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What changes do you make to the game for personal enjoyment?


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I love A20 vanilla, I tested all overhaul mods but vanilla is the best.
There is something that break the gameplay every time I come back to my base, it's micro management. It must exist a way or something to make micro management less a pain.
I feel that the best way to do this and keep it realist is having npc people or bots assigned to sort equipment between storages. That could be marvelous, back to home from mission and leave staff to sort my loots. Definitely need this. Not a game breaker or game style changer but a enormous gameplay upper.

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I find that once I have my primary containers built and a bit of all the most common stuff in them, it doesn't feel micro-managey anymore because of the stack buttons. I push the stack button to move all like items / resources into the current container. After I've hit my primary storage containers this way, there's very little in my inventory that needs to be manually put away.

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I have my own qol modlet that I run, just some adjustments to make the game feel more comfortable to me..

(sp and kinda more casual).. along with a few of Khaines (slightly bigger backpack, hordes anywhere..)

Late in A19, like sometime in the last month or so, I changed repairing T3 items from the magic repair kits, to needing to use the appropriate parts.. So far I am really liking that,

and it is nice to have a use for them, apart from just box-fillers and trader-fodder..


also, i was pretty pleased to find that I only needed to make some very minor changes to it from 19 to 20..

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50 minutes ago, Mahnogard said:

I find that once I have my primary containers built and a bit of all the most common stuff in them, it doesn't feel micro-managey anymore because of the stack buttons.

That works mostly nicely, but I had to add a step; the group of items of "anything I tend to carry around and expect to be in my inventory" needs its own container. That is "the current ammo type", wrenches, painkillers, hammers, boiled meat, wood/stone/iron - just so the ammo box doesn't steal my ammo and the food box doesn't eat my meds... :) Auto-Drop everything else, manually drop into that "refills"-box. Been testing that for the latest run, seems all right, a little bit of extra hassle with multiple stash locations though.

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5 minutes ago, theFlu said:

That works mostly nicely, but I had to add a step; the group of items of "anything I tend to carry around and expect to be in my inventory" needs its own container. That is "the current ammo type", wrenches, painkillers, hammers, boiled meat, wood/stone/iron - just so the ammo box doesn't steal my ammo and the food box doesn't eat my meds... :) Auto-Drop everything else, manually drop into that "refills"-box. Been testing that for the latest run, seems all right, a little bit of extra hassle with multiple stash locations though.

Yes! The "drop box"! I usually have one to left of my front door. I also use that for stuff I want to take to the trader to sell on my next jaunt. On the right of the door is the pill case so I also remember to restock some meds on my way out if needed.

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Almost since I have started playing this game I had to make a separate storage chest (crate) for boiled water. Not sure why even. I just had to have it. Once it was filled I would have to start another one.

It used to be just for water but now ones for stone and one for wood is starting to creep in now and then. 

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4 hours ago, Gamida said:

Almost since I have started playing this game I had to make a separate storage chest (crate) for boiled water. Not sure why even. I just had to have it. Once it was filled I would have to start another one.

It used to be just for water but now ones for stone and one for wood is starting to creep in now and then. 

I always have a conundrum because I use boiled water for both drinks and cooking, and I never can decide how much boiled water I should put in each of the two cabinets. LOL I really should just crank out a ton of jars, boil all the water, then split it between them evenly. 

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8 hours ago, Mahnogard said:

I always have a conundrum because I use boiled water for both drinks and cooking, and I never can decide how much boiled water I should put in each of the two cabinets. LOL I really should just crank out a ton of jars, boil all the water, then split it between them evenly. 


Yes. I have even filled forge with sand to make glass for jars even though you can find jars everywhere. I just make hundreds of jars and fill them with murky water and boil as I need. Can never have too much water lol.

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12 hours ago, Mahnogard said:

I always have a conundrum because I use boiled water for both drinks and cooking, and I never can decide how much boiled water I should put in each of the two cabinets. LOL I really should just crank out a ton of jars, boil all the water, then split it between them evenly. 


4 hours ago, Gamida said:


Yes. I have even filled forge with sand to make glass for jars even though you can find jars everywhere. I just make hundreds of jars and fill them with murky water and boil as I need. Can never have too much water lol.

For boiled water, at least in A19 and before (still haven't started A20 lol), as soon as I have a gas powered vehicle I would drive to the snow biome and dig up several stacks of snow. I would even make a small snow biome base or fix up a small POI since it could take 2 or 3 days depending on tools and perk levels. Then I'd just have tons of snow in storage and never have to worry about water again, I'd just boil it as needed.


I've heard the new drainage ditches refill, don't know if that is true, but even if it is, I'd rather have the water safely tucked away in my base lol

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3 hours ago, Fenris said:

I've heard the new drainage ditches refill, don't know if that is true, but even if it is, I'd rather have the water safely tucked away in my base lol

I have a huge lake fairly nearby so I'm not worried about that. Also... I have a mod with working faucets. LOL Well, two. Telrics Deco adds faucets, but JaxTeller's working devices mods also adds working sinks. But I also have several drainage ditches with water very close to my base so it feels less like a cheat and more like a "qualify of life / do everything in one place" thing.

