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A20 - Leveling is now pointless


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6 hours ago, Boidster said:


Broadly speaking, yes! "Random" numbers in programming are almost always pseudo-random, based on a seed value. If you know the seed value, you can determine the sequence of "random" numbers that will result. In nearly all applications where randomness is required, this is sufficient. If you:

  1. Know the seed
  2. Know the exact algorithm used to produce 'random' numbers
  3. Know the probabilities for all potential loot items in all containers you want to search

Then you could deterministically work your way through a game looting exactly the right containers at exactly the right time to get the "best" loot for each search.

Ironically, I just decided to make a new world on a new seed, got steel tools schematics by specifically looting trash piles LOL. I know it's still random, but that's still very interesting nonetheless!


Edit: I'm on day 1: 12:27

Edited by Darklegend222 (see edit history)
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8 hours ago, saoron666 said:

so when others like roland say these new features and game today is for new newcomers, it kind a selfish..since we were the real supporters out there and deserve much more than newbies. 


Sorry. Whenever they update the game in the current phase it is with the intention to create the base 1.0 game that they expect most gamers who purchase it as a finished game to be able to pick up and play and enjoy. They do not update the game with the intention to add on complexity and expanded features in order to satisfy those who have already devoured all of the current content that is available. That is what DLC expansions to the base game are for-- and those won't be released until after the base 1.0 game is released.


You are essentially asking for DLC expansion content for a game that hasn't even been released in its basic form. It is not selfishness that would cause TFP to ignore such a request. It is plain common sense and good business. All the bling and extra stuff and moar content you wish they would add instead of the development stuff they are doing hopefully will come someday. Madmole said they plan to support and update 7 Days to Die for at least 2 years after it releases.  So on their timetable that's hopefully 2 DLC expansions to the game with hopefully purely juicy extra content and zero overhauls to re-balance or re-implement.

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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17 hours ago, Pernicious said:

Hell, case in point, there are vehicle bugs in CP2077 as well:


Cyberpunk 2077: a bug turns car racing into a Boldi and De Sica movie - 🕹️  Geekinco


Help me understand what the bug is here. Car's got a T-topper. Dude drives around without pants. Not seeing the problem. This is the cyber punk future I dream of.

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19 hours ago, Pernicious said:


I think the point is, you have no idea what you are talking about, and tried to use your girlfiend's job to lend some credibility to your statements. Even your last statement there tells me (and most programmers) how naive you are - those two are not separate issues, and there is no either/or. The more complicated the code around how a vehicle behaves, the more likely an error will creep in that makes it behave in a way that it should not. Who knows if vehicles disappearing or teleporting is something as simple as the code for trying to determine what it hits or what altitude it should level on, has a rounding error, and it falls through the earth?


But let's move on, and instead use something a bit more comparable and less personal. Cyberpunk 2077. That game was started one year earlier than 7D2D, and was developed by a very large (multi billion dollar) company with over 1000 employees, and released late 2020. Go to their forums and have a look at how many bugs and complaints of instability there were, and how many people even now, a year and 3 or 4 months later, are still complaining. Hell, case in point, there are vehicle bugs in CP2077 as well:


Cyberpunk 2077: a bug turns car racing into a Boldi and De Sica movie - 🕹️  Geekinco


(I'd love to say that I chose that as a bit of a middle finger to you, but truth be told, that was the first image I got when I googled "CP2077 vehicle bug". )


This bug is present in a flat, polygon based, immutable world (i.e, you can't dig a hole in the road, and expect the car to respond to that as an excuse for the level of the car or passenger being misaligned. You can in 7d2d.)


Anyway, I started responding to you by saying that I usually don't get into mud slinging matches... This is exactly the reason why, so I should have taken my own advice. I'm gonna let this go, unless you have genuine questions I can contribute to, and not just complaints and defensiveness.



You sound like a man that believes he is making a point when feeding whatever BS to a girl in a bar to get some ass… really no disrespect intended… just giving you how I feel throughout my experience hiring 126 employees at the company..


you know the type that you ask them a question about their experiences or ask them to explain a certain thing and they show you their reference letters instead and which school they went to… lmao 🤣  


for the 4th time, I’ll repeat it again for you, my point is not how the codes, the algorithm or the logic behind this vehicle disappearing or my the turrets going underground when I place them. It’s how and why it isn’t tested when it’s supposed to be tested if the code was rewritten or modified …and I am not the only person who experiencing this bug, I did see some others have same issue. 


my turret doesn’t travel at a certain speed or velocity, it is placed on a x,y,z coord and it ends up underground…


im not a programmer and I don’t code , I’m just asking why this needs to happen on a A20 and why there isn’t an urgent patch for it?


but please go ahead and amuse yourself by tell me about the obvious logic behind a moving car lol 😂 because it seems we are 🥕 



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Just now, saoron666 said:


You sound like a man that believes he is making a point when feeding whatever BS to a girl in a bar to get some ass



I feel like the quote above when I read your statements around your girlfriend's qualifications when you said: "you know the type that you ask them a question about their experiences or ask them to explain a certain thing and they show you their reference letters instead and which school they went to… "

Really no disrespect intended too


7 minutes ago, saoron666 said:


I did see some others have same issue. 


