it but sometimes it's necessary. Why else would GPS devices come with both dashboard and handlebar mounts as an option?


Great, now I can't help thinking of a MadMole themed GPS. "At the next left... get 'er done!"

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Do you like driving your car and looking at the map at the same time there ?


No, but I don't have to get OUT of the car to look at the map either. As the game stands, you have to completely get off of the mini-bike to look at the map. Plus the in-game map isn't a real map, but rather a representation of our memory of where we have been, otherwise the entire landscape on the game map would be visible without any fog-of-war..

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I think pulling up your menu options while on a bike isn't a bad thing. What does it hurt to have that option? I don't want anything extra on screen while driving the waypoints work just fine for doing that. I just think it is silly you can't pull up the menu box while on a bike. But just a opinion if they add it great if not I'm used to it so no big deal or anything.

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I don't understand the point in reaching for ultra-realism justifications for simple things, like not being able to open the map while driving. It's a videogame. There's a balance between realism and good gameplay features, being able to open the map while driving isn't going to break that balance. If anything you could still argue that it's similar to real life because it blocks your entire view and distracts your driving.

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I don't understand the point in reaching for ultra-realism justifications for simple things, like not being able to open the map while driving. It's a videogame. There's a balance between realism and good gameplay features, being able to open the map while driving isn't going to break that balance. If anything you could still argue that it's similar to real life because it blocks your entire view and distracts your driving.


Like texting.

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