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Anyone else feel 1.0 is a major downgrade to the game?

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Anyone else feel this way? the lighting looks far worse, the zombies are a bit too tanky (Might just be early game), also why does everything look like its covered in dust? inventory still really needs to be lot bigger than it is. Like i'm not a big fan of vanilla, as I am used it to modded with stuff like darkness falls, but even the previous vanilla alpha's did not have me feeling like it was a major downgrade and not any sort of a upgrade. I can't be the only one right? like even compared to a21, this kinda feels lacking. The game just doesn't look as good as it used to and I cannot place my finger on why. I'll get used to it, but this first impression is jarring to say the least. Also the mobility penalties on armor are far to high in a game where your meant to avoid hits not tank them.


Also for reference I have 9500+ hours in 7dtd total most of those modded, and I have had the game since Alpha 10.2 or so. I've never felt this way about the game till now.

Edited by Scyris (see edit history)
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I remember cars having alarms.  It feels like this is a long time into a zed apocalypse.  It doesn't bother me tho.  The cooking and food cost and quality bugs me a lot.  I have to eat 3 charred meat to get full-ish and each takes 5 raw meat.  A pain early game, a non issue mid game.  Just charred meat bugs me.

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As was A21, as was A20, A19 was aight, A18 was an apology for A17 and A17 was an atrocity. It's been a thing for awhile now.

This game really started falling off when the default difficulty was moved to Adventurer. Ever since then it's been becoming more and more of a Fischer Price zombie game. If the zombies are a little tankier, I'd actually say that's a good thing.

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, LordDraxius said:

I remember cars having alarms.  It feels like this is a long time into a zed apocalypse.  It doesn't bother me tho.  The cooking and food cost and quality bugs me a lot.  I have to eat 3 charred meat to get full-ish and each takes 5 raw meat.  A pain early game, a non issue mid game.  Just charred meat bugs me.


Charred Meat has always bugged me period, as how inept of a cook do you need to be to burn meat that badly? I've cooked meat irl over a campfire, you have to actually try to be able to burn it that bad. Be better if it was called "Roasted meat" and just didn't look as burnt.

6 minutes ago, Ranzera said:

As was A21, as was A20, A19 was aight, A18 was an apology for A17 and A17 was an atrocity. It's been a thing for awhile now.

This game really started falling off when the default difficulty was moved to Adventurer. Ever since then it's been becoming more and more of a Fischer Price zombie game. If the zombies are a little tankier, I'd actually say that's a good thing.


So far my opnion of A22/1.0 is it feels like a update that has no purpose other than to make a already slow game, even more mind numbingly slow. Everything I do just feels way slower now, and it already was kinda bad for this before, but now its even worse. I doubt i'll get very far, as I am pretty bored already of 1.0 and it just came out, this has never happened with any other alpha.


Well least mods will make the game fun again, its just waiting for them to update which usually takes a few months, prob will take longer this time due to the new model and armor changes. I doubt i'll play more than this 1 game of 1.0 till the overhauls hit. I'll be shocked if I make it to day 7 or 14 with how much of a snore fest it feels like so far in vanilla.

Edited by Scyris (see edit history)
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7 minutes ago, Scyris said:

So far my opnion of A22/1.0 is it feels like a update that has no purpose other than to make a already slow game, even more mind numbingly slow. Everything I do just feels way slower now, and it already was kinda bad for this before, but now its even worse. I doubt i'll get very far, as I am pretty bored already of 1.0 and it just came out, this has never happened with any other alpha.


Well least mods will make the game fun again, its just waiting for the to update which usually takes a few months, prob will take longer this time due to the new model and armor changes. I doubt i'll play more than this 1 game of 1.0 till the overhauls hit. I'll be shocked if I make it to day 7 or 14 with how much of a snore fest it feels like so far in vanilla.

