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Medieval Times?


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So... what's it take to create custom blocks? If I wanted to create say, a microwave oven, would I be able to do this without sdx2kygzrbwhatever? Or would it be necessary to use, in order to import the custom texture?


Is it just a matter of hijacking an existing blocks model and slapping on a new texture? Probably the wrong thread for this, but I really think terrain blocks should be like normal blocks, so that we could have things like sod wedges and whatnot.

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Green Plains Biome version 1 (need to adjust the sub biomes to fit better)




Interesting bug, if you use fertileGrass as the main biome topsoil layer all the sub biomes have air pockets under them and cause big scars and collapsing terrain, but 'grass' works fine.


- - - Updated - - -


So... what's it take to create custom blocks? If I wanted to create say, a microwave oven, would I be able to do this without sdx2kygzrbwhatever? Or would it be necessary to use, in order to import the custom texture?


Is it just a matter of hijacking an existing blocks model and slapping on a new texture? Probably the wrong thread for this, but I really think terrain blocks should be like normal blocks, so that we could have things like sod wedges and whatnot.


the terrain textures and block textures are from different atlases so we cant put terrain textures on blocks :/


Other than that you can mix the shapes and textures from vanilla to create new looks easy enough, but to get new textures in the game requires asset modding.



Here's regular plains (adjusted a bit) for comparison:


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looks perfect Stompy :)


like i said:


because of the bug in the rotation-table of the cobblestone-wedge-block, i have stopped the finetuning work for now.

Its not only this block: Its also Cobblestonestairs and flagstone stairs and wedges. And some other several stairs too IMO !!

I continue to make the prefabs nice and pretty, when the rotation-Issue is fixed.

(before it makes no sense. Some directions are missing, others are there on multiple values !!!)


I havent figured out the rotation-system on these blocks - Because there is none !!



I made a mistake before: the castle is from Stallionsden.


If anybody wants to be creative on the prefabs: No problem :)

Ur welcome to finish the repairing and remove or add whatever ur heart likes. :)

(they are not my creations. Pacco and Stallionsden are the creators)


have fun


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Contains the latest version of biomes and rwgmixer.

Also the fixed and slightly modified castle from Pacco and some quick and dirty peasant and commoner housing from me :)


Naming convention for prefabs:


prefix: medieval_

Type: house_

Tenant: commoner_

Version: 01

Direction: n

Maker: (by_StompyNZ)

Alpha: a13


For example:



I've also added some groups to the prefab rules for the various building types which can be filled as I receive prefabs:














rwg has a custom hub at 0,0 and random towns for the other hubs.

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And again, this time to fix a block misalignment in the castle and to add allow townships to the houses so they actually showed up in the non hub town :p


BTW the reason for creating a separate prefab for each direction is due to the rotation to road attribute being somewhat broken and unpredictable.


It looks like Hals editor rotates all blocks properly now when rotating the whole prefab so I just create all my houses facing north then rotate 90 degrees each time and save as a new direction (n,e,s,w)

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For fun I'm trying your file, but the rgwmixer doesn't seem to want to load. I have all of the prefabs, but stuck at "Waiting for Server". The output_log is ambiguous.


Since I'm new to messing with rgwmixers, what's the obvious issue, in your mind?


have you got the blocks file from the first post as well?


Whats the first error in the log? I maybe have missed something

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Likely the blocks file then, it wasn't in the rar in the last post (I assumed it was a complete package), I'll get it, thanks! :)


Yeah I left it out since Val was likely updating it :)


I've used some of the new blocks in the prefabs so that will def stop it loading.

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Also I had the idea of not a good castle but a bad one. Full of decrypted houses. Like a cursed city. If I was to build this could you make that area a separate hub so that we could have specific zombies or monsters spawn in that area? Kinda like the big cities now but all medieval and evil looking.


That sounds really awesome. Stompy mentioned to me once that zombies you place in prefabs wont respawn. So it might not be possible to give it specific zombies, at least beyond that first visit. However maybe we can give that specific area its own spawning group rule? I'm not sure if thats possible but it could be worth looking into.


I want to make sure you know I'm talking about the World Editor, and not his Prefab Editor. It allows for a "live" manipulation of the game (inserting prefabs, etc). I keep bringing it up because it's very nice to use. :)


I'm checking it out now, and can likely help you get it running. The only thing that's really important is to copy the correct dll over. If you're using a dedi, you would copy "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.dll" to


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days to Die Dedicated Server\7DaysToDieServer_Data\Managed


then backup the existing "Assembly-CSharp.dll" to something else, then rename the "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.dll" to "Assembly-CSharp.dll".


That's it.


