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Thoughts on 1.0

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I am enjoying version 1.0 so far, how ever I have been playing on nomad difficulty with 200% exp and I feel like the difficulty curve is a bit out of whack.

seeing a feral in the city at night, that is fine.  I can handle 1, but not 4 in a single poi

however I took a tier 2 infested clear quest and there was 4 feral zombies in a cave poi  on day 8 when I am still using tier 0 weapons. They are way to spongey and they hit way to hard for me to be able to kite them with tier 0 weapons, and you can't stun them with melee either so if you try to hit them they slap you back and you lose the trade war always. this is also in the forest during the day.

I have played over 2500 hours and I have never struggled so much. I don't  mind the struggle but fighting ferals on day 8 is pretty nutty given my weapon progression. It feels like there is only a handful of narrow  ways to deal with ferals  this early into the game.

1. build a nerd pole out cobble and stab them to death with knife/bleeds 
2. Nerd pole and throw pipe bombs at them
3. use a door or reinforced frames I can shoot through to cheese them
4. always carry a pipe machine gun and dump 2-3 clips of ammo into them

I don't like that I am forced into a handful of select solutions, and that in my opinion means the content is overly challenging at this stage

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The lack of animals and zombies really suck. They should add something that makes zombies spawn more. I don't care if they gotta lower graphics across the bored or add a special zombie too light summon them. 


The animals spawning only at night is silly. They should spawn more at night but also during the day

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19 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

The lack of animals and zombies really suck. They should add something that makes zombies spawn more. I don't care if they gotta lower graphics across the bored or add a special zombie too light summon them. 


The animals spawning only at night is silly. They should spawn more at night but also during the day

Reasoning I was told by a another mate that plays is "Animals are more active at night and they want realism." My mate also said, "And then we have the magical jar creating dew collector."


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On 6/24/2024 at 8:44 PM, User said:

Some initial thoughts

-I think crawlers and dogs are a little bit too tanky right now

-Very happy with the challenge system. Massive improvement over the journal system.

-New trader progression is great. The traders also make sense where they are biome-wise.

-Some of the character faces look a bit strange.

-The interfaces seem to be somewhat buggy/laggy. A lot of stuff doesn't show up immediately,

-Some sell prices seem a little too disproportionate, like how you buy cooking grills for 600, and you sell them for 4 dukes.

-Not a fan of the news/ad section on launch. That seems like something you'd see in a live service game.

-Since the outfits don't have a seperate top and pants, there isn't too much customization/fashion opprotunity

-There's some clipping with hair or armor pieces (still a major improvement)

-Animations (both third and first person) are much better, most notably the drinking from a water source animation is an absolute massive improvement.

-Third person reload sound bug was fixed!

-Albedo variants add some nice variety. I'm sort of curious how they work, is it like a layer put on top of the normal zombie models? Or is it like a decal?

-New road decals and props are always good

-Trader voice lines add a lot more personailty

-You can place blocks on road lines

-World gen is somehow even faster


Looks like a solid update so far, though I've only played for a few ingame days, so it's fairly early on, and nothing I say really holds any legitmacy. Even if there are problems/issues, I appreciate the devs for releasing this, and I'm sure it was a big and challenging undertaking.  



I agree on the dogs, but not crawlers, the crawlers are basically free exp, I like the challenge system also, Not a big fan of the trader stuff, its pretty annoying having 4 of the same trader in 1 biome, like 4 rekts in the forest it just looks silly, quests also need to reward mroe dukes, they are almost not even worth doing anymore, especailly since they no longer give weapons/armor, They also pay poorly. T1 fetch? 100 dukes. t1 clear 400. Yeah I been trying to figure out how to disable that stupid news page that makes you click on it, at least allow us to hit enter or something. I feel alot of the new armors look stupid/silly but thats me.


The world gen is amazingly fast but I think I know how its so fast, i've notice basically every forest town basically is the exact same layout, they are also tiny towns. Again not a fan of traders being locked to biomes because for example in my rwg I have literally 4 rekts in the forest and no other trader. It needs to go back to random traders, maybe ONE guarnteed for the biome (Eg rekt in forest) but after that is placed the rest are random. I remember when generating a world used to take 20-30 minutes for a 8k world, and no I am not kidding it was really that long.


The art team does good work, can't complain about the graphics much other than they seem really washed out in 1.0. As I said it'd be nice in the advanced options to have stuff like being able to turn Zombie rage off and on, like the other settings. I can bet you most people will turn it off if they were given the option. I just hate the cheapshots it causes. Sadly other than the new graphical assets the update is kinda a letdown, easly the worse ever imo and i've been around since alpha 10.2. The game honestly needs new content like higher tier zombies, and items, something above steel etc. Thats what the game honestly needs most and has needed the most for a very long time. The skill system also needs to go in the trash and bring back a16.4 like learn by doing system for the weapon/tool's at least, yeah I know they said it won't happen but I can dream. All in all I was pretty disappointed by the lack of anything really new besides just the armor.

2 minutes ago, Satanslittlesidepiece said:

Reasoning I was told by a another mate that plays is "Animals are more active at night and they want realism." My mate also said, "And then we have the magical jar creating dew collector."



