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New zombie forcefield


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Combining slope plate filler+ Road paint mark create the same result as the old arrow slits. unpathable by zombies

You put the road paint marks over top of the slope plate fillers. Can we get this fixed? @faatal

If you stand in the middle Zombies are unable to path to you and they start attacking the ground and get confused as heck

That being said, people who like this, I encourage you to use and enjoy it as much as you like.


Edited by POCKET951 (see edit history)
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3 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Another fan of JaWoodle's, eh? Worry not, the pimps are too; he's doing a lot of free debugging.. :)

I think you are being sarcastic? I am terrible with sarcasm.  I just want to make him work harder to find the next busted thing so TFP can keep fixing force fields untill they are entirely gone.

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2 minutes ago, POCKET951 said:

I think you are being sarcastic?

I don't know what I am half the time; kinda just wanted to say that the pimps are surely following him close enough to know what he's up to.. :)


I don't mind the force fields, they don't really provide anything over an honest trench, just a minor quality of life upgrade being able to drive over one before getting electric doors.

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33 minutes ago, POCKET951 said:

I think you are being sarcastic? I am terrible with sarcasm.  I just want to make him work harder to find the next busted thing so TFP can keep fixing force fields untill they are entirely gone.

WHY?  HOW does someone else cheating "in this manner" hurt you in any way possible?   I won't use this but this does not cause you harm in any possible way so why would you(or for that matter the developers) give a ratsass?    I want the developers to spend time adding content and fix GAME breaking bugs, not exploits that people use in solo play that won't hurt anyone but their own pride.


Edited by JoeDaFrogman (see edit history)
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I mean, don't they usually start beating on everything if you don't give them a path of some sort to you? So they would eventually cause problems if you don't deal with them. There's always gonna be some sort of situation like this, but this one isn't perfect enough to worry about. It's not like they walk up to it and just stand there.  

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15 minutes ago, JoeDaFrogman said:

WHY?  HOW does someone else cheating "in this manner" hurt you in any way possible?   I won't use this but this does not cause you harm in any possible way so why would you(or for that matter the developers) give a ratsass?    I want the developers to spend time adding content and fix GAME breaking bugs, not exploits that people use in solo play that won't hurt anyone but their own pride.


I am not trying to deprive anyone of there fun. 

I just remember reading in the forums somewhere that they wanted to fix blocks that cause this kind of behaviour. I am doing this to try to help TFP make zombie pathing better and more consistent.

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57 minutes ago, POCKET951 said:

I think you are being sarcastic? I am terrible with sarcasm.  I just want to make him work harder to find the next busted thing so TFP can keep fixing force fields untill they are entirely gone.

A popular 7 days streamer beat you to it.   Jawoodle managed to figure it out within 20 minutes about a week ago that the exact same blocks you posted can be used to stifle the zed AI.

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20 minutes ago, Ramethzer0 said:

I think what he is saying is that a popular streamer beat you to that.   Jawoodle managed to figure it out within 20 minutes about a week ago that the exact same blocks you posted can be used to stifle the zed AI.

I mean I learned of it from Jawoodles Video. I just wanted to make sure TFP are aware of it.

I just wanted to make a simple demonstration of how it's achieved so they can replicate and fix it.  also if TFP decide to fix this, they don't have to skim trough a 20 minute video to figure it out.  the information here is laid out clearly and  quickly digestible.

also damn, I just got 4 dislikes in this thread. some people are salty.

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I'm always surprised at how well the zombies are able to path around an enviroment that can be changed on a whim.


I don't remember when, but weren't all these block shapes only recently added?  I guess they have a little ways to go before they are totally debugged.



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10 hours ago, POCKET951 said:

I am not trying to deprive anyone of there fun. 

Not everyone enjoys the same thing. That's why you will always spoil someone's fun.


There are players who like to build small bases that don't need many resources and if possible the base should still stand after the horde. That's why they use something like the zombie force field to protect for example pillars that the zombies would destroy if they fall down and then go into destroy everything mode.


