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Swimming, went to get an airdrop, it landed in water about 400m offshore. Swimming to get there is about as fast as I can swim and I cannot swim. Surfacing from about 5m down is about as fast as a rock can can swim upwards and as a result my character drowned.


This is NOT asking for support, this asking for this part to be fixed. What am I asking to be fixed?


1. Airdrops in stupid areas, on top of of large buildings, on top telegraph poles, in the water.


2. Swimming, it is not good, in fact it worse than bad


2a. Surfacing is a joke, as I have said, I am about 5 to 10m down with 45 seconds on the clock. Plenty of time to get up. Not a chance. And, yes  I was swimming upwards.


Rage quit does not cover it

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15 minutes ago, Phil said:

1. Airdrops in stupid areas, on top of of large buildings, on top telegraph poles, in the water.


I prefer Airdrops to be completely random. If it lands in water or tall buildings - so be it, part of the fun challenge getting them. 


Everything else about water - hopefully fixed in A21.

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Agreed, the swimming in this game leaves much to be desired.


I would add having Buried Supplies and Treasure Map locations not spawn underwater would be a nice change as well.  It is really difficult to dig underwater! Especially when some jerk zombie starts pounding on you while your doing it. I almost died from the cheap shots he got in on me while trying to "swim" away at a snails pace. I noticed the zombie had no trouble "swimming" faster than me which doesn't seem to be balanced gameplay to me.


Enough with my complaining. A work around for this is to place frames on top of each other in a column next to where you need to dig and then place ladders on the frames. That way you can descend and ascend quickly enough and not drown. Then place a turret on the shore to take care of any interlopers that happen by if you have one.

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It’s like complaining to your mom that the eggs are runny for breakfast as she is whisking them up prior to pouring them into the skillet


They are aware of the issue, but it wasn’t high enough on the to do list yet to fix.  As the others stated, faatal has started looking into the issues with swimming as we are getting closer to the final product.

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Yes. Thank you for starting work on the issues with getting around in water prior to the creation of this thread. Excellent work indeed, Pimps.

.. Although maybe buried supplies/airdrops can be tinkered with to avoid bodies of water, next time someone's playing near that section of the code.

[Never even knew this was a thing]

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Some of you sound like the chimpanzees who can be trapped with a simple nut placed inside a tree hole. The ape grabs the nut but then can't pull out the fist from the tree hole. It is trapped because it can't envision to go away without getting that nut.


"I want everything I can see, I want it now, and I want it easy". In a survival game there should be traps and environmental dangers that can kill players. Players need to put reason before greed if they want to survive


Note: As far as I know diving is the same speed up and down. It should be possible to notice right away while diving down with that speed whether one might get into trouble going up again. Also distances under water can be very misleading. I haven't had to dive for an air drop lately because rivers and lakes became very seldom, but when they filled half the world it was quite common. It was a risky bussiness in deeper lakes (as it should be) and it was neccessary to carefully evaluate whether it was possible to get to such an air drop or leave it there.


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The game has a mechanism for solving your problem. It is the perk 'Iron Gut', and when topped out it triples your underwater timer. And you can certainly swim more than 10 vertical blocks in 45 seconds, the move rate is about 1 block per second. As soon as you are more than 3 blocks above the seabed, zombies cannot touch you.

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On 9/11/2022 at 6:05 AM, meganoth said:

Some of you sound like the chimpanzees who can be trapped with a simple nut placed inside a tree hole. The ape grabs the nut but then can't pull out the fist from the tree hole. It is trapped because it can't envision to go away without getting that nut.


Aren't moderators supposed to be helpful and not belittle forum members? 


I do agree; however, that a survival game should be hard, not easy. In my current playthrough, my character got infected by a z-bird on day 1 at the first POI the trader sent me to. 5 days later after 6 jars of honey and 3 antibiotics, I was cured. I found it very rewarding to survive that.

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1 hour ago, manOyore said:

Aren't moderators supposed to be helpful and not belittle forum members? 


What's wrong with chimpanzees...? ;)


The solution is to either prevent airdrops from falling into deep water or make swimming an enjoyable part of the game that makes getting submerged airdrops a fun objective. Thankfully, A21 is going to go with the second idea. Moving through water has never ever been enjoyable or even really functional-- until now. (Now being A21) Player swimming finally made it to the top of faatal's priority list.



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Roland isn't a moderator, he's a SUPER moderator.  That means he gets to wear a cape and tights.  And if he asks, do NOT let him show you the hole in his tights.  It inevitably leads to a long story of how he risked his life to save a pastrami sandwich from certain death at the hands of the Canadian Mafia led by Dudley Dowrong.

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1 hour ago, Maharin said:

Roland isn't a moderator, he's a SUPER moderator.  That means he gets to wear a cape and tights.  And if he asks, do NOT let him show you the hole in his tights.  It inevitably leads to a long story of how he risked his life to save a pastrami sandwich from certain death at the hands of the Canadian Mafia led by Dudley Dowrong.


I dunno about that, all I remember is some story about taking an arrow to the knee when he was younger.

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On a serious note.


There is way to avoid the wet bit and that is just before the airdrop happens move a few hundred meters away and mit MIGHT not land there, or maybe close. I can cope with the high drops, nerd pole anyone.  Unless they give a range of time that the air drop will arrive for example between 10:00 and 14:00


Swimmig is not good in this game though


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On 9/9/2022 at 3:08 PM, Phil said:

Swimming, went to get an airdrop, it landed in water about 400m offshore. Swimming to get there is about as fast as I can swim and I cannot swim. Surfacing from about 5m down is about as fast as a rock can can swim upwards and as a result my character drowned.


This is NOT asking for support, this asking for this part to be fixed. What am I asking to be fixed?


1. Airdrops in stupid areas, on top of of large buildings, on top telegraph poles, in the water.


2. Swimming, it is not good, in fact it worse than bad


2a. Surfacing is a joke, as I have said, I am about 5 to 10m down with 45 seconds on the clock. Plenty of time to get up. Not a chance. And, yes  I was swimming upwards.


Rage quit does not cover it


There is a way to dive deep!  I haven't done it for quite a while but I remember being able to use bandages underwater when building there to stay down longer.  when you start drowning, pop a bandage or first aid kit and you can keep your health up until you surface.


This really shouldn't work for the sake of "realism", but whatever.  I do like the random drops though, just not the ones that can apparently dig themselves underground.

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