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Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Dev Diary

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4 hours ago, dcsobral said:

The salvaging/harvesting challenges are really off. Some example:

  • Harvest Iron Pipes: requires stone axe on sinks and toilets. Harvesting actual pipes doesn't work, nor does wrenching anything.
  • Steel: only from vending machines. Street lights and transformers do not work.
  • Electrical parts: only from lights. Everything else won't work.
  • Mechanical parts: only from office chairs.
  • Rotten meat: won't work with iron knives.
  • Honey: doesn't work with POI tree trunks. Do you know how long it takes to get 5 honey from wilderness tree trunks? I'm way past stone axe at that point!

I don't know about the rest because I had no trouble with the rest, but in all cases above I had to figure out the exact conditions. In the case of the knife, I usually use the stone axe on gore blocks because it's one hit instead of multiple hits like the knife, and in addition to that I got a toilet knife early on and stopped using the bone knife.


The ones that require a specific item do indicate what you need when you track them.  If you track ones that require the stone axe, the challenge says equip a stone axe.  After you do that, then it advances to harvest pipes in the tracking text.  The fact you have to use a specific item might be tied to the held property only allowing one item to be listed.


As for what to harvest from, they have a new property called IndexName for blocks.  If the block you are harvesting from doesn't have that property and it matches the challenge, that harvest won't count.  It is why you get credit for polymers if you harvest shopping carts (they have the tag) and no credit for blinds (they don't have the tag).  Not sure if that is just something that hasn't been fully implemented throughout the blocks, was an oversight, or if they only want the player to get credit for specific items and the rest is just for self-exploration.

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22 hours ago, Uncle Al said:

Shared quests no longer count for progression, too. You get the reward but only the original quest taker gets the tier point.


If that is true, it is absolutely terrible!  I play with a group and we always do the quests together.  It would be terrible to keep track of who actually took the quest from the trader.  Everyone is going to end up "fighting" to have the group do their quest. 

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OK....either there's been a patch I missed or the streamers missed something. The set bonuses are a LOT better than advertised in the streams. I just crafted a full Q2 lumberjack set and all the bonuses match what's expected, except....the set bonus also flat out doubles wood harvest! It's listed as 'doubles' not 100% increase, so I assume that aspect of the bonus doesn't change with quality level.


I'm not sure quite how the bonus is being calculated, as it actually took me from 10 wood to 17 per swing, but it's a HUGE bonus and makes crafting the low quality sets worthwhile. I'm very happy about that and hope several of the other sets are as good. One of the things I was concerned about was a lot of the set bonuses were trivial until very late game, and perhaps even then.


Q1 sets being good also addresses the potential favouring of attributes that can take an armour skill (AGI/STR) as even a build with no armour skills will get to Q1 set crafting fairly swiftly.


Really like this, and looking forward to seeing if other set bonuses have been improved.



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 @faatal Hello! 🤗 We have all kinds of threats on the ground and in the air in every biome, ranging from different zombies to all kinds of animals. How about considering the idea of introducing aquatic enemies into the game in the future? For example, mutated fish or piranhas or sharks, crocodiles, megalodons, bloops, whatever, because so far among the threats in the water we only have clumsily swimming zombies that very rarely enter the water. That is, the threat in the water at the moment is only a counter for the percentage of air reserves under water 😁🤣 I had already played 1.0 and noticed a gorgeous POI, namely a destroyed bridge in the middle of the lake, in the lake there was a boat with a sleeping zombie, in the water there were cars at the bottom, lootable barrels. This somehow reminded me of Half Life 2. 😍 Just bravo, it just needs to be improved. We need more POI like this! It would be possible to add to the bottom of such lakes/rivers inverted sunken boats, sunken ships in which one could loot hidden chests, treasures, pearls that could be opened and get valuables (a reference to "Xenus: white gold" 😉) or as an example you can take the game "Depth". 🦈 Here you could also add a swimming suit, mask, fins like in the game "Rust" for more effective swimming. And also, in the future, this may be a new quest from merchants, for example: “raise treasure from the bottom of a river/lake,” but while you do this, all sorts of terrible monsters will swim at you from all sides. 🤔
It would be very scary. Especially for those who have a fear of depth (Thalassophobia), when you are swimming and some terrible fish suddenly attacks you, like in "Serious Sam the first, second encounter".  😨😛 After all, a body of water is not a rare place for a player.
It’s not uncommon for an airdrop to fall into the water and you have to swim to the very center of a huge lake behind it, or you have to swim from one part of the land to another, and let’s not forget that quite a few players build their bases on the water, etc. How do you like this idea? (Of course we are talking about the future) 😉🏊‍♂️🚣‍♂️🏄‍♂️🐸🐊🐳🐬🦭🐟🪸🐚🦈