TBH, I really like slow burns. What I don't like is when that slow burn feels artificially enforced. Dew collecters are cool but should probably only work in the forest. The desert is too dry, the snow biome is too cold and I wouldn't want to drink what's collecting in the wasteland. Yet we removed the immersion of scooping water out of the lake and boiling that water (and implied stilling) in favor of something that rarely makes sense, is far more obtuse and interrupts game play in a tedious fashion. That's one example, there are so many that I've honestly forgotten most of them.

Undead Legacy is much slower than vanilla, but I adore that mod because the grind feels like a reasonably competent person would actually go through those steps to get ahead. Vanilla is just stacks and stacks of contrived BS and it's why I haven't felt it meets my standard of quality for 2 alphas now.

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40 minutes ago, Scyris said:

Anyone else feel this way? the lighting looks far worse, the zombies are a bit too tanky (Might just be early game), also why does everything look like its covered in dust? inventory still really needs to be lot bigger than it is. Like i'm not a big fan of vanilla, as I am used it to modded with stuff like darkness falls, but even the previous vanilla alpha's did not have me feeling like it was a major downgrade and not any sort of a upgrade. I can't be the only one right? like even compared to a21, this kinda feels lacking. The game just doesn't look as good as it used to and I cannot place my finger on why. I'll get used to it, but this first impression is jarring to say the least. Also the mobility penalties on armor are far to high in a game where your meant to avoid hits not tank them.


Also for reference I have 9500+ hours in 7dtd total most of those modded, and I have had the game since Alpha 10.2 or so. I've never felt this way about the game till now.

I think it looks much better overall.  Make sure you check your graphics settings.  Mine were reset to medium settings.

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Also what is with the 10 second cooldown on sneak attack damage? why was that made a thing when stealth already has been nerfed into the ground with all the gpsing triggered spawns and such? If you don't believe me, look here.

7DaysToDie 2024-06-24 23-47-01.png

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I assume that is a per target cooldown. To prevent you from repeated stealth shots on a single target. I don't see any cooldown when shooting multiple zeds so far. Will continue to monitor. 

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1 hour ago, Scyris said:

Also what is with the 10 second cooldown on sneak attack damage? why was that made a thing when stealth already has been nerfed into the ground with all the gpsing triggered spawns and such? If you don't believe me, look here.

7DaysToDie 2024-06-24 23-47-01.png

I dont have a cd on sneak attack vs different targets. I have been able to hit 2 in less than 2 seconds

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11 minutes ago, OmegaFerret said:

I dont have a cd on sneak attack vs different targets. I have been able to hit 2 in less than 2 seconds


Hmm would be better if the tooltip specifed that, it'd make sense though with the assassin set bonus making enemies lose u the second your out of sight at tier 6. Thats prob why it exists, so u can't just duck around a corner, then pop right back out to sneak attack the same target right away.

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Just now, Scyris said:


Hmm would be better if the tooltip specifed that, it'd make sense though with the assassin set bonus making enemies lose u the second your out of sight at tier 6. Thats prob why it exists, so u can't just duck around a corner, then pop right back out to sneak attack the same target right away.

i agree. I do wish some of the tool tips where more clear of what they do.

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As a player with 7000h over last 10 years I must say I really enjoy this version, most of all the versions since A16.
It is a great foundation for mods that are to come out in the coming months ( Undead Legacy, Darkness falls... )

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To be honest everybody says it's about the new Alpha either because they changed something or change a lot of things and people will complain I included. 


But for how long I'd been on here almost every single Alpha has one of these posts I remember Alpha 17 or 18 got a lot of flack

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20 hours ago, Scyris said:

Anyone else feel this way? the lighting looks far worse, the zombies are a bit too tanky (Might just be early game), also why does everything look like its covered in dust? inventory still really needs to be lot bigger than it is. Like i'm not a big fan of vanilla, as I am used it to modded with stuff like darkness falls, but even the previous vanilla alpha's did not have me feeling like it was a major downgrade and not any sort of a upgrade. I can't be the only one right? like even compared to a21, this kinda feels lacking. The game just doesn't look as good as it used to and I cannot place my finger on why. I'll get used to it, but this first impression is jarring to say the least. Also the mobility penalties on armor are far to high in a game where your meant to avoid hits not tank them.