Maybe  why "some others" isn't the same that "All"?

BTW... Have you already registered your report on this?

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5 minutes ago, DiegoLBC1 said:


I feel like the quote above when I read your statements around your girlfriend's qualifications when you said: "you know the type that you ask them a question about their experiences or ask them to explain a certain thing and they show you their reference letters instead and which school they went to… "

Really no disrespect intended too


So you the type that can’t face a man and instead talks @%$# about a girl? Lol explains your hair style … 

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21 minutes ago, saoron666 said:

Então você é do tipo que não consegue encarar um homem e ao invés disso fala @%$# sobre uma garota? Lol explica seu estilo de cabelo… 

You wanted to prevail your point, citing your girlfriend's skills as above the game's creators skills.


You missed the point here.


I, on the other hand, am not obliged to give satisfaction about my hair, as it does not define my character, just like someone who has tattoos.

Now you miss the point, derail the topic, and put your girlfriend's skills as "feasible arguments", as if she had a superior ability to the developers of 7D2D.


Ask your girlfriend to create a mod for you, after all, she is very competent, she could do better than the devs.

My hair? It's still just my hair.


You didn't show any YOUR competence either, you just cited your girlfriend competency as an "argument" that bug fixes are "easy".

So speak for yourself, don't quote third parties, because your girlfriend's work doesn't fit here, and doesn't compare to creating games as you tried to make it out to be.

On 1/4/2022 at 1:02 PM, saoron666 said:


as I mentioned before, my gf is a senior software product owner .. wtv that title is lol


She saw the vehicles going underground, her plant seeds getting lost when she harvests them, etc… 



she said it’s because they using that same code for past 10 years and every time they making some changes they not modifying the other codes so it messes things up… she also said, she doesn’t understand why they keep twitching these same old things if they were working good already?! Why not just focus on making and adding new features, new content’s, instead of all this polishing they call it just focus on A21 let’s say with bandits, new areas, mobs, bosses, challenges etc….


BS a lot...


You always try to belittle what's been done so far, to justify that they should have put aside THESE changes they made, to work on the changes that YOU wanted them to make.

But since you don't accept arguments against it, you think it's valid to talk about my hair style.

This can only be a joke....




Edited by DiegoLBC1 (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, DiegoLBC1 said:

You wanted to prevail your point, citing your girlfriend's skills as above the game's creators skills.


You missed the point here.


I, on the other hand, am not obliged to give satisfaction about my hair, as it does not define my character, just like someone who has tattoos.

Now you miss the point, derail the topic, and put your girlfriend's skills as "feasible arguments", as if she had a superior ability to the developers of 7D2D.


Ask your girlfriend to create a mod for you, after all, she is very competent, she could do better than the devs.

My hair? It's still just my hair.


You didn't show any YOUR competence either, you just cited your girlfriend competency as an "argument" that bug fixes are "easy".

So speak for yourself, don't quote third parties, because your girlfriend's work doesn't fit here, and doesn't compare to creating games as you tried to make it out to be.

BS a lot...


You always try to belittle what's been done so far, to justify that they should have put aside THESE changes they made, to work on the changes that YOU wanted them to make.

But since you don't accept arguments against it, you think it's valid to talk about my hair style.

This can only be a joke....





that is because your comments are directed to my GF and not to me or the game.. 

you have something valid to say then say, if you got nothing to say then go play the game and

keep my gf out of this and ill keep this out of your ..


your comments were not even directed to any game related facts or arguments.. they were pointed to my gf..

who even talks behind someones back that they not even in the convo?

wtv ill ignore your posts since they have no value or sentimental interests to me..


ill quote who i want what i want, your opinion dont mean sh... to me

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1 hour ago, saoron666 said:

It’s how and why it isn’t tested when it’s supposed to be tested



It is supposed to be tested by subjecting it to larger and larger sample sizes in order first get all the obvious bugs and then get all the intermittent or rarely emerging bugs that you will only see if hundreds out of thousands are experiencing them and hopefully reporting so that they can then be reproduced internally and then solved.


Internal testers --> experimental testers --> main branch testers



It is supposed to be tested during the development phase of the game. All testing should be completed before the game is released as a 1.0 finished product. Builds should be kept secret and tested internally at first while the feature is still being actively developed so that TFP doesn't get 1000s of tickets about things that aren't working that the dev already knows isn't working because he isn't finished yet. The initial internal testing team will then find the common and easily manifesting bugs, once again, to avoid getting 1000s of duplicate bug reports on obvious things. Then the build can be pushed to experimental for a few weeks to gather bug reports from the much larger population now playing the game and experiencing bugs. Finally, the game is put to the main branch so that final testing and any additional bugs can be found with the largest sample size yet.



