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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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they look nice that purple sky is awesome as well, what a pic. Is that yellow bar your level? What I would like is just my core temp and elevation if possible, for some reason the one with everything drops my fps quite a bit. Edit: im blind what are the differences between the 2 lite versions. never mind it is the size lol.

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Nice, one small suggestion, change the color on the hunger and thirst bars. Makes them stand out more, better for on the fly information.


I was trying to do this but still have yet to figure out how to do this without having to revert them to a % and still be able to use the food icon that I am currently using and not have to use the fork icon.


Once I figure that out i will adjust the colors of the food and water but as of right now I can not seem to do it the way I want to.

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they look nice that purple sky is awesome as well, what a pic. Is that yellow bar your level? What I would like is just my core temp and elevation if possible, for some reason the one with everything drops my fps quite a bit.


Thanks!, and yeah the Gold bar is your level, and the Ice blue one is your core temp, try the version you like the most out of what I have available for now and see how you like it. It should not affect your fps at all. If it does I will consider making a custom UI for you.


- - - Updated - - -


Make sure to update the xui.xml and the windows.xml

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Update (2/13/16)


+UI Version Pack


-Added vanilla style UI for those that do not want anything extra added

-Reduced Clock and Thermometer symbol size at the top of the screen for all UI versions


This will be the last update until A 14!


Just a heads up - the Stone Spear causes a Null reference Object Reference not Set error whenever you click it ( as opposed to click and drag ). Worse than that, after you've done that, if you go to open your inventory, it causes another console error - only way I found to fix that is to drop it, then pick it back up.


I tried clicking it without it being equipped, and it is causing the same error... except since it isn't on my tool belt, I can't drop it to fix it, so I am effectively unable to open my inventory. I tried exiting and reentering the game, no dice.


Dunno if this is an easy fix you can implement before the A14 release? Just thought you should know about it :)

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Fixed, thanks for posting!


I had to change the repair items for the spear from "stone" to small rocks and same with the recipe I changed it from stone to small rocks.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (2/14/16)




Fixed stone spear NRE


-Changed stone spear repair items to small rocks from stone




-Changed stone spear recipe cost to small rocks instead of stone

-Added recipe to allow for jars and glass panes to be scraped into broken glass

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Thanks for the great mod. It really makes me struggle (and I usually play with running zeds).


Two questions though about the Chicken Coop and Dew Collector. Do they actually work?

The Dew Collector's been sitting in my house for several hours real time and has yet to produce anything. Same with the Chicken Coop. I was able to upgrade it once (wooohoo) but never again.

Which makes it two terribly expensive blocks when you are hunting with a bow.

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Thanks for the great mod. It really makes me struggle (and I usually play with running zeds).


Two questions though about the Chicken Coop and Dew Collector. Do they actually work?

The Dew Collector's been sitting in my house for several hours real time and has yet to produce anything. Same with the Chicken Coop. I was able to upgrade it once (wooohoo) but never again.

Which makes it two terribly expensive blocks when you are hunting with a bow.



You are welcome!, and thanks for the feedback.


do they have access to sunlight?


They work 100% but they grow like plants and need sunlight.


I did it this way so that they needed to be placed outside and cant be just put inside anywhere safe.


And it makes more sense that a dew collector needs to be outside in order to collect dew.


And they are so expensive becasue they are very powerful when it comes to gathering resources once you have multiple set up.


EDIT: Also if you have to move them outside then you should just go to the main menu and turn on cheat mode temporarily and gift yourself one of each since you have already obtained the resources required to craft them.

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Fixed, thanks for posting!


I had to change the repair items for the spear from "stone" to small rocks and same with the recipe I changed it from stone to small rocks.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (2/14/16)




Fixed stone spear NRE


-Changed stone spear repair items to small rocks from stone




-Changed stone spear recipe cost to small rocks instead of stone

-Added recipe to allow for jars and glass panes to be scraped into broken glass


Sweet, thanks! Glad to know I hadn't done something stupid lol!

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Fixed, thanks for posting!


