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Why take out types of Zombies when all they did was add to the game?

Travis Shaw

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The modding community for 7DtD is robust, and creative, rather like the modding communities for Bethesda's The Elder Scroll and Fallout games.  There are mods that add all sorts of weapons, overhauls (like Asia mod) that replace almost everything in the game, mods that add vehicles, mods that add zombies, mods that change the appearance of the vanilla zombies so there is more variety, mods that change the HUD/UI, mods that add new places to explore. 

If you want something, do a web search.  You will probably find a mod for it already, because (and trust me on this), you are almost certainly not the only person with an interest in it, and someone has probably already found a way to add it to the game.  If you don't find exactly what you are looking for?  Find a mod that comes close and use it. 

Or, you might think about doing what I did.  Take some time and put in just a little bit of effort to learn about XML and XPath modding. Want your M60 to come with a bigger magazine?  Open up the items.xml file and look at the M60 to see what you need to change!  Want vehicles to go faster?  Open up the vehicles.xml file to see how the base and turbo speeds are set up.  Make a mod that tweaks the values to what you want.  A while back I noticed that the Traders weren't selling 7.62HP ammo, so I made a mod that added those HP rounds into the trader ammo inventory to fix something I felt needed fixing.  And from there, I took off with making my own mods...

Jeebus, I'm 60 years old, and I just started learning this stuff a year or so ago.   If this old dinosaur can figure out how to do stuff like that, I'm reasonably certain that you youngsters can.

Edited by Evil_Geoff
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16 hours ago, Matt115 said:

1. Well shields is bad example - shields was added into minecraft before it was added in update.


Shields is not a bad example. Minecrafts shields have nothing to do with what TFP could add in a DLC.

I would rather say Minecraft is a bad example.


16 hours ago, Matt115 said:

But i think- if modders wanted to add new quest  they would probably (just give them time) - but if they don't  do ,this mean... they just diffrent stuff.  And 200 new building in this same style as current would be good and pointless in this same time - poi's could be added by mods ( well style of this buliding would be... random)- well poi design competition is example about that.


I can't say what you will do. But I would buy a 200 POI DLC and I would buy a quest DLC from TFP, no matter how many POI or quest mods are out there from modders. And I'm sure a lot of other people would do as well. Especially the fraction that does not want to use mods at all. And the larger fraction that does not want to use mods changing more than xml for security reasons. And that is all what counts for TFP's motivation to do a DLC or expansion and their financial side.


And there are quests only TFP can implement easily because they need fundamental changes to internal code.


16 hours ago, Matt115 said:

But  HD zombie models cannot be added by mods because... modders don't have tools to do this - so most new characters are ports from diffrent games ( or asset store)  and UMA.  So 1. devs will give them tools. 2. vanillia zombies will be only zombie with good quality. 


In Modding, as always when people of differing talent do the same stuff, there is a quality pyramid. There is a massive amount of bad and acceptable modders, a few really good modders and very very few excellent modders. And those excellent modders are easily capable of exceeding the quality TFP puts out because they have the time to polish their mods far beyond any reasonable time investment that a company could finance. 

And those modders will have the tools for that. For example you can get the unity toolset for free (if I'm not mistaken) and for all the expensive modelling software there usually are less comfortable but cheaper alternatives. Not many will have the skill to do good HD zombie models, but there surely will be some.



16 hours ago, Matt115 said:

2. about dlc- this  is complicated - in oblivion few dlc broke mods , skyrim.... have dlc and people bought them but modders was working/ done before something like that- children adoption and new building  was before heartstone - idk only if buidable house was added before or after this dlc by mods. 


I have underlined the important sentence, the rest was irrelevant to the discussion.


16 hours ago, Matt115 said:

3. FTL is more like darkess dungeon or biding of issac- terraria have more connected things with 7dtd like destroable world with buidling , events ( blood moon in both games), longer time of playing on this same world etc.   

