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Subquake's Undead Legacy


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Hey, if you had said "Sphereii and I couldn't agree on a format so unfortunately his launcher won't support my mod" then I would have left it. But no, you said "he doesn't seem like he cares" and "if the mod launchers author doesn't care about..."


Come on man, you're clearly intelligent, you know what you did. :)


Anyway, your thread, back to its regularly scheduled programming. Sphereii has 40k other users, so his project isn't going to get hurt and likely neither are his feelings.

Edited by Guppycur (see edit history)
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The whole root of the problem currently is that despite the fact, that the game has been in alpha for almost 4 years now, they haven't implemented Steam Workshop support and proper modding with ability to have custom models, mod loading orders and xml entry overrides (something like The Elder Scrolls game has would suffice) without diving into SDX territory and also overriding core game files, because I want the mod to be anticheat friendly.


I've spoiled myself using steam workshop for other games and other steam section statistical features, that count how many followers, downloads, visits etc. you have. For me that's very important to know how actually useful and relevant my contribution is, instead of boldly go where no man has gone before.


For instance, now I know that there are more than 90% of people, that download the mod, but never post anything on these forums, discord chat or privately on steam. That means that there is a lot more interest in what I do than if I would just rely on how often people reply to this thread about Undead Legacy, which is not a lot and quite disappointing, because I would like to get more feedback in order to improve it for the better.

Edited by Subquake (see edit history)
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You may need to rename the file cause it has ' in the front and end of the zip file.

So it won't download properly.

What browser are you using? Because it downloads just fine with me on Google Chrome.


This is how all 3 files look for me when I download them:




Also: I just installed MediaWiki on my web server so at some point there will be a wiki for the mod ;)

Edited by Subquake (see edit history)
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first and foremost

this mod is great, you must have spent a lot of time, effort and dedication

i'm loving it

only downside (my opinion) is the size of the backpack. This is almost constantly full due to the large diversity of items that have been added in this mod.

Awesome job to add these items, as well as the images of these items.


that's why I decided to add the bigger backpack myself. it is not that hard to do this.


as a result I now own a 72-slot backpack. however, some tests and adjustments have to be made regarding the position of the larger backpack, but at the moment it is functioning.


thanks again for a great mod

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About the backpack I agree. At some point I will make a release with a bigger backpack, but for now I just don't have time to branch the mod into two ones, because if I want the game to look good with bigger backpack, I would have to make a completely new UI for the additional slots based on the existing style. Also there is the fact of conflict between backpack space and minibike space.


On the other hand, the fact that the backpack is only so large makes the game more down to earth, because IRL you wouldn't be able to carry all that stuff around just in your backpack and all the time you have to make decisions about what to take with you and what to leave for later.

Edited by Subquake (see edit history)
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Hi Subquake.


There is a possibility to do more tabs inventory like this ?




I think, create biger bag ingame and use chest armor slot and for leg armor slot create this http://www.municak.sk/images/produkty/251/251430-01.jpg


If it is possible, can by make conditions for use than :

- leg armor slot

20 athletics; 15 level; 2 The survivir; 2 Sexual tyranosaurus

- chest armor slot

40 athletics; 30 level; + other conditions



Question is, make this as mod or implemented to core game ?

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You could probably reduce the amount of loot in general. I mean the amount of food and items that people have left in their abandoned homes is pretty silly even on 25% loot :-D your average house can take 3-4 runs which seems a bit too much in my opinion.


This is such a great mod though, it feels so polished even at the current build.


I'd definitely like to see;


Animal farming

So many new recipes and focus on cooking it only feels right that we can capture animals and breed them :-D


Custom Zombies

I think we need a few tough guys in this mod too. Please don't make them all run though!


Hygiene and well being

You've added tons of medical and well being products. Some sort of shower / advanced smell system that puts you more at risk for been dirty. Maybe add new infections as well?


Do you ever plan on adding custom 3D models Subquake? A few extra guns would be great.

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I don't think your suggestion is possible to implement without seriously going into SDX.





I agree about food being too frequent, however I don't plan to change quantities any time soon because of the lore. Currently in game there are no bandits/raiders and other survivors besides players so lore wise most food is still there in homes ready for grabs for the players, because zombies are no longer interested in most of the stuff, that's at home.