Not to mention how your char basically eats the glass jar after drinking from it. IMO jars need to come back as a craftable, maybe still have them poof on use but at least allow us to craft them and fill them from water sources. Pretty much any overhaul puts back the jars as it was silly why they were ever removed in the first place.

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Posted (edited)

My feedback is this: 


I like the progression a bit more now! But armor needs alittle work. Like furry of blows. Each class should have a armor perk.  


Armor should go along with progression, and other classes! 


Like scavenger buffs spears and Pistols, farmer buffs knifes and rifles, 


Other armors should be ether nerfs or buffed. Like preachers damage to zombies should be on the chest, while gloves do something else. 


And early game there should be mid and heavy armors for early game per class/build. 


Early game after you go this the trader, 9.9 times out of 10 people pick the AR. It should be gone and be a bow arrows or something.  


Speaking of. Pipe weapons should cost more to make. 



Zombies being stronger is great but there needs to be more. Please up the spawn rate. I don't care if you have to lower the textures just so it's better. 


And the new zombie models/color is great everyone looks equally dead now! 


But the one thing that doesn't work is zombies don't fit in with the world in terms of color! The world should be tinted darker like back then. 


Wildlife should spawn bit during the day and the forest needs something dangerous. Like add coyotes. And super rarely wolfs. But I do like the idea the game is more active at night. But zombies are too! 


Burnt forest is my favorite biome and it looks even better. So plus too you tfp. 





25 minutes ago, Satanslittlesidepiece said:

Reasoning I was told by a another mate that plays is "Animals are more active at night and they want realism." My mate also said, "And then we have the magical jar creating dew collector."


I love tasty crunchy jars. Good for iron

Edited by Adam the Waster (see edit history)
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19 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


Is that a setting or a XML edit?


I don't have the files on my work laptop anymore, but it is either in the quests or trader xml file.  I can get you the exact location later unless someone does it for you by the time I have a chance to track it down.

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2 hours ago, Scyris said:

Not to mention how your char basically eats the glass jar after drinking from it. IMO jars need to come back as a craftable, maybe still have them poof on use but at least allow us to craft them and fill them from water sources. Pretty much any overhaul puts back the jars as it was silly why they were ever removed in the first place.

Yeah I have the same attitude about jars. Let em disappear on use or whatever.  My server players like the jars, because features being added/changed in a game shouldn't be about adding tedium under the guise of "more challenge"....

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So if you want to adjust quests per tier (before you unlock the next one), make a modlet that will modify the quests xml file.


What you are looking for is this:


<quests max_quest_tier="6" quests_per_tier="10">


And if you want, here is the code I used back in A21 to actually increase it from 7 to 10.  You just need to change the 10 to whatever value you want.


    <set xpath="//@quests_per_tier">10</set>


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Just noticing a few discrepancies, wondering if these will be fixed/added or not:


Magnum Enforcer Volume 2: Does this work with the Enforcer outfit now, or was it overlooked and doesn't work at all? How would we know? Character sheet gives no indication of the bonus being added, and never gave any indication in previous alphas when wearing the Suit Pants and Jacket. If it does still work (assuming if it does, it would only be with the Enforcer Outfit), can the character sheet be updated to show total damage resistance? If it does not work, any idea if it will be changed to something else? Perhaps damage resistance while using a .44 weapon? Just a thought.


Vehicle Armor Mod: Doesn't work with the bicycle, despite being shown on the model in the teaser pictures. Will this functionality be added later, or was the idea scrapped?


Expanded Vehicle Storage: Doesn't exist, despite being shown on the models for the bicycle, minibike, motorcycle and 4x4 in the teaser pictures. Again, will this mod be added later, or was the idea scrapped?

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On 6/25/2024 at 11:10 AM, faatal said:

Ladder attach code was not changed. There was a bug fix with jumping vs falling causing differing amounts of damage, so maybe that effected it. I use jump ladders all the time, so I certainly don't want them nerfed and if they were, it would not be to work half the time.

I was a bit annoyed with ladders being broken at first, but then I realized what changed. You can no longer attach to the ladder while holding the jump button. Once I had that figured out, it was fairly easy to jump onto ladders, but in A21, you did not need to release the jump button before hitting the ladder to attach to it, now you do.

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2 hours ago, Nmenth said:

I was a bit annoyed with ladders being broken at first, but then I realized what changed. You can no longer attach to the ladder while holding the jump button. Once I had that figured out, it was fairly easy to jump onto ladders, but in A21, you did not need to release the jump button before hitting the ladder to attach to it, now you do.

That isn't the whole issue.  I don't hold jump and still occasionally have a problem.  The bug isn't always there.  It happens sometimes and not other times.  For me, it will happen if I hold forward while jumping (which you would normally be doing).  When it fails to grab the ladder, I'll have to let go right before I reach the ladder in order to grab it.  After doing that, I can grab it normally every time for a while.

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- I strongly dislike required quest points per quest tier not being dividable by seven anymore. Seven was a great number there.