Terraria and minecraft are similair about art style and "blocks" but terraria have more more mobs ,ores , weapons etc. minecraft is easier that terraria but have almost this same things ( events, bosses (dragon), flying you can builid a lot of things etc) but biggest diffrents is - minecraft have less content, is easier but is 3d and terraria have much more content, is harder but is 2d.


Irrelevant. FTL and Terraria are both different genres and very different games to 7D2D. It is easy to list games to supports ANY argument. I just brought up FTL to show you that I can do the same useless name calling for the exact opposite claim.



16 hours ago, Matt115 said:

7dtd is more like minecraft but even with "bigger" limitations - can add  diffrent ores, mobs , weapons, worlds(like neather)  and will suit there good ( with exceptions like modern guns).  I think they a little bit too much limited themselft - weapons need to have similar number in every category because are connected with perks in this way to avoid being uselss or too powerfull. Zombies are limited quiet by their decision about AI  and type of game - "grabbing" zombies like hunter from  l4d2, riot from word war z or hunter dying light,  can't work in singleplayer with destrucible  world,  big zombies like tank from l4d2 ,  goon from dying light can't be added because ai , zombie children- well everyone know, and mutants in re style don't suit with style.  

So idk how they can solve this problem 😕


Easy. There is no problem except in your mind. Just wait and see.


16 hours ago, Matt115 said:

But i think both we agree that zombies from  mods don't suit into vanillia zombies  = creature pack , snufkin pack can be good example about that 


The additional zombies I did see in overhaul mods I played were all fun. They might not have the quality and same style as the TFP zombies, but I don't need that to enjoy them.



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15 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

1 - we are not the military, we are one (or a few if Co-Op) person/people trying to survive the end of the world....and the lever action rifle was the rifle of the common person.

2 - The US has several signature weapons besides the AR15/M16.  The M1911 pistol was a very popular sidearm in the US before being replaced by the Glock series.  Remington was known as a very good manufacturer of shotguns and the Remington 870 pump action was popular.


Lever action rifle was requested by a lot of players and it's signature feel / animation distinguishes it from the single shot rifles and assault rifles in the game already.  Replacing it with just another assault rifle will cause us to lose something that is unique in this game (and replace it with something else we can play with in countless FPS out there).


Lets just keep the weapons we have today in vanilla and maybe a modder will introduce weapons that you want down the road.

1. i agree but i mean : bolt action is more popular and easier to take care, So most  lever guns would be in bad condition after few years and nuclear bombardment. So better choice would be m14.

Yeah lever guns looks cool. But m14 is semi automatic  so it could be quicker that hunting rifle but slower that assault guns - well i think lever gun works rly good in contagion but contagion happens at DAY 0  / few days  after

2. this same as jcrook1028  

20 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

That hasn't been true for a long time. If you're gonna try the reality argument at least learn what reality is.

I know - i mean it safer to add m16 that " actual" used guns to avoid being sued. Activion was used because they used in mw2 HMMWV. They won by it safer and easier that bought licence ( that's why in cs 1.6 only 4 guns have real name). Thast's why in call of duty  cw spas have name gallo etc. So m16 would more logical and safer option


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M14 and M16/M4 both can go full automatic as well as semi-auto and both of which are generally not available outside the military. In the USA, the AR-15s are the norm as they are semi-auto only. M1 Garands and M1 Carbine are both semi-auto only but are more like collectibles and would be more rare than lever action rifles. Lever action rifles stopped being used by the military, not because it was more complicated, the lever action isn't strong enough to handle the new high power smokeless powder munitions coming into use. That is why I'm disappointed that the lever action in the game is not .44 magnum (realistic) verses the 7.62 NATO round they use now. Which by the way, also isn't accurate for the AK and Assault rifle ingame, the AK uses a smaller less powerful 7.62 or 5.45 and the M16/M4 using 5.56. As an aside, in a real apocalypse, I would be quite happy using a lever action over bolt a bolt action rifle(faster and lower recoil) or even older semi-autos (more reliable and easier to clean). 