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So I checked the bug reports and the harvest issues were posted as bugs.  Based on the feedback from the TFP QA team, the descriptions for those challenges will be updated so it explains exactly what blocks you have to harvest from (and what tool to used) in order to get the credit for them.

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31 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

So I checked the bug reports and the harvest issues were posted as bugs.  Based on the feedback from the TFP QA team, the descriptions for those challenges will be updated so it explains exactly what blocks you have to harvest from (and what tool to used) in order to get the credit for them.

I was re reading them and i felt dumb, the above has what is needed, the bottom just explains what you can get them from, not everything counts so miscommunication to be sure

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I note that the crucible is showing up for sale weirdly early - Day 4 from Rekt


Not sure if it's worthy of a bug report, but it seems very out of whack. Admittedly at 15k Dukes it would be a stretch to purchase, but it doesn't seem to fit with the new restricted trader inventories.

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A few things @faatal:


Magnum Enforcer Volume 2: Does this work with the Enforcer outfit now, or was it overlooked and doesn't work at all? How would we no? Character sheet gives no indication of the bonus being added, and never did previously.


Vehicle Armor Mod: Doesn't work with the bicycle, despite being shown on the model in the teaser pictures.


Expanded Vehicle Storage: Doesn't exist, despite being shown on the models for the bicycle, minibike, motorcycle and 4x4 in the teaser pictures.


Will the book be changed later, and will the mods be added later on?

Edited by Old Crow (see edit history)
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On 6/25/2024 at 6:35 PM, PoloPoPo said:

To answer this myself:

You have to release space bar (jump) in order to stick to the ladder. With space bar still pressed you can't climb a ladder. Has it always been like that? Feels new to me.

Thank you!  It's been driving me nuts that I can't always climb ladders - the mechanic must have changed, but all good now you solved it.

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8 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


The ones that require a specific item do indicate what you need when you track them.  If you track ones that require the stone axe, the challenge says equip a stone axe.  After you do that, then it advances to harvest pipes in the tracking text.  The fact you have to use a specific item might be tied to the held property only allowing one item to be listed.


As for what to harvest from, they have a new property called IndexName for blocks.  If the block you are harvesting from doesn't have that property and it matches the challenge, that harvest won't count.  It is why you get credit for polymers if you harvest shopping carts (they have the tag) and no credit for blinds (they don't have the tag).  Not sure if that is just something that hasn't been fully implemented throughout the blocks, was an oversight, or if they only want the player to get credit for specific items and the rest is just for self-exploration.

I'm not commenting on the XML stuff, but you are wrong about the other. The item you need to use is *often* correct, though I'm pointing out how it can be inconvenient in the specific case of the knife. I have an example below of where the item to be used is at best confusingly stated. As for the blocks it applies to, every single challenge I talked about except the rotten meat one is incorrect.


To be clear, by "incorrect" I mean that the text refers to blocks that do not actually advance the challenge.


The honey one is particularly tricky because there's no way for a player to know that a POI tree trunk is not the same thing as the wilderness tree trunk, and that only the latter counts.


The one tool example is the short iron pipe. The quest says "harvest some short iron pipe with a stone axe." That is absolutely correct. The description of the text says "Using a Wrench or other Salvage Tool, they can be harvested blah blah blah".  If you go by that description you'll never make progress on this quest.

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1 hour ago, Uncle Al said:

I note that the crucible is showing up for sale weirdly early - Day 4 from Rekt


Not sure if it's worthy of a bug report, but it seems very out of whack. Admittedly at 15k Dukes it would be a stretch to purchase, but it doesn't seem to fit with the new restricted trader inventories.