Run the server, log in, type "BBB ?" from the CHAT menu (not the debug menu!), and if it works, you'll know. :)


That does sound really boss but I'm still too burned out from trying to get it to work the last time. Buildings and prefabs aren't my specaility anyway. It's why Im outsourcing help on this project. :p


Skirting responsibility!



So... what's it take to create custom blocks? If I wanted to create say, a microwave oven, would I be able to do this without sdx2kygzrbwhatever? Or would it be necessary to use, in order to import the custom texture?


Is it just a matter of hijacking an existing blocks model and slapping on a new texture? Probably the wrong thread for this, but I really think terrain blocks should be like normal blocks, so that we could have things like sod wedges and whatnot.



Stompy touched on this (terrain are special) but just to add to it, or repeat some of what he said: As long as its a real, normal block and not a model or terrain block we can do various things with it. We can change its shape and take the texture from block and attach it to another, on anyside.


as for a microwave it just so happens I made one of those in my Valmod pack that be used as an example:


<block id="1806" name="Microwave">

<property name="Shape" value="Half" />

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="metal" />

<property name="Texture" value="345,345,345,345,341,345" />

<property name="LootList" value="3" />

<drop event="Harvest" name="scrapCable" count="1" tool_category="Disassemble" />

<drop event="Harvest" name="shortMetalPipe" count="2" tool_category="Disassemble" />

<drop event="Destroy" name="scrapIron" count="2" prob="1" />

<drop event="Fall" name="scrapMetalPile" count="1" prob="1.0" stick_chance=".75" />

<property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacer" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



If you see a block in game that has multiple textures (like wood on one side and paint on the other, for example) you can take the texture from one of those sides and put it on another block or even move it around. Lots of neat little things like that. Its just a matter of having a creative enough mind to think of uses for all we have access to.


Not sure how ive missed this thread....has me seriously intrigued. I will see what i can contribute :).


This is going to be good, I can feel it.


If you need any kind of new blocks or shapes let me know and I'll see if I can help.



Also to point out I took the advice given to me and linked my IP up to the no-ip service so now even if my IP changes the server address I provide (see the OP) should always direct you to me.

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So my first attempt at the evil castle failed. Just so limited with blocks and things that look old and evil. Looked to pretty and I scrapped it. Not giving up though, going to do some research and get some reference images and try again tonight.

Good news is that the update to Hal's fixed a lot of my terrain issues and I have almost got all my other prefabs to where I want them.

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So my first attempt at the evil castle failed. Just so limited with blocks and things that look old and evil. Looked to pretty and I scrapped it. Not giving up though, going to do some research and get some reference images and try again tonight.

Good news is that the update to Hal's fixed a lot of my terrain issues and I have almost got all my other prefabs to where I want them.


What bout the asphalt road/bridge block. Its black and would fit the best for a dark evil castle

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What bout the asphalt road/bridge block. Its black and would fit the best for a dark evil castle


Good idea I'll give that a look tonight. I had kind of demised any block I thought was modern and in return limited my imagination. Another cool look is the scrap iron frame. Got holes in it and if you place Val s new black block behind it it looks kind of evil.

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Good idea I'll give that a look tonight. I had kind of demised any block I thought was modern and in return limited my imagination. Another cool look is the scrap iron frame. Got holes in it and if you place Val s new black block behind it it looks kind of evil.


Idk just cause its modern dont mean it dont give the effect one is after in prefab building the imagination of prefabbers and the prefabs they create and the style etc and what they use to get the effect gives the prefab more awe. Even maybe create a new block using the asphalt road block ornwhat ever and look for something similar they had back in medieval times like tar or what not. Idk

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Idk just cause its modern dont mean it dont give the effect one is after in prefab building the imagination of prefabbers and the prefabs they create and the style etc and what they use to get the effect gives the prefab more awe. Even maybe create a new block using the asphalt road block ornwhat ever and look for something similar they had back in medieval times like tar or what not. Idk


I agree, you are right and I'll definitely be taking another approach at my building now!

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Windows Update decided to install updates and restart my PC last night as I slept. Sorry if anyone tried to get on during that time.


On the plus side I added several new blocks and updated the icons. Thanks to Stompy for providing the new block code.

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Recently discovered that my recent HD failure may have wiped all my castles from a10-12 along with the detailed screenshots I took of them. That was about 5 in total, and a couple of them were pretty nice. (One was more like a keep, than a castle) I'll have to see if I can toss some stuff together from memory, or I may just go from scratch. Depends on how busy work keeps me atm though.

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I've been making hovels for the poor. Sod sucks. Looks great and natural in game, but when you spawn it, it takes a different shape. Works fine for symmetrical application, just not so much for a contoured look.


I've mastered (sorta) the world editor, and although it causes the server to spiral out of control, it's definitely a great way to place prefabs.

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