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5 hours ago, meganoth said:


Shields is not a bad example. Minecrafts shields have nothing to do with what TFP could add in a DLC.

I would rather say Minecraft is a bad example.



I can't say what you will do. But I would buy a 200 POI DLC and I would buy a quest DLC from TFP, no matter how many POI or quest mods are out there from modders. And I'm sure a lot of other people would do as well. Especially the fraction that does not want to use mods at all. And the larger fraction that does not want to use mods changing more than xml for security reasons. And that is all what counts for TFP's motivation to do a DLC or expansion and their financial side.


And there are quests only TFP can implement easily because they need fundamental changes to internal code.



In Modding, as always when people of differing talent do the same stuff, there is a quality pyramid. There is a massive amount of bad and acceptable modders, a few really good modders and very very few excellent modders. And those excellent modders are easily capable of exceeding the quality TFP puts out because they have the time to polish their mods far beyond any reasonable time investment that a company could finance. 

And those modders will have the tools for that. For example you can get the unity toolset for free (if I'm not mistaken) and for all the expensive modelling software there usually are less comfortable but cheaper alternatives. Not many will have the skill to do good HD zombie models, but there surely will be some.




I have underlined the important sentence, the rest was irrelevant to the discussion.



Irrelevant. FTL and Terraria are both different genres and very different games to 7D2D. It is easy to list games to supports ANY argument. I just brought up FTL to show you that I can do the same useless name calling for the exact opposite claim.




Easy. There is no problem except in your mind. Just wait and see.



The additional zombies I did see in overhaul mods I played were all fun. They might not have the quality and same style as the TFP zombies, but I don't need that to enjoy them.



1. Shield worked diffrent in diffrent mods but some mods using them as passive defence ( like armor) or allow to use weapons/tools in both hands.

2. this depends on prices -  in bo1 you get by 5 E you get 4 mp + zombie map, in cod bo 3 you get for+-8 e 1 zombie map, now in cod for 20 euro you will get 1character skin, 2 guns etc. Modders in this same time can add rly good zombie maps for free. 

3. Yep that's why i'm so "stubborn" to  add more zombie  variants by devs- i hope we will get more in next updated.

4. okay i will tell this little bit diffrent what i was mean-  skyrim  was lot of people bought it because 1 . a lot of was not modding skyrim  - well skyrim was "witcher3" of this year so they bought dlc 2. multiplatform game so console owners bought dlc 3.  dlc for skyrim was cheap and offten with vanililia game  4. lore ( tes have a lot of games) 5. some modders decided to start create mods  using heartstone dlc ( at first they hated this and a lot of players too )  but after few year they" give up" and decided to create heartstone supporting mods ( well short- stalker shadow of  chernobyl modders prefer 1.0.03 and 10.0.04 versions that 1.0.05 ).

5.  well this could be endless

6. Nope. I will give you two popular example and my opinion-   1. a lot of players hate denizen from tranzit in cod bo2 and it is one of the most annoing and looking bad enemies in this game. 2.  a lot of people hate  mutants in far cry 1  because  kiling setting in their opinion.  3. i think  wight looks  bad  now and older "mutated" model was better , roland was complaning about that too and few others. So this is quiet a problem. But i agree : i have nothing  more options that do this

7. Khmusic made rly good moodled and his version of zombie creature pack suit better - well i love extended common infected  and l4d1 common extended overhaul  mods - damn they suitd so good with vanilia zombies . I think this mods could be added as "community" updates ( well l4d2 an tf2 in updated mostly by fans) because are soo good. Damn i wish someone would do something like that into 7dtd

Edited by Matt115 (see edit history)
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15 hours ago, Matt115 said:

1. Shield worked diffrent in diffrent mods but some mods using them as passive defence ( like armor) or allow to use weapons/tools in both hands.


Yes, nice random fact. But what has it to do with the question whether TFP can make a DLC with working shields?