Also for reference I have 9500+ hours in 7dtd total most of those modded, and I have had the game since Alpha 10.2 or so. I've never felt this way about the game till now.

I agree visually. I am not a fan of the new zombie skins. There needs to be gory bloody disgusting zombies. Not dried out dusty corpses. Unless youre in the desert...

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This game is great. I find that the lighting is better. I really like the new armor system. Maybe the z's are a little tougher but I've adjusted my gameplay to it. I shoot them with a few more arrows before I bash their head in with the club.

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I'm not excited about the update at all.  I'll be staying on A21 and I guess maybe rejoin at 2.0 when they (hopefully) figure everything out.  I have 1800+ hours in the game.  I feel as the fun pimps want to limit how you play the game and there doesn't appear to be any direction to updates anymore.  For anyone going to call me out, I still play this game a lot!

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21 hours ago, Scyris said:

Also what is with the 10 second cooldown on sneak attack damage? why was that made a thing when stealth already has been nerfed into the ground with all the gpsing triggered spawns and such? If you don't believe me, look here.


Interesting. My guess it is because of new armor bonuses related to how quickly a zombie will lose track of you further reducing the time from the stealth skills . At the highest end they'll become unaware of you in under a second and your stealth shot would become immediately effective again.


As a stealth player, I wouldn't say triggers were a nerf. Triggers meant stealth players had to work on their tactics and I saw that as a good thing. "Crouch and Go" stealth got a bit of a wake-up call. But if you truly get into stealth then we've been able to shake triggered zombies and then stealth kill them. That's not a blanket endorsement of all triggers as zombies appearing in cleared areas can feel like a cheap ambush when used too frequently.

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My biggest issue is with the removal of clothes. The starter armor looks SO BAD. I was previously excited to find a tshirt & jeans. I wish they brought clothes in as mods so we wouldn't look so goofy. Some of the armor sets are great, but the intial one is pretty terrible looking. 

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45 minutes ago, Fish36 said:

My biggest issue is with the removal of clothes. The starter armor looks SO BAD. I was previously excited to find a tshirt & jeans. I wish they brought clothes in as mods so we wouldn't look so goofy. Some of the armor sets are great, but the intial one is pretty terrible looking. 

You move away from that pretty quickly.  There's a lot of armor to be found.  And crafting it is easy if you're getting the magazines and have a workbench.

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On 6/25/2024 at 3:36 AM, Scyris said:


So far my opnion of A22/1.0 is it feels like a update that has no purpose other than to make a already slow game, even more mind numbingly slow. Everything I do just feels way slower now, and it already was kinda bad for this before, but now its even worse. I doubt i'll get very far, as I am pretty bored already of 1.0 and it just came out, this has never happened with any other alpha.



Already slow? If you min/maxed the game or even just spammed quests nothing could touch you anymore at day 28 before you even get fully lasting blood moons. And yes, that´s with difficulty turned way up and max zombies hordenight.


Now i don´t have the time to play for another 10 days, but if it is slower that is good.


One thing i can already say it that the shared quest progression is kinda meh. But not for vanilla, i don´t mind it there i think. Just depends on how the overhaul mods will handle it. With challenging difficulty settings in DF or War3zUK you don´t wanna be stuck in T1 for ages in MP for example.

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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The stupid zombie rage is also causing me some grief, especially when a biker suddendly just sprints at me, not much I can do but run early game. Pretty much EVERYTIME I get hit its always a cheapshot from the rage mechanic, and it is a cheapshot as its BS how they can suddendly just speed up out of no where. Pretty much every overhaul I played in a21 has removed it as they all feel its a stupid unneeded mechanic. I'd really love options to toggle stuff like this on/off in the game maybe in the advanced settings section. I'd deff be shutting the rage off, as I am tired of all the cheapshots. Bikers, Big Momma and Bowlers (aka tourists) usually have 500-600 hp minimum. They take forever to kill, hit like trucks too even on warrior with about 40 armor rating.

Edited by Scyris (see edit history)
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