I saw that in Alpha 21 also. It's not a bug, but more of a tease since you probably won't have enough tokens to get it anyways.

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1 hour ago, Qweeg said:

Thank you!  It's been driving me nuts that I can't always climb ladders - the mechanic must have changed, but all good now you solved it.


I think it's because if you hold the jump button now your character just jumps over and over again which doesn't seem like a behaviour many (if any) players would find useful

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I am wondering if TFP's plan to add light switches into the game for POI's? 

As I go though homes and other buildings. I can see that some of them have power but no way to turn on or off lights. Even though some of the lights are on. 

I would be cool to have that option. 

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21 hours ago, zztong said:


I've not been able to try 1.0 so I depend on your eyes... is there any chance the light at night depends on the stage of the moon? I say this because on a clear night with a full moon, people can see quite a lot. Is it too bright where there's no moon?

The full moon does make it brighter and I have no problem with that, but when the moon isn't full it's still very bright.


In A21, with the Dark Nights mod, it would be so dark that I could only see maybe 10 feet in front of me while carrying a flaming club. Zombies that sensed me and started running over would only become visible just a little outside of striking distance. 


Now I don't need a light at all to see at night at any distance, even with the Dark Nights mod. 


If it's a simple tweak to an XML file to bring it back to A21's night time darkness, then I'd be all set.

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7 days to die 2 has to be a valedictorian vampire game set in a tesla punk universe. Cars would still be a thing. Horses would be vehicles too. Blood moon would still be a thing. Zombies would be replace by ghouls. Guns would have fancy  looking designs. You would be a Christian vampire hunter and all traders would set up shop in churches. It would be like Castlevania x 7 days to die. Everything that you want could transfer over to this setting. It would then continue on with developing the 7 days to die system further. 

Edited by Zombiepoptard (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Doomofman said:


I think it's because if you hold the jump button now your character just jumps over and over again which doesn't seem like a behaviour many (if any) players would find useful

It isn't specifically that.  I never hold the jump.  When I couldn't get on the ladder, I was able to once I stopped pressing forward when I reached the ladder.  It may be that any button being held can trigger the bug.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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Hey FunPimps :)

Interesting release version!


Can we please get the option to "middle-mousebutton-click" in creative mode, to copy and select any form/placeable? Its so difficult to access all the non-frame placeables in the game, yet they would add so much to our bases!

You have an AMAZING building game, why is that not a thing? Id LOVE to roleplay much more and build bases as beautiful as your POIs...


And if its possible: can we get rid of the small "input delay" on placing blocks? atleast in creative mode? so we get more of a minecraft-experience of easy-placement of bigger structures? its quiet...tedious as it is... which I understand is neccessary for structural-integrity checks? So maybe only creativemode again?


And lastly just an idea: Why not allow "non-upgraded frame-blocks with floor connection" to lend INFINITE structural integrity to other non-upgraded-frame blocks? That would allow us to PLAN our base builds very cheap and quick, while not having to build with expensive materials which are a nuisance to demolish if misplaced, just to get the desired structural integrity.

We could build pretty, right away... and it wouldnt even be gamebreaking or op, because it would all be basically onehit to zombies... and collapse if they destroyed the floor-connection right? Please, I dont want to have to mod it myself :D 


Your game is awesome guys! We have SO many tools to build pretty, just some more Qol and were ACTUALLY GOLDEN. :D



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5 minutes ago, Makaroni95 said:

I dont like at all that biggest cities are now at Only wastelands! I dont like wasteland at all its atmospheric is scary, too hard biome. 

Can't argue with that, a big town in the forest biome will boost us to be ready for harder biomes.


But on the other side, lack of it gives a bit of a challenge.


Also, when leveled up wasteland is just the best. 

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2 hours ago, Doomofman said:


I think it's because if you hold the jump button now your character just jumps over and over again which doesn't seem like a behaviour many (if any) players would find useful

It's very useful to get up a steep mountain because even if you run out of stamina you still continue to jump. 


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