15 hours ago, Matt115 said:

2. this depends on prices -  in bo1 you get by 5 E you get 4 mp + zombie map, in cod bo 3 you get for+-8 e 1 zombie map, now in cod for 20 euro you will get 1character skin, 2 guns etc. Modders in this same time can add rly good zombie maps for free. 


So? Have you heard about any prices for 7D2D DLCs? Since 7D2D itself was dirt cheap and is available for less than 10$ in steam sales I don't think they will make a horse skin DLC for 10$.


15 hours ago, Matt115 said:

3. Yep that's why i'm so "stubborn" to  add more zombie  variants by devs- i hope we will get more in next updated.

4. okay i will tell this little bit diffrent what i was mean- 


You are listing now dozens of reasons why people bought a Skyrim DLC. What is missing is reasons why TFP can't do the same:


15 hours ago, Matt115 said:

skyrim  was lot of people bought it because 1 . a lot of was not modding skyrim  - well skyrim was "witcher3" of this year so they bought dlc


And a lot of people don't mod 7D2D, and 7D2D is "in its size category" a very popular game.


15 hours ago, Matt115 said:

2. multiplatform game so console owners bought dlc


7D2D will probably be multiplatform about 1-2 years after release and multiplatform is possible if TFP and the publisher of the console version want to.


15 hours ago, Matt115 said:

3.  dlc for skyrim was cheap and offten with vanililia game 


Which TFP can do as well. 7D2D GOTY edition? Why not?


15 hours ago, Matt115 said:

4. lore ( tes have a lot of games)


This is the first thing 7D2D can't have too, but lore is part of why Bethesdas games were successful. Nobody expects 7D2D or its DLC to sell as much copies as Skyrim. Lots of games without lore put out DLCs and they get bought.


15 hours ago, Matt115 said:

5. some modders decided to start create mods  using heartstone dlc ( at first they hated this and a lot of players too )  but after few year they" give up" and decided to create heartstone supporting mods ( well short- stalker shadow of  chernobyl modders prefer 1.0.03 and 10.0.04 versions that 1.0.05 ).


And that definitely will happen with 7D2D as well, and I already said that in my previous post, modders will add mods depending on basegame+DLC and then people have to buy the DLC if they want to play specific mods.


Come on, you list a handful of facts why Bethesda can sell DLCs, but I miss the logical argument here why those reasons can't be used by TFP as well.


15 hours ago, Matt115 said:

5.  well this could be endless


There is a problem if you can't put your thoughts into words. I can only react to your words, not your thoughts 😉


15 hours ago, Matt115 said:

6. Nope. I will give you two popular example and my opinion-   1. a lot of players hate denizen from tranzit in cod bo2 and it is one of the most annoing and looking bad enemies in this game. 2.  a lot of people hate  mutants in far cry 1  because  kiling setting in their opinion.  3. i think  wight looks  bad  now and older "mutated" model was better , roland was complaning about that too and few others. So this is quiet a problem. But i agree : i have nothing  more options that do this


You list problems of CoD DLCs but I bet those DLCs still made a lot of money for activision. Please provide sales numbers to show that "those lots of players" even made a difference. Especially with AAA games you have thousands of very young, very opinionated and easily raging players who find fault at the least "provocation". We have examples of this overblown rage even here in the forum when sometimes a player rages because some weapon has the wrong magazine shown.


But the bottom line is, even most of the people wildly critizising a CoD DLC will buy that DLC, in addition to a majority of silent players who simply and quietly buy their next CoD fix.



15 hours ago, Matt115 said:

7. Khmusic made rly good moodled and his version of zombie creature pack suit better - well i love extended common infected  and l4d1 common extended overhaul  mods - damn they suitd so good with vanilia zombies . I think this mods could be added as "community" updates ( well l4d2 an tf2 in updated mostly by fans) because are soo good. Damn i wish someone would do something like that into 7dtd



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1 hour ago, meganoth said:

So? Have you heard about any prices for 7D2D DLCs? Since 7D2D itself was dirt cheap and is available for less than 10$ in steam sales I don't think they will make a horse skin DLC for 10$.

