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Water scarcity is game breaking


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This is so far from reality that it's hard to invest time into a new playthrough. It's unrealistic as a reusable metal container and fire would provide one with enough water for a lifetime as long as there was a source.


Food on the other hand is a survival element in which you should swap to for a better effect. This just doesn't make logical sense.

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Do trader quests. They always give a quest reward of 10 water or 10 glue. You must check every toilet.


Don't spend much time on that base at the beginning. Daylight is precious. If you build a base from scratch, like I do, build one big enough to be safe from the Z's and plunk down your bed roll. I don't have a roof over my head at the beginning.


Liquor stores are the best place to loot. Liquor crates have a very good chance of having murky water. Next are hardware stores with a lot of toilets in them. Just loot toilets, you can come back for the rest.


The most important thing for you to get on day 1 is that cooking pot.


I was with you until I learned how to find water. Now I don't have a lot of water at the end of the day but I have enough to get me through the night.

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Give it a few trys and you will likely walk back that statement.

Sure, it takes a little more maintenance than in previous versions but water is easily sustainable with or without dew collectors.  A player can use their hand to drink from any water source, and just play around the dysentery and heath debuffs.

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19 hours ago, TheBunz said:

This is so far from reality that it's hard to invest time into a new playthrough. It's unrealistic as a reusable metal container and fire would provide one with enough water for a lifetime as long as there was a source.


Food on the other hand is a survival element in which you should swap to for a better effect. This just doesn't make logical sense.


*sighs and gives you a cold soulless empty stare*     😐


Have you tried actually going out and looting it? 


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2 hours ago, Ramethzer0 said:


*sighs and gives you a cold soulless empty stare*     😐


Have you tried actually going out and looting it? 



1.Have you actually played this game on default settings or just with mods?

2. Have you ever went camping?


It's 7 days to dehydration while swimming through rivers, or 7 days living next to the trader. By far THE dumbest update in the last 10 patches.

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46 minutes ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

Defaults. I did write a mod that decreases heat produced by dew collectors due to the screamer-parties they caused, but I played vanilla before writing the mod I did normal without too much trouble.

Wait, what? Dew collectors actually increase heat? TIL. I personally haven't expereince that yet. But, now knowing this makes me giddy.  

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I play max settings, and tend to prefer deleting traders from spawning in the world. There's plenty of water in the world.
I've sometimes had to in the first few days, resort to using a vitamin and painkiller to help keep hydrated and healed due to not being able to find a cooking pot. Once you unlock yucca smoothies, any water found can be used for glue crafting

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2 hours ago, Weazelsun said:

Wait, what? Dew collectors actually increase heat? TIL. I personally haven't expereince that yet. But, now knowing this makes me giddy.  

Each dew collector creates 2% heat per hour and it lingers for five hours. If you empty it out regularly, this equates to 10% heat per DC as long as they run. If they fill up with three jars, no heat is created.

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Still a few ways to get water, even if you don't use Traders.  Later on you can get lucky and get a water filter for head gear and just use "E" to drink water form a pond or lake - with your bare hands, just have to have a blank slot and not holding anything.


As for dew collectors, I only used 1



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5 hours ago, TheBunz said:


1.Have you actually played this game on default settings or just with mods?

2. Have you ever went camping?


It's 7 days to dehydration while swimming through rivers, or 7 days living next to the trader. By far THE dumbest update in the last 10 patches.

You didn't play A17?

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13 hours ago, TheBunz said:


1.Have you actually played this game on default settings or just with mods?

2. Have you ever went camping?


It's 7 days to dehydration while swimming through rivers, or 7 days living next to the trader. By far THE dumbest update in the last 10 patches.



I've prolly forgotten more homework about this game than I currently act upon as of current iteration of A21 and have been working through those iterations since late 2015.  I most often I play on Warrior difficulty/2 hour days/vanilla loot/max horde/10k maps/5 traders total/some PvP, and I more often have my setup in the desert.   Do you understand how the toggles in your game even work?  You even got other players here on this thread telling you how to find stuff, but yet you ignored all that to come after lil old me.   *more soulless stare*  😐


I could go into vast detail what you're up against, but let's just stick to the obvious.   You've no idea what you're even talking about.  You can literally loot water in almost every POI in this game.  There are kitchens, bathrooms, office break rooms, storm drains, culverts, rivers (All of my maps are water borders), restaurants, fast food joints, drugs, perklines, etc etc  The list of how to combat thirst and hunger is extensive.  You don't need a trader's permission to loot any of that.  As a reverse strategy, you don't need to sprint everywhere, attack dog every zed in visual range, or waste your time on short term band aids to fix long term problems, or drop all your perks in one basket.  I can't remember the last time I died to starvation and hunger, in both modded and unmodded plays.