With A17, if they gonna release bandits/raiders etc, I will make food much more scarce, because lore wise bandits got their hands on most food - important resource in an apocalypse. So most food will be found in some way related to bandits or by buying them from traders. Only a handful of food items or food scraps will be found in POI containers.


Now about the other "clutter" items. As I've already mentioned before, I wanted the game to feel more "full" like in Fallout, where you explore buildings and there are tons of all kinds of junk lying around up for grabs, if you have the carry capacity to do so. Also lore wise, why would zombies care about most household items - they simply don't, so most of the containers shouldn't be empty. With some of the junk even bandits/raiders lore wise wouldn't bother, but you as a player are smarter than that and you know that most stuff can be recycled so that you can use the base resource to craft other amazing things.



I have plans to add tons of more food in the future, tomatoes, paprika, peppers, wheat etc.. I just didn't have time to do it yet.


Custom zombies

I didn't do anything related to zombies because TFP already added quite a bit of new zombies of their own. In the nearest future I don't have plans to expand zombies to include more variety (for example, UMA zombies), definitely not till A17, because at the moment I simply don't have time for that.



Since my mod is aimed to increase the immersion factor, I had to add items related to this as well and in an apocalypse it's a big issue, because of no running water etc. Some form of buff utilization in this aspect has crossed my mind before, but as everything else time is an issue to figure out how should it work, so that it's rewarding to be "clean", but not so much "punishing" being not clean.


I was really happy to see TFP adding bathtubs with A17. Those could be made usable somehow with the clean/dirty buff system later on.


Custom models

When I will be making a branch with expanded inventory space (.dll edit), I will most certainly look into options how to add custom models for things like crops, weapons, armor and blocks (for new workstations).


But to be clear, there always will be a standalone, easy anti cheat friendly version without custom models and without any changes to core game files unless TFP will add mod support for them.

Edited by Subquake (see edit history)
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I don't think your suggestion is possible to implement without seriously going into SDX.





I agree about food being too frequent, however I don't plan to change quantities any time soon because of the lore. Currently in game there are no bandits/raiders and other survivors besides players so lore wise most food is still there in homes ready for grabs for the players, because zombies are no longer interested in most of the stuff, that's at home.


With A17, if they gonna release bandits/raiders etc, I will make food much more scarce, because lore wise bandits got their hands on most food - important resource in an apocalypse. So most food will be found in some way related to bandits or by buying them from traders. Only a handful of food items or food scraps will be found in POI containers.


Now about the other "clutter" items. As I've already mentioned before, I wanted the game to feel more "full" like in Fallout, where you explore buildings and there are tons of all kinds of junk lying around up for grabs, if you have the carry capacity to do so. Also lore wise, why would zombies care about most household items - they simply don't, so most of the containers shouldn't be empty. With some of the junk even bandits/raiders lore wise wouldn't bother, but you as a player are smarter than that and you know that most stuff can be recycled so that you can use the base resource to craft other amazing things.



I have plans to add tons of more food in the future, tomatoes, paprika, peppers, wheat etc.. I just didn't have time to do it yet.


Custom zombies

I didn't do anything related to zombies because TFP already added quite a bit of new zombies of their own. In the nearest future I don't have plans to expand zombies to include more variety (for example, UMA zombies), definitely not till A17, because at the moment I simply don't have time for that.



Since my mod is aimed to increase the immersion factor, I had to add items related to this as well and in an apocalypse it's a big issue, because of no running water etc. Some form of buff utilization in this aspect has crossed my mind before, but as everything else time is an issue to figure out how should it work, so that it's rewarding to be "clean", but not so much "punishing" being not clean.


I was really happy to see TFP adding bathtubs with A17. Those could be made usable somehow with the clean/dirty buff system later on.


Custom models

When I will be making a branch with expanded inventory space (.dll edit), I will most certainly look into options how to add custom models for things like crops, weapons, armor and blocks (for new workstations).


But to be clear, there always will be a standalone, easy anti cheat friendly version without custom models and without any changes to core game files unless TFP will add mod support for them.


Thanks for such a detailed reply dude! All sounds great.


I know you said you plan to expand farming - I just wondered if you planned on adding animal farming and breeding too? :-D

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Thanks for such a detailed reply dude! All sounds great.