Wait...TFP are introducing horses into the game?  Wow.  Heard it first from meganoth - Horses are coming to 7D2D (why else would they be talking about a horse skin DLC....)



We have examples of this overblown rage even here in the forum when sometimes a player rages because some weapon has the wrong magazine shown.


Come on, there are two parts to that rage - wrong type of magazine or the wrong type of ammo - TFP just hedge their bets and introduced two sided rage with the lever action rifle


j/k  😁


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29 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

Wait...TFP are introducing horses into the game?  Wow.  Heard it first from meganoth - Horses are coming to 7D2D (why else would they be talking about a horse skin DLC....)


Why would the game need horses to sell a horse skin DLC? SOME people will buy it anyway 😁


29 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:



Come on, there are two parts to that rage - wrong type of magazine or the wrong type of ammo - TFP just hedge their bets and introduced two sided rage with the lever action rifle


j/k  😁



Just to clarify: I wasn't talking about matt here and not about the lever action rifle discussion. Its just that nitpicks about guns are the most common type of nitpicky rant we get in this forum. Although in previous alphas rants about streets in RWG were a close second.



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1 hour ago, meganoth said:


Yes, nice random fact. But what has it to do with the question whether TFP can make a DLC with working shields?


Well - i think if TFP was made let say 2$ dlc with shield most player would use mod instead. But my point was:  poi's can be done by modders, change in system too but new zombie models or lore not .


1 hour ago, meganoth said:




So? Have you heard about any prices for 7D2D DLCs? Since 7D2D itself was dirt cheap and is available for less than 10$ in steam sales I don't think they will make a horse skin DLC for 10$.

Well i don't to find prices in dollars so i will write in zl:  HOI4 - basic 142 zł  - every dlc 577. Conan - basic 142 zł , dlc 457 zł etc so it can be cheap let say  1 dlc = 4$ but 10 dlc will be 40$ right?

1 hour ago, meganoth said:


You are listing now dozens of reasons why people bought a Skyrim DLC. What is missing is reasons why TFP can't do the same:



1 hour ago, meganoth said:


And a lot of people don't mod 7D2D, and 7D2D is "in its size category" a very popular game.

Well  7dtd is sandbox survival like  minecraft or project zomboid so i think people expect mods into 7dtd. Skyrim was  like witcher 3 -  people expect console RPG not mod base

1 hour ago, meganoth said:



7D2D will probably be multiplatform about 1-2 years after release and multiplatform is possible if TFP and the publisher of the console version want to.

 7dtd is not "based" on consoles - i mean not focused to get bigger profits from consoles editions that from pc. Skyrim was more focused on xbox and ps players.

1 hour ago, meganoth said:


Which TFP can do as well. 7D2D GOTY edition? Why not?

Ofc can do.  I mean -  skyrim was sold with dlc packs cheaper so people bought because... with dlc sometimes was cheaper that base game only (don't ask my about logic here)

1 hour ago, meganoth said:


This is the first thing 7D2D can't have too, but lore is part of why Bethesdas games were successful. Nobody expects 7D2D or its DLC to sell as much copies as Skyrim. Lots of games without lore put out DLCs and they get bought.

1 hour ago, meganoth said:


And that definitely will happen with 7D2D as well, and I already said that in my previous post, modders will add mods depending on basegame+DLC and then people have to buy the DLC if they want to play specific mods.

1. about lore - that's why some tes dlc was so hyped because it give a lot of lore into these games . i think almost evey popular game with dlc and mods have secret lore - biding of issac, darkest dungeon, ark .  Well this is halve true-  some modders will add mods depending on dlc and some mods will not support dlc. This depends on game and dlc  so this is complicated 


1 hour ago, meganoth said:


You list problems of CoD DLCs but I bet those DLCs still made a lot of money for activision. Please provide sales numbers to show that "those lots of players" even made a difference. Especially with AAA games you have thousands of very young, very opinionated and easily raging players who find fault at the least "provocation". We have examples of this overblown rage even here in the forum when sometimes a player rages because some weapon has the wrong magazine shown.