This is on TOP of the fact that the survival immersion of this game is nothing like survival in the real world.  I could go into greater detail about that, but let's just stick to the issue at hand.   I would posit you're either lazy, too proud to drink water from a virtual toilet, too arrogant to get out of your own way, or you play entirely flailing forward with the trader treadmill.

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UPDATE:  With my typical settings on a brand new map I just made, I solo spawned next to a POI that had 2 water bottle loots, but also a ditch filled with it.   It's not even 1pm yet in this playthrough, and im sitting on 4 murky waters, 2 clean ones, 5 canned foods and 1 cooking pot.


I only looted the Trader Rekt that was in my opening quest line, and a moes grocery store.  I'm swimming in arrows and was lucky enough to loot t4 leather punch gloves.  I'm 2% into an infection, but there are stumps all over.  I'm in a massive city complex with farms on the outskirts in the forest biome, and I've already set up my cozy little backyard base until I can move into something that isn't made entirely of wood and good intentions.


So not only is it possible to survive, but I consider this a better than average start.  Maybe RNG was on my side, or maybe its the fact that I know what POI's to look out for an loot before I go all cowboy and get myself into a bad situation.


SECOND UPDATE:  After looting a t1 Pass N Gas, I'm now up to 7 murky waters, and I've drank 3 so far.  I was lucky enough to loot one yucca juice which went down right away.  I've hunted about 5-6 chickens and rabbits so meat isn't an issue.  I've started to cannibalize Moe's Grocery for usable materials because its hour 2100, and soon the sun is gunna go down.  Might as well have a few walls between me and the first night ferals (I actually turned on feral sense at night as well).


So again, literally.. warrior difficulty and vanilla loot settings im having no issues other than concussion debuff, which.. if that's the worst thing to come out of my first whole day then I'll take it.   This is all without taking any Trader Quests so far.   The next day I might do one or two buried supplies, but I already started working on farming and then food could become a non-issue within 3 days.

Edited by Ramethzer0 (see edit history)
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23 hours ago, TheBunz said:


1.Have you actually played this game on default settings or just with mods?

2. Have you ever went camping?


It's 7 days to dehydration while swimming through rivers, or 7 days living next to the trader. By far THE dumbest update in the last 10 patches.

I don't play this game with mods, though I do use prefab packs to increase diversity.  I adjust some settings and I do play on 2 hour days, but that just means what I say I get in 1 day is what you would get in 2 days with default settings, so doesn't really change resource gathering.


Looting will get you a lot of murky water.  If you make that into tea to drink instead of drinking it after just boiling it, it will last longer.  If you are really struggling with water, try not to sprint as it uses more water and food, though I always sprint.  Don't eat food that drains your water (bagged potatoes, charred meat, corn on the cob, corn bread, etc).  Try to avoid pills that strain your water as well.


These are just some ways to easily have plenty of water for drinking and cooking.  If you plan to make a lot of glue for crafting things, then you will need dew collectors.  But if not, you don't need any of you just loot regularly.


This is all without needing to use a trader.  If you have really horrible luck finding a pot, you might need to buy one, but I can't think of any time that I have bought one.  Other than that, no need for a trader to have water unless you buy filters.

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I understand the OP has misgivings.  If you try to think of the situation head on;  you look around at a world without a means to collect water for use.  Every natural source is polluted and the ability to carry water has been severely limited.  your Brains Logic centers ask; "why are there no containers  (glass bottles, or even tin cans anymore to store water in),  yet I loot a toilet or some cabinets or boxes and I get a glass bottle of scummy water?"  Well,  the way things are now, you simply have to tell any logical portions of your brain to shut up and just go along for the ride.   This is a distasteful option for many;  and I admit,  the recent changes have led to My formerly steady weekend Multiplayer group to dwindle from 5 - 8 players per session,  down to ....two.....or none.   So yes, others do feel that current changes are distasteful,  and many of those that previously couldn't wait for Our Play sessions are now.....  looking for other gaming options.   I miss the big groups and getting together with those friends but,  I understand their feelings.