I do the exact opposite. My bases are usually huge, consume massive resources and would still standing even if the zombies would destroy half of the blocks of the foundation. But that's only because building is the most fun for me and a few destroyed blocks here and there are no big deal for me.


10 hours ago, POCKET951 said:

I just wanted to make a simple demonstration of how it's achieved so they can replicate and fix it.  also if TFP decide to fix this, they don't have to skim trough a 20 minute video to figure it out.  the information here is laid out clearly and  quickly digestible.

The zombies had consistent pathing in A17. You could build a huge maze and they traversed it perfectly without damaging a single block. And you could make them run in circles using a ramp and a jump.


But then the fun pimps decided that the zombies get angry when they fall down or are so lazy that they'd rather punch through the wall than take a longer path.
As time went on, more and more "features" were added and the zombies became more and more inconsistent in their behavior.


By now you have to take so many variables into account when building a base that you sometimes lose interest in base building and just stand on a roof and play the game as a stupid shooter.


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On 2/14/2022 at 3:21 PM, JoeDaFrogman said:

I want the developers to spend time adding content and fix GAME breaking bugs, not exploits that people use in solo play that won't hurt anyone but their own pride.


This fix would take such a miniscule amount of time that doing so would not take the place of adding new content. I wouldn't want TFP to spend time hunting down stuff like this as that could take a long time but if they are gift wrapped for them and the fix is easy and fast-- why not?

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3 minutes ago, Roland said:

This fix would take such a miniscule amount of time

This one may be a tad trickier; it relies on two blocks on the same plane, neither of which is a good candidate for actual pathing over, alone. It'll take a little more thinking than turning these into iron bars .. :)

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Wouldn't removing collision from the paint lines do it? Without collision zombies would pass right through them and players couldn't stand on top of them. They don't need collision and in fact it is probably them having collision in the first place that makes everyone's bikes bounce off of nothing randomly when on roads. That might take care of both issues. Just a guess tho...

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2 minutes ago, Roland said:

Wouldn't removing collision from the paint lines do it?

I guess... it would be the only block of that type in the game though, wouldn't it? That might open up some weird cans of worms, at least for pvp .. :)


I don't think it'd fix the bike bounces, the ones I've experienced are just the same on asphalt as they are on flat terrain.

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1 hour ago, theFlu said:

I guess... it would be the only block of that type in the game though, wouldn't it?


It wouldn't really become its own type. It would be a regular block with xml properties adjusted like bars. Bars are a block that have collision turned off vs projectiles and I believe there are values that can be added to any block to turn off collision vs other things--such as entities. So it would still remain a regular block but like bars would have a bit of xml modifying its collision values. Probably could even test it pretty easily by copying the line for bars that adjust their collision.


As for causing problems elsewhere and for PvP it's possible but I'm not sure how. Turning off collision doesn't increase their defensive or offensive properties. Their singular purpose is to lay on top of asphalt blocks. Because they have collision they are able to be repurposed for other things. Without collision they would be useless except as a very flat overlay on other blocks.


But I'm no programmer. Just spitballing. So you may be right and it could end up being a tricky fix that takes too much time in which case they probably shouldn't worry about it.

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8 minutes ago, Roland said:

It wouldn't really become its own type.

It would be the first to have a "visual area" without an associated collision for walking.


When the arrow slit -version was fixed they added collision for melee to it - can't hit or repair through one now. From that I assume melee collision and pathing are tightly connected, otherwise the melee would've been left alone (I'd think). This broke one of my uses for it, repairs for electric fences, but it's not that big of a deal.


Removing melee collision from the lines would make them unbreakable, no building on roads.

SI would have to be disabled or the lines could be used as an indestructible bottom for a base and the blocks would become a major nuisance.. of course, one wouldn't allow such blocks be placed by players, but you can repurpose an existing road.


If the melee and pathing are connected, it's not possible like that.