But the bottom line is, even most of the people wildly critizising a CoD DLC will buy that DLC, in addition to a majority of silent players who simply and quietly buy their next CoD fix.


...... that's wasn't my point but whatever - 


Okay - my point was- i think some things not suit well. Hornets is good example - hornests doesn't suited into 7dtd and a lot of people think about this same thing. And i think some artitic decisions about design of new zombies is wrong so that's why i'm worring about that

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28 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

Well - i think if TFP was made let say 2$ dlc with shield most player would use mod instead.


TFP wouldn't put out a DLC of just shields. They would be more likely to add shields plus a new bandit type that uses those shields and a new zombie type that is more easily handled by using shields, a couple of new T4 POIs hooked up for quests, and a new six series book set that gives random perks and extra abilities to shields.

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37 minutes ago, Roland said:


TFP wouldn't put out a DLC of just shields. They would be more likely to add shields plus a new bandit type that uses those shields and a new zombie type that is more easily handled by using shields, a couple of new T4 POIs hooked up for quests, and a new six series book set that gives random perks and extra abilities to shields.

This would be for at least 8$ xd

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7 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

Well - i think if TFP was made let say 2$ dlc with shield most player would use mod instead. But my point was:  poi's can be done by modders, change in system too but new zombie models or lore not .


Which mod adds a shield you can use while fighting in melee? A shield DLC (in the quality I expect of TFP) would need to add the possibility for two-handed combat which isn't a simple XML fix. 


A DLC with new zombie models but not additional functionality of those zombies (i.e. just more skins) would probably sell too, but not as well as you think. But I never doubted that. What I am saying is simply TFP can fill its DLC with all possible content (except maybe new maps like in some other games) and will sell that, and it doesn't much depend on what is out there as a mod.


7 minutes ago, Matt115 said:


Well i don't to find prices in dollars so i will write in zl:  HOI4 - basic 142 zł  - every dlc 577. Conan - basic 142 zł , dlc 457 zł etc so it can be cheap let say  1 dlc = 4$ but 10 dlc will be 40$ right?


I asked if you already know the price of future 7D2D DLCs. And I asked because you listed "price of the DLC" as one of the problems TFP had to sell a DLC.


7 minutes ago, Matt115 said:


Well  7dtd is sandbox survival like  minecraft or project zomboid so i think people expect mods into 7dtd. Skyrim was  like witcher 3 -  people expect console RPG not mod base


When you told people in this forum that they could use this or that mod if they had some problem, half the time you got the reply that they don't use mods and need vanilla to be the "right way". Until steam workshop integration is added I'm very sure more than 50% of all 7D2D players play without mods.


7 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

 7dtd is not "based" on consoles - i mean not focused to get bigger profits from consoles editions that from pc. Skyrim was more focused on xbox and ps players.


Correct, the money from just licencing the game and DLC will surely be less than if they did the console version themselves. But it doesn't matter, it is still additional income from the console side and with crossplay capability also a further incentive for players to play vanilla so they can play with console friends.



7 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

Ofc can do.  I mean -  skyrim was sold with dlc packs cheaper so people bought because... with dlc sometimes was cheaper that base game only (don't ask my about logic here)

1. about lore - that's why some tes dlc was so hyped because it give a lot of lore into these games . i think almost evey popular game with dlc and mods have secret lore - biding of issac, darkest dungeon, ark .  Well this is halve true-  some modders will add mods depending on dlc and some mods will not support dlc. This depends on game and dlc  so this is complicated 


...... that's wasn't my point but whatever - 


Okay - my point was- i think some things not suit well. Hornets is good example - hornests doesn't suited into 7dtd and a lot of people think about this same thing. And i think some artitic decisions about design of new zombies is wrong so that's why i'm worring about that


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4 minutes ago, meganoth said:


Which mod adds a shield you can use while fighting in melee? A shield DLC (in the quality I expect of TFP) would need to add the possibility for two-handed combat which isn't a simple XML fix. 


