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What happens to your old base when you move to a new one?


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The place I've started out in is kind of isolated. The nearest trader is almost two clicks away. But there's four of them within a very small area. Two Joel's, Bob, and @%$#.


I'd like to move to some place centrally located between the four but I really like my current place now. I have put a lot of work into it. What happens after you pick up your bedspread and put it somewhere else? 

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You rent out the old space to a filthy survivor (everyone is filthy) and get a measly rent (everyone needs to save money for ammo). Since neither water taps nor the toilet is working you will often drive back and check that your property is not going down the drain. 😉


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After you move to your new place, intentionally stay away from the old place for at least two weeks. Then when you go back to it, it feels like a place you really used to live in. I'm not kidding, it is eerie. Even weirder is to boot up an old save from about a year or more ago and visit your base. It almost feels like seeing your childhood home again.

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4 hours ago, Roland said:

After you move to your new place, intentionally stay away from the old place for at least two weeks. Then when you go back to it, it feels like a place you really used to live in. I'm not kidding, it is eerie. Even weirder is to boot up an old save from about a year or more ago and visit your base. It almost feels like seeing your childhood home again.


Man. My very first base was in the basement of a mechanic's in Navezgane. I spent hours with paint and wooden panels making it look nice, refitting the kitchen etc.


Now, whenever I enter that POI randomly spawned in my latest world, not only do I feel a bit sad about the dilapidated state, I also feel a bit home sick. 


Only a couple other games have immersed me enough to trigger off those reactions. Skyrim was one, Cyberpunk the other. I don't know what it is, but it's TFP have done a good job there.

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15 hours ago, Roland said:

After you move to your new place, intentionally stay away from the old place for at least two weeks. Then when you go back to it, it feels like a place you really used to live in. I'm not kidding, it is eerie. Even weirder is to boot up an old save from about a year or more ago and visit your base. It almost feels like seeing your childhood home again.


I should really start keeping my saves backed up. I always delete mine once I retire from a world.

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29 minutes ago, ElCabong said:

Yeah, I'm going to miss the old base. I'm not going to miss this save though because it has a great big crack in the middle of it. Makes it a pain in the rear to get around

Build a bridge!  On if my favorite activities lol.  You could even make it a drawbridge in the middle.

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On 6/19/2022 at 10:40 PM, Maharin said:

It would be nice is we could take a sort of screenshot of our base and save it as a POI.  Basically, have it save everything in the area marked off by our land claim block in some editable format.

F1 ->DM ->Z  ->Shift-G/G to edit/move the blue box to fit your base ->Esc ->Export Prefab ->Give it a name -> Save locally

Should then be possible to find it in the prefab editor.

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