Just spitballing as well, but it doesn't look too easy :)

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I like the idea of road marks being blocks we can build or use, and I understand why they are implemented as blocks for RWG

I guess it would take some brain storming and effort to make roadmarks  Paint brush options and purely cosmetic, becuase you would need road stamps to also generate pre painted and Idk anything about programming or world gen, but it seems tricky. 

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3 hours ago, Roland said:

Wouldn't removing collision from the paint lines do it? Without collision zombies would pass right through them and players couldn't stand on top of them. They don't need collision and in fact it is probably them having collision in the first place that makes everyone's bikes bounce off of nothing randomly when on roads. That might take care of both issues. Just a guess tho...


Would turning off collision also mean we could build over the paint lines without having to beat them out?  I was trying to build a base in one of the parking garages and I had to destroy the floor under one of the paint lines so I could get underneath it to actually hit the hit box for the painted line.

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58 minutes ago, POCKET951 said:

I guess it would take some brain storming and effort to make roadmarks  Paint brush options and purely cosmetic,

That would require.. phh. A whole lot. Probably an entire texture layer on top of the current world, given the current texturing can't handle even replacing different terrain blocks. Would possibly allow for other dynamic "paint events" like blood splatters and footprints and whatnot, so it might be awesome - but it would be a whole new feature set and quite likely way too heavy and complicated for the current engine.


5 minutes ago, Darthjake said:

Would turning off collision also mean we could build over the paint lines without having to beat them out?  I was trying to build a base in one of the parking garages and I had to destroy the floor under one of the paint lines so I could get underneath it to actually hit the hit box for the painted line.


Collisions, no; that made me think if they could be made into air blocks. That way they would be replaceable by any other block; I don't know if air blocks are an actual thing though, or are they just "no block" in that sense.


In any case, just fixing the road markings wouldn't even solve the force field; the field worked fine with just the other part of that pair, the Slope Plate Filler. Doubling them up makes it bumpy, and JaWoodle being his usual muppet self only tested driving "against the grain". But it should work just fine when rotated 90 degrees from the image in the OP and driven along the smooth direction of the slope. There's also plenty of blocks that look like they could fit the bill if this specific combo is fixed.


Other half of the issue is, they can't go one bit over with their correction either, or they'll just create new ways to infinite zombies loops. The complexity starts to be so massive that I'm starting to think they'll have to make the AI "actually" test the paths when choosing what to travel on. Of course just running a simulated zed across everything, doesn't need to be a real zed, but it would have to test the physics engine against the player choices. Another whole feature set though and likely quite expensive.


To be honest, I'd rather have my Arrow Slit repair system back since the fix didn't seem to fix the issue and I'm guessing it isn't really fixable.

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9 hours ago, theFlu said:

That would require.. phh. A whole lot. Probably an entire texture layer on top of the current world, given the current texturing can't handle even replacing different terrain blocks. Would possibly allow for other dynamic "paint events" like blood splatters and footprints and whatnot, so it might be awesome - but it would be a whole new feature set and quite likely way too heavy and complicated for the current engine.



Collisions, no; that made me think if they could be made into air blocks. That way they would be replaceable by any other block; I don't know if air blocks are an actual thing though, or are they just "no block" in that sense.




Thanks for the reply, I really don't care about the forcefields, we have our own base pretty much perfected in our multi games, and because I know I can do it, I have blood moon turned off in solo play.   Those paint lines are just a pain for guys that like even base building though.  :D

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7DtD zombies are easily manipulated, I really don't see the need for forcefield or AFK builds. Seems to take the fun out of the game.


That said, the call for road markings to be part of the road block and not a transfer on top of it would be nice. Nothing more tedious than using an early game stone axe to chip away the road markings because you can't place a block.

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This literally the last thing in the entire game I personally would want the dev coders to fix. After absolutely everything is done, all AI pathing is 100% for sure done sorted out, and every single other aspect of the game was finished.. well maybe, but still wouldn't care as I don't use it and it's not going to effect my game in anyway, (or yours unless you use it).




sorry couldn't figure out how to remove this text box - no bully

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