A DLC with new zombie models but not additional functionality of those zombies (i.e. just more skins) would probably sell too, but not as well as you think. But I never doubted that. What I am saying is simply TFP can fill its DLC with all possible content (except maybe new maps like in some other games) and will sell that, and it doesn't much depend on what is out there as a mod.



I asked if you already know the price of future 7D2D DLCs. And I asked because you listed "price of the DLC" as one of the problems TFP had to sell a DLC.



When you told people in this forum that they could use this or that mod if they had some problem, half the time you got the reply that they don't use mods and need vanilla to be the "right way". Until steam workshop integration is added I'm very sure more than 50% of all 7D2D players play without mods.



Correct, the money from just licencing the game and DLC will surely be less than if they did the console version themselves. But it doesn't matter, it is still additional income from the console side and with crossplay capability also a further incentive for players to play vanilla so they can play with console friends.




I think something was cutted under last one quote in this comment and something under last one before this comment too 😕

1. Well idk how 7dtd modding work. I know modders manage to add shields in two-handed combat ( and using tools) into minecraft before minecraft devs manage to do this same thing. well about models - well they could use maps too and.. in my opinion that could works rly good- let say they would add new story map  with RWG options connected withs this map - let say "russia" dlc add russian flats etc so and this poi can be used in RWG too, "JAPAN" mod add japan island  and allow RWG to create japan POI's into random worlds. i made mistake - i mean more zombie types it coudn't be jest reskins - let say dlc with infector zombie type = new model+ animations+ change places where this zombie can be spawned with changes in POi ( well this zombie have range attack so can have diffrent spawnpoint).

2. Well i don't know but i can expect  prices - you know if you check 50 similar games ( i mean similiar prices , type of game etc) so you can say " dlc in this game would probably be 5$ because "small" dlc to similiar game and we can expect 15$ for "big" dlc".

3. I know.  well mods sometimes don't work etc so steam workshop  integration will help a lot.

4.  This will be hard to say now ( a little offtopic) - microsoft bought activison blizzard now so probably maybe would someday add 7dtd into gamepas with exclusive xbox and pc ( this is just sad theory).


Btw i know i sound most of time like  hater but i rly love 7dtd just i'm controversive sometimes and diffrent things are important for that for most people on this forum. 7dtd is good game and i just hope few thing can be solved in future.

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44 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

I think something was cutted under last one quote in this comment and something under last one before this comment too 😕




44 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

1. Well idk how 7dtd modding work. I know modders manage to add shields in two-handed combat ( and using tools) into minecraft before minecraft devs manage to do this same thing.



Not really comparable. Adding a shield in 7D2D would need (IMHO) many changes in diverse parts of the game (graphics, UI, perks, xml-support).  But most important there are multiple ways to do it (only passive, with shieldbash or full two-handed support so two knifes for example work too), multiple solutions. So there would be room enough for mods and DLC to exist simultaneously.


44 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

well about models - well they could use maps too and.. in my opinion that could works rly good- let say they would add new story map  with RWG options connected withs this map - let say "russia" dlc add russian flats etc so and this poi can be used in RWG too, "JAPAN" mod add japan island  and allow RWG to create japan POI's into random worlds.


Maps would only make sense if you add a story too, but this is not 7D2D's strength. But simply adding russian style POIs and a fitting RWG would work.

I assume you meant the latter as well, but that is not what I would call a map, Navezgane is a map, RWG is not a map.


44 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

i made mistake - i mean more zombie types it coudn't be jest reskins - let say dlc with infector zombie type = new model+ animations+ change places where this zombie can be spawned with changes in POi ( well this zombie have range attack so can have diffrent spawnpoint).

2. Well i don't know but i can expect  prices - you know if you check 50 similar games ( i mean similiar prices , type of game etc) so you can say " dlc in this game would probably be 5$ because "small" dlc to similiar game and we can expect 15$ for "big" dlc".