I had to change the repair items for the spear from "stone" to small rocks and same with the recipe I changed it from stone to small rocks.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (2/14/16)




Fixed stone spear NRE


-Changed stone spear repair items to small rocks from stone




-Changed stone spear recipe cost to small rocks instead of stone

-Added recipe to allow for jars and glass panes to be scraped into broken glass



Did you include the recipe for glass scrapping in the download? I can't seem to find it in your recipes.xml.



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Update (2/26/16)


Updated to latest Unofficial XML Fixes Version 1.19


Fixed some recipes that did not have proper ingredients or amounts and Reworked recipes, I split the more miscellaneous aesthetic blocks up into a second crafting table to reduce the number of recipes to sort through on the main crafting table. All recipes should now have proper ingredients and amounts.


I added nails as a requirement for all wood related blocks for eg, wood frames, and cobblestone frames. I also adjusted the secure wood storage chest to have the same requirements as the other storage crates.


There is a bug in the game where if a quality items is completed crafting while not occupying the workstation it will become a loot quality item instead of a crafted quality item.


So I had to separate the ammo and gunpowder crafting from the smithing table, I have also changed the Tailoring Table and Smithing Table workstations since they are used for crafting quality items to now require you to occupy them in order for the timer to progress to fix this issue.




Updated to latest Unofficial XML Fixes


Added Crafting Table Misc


Added Ammunition Table


Changed barbed fence can now be picked up




Fixed improper recipe ingredients and amounts for all aesthetic blocks


Changed machete now requires forged steel to craft


Changed Cooking Pot is now crafted at the forge


Changed Bucket is now crafted at the forge


Changed recipe of barbed club to now require barbed wire


Changed recipe of spiked club to now require nails


Added recipe for crafting barbed wire (not the fence the flat plate style block)


Added nails as a requirement for all wood related blocks




Changed chisel no longer is a quality item and can no longer be used as a weapon


Changed machete now requires forged steel to repair




Slightly increased loot chance of clothing in dressers



Added Ammunition Table



Updated all Ui Versions!

Changed Smithing Table tools Ui to no longer include the bowl and calipers as a tool

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Update (2/26/16)


These changes will only take effect on new map restart, or undiscovered areas.


Increased housing density and variation in towns

Added water treatment plant to towns

Removed bunker from towns

Added bunker chance to spawn in wilderness pois

Changed stores found in towns to now consist of 1 large bookstore, 1 pop n pills and removed the gun store and working stiff tools since the water treatment plant makes up for it

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Update (3/2/16)


Major Update:


This update requires people to download and install the mod manually when using this on a server since I have added tons of custom Icons



All new Icons for all modded items

Added all new meats, Chicken, Bear, Pork, Venison, Rabbit and all of the cooked versions including new stews and soups

Added Molds to be used as tools when crafting certain items at the forge

Added Molds for Gun Parts to be crafted at the smithing table

Added Flour and new Bread foods

Added Compost

Added Steel Fireaxe

Added Cordage from plantfibers

Added Mortar and Pestle

Added Molten Iron

Added Blueberry Jam



Reworked recipes to use new ingredients

Changed forge now uses molds instead of Tool And Die Set

Changed Ammunition Table now uses Tool And Die Set and Mortar and Pestle

Added Cordage is now required for some items and blocks

Added recipes for crafting Molds and weapon parts

Added recipes for compost

Plus lots more!


Changed crops now take 6 days to grow instead of 3

Fertilizer now upgrades crops to grow for 3 days instead of instantly

Added Composter which needs to be upgraded with 10 compost and it will upgrade after 120 minutes to yield 10 fertilizer and it must be placed outside



Change harvesting of animals to give the proper meats

Pigs now give Pork meat

Chickens now give Chicken meat

Stag now gives Venison meat

Bears now give Bear meat

Rabbits now give Rabbit meat


+Ui Versions

Updated all!