I know you said you plan to expand farming - I just wondered if you planned on adding animal farming and breeding too? :-D


It depends how TFP gonna implement companions (if for A17, the wolf companion), because that code could be used to domesticate other animals such as cows for milk, sheep for wool, chicken for feathers etc.

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Best to focus on your mod. We HAVE a mod launcher, a popular one, a working one. Sure some people seem to have issues but those are limited to the few who really expect way more than they should, or try to get the Launcher to bend to their own wills.


We have been using the Launcher since its inception on our server 2 years ago. And it is amazingly easy and gets the job done. Why open a McDonalds when we have an Angus Beef right next door, you know? It will only cause unnecessary clutter. Sphere answers and solves most issues in a matter of minutes. My mod is doing AMAZINGLY well using the Launcher, it's being streamed by streamers because it is easy to find and install. Big names already were reluctant to try a Launcher but now that they have I doubt they would be open to a new way of doing things. You know how people can be when something works. Reluctant to experiment with anything new.


That aside the mod looks great, lots to explore and find out. Kudos on the hard work. It has paid off nicely.

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Hi again


After some changes and testing with Bigger Backpack i have a question. As seen in the picture the new 72 slot backpack is outside the alowed space.

This is the only problem so far.


It seems to me that no matter which station you open (campfire, minibike, crafting, chem or workstation) the inventory moves to the left to make room for the stations.


Tried to enlarge the alowed space of the backpack but I didn't find how. Is it even possible?










Again thx for this great mod


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Tried to enlarge the alowed space of the backpack but I didn't find how. Is it even possible?



What exactly you are looking to do? To increase the UI middle section to fit the new width (background itself)? Or you want to define new rectangle area so that items don't fall through the inventory? Best would to contact me through discord and I could try to explain.

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I'm sorry, but in the nearest future there are no plans to make the mod compatible with mod launcher, not at least till early February 2018. Reason is I just don't have time for any major changes for the mod, how it is distributed etc, because of real life issues I'm dealing with currently.


Can i simply say that I love this mod?

Yes you can and thank you!

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Hi Subquake,


I finally got around to trying your mod. So far, it's really good. Although like most have mentioned, larger bags would be nice with the sheer number of things you need to get. Especially in the beginning because you don't know what you need and what you don't. And simple things like diodes and what not wouldn't come close to filling up a bag slot just because of the itty bitty size they are.


But beyond that the ui is amazing, the game feels different and overall is a blast.


One problem I just ran into, (not sure if it's a vanilla thing, but don't recall experiencing it), I qued up over 100 scrap iron log spikes and 100 wood spikes before I quit playing earlier this morning before work. When I reloaded the game a few minutes ago my que was empty and all the items missing. So the game just discarded a lot of work I did and being it's day 7 now it's messed up horde night (well sorta I'll just creative menu them back in). could be a show stopper for someone on a server if it behaves that way there too.


I'm playing single player.


Gorgeous mod. At first I hated twigs because of the amount needed for spikes, but now that I have iron fireaxe it isn't as big an issue. ;)


Keep up the good work. And hopefully you can figure out the que stealing issue.

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Hi Subquake,


another thing I noticed, I can't repair the wood spikes. the stone axe and the wrench both show an icon with twigs and a red x, but I've got several thousand twigs in my inventory (Canceled the building of spikes for the moment). Not sure if xml is goofy or if i need a different tool than what I'm using.

Edited by leaderdog (see edit history)
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Hi Subquake,


another thing I noticed, I can't repair the wood spikes. the stone axe and the wrench both show an icon with twigs and a red x, but I've got several thousand twigs in my inventory (Canceled the building of spikes for the moment). Not sure if xml is goofy or if i need a different tool than what I'm using.


That's a bug, thank you for reporting it. I forgot to add twigs to Allowed_upgrade_items list that determines if the tool is allowed to use an item to upgrade/repair stuff.


It will be fixed with the next patch, though I can't give any details when.

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That's a bug, thank you for reporting it. I forgot to add twigs to Allowed_upgrade_items list that determines if the tool is allowed to use an item to upgrade/repair stuff.


It will be fixed with the next patch, though I can't give any details when.


ok good to know.


the problem with the que disappearing after quitting the game and coming back? Not sure if you got that part in my first message.

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