Please do not let yourself be concerned about whether TFP is doing it in the right way or at the right time. They are doing exactly what they should be doing when it needs to be done. The updates they push out to us are builds that they know will have bugs and will need fixing. If your expectation is that the bugs you are experiencing should never have been allowed to get through the internal process, that is an unrealistic expectation to have for playing the game during the development phase.

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25 minutes ago, Roland said:

Let's all keep the focus on the game. There is no need for trash talk or insults.

sorry Roland, I never did get personal, I always kept it strictly between us.

words can be sometimes deceiving but I never meant any disrespect , but this guy quoting my gf and talking trash doesn't make justice..

but ill ignore  him since he don't have anything valuable to say anyways.


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14 minutes ago, saoron666 said:

since he don't have anything valuable to say anyways.


You too. 

Anyway, in the next time, try not to cite your girlfriend's work as an argument. like around "bug's correction is easy"

Again: Have you already registered your bug report on this?

Edited by DiegoLBC1 (see edit history)
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Levity Break.




A man is floating in a hot air balloon, totally lost. He sees another man working out in a field, and decides to float down to ask this gent for some help.


"Excuse me mate - Could you tell me where I am?" He calls out.


"Sure - You're in a hot air balloon, about five metres off the ground!" the man on the ground replies.


Bemused and nonplussed, the man in the hot air balloon yells back "Well that's was completely useless. You must be an engineer, technically correct, but you've missed the point of my question".


The engineer on the ground replies "Ah, you must be a middle manager".


Now curious, the manager queries "I am, but how did you guess?"


"Well, you had a problem. Rather than ask me directly to solve your problem, you asked me a question without context, and I answered it correctly. Now, you still have a problem, but some how it's my fault!".




You can be cynical, and read it as a dig. You can be naive, and assume I'm just trying to lighten the atmosphere here. But this whole experience is a reminder to me that knowledge is easy. I came into this knowing that it was going to devolve into a mud slinging match several days ago. I knew I shouldn't respond. I knew he had gotten my goat, and that I chose to respond out of emotion. I also knew that he was technically incorrect, and that he was making invalid appeals to authority (And he did it again, referring to himself as a manager of 126 employees). I also knew that he would keep saying "You're missing my point" while misunderstanding my rebuttal, and/or selectively quoting my posts...


And knowing all that, I wanted my goat back, so I said something. And now I am reminded that knowing is easy. Wisdom - applying what you know in the face of emotion, is very tough. And if you will excuse my indirect humblebrag and appeal to authority... I knew all this 2 years ago, when I stepped down from being an executive, to choose a job that had no managerial responsibilities.


When I first became an executive, my leadership coach said to me - "Emotional regulation is the most important skill of a manager. The more senior you are, the more people will look to the tiniest of clues to try to read your mind. There is a true story of a Chief Executive Officer, who played tennis right before a presentation from a specialist technician. Just as the technician cracked a joke, a pulled muscle from the tennis match made the CEO wince... The specialist technician saw, and as soon as he finished his presentation, he went to a quiet room to and started drafting his apology and resignation to his own manager..."


Emotional regulation is hard, but is the most important skill of a manager. But managers are most often promoted because they are the most experienced or the most competent person to do the job they are managing. As a result, the team loses a competent individual contributor, and gains an incompetent manager. It's called the Peter Principle - Started off as a joke, but now taken pretty seriously: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle


So... Reminder to self, and perhaps a reminder to everyone else - If you think you shouldn't, don't.


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On 1/13/2022 at 1:26 PM, saoron666 said:

And I bought the game same as them.. what’s your point? 

My point is you not counting them as supporters.

22 hours ago, saoron666 said:

that is because your comments are directed to my GF and not to me or the game.. 

When it was YOU that brought your GF into this, using her as some sort of "expert" to reinforce your point then it is perfectly valid to use the actual facts of her experience vs the experience needed to code a game being different.

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32 minutes ago, Urban Blackbear said:


That's funny coming from someone who asked a forum user who hurt them earlier today. Was you planning on counseling them or something?


Absolutely. Happy to help anyone reach a state of forgiveness in their life. PM me if needed.

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4 minutes ago, Urban Blackbear said:


Why would I do that? You didn't say it to me. It's nice that you can make light of your mistakes as a human being.


It is nice. I went to therapy to help me attain the ability to poke fun at myself. 

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Okey dokey...just to comment to the OP in this meandering thread...


If I had a complaint about loot progression (which I do not!), it would be that, contrary to the OP's experience, I'm finding all kinds of useful and necessary items early game that I never used to. I get my beaker from the trader after 10 quests, found tons of schematics in (as stated earlier) in trash heaps, and better tools and weapons in general than I remember ever finding this early in A19.


Either way, I've paid way more for way less game and this one keeps me coming back (steam tells me I've wasted almost 9 months at this game --->7000 hours since A15 or so)

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