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Update (3/2/16)



Added wrench Icon to smithing table tools

updated all Ui Versions



Changed minibike chassis now requires a wrench at the smithing table

Changed handlebars and minibike handlebars are now crafted at the smithing table and require a wrench

Changed nails are now crafted using the nail mold at the forge

Changed Iron Bars are now crafted at the Crafting Table using short metal pipes and requires a wrench



Removed unused Icons (except the books, those are still being planed to be used when A14 drops)

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So is it preferable for people to start a new world with this or can I swap the original files for yours and keep on rolling in my current world?


Also, can you explain how I can increase the standard 200 wellness to somewhere around 500 achievable?

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So is it preferable for people to start a new world with this or can I swap the original files for yours and keep on rolling in my current world?


Also, can you explain how I can increase the standard 200 wellness to somewhere around 500 achievable?


Yes you should be able to just update without having to start a new world but back up your files just in case if your world is really important to you to keep, and as for the wellness I think there are a couple ways to do this:


You can either add a buff that will be applied to you forever:


<buff id="well100" buffif="health lequal 1.0" stack="discard">

<modify id="0" stat="wellness" modifyMaxValue="500"/>





<buff id="well100" buffif="health lequal 1.0" stack="discard">

<modify id="0" stat="wellness" modifyMaxValue="2.5"/>



or you can try to do it through the progression file, personally I would want to do it through the progression file first and if it does not work then I would resort to using a permanent buff.


	<player_skill name="Athletics" icon="run" description_key="athleticsDesc" title_key="athletics">
		<effect name="StaminaDegradation">
			<multiply skill_level="1,99" value="1,0.65"/>
			<multiply skill_level="100" value="0.5" />
		<effect name="MaxWellness">
			<multiply skill_level="1,100" value="2.4,2.5"/>


Note that the buff method has not been tested and could simply not work since i do not know the exact code for raising the max wellness through a buff so it would be best to use the progression file for that reason as well.

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Yes you should be able to just update without having to start a new world but back up your files just in case if your world is really important to you to keep, and as for the wellness I think there are a couple ways to do this:


You can either add a buff that will be applied to you forever:


<buff id="well100" buffif="health lequal 1.0" stack="discard">

<modify id="0" stat="wellness" modifyMaxValue="500"/>





<buff id="well100" buffif="health lequal 1.0" stack="discard">

<modify id="0" stat="wellness" modifyMaxValue="2.5"/>



or you can try to do it through the progression file, personally I would want to do it through the progression file first and if it does not work then I would resort to using a permanent buff.


	<player_skill name="Athletics" icon="run" description_key="athleticsDesc" title_key="athletics">
		<effect name="StaminaDegradation">
			<multiply skill_level="1,99" value="1,0.65"/>
			<multiply skill_level="100" value="0.5" />
		<effect name="MaxWellness">
			<multiply skill_level="1,100" value="2.4,2.5"/>


Note that the buff method has not been tested and could simply not work since i do not know the exact code for raising the max wellness through a buff so it would be best to use the progression file for that reason as well.


I like the idea of it happening through progression since it would be an extension of the idea that is already in place where you have to earn wellness. I don't want it to be a buff as I would like for it to gradually increase as it does now. I just think it should be able to go higher than the default 200 wellness stat.


I will try the progression edit first.


Thank you for your help.

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Initially I copied and pasted the code that you showed into the Progressions xml and my wellness dropped immediately upon entering the game.


So I modified it to this:


<multiply skill_level="1,10" value="1,0.76"/>
<multiply skill_level="10,20" value="0.76,0.66"/>
<multiply skill_level="20,30" value="0.66,0.59"/>
<multiply skill_level="30,40" value="0.59,0.53"/>
<multiply skill_level="40,50" value="0.53,0.47"/>
<multiply skill_level="50,60" value="0.47,0.42"/>
<multiply skill_level="60,70" value="0.42,0.37"/>
<multiply skill_level="70,80" value="0.37,0.33"/>
<multiply skill_level="80,90" value="0.33,0.29"/>
<multiply skill_level="90,100" value="0.29,0.25"/>


Which started dropping my health and stamina with every point that I purchased in the Athletics skill.


I will start a different thread so as to not clutter up this one.

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