But,  it is very possible to still play 7D2D in its current condition.  A cook pot is now the vital accessory to find; as this will allow you to boil murky water and then using chrysanthemums, to turn that water into red tea,  which has almost twice the hydration rating over a pint of regular boiled water.  (or golden tea, etc).  The big accessory to get lucky in finding is the water purification mod. Once you have that set into a piece of headgear,  you can drink any water, from bottles or ponds, ditches, pools, etc  without worry.  I do still get one water filter to build a dew collector to produce clean water because it is needed for cooking recipes or making items, and I want to be SURE to have some on hand when I need it.   Despite what others might say;  it can still be a tough road some days in getting enough water;  especially if your 'daily tasks' revolve around any activity besides "looting POI's".   For instance, I might spend a day mining,  to get that needed material for making gunpowder,  or needing more stone to make cement.  On such a day I might not have a lot of time to "loot new buildings for water"


A small investment in a Healing perk or two can also allow a player to drink murky water from ponds, pools, or other non-bottled sources by looking at the water source and have a tool belt slot empty,  and selected....then after a few seconds the option to DRINK will appear, and you can drink until your belly is full by using the 'E'.  The Healing perks will quickly bypass any health conditions you might pick up.


So,  if you adapt a bit,  its very possible to still play.   You might feel stupid in following such a strange pathway to hydration,  but it is very possible to still play and advance in the game.

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15 hours ago, PoppaSmirk said:

to turn that water into red tea,  which has almost twice the hydration rating over a pint of regular boiled water


It is 24 compared to 20. Still a difference that should not be ignored, and if you consider the digestion buff as well then there is no question that red tea IS what you want to drink until you can switch to pure mineral water.


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1 hour ago, meganoth said:


It is 24 compared to 20. Still a difference that should not be ignored, and if you consider the digestion buff as well then there is no question that red tea IS what you want to drink until you can switch to pure mineral water.


This is why we use mineral water. I believe it is 65 points of water, among other bonuses that reduce food consumption.

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So I recently started a new playthrough and really haven't seen a scarcity of drinks or water really.  SP only, slightly mod just to give more magazines from the specialty brand crates in POIs


I did use the free 2 waters from the start on Day 1 and ended up buying a red tea and yucca juice from the trader's vending machine since I hadn't found a cooking pot yet (he did have some for sale, but I could buy two drinks for less than a cooking pot and figured I would find one on Day 2 (did in fact find it).


Since then, I got 2 dew collectors up and running (choose two filters as my T1 completion reward rather than the bike).  From looting, I have gathered a lot of drinks and murky water so once I have a comfortable supply of drinks at the moment, I been using the murky water I find for either cooking certain recipes or glue production.


I have also been crafting most of my gear so I have needed a lot of glue and duct tape (currently on Day 12).


I got lucky and found the Mineral water book around Day 3 or 4, so I was able to make mineral water fairly quickly in this playthrough.


Nothing I have seen so far is game breaking.


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37 minutes ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

I believe this is the issue. A lot of players still don't do the missions that traders offer. I honestly only use them when I need something, like filters early on.

With a no trader quest and pretty much no trader play though, i just sold enough looted stuff to purchase a water filter or two... (until I mod in a craftable water filter)

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3 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

I believe this is the issue. A lot of players still don't do the missions that traders offer. I honestly only use them when I need something, like filters early on.


Experiences are going to be different.  Right now, I am playing mostly vanilla (like 98%) and only doing one mission a day.  Later on, I will start playing more with my mod and won't get rewards from the traders, just dukes.  So those playthroughs will be different than this one.

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On 9/22/2023 at 9:58 PM, Weazelsun said:

Wait, what? Dew collectors actually increase heat? TIL. I personally haven't expereince that yet. But, now knowing this makes me giddy.  

oh yeah, they attract screamers like mad if you get enough.  I have to build a raised platform and use cobble 3 blocks high and 3 walls deep, surround it with wood spikes.

Build a stairway that goes high enough, but leave a space open so you can jump but unless you're up there, zeds wont jump.   I have stood on this platform for 5 minutes and just pick em off practically every thirty seconds.  My group and I have 55 dew collectors on this platform.  The only way to keep this thing safe is to murder everything that spawns and vacate the chunk as quickly as you can so the game will suppress anything while youre away.


It is wise to build this away from your tradeskill base, or you'll just be washed out by screamers.

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