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OP isn't sure whether to break their PC or just uninstall the game.

Old Crow

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Learn to fly. Just treat it like a small plane. Start straight from a clean runway and land straight on a clean runway.

Then learn to cheese the thing. Train stall-landing on a penny. Train quick take offs using as short the runway as possible.

With a bit of training you will be able to land on trader helipads. Might even become able to start from them (but that aint as easy).

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50 minutes ago, Greymantle said:

The dev team was doing some drugs when they came up with this vehicle. 😛

This vehicle probably is the single most realistic thing in this game. It might very well be the only thing ever implemented in 7D2D without any drugs involved.

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21 minutes ago, Cr0wst0rm said:

The gyro "just works", which is very correct behaviour, since it is not boeing 737, but just barebones vehicle made out of scrap :D


It may work, but it's not in any of my games. If I want to fly, I will play a space game or a sim. :)

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4 hours ago, IrishManJMo said:

This persons compass gives me anxiety


2 hours ago, Gamida said:


Lol, yeah my compass use to look like that also so I am so glad for Androthi - Declutter Compass.

Now that we can disable waypoints showing on the compass in vanilla, no one should really have a compass that looks like that. 😀


As far as it blowing up so easily... Yeah, this is yet another reason I think the vehicle damage is horrible.  I still need to figure out where to adjust that.  I haven't taken time to find it yet.

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9 minutes ago, Riamus said:

As far as it blowing up so easily... Yeah, this is yet another reason I think the vehicle damage is horrible.

Yeh, I'm pretty sure it's getting adjusted shortly.. I've heard nothing, but it's bad enough that they're going to notice. For the exact collision here, head on full speed into a telephone pole, I wouldn't mind the gyro getting absolutely wrecked, unusable until repaired. But just vanishing from the world instantly, just no. That's a crapton of steel and all your haul gone, just because your nose itched at the wrong moment. 0% health, needs repairs, maybe on fire and blows up in 15 real minutes unless you fix it, but absolutely not just vanish.

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5 hours ago, Fox said:

His takeoff was so horrible that a crash was inevitable. Although I do think having literally everything disappear without a trace is dumb.


It almost looked like he hit something that wasn't there (seems to happen a lot with vehicles, especially the gyro), which messed up his takeoff. I can't tell you how many times I've bumped into invisible objects while flying to knocked my gyrocopter off-course mid-air.

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7 minutes ago, Old Crow said:


It almost looked like he hit something that wasn't there (seems to happen a lot with vehicles, especially the gyro), which messed up his takeoff. I can't tell you how many times I've bumped into invisible objects while flying to knocked my gyrocopter off-course mid-air.


I rewatched it. How it moved is just the normal for when someone is goosing the throttle (mashing sprint) and turning from a dead stop with any of the lighter vehicles in game. The Gyro amplifies it because it isn't in contact with the ground for long during a rushed takeoff. The crash was due to impatience. The vehicle being absolutely destroyed, from over 4/5ths health, with everything in it is complete and utter bull@%$# though.

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23 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Well, A21.1 will fix damage from multiple sources apparently but does not reduce damage in general.  Partly good but I'll still mod it.


This part may also be related depending on what their or the server's block damage setting are:




Vehicles could take increased collision damage from blocks due to player block damage setting 


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20 hours ago, Archael said:

I lost my items in truck. Fence shows up 10m before me and i have no way to turn or stop. truck was at 5% health or something an blow up... i have no way to avoid this

I know a way to avoid that: Repair the truck before it gets down to 5%.


But vehicles also just shouldn't ever fully destruct and definitely shouldn't lose inventory content ever. Everyone likes things go boom. But even tourists trying their hands on a gyrocopter shouldn't ever lose the stuff in the trunk because of crashing a vehicle - or (even worse) a zombie eating it (never happened to me but i saw it happening on YouTube).

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