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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Boah, Clockwork I HATE you - for the hourly updates, lots of work to do :-P - thanks for this :)


Since Valmar takes a break me and my admin team decided to fire up the

Clockwork Project to our server. Still testing on our test server - but if it's what we want, we will bring it live on weekend.


Loool, yeah I think I am done balancing the skills and everything, so there should not be any more updates for a while now.


Hope you guys find it to your liking! :)

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Yup, and it takes 4 books to level the particular skill up by one level.


Chemistry for dummies for eg will level up your science skill

Have you thought about maybe making books drop less but instead raise skill by 1 point? I think that would make it more rewarding and intuitive.

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Have you thought about maybe making books drop less but instead raise skill by 1 point? I think that would make it more rewarding and intuitive.


There is no good way to do that, I could make it so that books drop less by increasing the majority probability for paper, so you would get paper, paper, paper, book, nothing, paper, paper paper, nothing, paper, book. etc. but I think id rather leave it the way it currently is TBH.


Personally I am more concerned about balancing how to get glue or a beaker atm since i think it is a bit to RNG for getting the workbench up and running. The problem is I dont want glue to take over too much of the majority loot drop from junk and I want to leave the beaker as un-craftable so that it is a nice item to find and also dont want to increase the beaker chance for dropping so you can see my dilemma.

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There is no good way to do that, I could make it so that books drop less by increasing the majority probability for paper, so you would get paper, paper, paper, book, nothing, paper, paper paper, nothing, paper, book. etc. but I think id rather leave it the way it currently is TBH.


Personally I am more concerned about balancing how to get glue or a beaker atm since i think it is a bit to RNG for getting the workbench up and running. The problem is I dont want glue to take over too much of the majority loot drop from junk and I want to leave the beaker as un-craftable so that it is a nice item to find and also dont want to increase the beaker chance for dropping so you can see my dilemma.

For glue you can create resin glue powder bucket item and add it to working stiff loot. When crafted with bucket of water it could give you something like 20 units of glue.

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For glue you can create resin glue powder bucket item and add it to working stiff loot. When crafted with bucket of water it could give you something like 20 units of glue.


I think I have a better solution to both what you suggested about making books drop less and also with being able to get glue a bit easier.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (3/31/16)




Increased glue drop amount in junk lootgroup from 1,3 to 2,6


Changed purse will no longer drop books instead will drop junk in its place


Changed lockers will no longer drop books instead will drop junk in its place


Changed file cabinets will no longer drop books and will drop junk in its place




Added recipe for grafting glue from 3 duct tape




Fixed improper group labels

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lol well I did not nerf them to begin with so IDK you can always buff them I guess... give them more HP make them move faster etc, but they are vanilla atm.


Ok good...I was just asking because i have People on my server saying they might be to easy according to them..but if they are Vanilla then there isn't a problem...Ty


Question.....Valmod made his own Variations of Zombies by mixing them around..you plan on doing that also?....

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Ok good...I was just asking because i have People on my server saying they might be to easy according to them..but if they are Vanilla then there isn't a problem...Ty


Question.....Valmod made his own Variations of Zombies by mixing them around..you plan on doing that also?....


I was thinking about it yeah, atm I am working on quests but I will think about making some variations I may just ask Valmar If I can use his variations.


But I did reduce the HP of feral zombies from 2800 Hp to 1800 HP since I just felt they were needlessly to high and just bullet sponges so I could revert their hp back to vanilla...


but I also buffed the feral to have an added chance to break your leg when struck as well.

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I was thinking about it yeah, atm I am working on quests but I will think about making some variations I may just ask Valmar If I can use his variations.


But I did reduce the HP of feral zombies from 2800 Hp to 1800 HP since I just felt they were needlessly to high and just bullet sponges so I could revert their hp back to vanilla...


but I also buffed the feral to have an added chance to break your leg when struck as well.


Even with headshots they were bullet sponges?


Im sure valmod would love to pass on his stuff with him taking a break or whatever makes him happy.

