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  1. "Everybody" is pretty strong. Most players would agree that the trader rewards pre-1.0 were very generous and eliminated most crafting. Players who approach the game more RPG/sandboxy found trader rewards OP. For players who challenge themselves to rush end game gear, trader quests was the preferred (shortest) path. Obviously, there are many players in the middle that can deviate either way depending on their current play though. Finding a balance where most players are happy with the progression rate is difficult. I lean on the Traders being to OP side and don't mind the nerfs in 1.0. The questing meta with OP rewards, overriding random looting and survival kind of did not always mesh well with the genre. I am sure more balancing will be done by TFPs and modders will offer a variety of experiences; including pre-1.0 traders and even more restricted progression.
  2. It could be argued that its really a quest problem and not a POI problem. If players were not seeking quests it likely would go unnoticed. If players had five Crack-A-Book remnants in the area, would the concern be the same? We have multiple instances of the same coffee and fast food outlets in close proximity all over the place... Having said that, I get it. Players want relatively close and different POIs to quest. I am happy to roll with whatever idiosyncrasies RWG produces; for both my convenience and inconvenience, but that is not to everyone's taste. The trader quests for a guaranteed bike reward; seems like such an essential path and anti-sandbox way to restrict and direct progress. As much as I like to grind the early stages; bicycles should be found in the wild or the parts should be found/looted prolifically in the wild to assemble one early. They should be the default travel level. (restrict storage to a saddlebag mod, a Handlebar bag mod, and offer an electric mod to save stamina)
  3. The weapons were not buffed because the armor (and set bonuses) were... They make the difference. (current play through an Unspec'd Auto-Shotgun is still clearing ferals with one headshot and clearing radiated with 2-3, with the armor bonuses. Preacher gloves for the win!)
  4. Currently on Day 55ish. Found the schematic, yea! Guess what? It needs a legendary part to craft it.
  5. From a philosophical perspective; consider that we all have been indoctrinated by the entertainment industry to expect certain actions/reactions to common gaming, fighting, and gunfire events. (e.g. being propelled backwards when shot, vehicles exploding when shot, etc.) Mythbusters busted the being propelled backwards from gunfire twice. These actions/reactions do not necessarily represent what really happens. Not saying 7d2d should/should not lean into these expectations, just that our expectations are not really any more accurate than 7d2d implementations.
  6. IIRC, the game is designed for 8 player co-op. Pushing that far out of its comfort zone, comes with risks and problems. Others may have some tips and tricks but I suspect you will have to rein in your expectations.
  7. I am not saying don't look at it, I am saying look at the data and see if its a problem. Decisions based on little or no data and CYA statements have cost society greatly. There no documented cases of cell phones starting fires while refuelling vehicles. It was originally recommended by the phone manufacturers as the phones are not intrinsicly safe (CYA). Yet, the "myth" it has impacted refuelling and payment schemes for years. There is a risk but its 1 in 10 billion. The original Dayton airbag incident, sent the fire services on a 30 year diversion, over worrying about SRS. SRS is a legitimate risk and knowledge is power but extrications were delayed that likely cost people lives due to the acceptance of a one off incident as indicative of the situation in general.
  8. I refer back to the standard normal distribution, and the occurrence of 3 and 4 Std Deviation outcomes where they are not considered bugs or poor design outcomes, just part of the system (random or not). Its a point on which we agree to disagree.
  9. Random outliers are part of any system. Yes, its a design decision to use RNG, however it is neither a bug nor a flaw as it is an inherent part of any system. The question I had; is the issue detrimental to gameplay and does the issue occur often enough to be worth any correction effort? IMHO, It is not detrimental at all (just weird) and based on a sample size of one, it does not need addressing. If as I suggested above, it was much more common then a case could be made to check for it/correct it.
  10. You should consider Lockpicking ahead of AE. Lockpicking is a bonus for Forge Ahead mags and now goes away at 15 magazines. AE is a bonus for Wiring, Traps and FA books so its bonus is watered down already.
  11. I tend to agree. However, I don't mind rushing the Workbench and then losing the FA bonus that much, there are guaranteed FA drops unlike other series. The nerf obviously impacts CO-OP/Server play much more. Having said that, it is well documented TFPs struggle with balance and there is still a long way to go, especially regarding the armor sets/bonuses.
  12. To be fair, it is RWG and random outliers will happen. It appears this issue is identified, based on a sample size of 1. Perhaps, give it 20-30 maps to get a feel if the gateway tiles are too densely used or if this map contains an outlier.
  13. Yes higher level armor provides more mod slots. Currently, it takes quite a long time to progress to opening mod slots on armor and to make the incremental bonuses on the armor meaningful. It a balance issue. There is tweaking to be done. Previously, with the basic gear starting out, a player had at least three mod slots for the headgear (one armor, one glasses, one face) and it did not take very long to progress to two armor slots. Now two armor slots is locked behind signifiant investment in armor books. Perhaps, giving the headgear an extra slot at level 1, or just a dedicated slot for the headlamp and one open slot at level 1, would smooth progression a little.
  14. I do like the increased difficulty. The most notable change for me is infested quests. Infested quests used to be zombies of the same level but just more of them. Now it seems there are a few less than before, but they are much much stronger. T3 Infested in Forest biome and a T2 POI with 5 rads, 3 ferals, 2 cops and a partridge in a pear tree.
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