- I like the forest biome the most and prefer big cities. So i don't like the new trader biome lock. I know it's so you don't have to the story progression quests voiceacting for each trader. I get that. But couldn't you just not have the trader directly be involved in that future quest dialogues and instead jhust spawn another quest-specific NPC then, so you can have it spawn at whatever trader happens to be in the appropriate biome?
I would like to not always start with the same trader.


- Like literally everyone else, i would like more charcter creation options:
Musculous, normal, fatty body. More skin/eye/hair/beard/brow colors including fantasy, dirty, irradiated or ill-looking ones (just give us a color picker please).

In general, more customization options are better. who wants to jump right in can always just grab one of the default characters.


- Also like everyone else i would also like more fashion options - and the ability to dye all the apparel (bonus points for having an extra dyable accent color).


+ More shapes,
+ POIs,
+ graphics and
+ optimizations are always welcome no matter how big or small. So thanks for that.


+ The new challenges, while being absurdly anal about the exact tools to use or the exact couch to harvest, are a great improvement over the noob tutorial quest.


+ Being able to instantly replace road decal blocks with own blocks is a minor but impactful improvement (i hope it affect all zero-thickness shapes).


+ The trader nerfs are good.


+ Crafting-exclusive Q6 is a good. I hope T3 is also crafting exclusive.

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On 6/25/2024 at 5:08 PM, gpcstargate said:

Good Day to TFP's


Can we Have Back the Random Traders location as Before ... Personally, I think it was a bad move to stick them in certain Biomes only.

I would Like to have my "JEN" back in the Forest Please. 


Thank You and Hoping you are Having a Great week.

I don't understand. Do you want them random or do you want Jen in the forest?

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What sort of response are you looking for? These sound like questions for the development team and just posting them in the General forum probably isn't going to get immediate attention, especially right after a major release. You could try tagging a moderator or, better yet, @schwanz9000 (QA lead, I think).

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1 hour ago, unlike them said:

I don't understand. Do you want them random or do you want Jen in the forest?

Best wopuld be a map generator "Trader distribution" option:
"Locked by biome", "First in each biome locked by biome but others are random", "All random", "Rekt only", "None".

Btw: Is the map generator modable?

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20 hours ago, Old Crow said:

Magnum Enforcer Volume 2: Does this work with the Enforcer outfit now, or was it overlooked and doesn't work at all? How would we know? Character sheet gives no indication of the bonus being added, and never gave any indication in previous alphas when wearing the Suit Pants and Jacket. If it does still work (assuming if it does, it would only be with the Enforcer Outfit), can the character sheet be updated to show total damage resistance? If it does not work, any idea if it will be changed to something else? Perhaps damage resistance while using a .44 weapon? Just a thought.


haven't tested, but reading the XML, it should.  They definitely thought of it, and put in code to handle it.


Look in progression xml, you'll find the Enforcer Vol 2 has this entry.

	<book name="perkEnforcerApparel" parent="skillEnforcer" max_level="1" base_skill_point_cost="0" desc_key="perkEnforcerApparelDesc" long_desc_key="perkEnforcerApparelLongDesc">
		<!-- effect is on armorEnforcerOutfit -->


When you check items.xml and look for perkEnforcerApparel, you'll see they have an effect group dedicated to it in the Enforcer Outfit:

<!-- Enforcer Vol 02 -->
        <passive_effect name="GeneralDamageResist" operation="base_add" value="0.05">
            <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkEnforcerApparel" operation="Equals" value="1"/>


So, barring bugs, yes, it should work

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I understand the reasons behind locking Traders to particular zones.  I get how it relates to progression, etc.  But for random maps, any chance of a toggle to randomize their locations again?  Like, I don't think I can handle starting EVERY.  NEW.  GAME. with Trader Rekt.  Seriously.  No thank you.

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46 minutes ago, Abusimplea said:

Best wopuld be a map generator "Trader distribution" option:
"Locked by biome", "First in each biome locked by biome but others are random", "All random", "Rekt only", "None".

Btw: Is the map generator modable?


You can adjust some things for RWG, including removing the trader lockdown.  You can also use a third party map generator for more control.


32 minutes ago, Vyasa said:

I understand the reasons behind locking Traders to particular zones.  I get how it relates to progression, etc.  But for random maps, any chance of a toggle to randomize their locations again?  Like, I don't think I can handle starting EVERY.  NEW.  GAME. with Trader Rekt.  Seriously.  No thank you.

Yeah, I am tired already of listening to Rekt.  It wouldn't be so bad if the language could be removed.  Some of his lines are actually good.  But I get tired of the language quickly.  I'm not a kid anymore who thinks that is funny.  A line here or there wouldn't matter to me, but it seems half his lines are like that.  An option to disable those lines would be greatly appreciated.  Otherwise, I definitely won't be starting games with Rekt after this initial playthrough.

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the new pick up/place sounds in the UI.


Some of them are very good, but man, are they loud.


The sound for placing wood is going to get modded out ASAP. Since I primarily use wood for fuel, and don't want to waste fuel, I often take a stack and rapidly right-click to put only one piece in, until the fuel time is what I want. Doing that right now sounds like a bad game from the 90's.

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