"as long as credit is given where credit is due"


Dont forget his "Weed Clever"

Best tool ever

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Update (4/1/16)




26 new quests added


Changed starting quests to reflect the mod, for eg the quest to craft a stone axe now properly states you need to craft cordage.


Changed quests to no longer have to be followed in a specific order to complete them.

Quests now give large Exp gains to facilitate gaining skill points through leveling up

I will not list all of the quests since they will get unlocked as you progress automatically.





Barbed_wire: Gave it a proper ingredient time

Removed all old preview code that no longer does anything




Unfortunately you have to start a new game in order to experience the quests since they all start with the first quest chain of crafting a stone axe.

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Just started new with the latest update, doing the starter quests. When coming to bow crafting, I gathered the ressources, and even if I have not yet crafted a Cordage for the bow, it is shown in green in the quest log.


Maybe this is because I crafted Cordage before for the Stone Axe and the Clothes? I also have no Cordage in inventory, the bow recipe is shown greyed out due to this, this could confuse players.


Edit: Forge quest requires to craft 5 Bellows, shouldn't it be one?

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Just started new with the latest update, doing the starter quests. When coming to bow crafting, I gathered the ressources, and even if I have not yet crafted a Cordage for the bow, it is shown in green in the quest log.


Maybe this is because I crafted Cordage before for the Stone Axe and the Clothes? I also have no Cordage in inventory, the bow recipe is shown greyed out due to this, this could confuse players.


Edit: Forge quest requires to craft 5 Bellows, shouldn't it be one?


Fixed the forge quest, and I think the reason why it is showing that you completed the cordage portion is because I am unlokcing all quests so you dont have to complete them in a certain order and completing the gathering of something for one quest will complete it for all quests that are unlocked.


Since I want to keep the quests unlocked the way they are I might have to remove the individual material portions from the quest objectives if they overlap if that makes any sense. I will figure something out, thanks!

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Finished the putting on the fiber cloths part, no quest activated after. but when i made a campfire, and placed it on the ground, i got a quest completed sound, and onscreen message, but no quest was visible on my screen


Not all quests are going to be visible all at once on the screen, you will have to open your quest tab menu to see what quests are all available.


Not all quests will award you with a new quest, for eg after wearing the different clothing and armor set quests all you will get is experience for actually wearing them after you craft them that is all.

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There is no good way to do that, I could make it so that books drop less by increasing the majority probability for paper, so you would get paper, paper, paper, book, nothing, paper, paper paper, nothing, paper, book. etc. but I think id rather leave it the way it currently is TBH.


Personally I am more concerned about balancing how to get glue or a beaker atm since i think it is a bit to RNG for getting the workbench up and running. The problem is I dont want glue to take over too much of the majority loot drop from junk and I want to leave the beaker as un-craftable so that it is a nice item to find and also dont want to increase the beaker chance for dropping so you can see my dilemma.


What about having a more basic workbench for wood items only and make it easier to craft then the current work station?

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Update (4/2/16)



Changed craft objectives to gather objectives, basically all this does is makes it so that it will show you have an objective completed only if your inventory currently has the required items for that objective, if you use those objective items for crafting a quest objective item it will no longer show as a completed quest objective for other quests until you have the items in your inventory again.


I hope that makes sense.

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What about having a more basic workbench for wood items only and make it easier to craft then the current work station?


I dont really want to add a different workbench I already have a misc crafting work bench for aesthetic blocks that I wtillh ave to add more recipes for as it is.


But i have already came up with a good solution and the workbench is now exactly how I want it to be in terms of how difficult it is to craft.


I decreased honey poultice loot chance which allows the beaker to show up about as often as it did before, I added junk loot to purses file cabinets, and lockers to help get more possible glue drops as well as duct tape, I also made a new recipe for crafting glue from duct tape and I just added duct tape to one of the harvested resources of the last stage of cars so once you have some wrenches you can easily take apart cars to get duct tape to craft glue.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (4/2/16)



Added duct tape to harvested resources of the last stage of cars, so now there is a guaranteed way to get glue from harvesting cars and gathering duct tape and crafting it into glue.

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