3. I know.  well mods sometimes don't work etc so steam workshop  integration will help a lot.

4.  This will be hard to say now ( a little offtopic) - microsoft bought activison blizzard now so probably maybe would someday add 7dtd into gamepas with exclusive xbox and pc ( this is just sad theory).


Btw i know i sound most of time like  hater but i rly love 7dtd just i'm controversive sometimes and diffrent things are important for that for most people on this forum. 7dtd is good game and i just hope few thing can be solved in future.


You are definitely not what I would ever call a "hater".

You just want 7D2D to be a different game than it really is.


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I dont like like microtransactions. All this 1-2€ stuff wich has never a end.

Add a new faction with 6 complete new outfits, 2 new vehicles, additional questline, a bossfight, some building decors, some new materials, anything... and make it 22€.


That was my first thought how a nice worthy addon couldt look like. Important is to call it ADDON and not a micro, hat, cosmetic, ingameshop, p2w, lootchest, playercardpack, anything. I loved addons always. This has some quality in its name.


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10 hours ago, playlessNamer said:

I dont like like microtransactions. All this 1-2€ stuff wich has never a end.

Add a new faction with 6 complete new outfits, 2 new vehicles, additional questline, a bossfight, some building decors, some new materials, anything... and make it 22€.


That was my first thought how a nice worthy addon couldt look like. Important is to call it ADDON and not a micro, hat, cosmetic, ingameshop, p2w, lootchest, playercardpack, anything. I loved addons always. This has some quality in its name.



A microtransaction is not the same as a cheap DLC. Microtransactions would need a shop integrated in the game, something which I don't think will ever happen in 7D2D for multiple reasons.


I agree that there should not be dozens of small DLCs simply because it could make modding more difficult depending on DLC contents. And I think TFP knows this so my guess is that they will just continue their habit to tinker for a year or more and produce a new alpha, just now called expansion or DLC.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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18 hours ago, meganoth said:





Not really comparable. Adding a shield in 7D2D would need (IMHO) many changes in diverse parts of the game (graphics, UI, perks, xml-support).  But most important there are multiple ways to do it (only passive, with shieldbash or full two-handed support so two knifes for example work too), multiple solutions. So there would be room enough for mods and DLC to exist simultaneously.



Maps would only make sense if you add a story too, but this is not 7D2D's strength. But simply adding russian style POIs and a fitting RWG would work.

I assume you meant the latter as well, but that is not what I would call a map, Navezgane is a map, RWG is not a map.



You are definitely not what I would ever call a "hater".

You just want 7D2D to be a different game than it really is.


1. i think your  comment was cutted on the end of last post .

2. Well i agree about changes. But the dying light style shields is one of the worst  implementation of shield everXD - Damn this is only thing in dl what i hate XD

3. Yeah - i mean: add map like Navezgane but with  russian setting - i mean new models of zombies, new guns skins, new props, POI , small changes in gameplay ( more vehicles or cold wearther most of the time). And add this same POI zombie variants, guns skins into RWG too in this same time with options like vanilia pois only/russia pois+ vanilia/japanse poi+russia+vanilia etc. 

I think it would be good solution. It don't have to have story- just it need to be complexed. 

Btw idk if even change of style like medival period dlc just a little bit smaller price that basic could work- this option would be better that spinoff and nobody would say this is just lazy copy and paste 

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I predict by the time 7D2D releases the average video card will have 16GB of ram so they will have the overhead needed to bring back the randomly generated/textured zombies.


That was like A15 or A16 they took it out for ram reasons I believe, but that was along time ago. There used to be a video option for how much processing you devoted to it.



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On 1/13/2022 at 12:17 PM, pApA^LeGBa said:

Someone said those zombies appeared in places where you wouldn´t see them before the apocalypse. But that is true for the biker, the nurse and the worker also. Also the amount of women running around in a short black dress is riddiculous tbh.  I´d really like to know the real reasons.



Dirty women in short dresses is how the pandemic began.

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