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Mouse Issues


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I really hope they fix this or at least somehow give an option to go back to the hardware mouse. The software mouse just feels drunk, buttery, and choppy. I can deal with a low FPS (I deal with it all the time and in previous Alphas), but this new mouse performance just breaks gameplay for me (as using the mouse is essential for anything).

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Just read through the reddit thread OP posted.


I agree, there should atleast be an option to use hardware mouse. If the software mouse only existed in the main menu, I could live with that, but since you spend so much time in the crafting and other in-game windows the mouse responsiveness and odd feel gets old pretty quick.

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Yep, the mouse controls are currently pretty horrible in general. I've had to reduce the sensitivity to almost 0 in-game to prevent me from doing 720 degree turns every time I move the mouse, even though I set dpi voor 7dtd to half of what I use in other games. I'm using a Logitech MX Master, so it's not like some obscure brand with arcane drivers.


The menu pointer stutters even when I have stable frame rates in the game itself. It routinely fails to grab or release items and is generally unpleasant to work with. Other games do not have this issue. I really hope TFP will fix this soon because it brings down the whole experience.

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Interesting. I'd noticed the mouse was a bit janky even when frame rate was good. But when there's any particle effects or reflections it gets way worse. I'm running with a 1070 so it shouldn't be this bad. How much worse is it for people who have cards less capable?

I too would ask to go back to the previoys mouse mode.

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I been notice my mouse likes to jump when I am trying to aim for a headshot alot. This sounds like one of those issues where "If its not broke don't try to mess with it when you don't need to" happened They messed with it, and screwed up/made it worse. Alot of game devs do this though its quite normal. Itsjust like how it was perfectly ok for ammo for guns to be crafted in the inventory if u have the tips+powder+casing, but nooooo they had to lock it to the workbench that you now can't pick up anymore in a16 without first putting a land claim down. Which the fact they let you pick it up with a land claim, they may as well let you pick it up without one as long as you have the skill learned to be able to make one.

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What really annoys me though is the fact that in windowed mode the mouse gets locked to the game's window, and I'm quite tired of that. I play in windowed mode and I still have to alt-tab just to give Windows control of the mouse again, and if I make the game the focused window again on accident, the darn mouse lock kicks in again... I play in windowed mode so I wouldn't HAVE to alt-tab...

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What really annoys me though is the fact that in windowed mode the mouse gets locked to the game's window, and I'm quite tired of that. I play in windowed mode and I still have to alt-tab just to give Windows control of the mouse again, and if I make the game the focused window again on accident, the darn mouse lock kicks in again... I play in windowed mode so I wouldn't HAVE to alt-tab...


If the mouse wouldn't be catched you couldn't look around, as you go with the mouse out of the window. So, the current system is WAY better if you play windowed mode.

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If the mouse wouldn't be catched you couldn't look around, as you go with the mouse out of the window. So, the current system is WAY better if you play windowed mode.


Minecraft has it set up to where if you're actively moving around the mouse is indeed "grabbed" on to so this wouldn't happen, but in an inventory or menu, the mouse is released and can freely leave the game window. Therefore with a proper implementation, it can be possible to pull off.

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Well, I have to agree with this also. I cannot understand the switch to a software cursor, and it's been a real impediment for my A16 enjoyment, as I have already turned down mouse sensitivity as far as it'll go in the options menu (25%), and am really struggling with control of it. If it gets any worse, I'm afraid the game will simply become unplayable for me.


Bring back the hardware cursor please Pimps. :-)

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Have to agree with everyone here. Please undo this cursor change or find a happy medium (or whatever we had A15 and before - it was fine)


Same goes for not being able to click out of windowed-mode. I've never experienced this and the molasses mouse before, so whatever it is, it started with Alpha 16.


I love this game however it's become a chore to move around in the menus.



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For me the mouse is a compounding issue. It is slow, sluggish, almost impossible to get ♥♥♥♥ done in a hurry. Sure the keyboard shortcuts help but if you can't click on the item to show them then you're out of luck.


I get really poor frame rates; <40fps on standard medium graphics on a 8320/GTX960 (both stock) and 16Gb mem (all running on Win 7). Why it should be so ♥♥♥♥ing laggy I don't know I really hope they change it for the stable release as it's considerably worse than A15. I've not got a world beating machine, but it shouldn't struggle this badly - no other (equally Alpha) games do for me.


However when you combine already bad FPS with a sluggish interface and it's just an altogether unenjoyable ♥♥♥♥ show.


Minor niggles like the utterly ridiculous "break box to find a f*cking toilet" craziness, water being borked, and what seems like a massive dumbing down of the difficulty (I play nomad normally, and did again but found myself almost fully armed and with a forge going by the second night all the while I'm one kill head shotting zombies with a piss poor quality bow).


All those niggles can be worked on only if I am able to play the game, and just now? I'm not.





The usual caveat is added, of course. Yes, I know it's Alpha, yes I know this is exp branch of Alpha. Yes, I know the devs work hard and, finally, no I'm not riding the hate train.

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wat i think is causing the mouse lag guys is all the new poi's the game engine isnt designed to handle this amoutn of stuff i imagin itll be smoothed out when they go stable with a16


its not about lag.

Even with 60fps you will still have the same issues. Its the mouse which was probably changed to fit easier with the consoles...

God damn... first consoles ruin minibikes and now they ruin our mouse. Thanks obama! :D

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