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5 hours ago, Fenris said:


For boiled water, at least in A19 and before (still haven't started A20 lol), as soon as I have a gas powered vehicle I would drive to the snow biome and dig up several stacks of snow. I would even make a small snow biome base or fix up a small POI since it could take 2 or 3 days depending on tools and perk levels. Then I'd just have tons of snow in storage and never have to worry about water again, I'd just boil it as needed.


I've heard the new drainage ditches refill, don't know if that is true, but even if it is, I'd rather have the water safely tucked away in my base lol


I never really made trips to snow biomes for snow. If I spawned there in beginning or had to go for some other reason I would gather some though so I wouldn't have to worry about water for a while if needed.

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More info on the HUD. Like hunger/thirst, XP to next level. I want numbers. @%$# your immersion. My immersion is broken having to go dig through that horrid character menu and have some zed spawn and eat my face while I'm doing that. Some of you kids might live to get old someday and your reflexes will get slower and your eyesight will get worse and all kinds of other things will stop working right and you'll understand.


More inventory slots, because the amount of crap has increased greatly since the game was conceived yet inventory space has not. Yes, I scrap anything and everything. Yes, I appreciate the drone when I can get it. Yes, my motorcycle is full too. Still not enough space.


Various nerfs to cliff-racers millenials vultures, because they are annoying AF.


More headshot damage, because I hate bullet sponges and I expect things to die after being shot in the head. Also encourages better aim and playing on harder difficulty. Shortened zombie reach, mainly so that I don't get punched in the head and 1 shotted (although I think I fixed that by switching to a differently coded headshot modlet)

More zombies, because this is supposed to be a zombie horde game and after the above changes to make it faster to kill zeds we need moar zeds to kill!


Shortened starter quest chain, because what purpose is putting down a block and campfire where you spawned and will never return to in all likelihood, ever. This isn't Minecraft people!


Recently allowing crafting ql6 and also a flat 4 mods allowed on any ql weapon/tool/armor. Also removing as much of the random stats from gear as I can because I don't want to sit and compare 2 items of same ql for which is better, I ain't got time for that @%$#. I expect them to be identical. This ain't RL.


I experiment with tweaks to XP and skill points and levels from time to time but much as I hate the vanilla system I still just can't find the "feels right" spot.


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I loved the old Valmod.   If I go back to A16 ever, I will load that back up again NFG.


The Romero mod is nice too.  I dumped it the moment we got to A20, though.  Early A20 game on a higher difficulty solved most of my need to never feel completely safe.

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1 hour ago, Krougal said:

Various nerfs to cliff-racers millenials vultures, because they are annoying AF.

I'm seriously considering doing this as well. They're just irritating, especially when I have to stop, get off my bike, swat a bird then rinse and repeat. Makes desert visits rather tedious. 

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4 hours ago, Krougal said:

Some of you kids might live to get old someday and your reflexes will get slower and your eyesight will get worse and all kinds of other things will stop working right and you'll understand.


When they first put the water and food bars under the toolbelt I had to thicken them as I'll be damned if these old eyes couldn't quite make out how high the levels were.

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8 hours ago, Ramethzer0 said:

I loved the old Valmod.   If I go back to A16 ever, I will load that back up again NFG.

Valmod Overhaul (+ Compo Pack) A16 is my favorite 7D2D ever.


I change lots of things, but kind of different every time.  I've got over 1000 hours of 7D2D and probably less than 50 of it is vanilla.

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I use the lockable inventory slots. Is a gamechanger. (By the way, when we gonna have a search function in the boxes, Pimps? Please?)


Also like Sam's working stuff. Having to use the campfire when I already have a nice kitchen is a serious letdown.


I'm waiting for my next playthough to use the 2x zombie spawns and the mod that reverts farming to it A19 way. The new farming is pretty annoying with the replanting.

Want to try also the mod that makes wandering hordes bigger. I want to try something like that series that JaWoodle played, in DF, but not with DF.

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2 hours ago, Rince said:

Want to try also the mod that makes wandering hordes bigger.

I want to do this soon too. There are a few horde mods, I'll probably use Khaine's. I have an idea for a "restoration" playthrough where I rebuild a neighborhood, maybe an entire town. So I'll start with some questing till T3 is done then start the remodeling. I like questing but I don't want to worry about having to identify and turn down quests for houses I'm renovating. And I'll use the Stay Clear mod to keep those houses zombie-free when I've cleared them. I figured that adding a wandering horde mod would shift the focus to outside zombies and force me to go out and protect the homes I'm repairing so they don't beat down the walls trying to get to me.

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I definitely need some clue to select missions, maybe a book with buildings snapshots made in game with a crafted camera. Not just a filename in description.
Maybe a way to a new mission génération mechanism if buildings have an identity like a NPC and missions assigned, and if they could be chased.

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On 12/31/2021 at 1:33 PM, unholyjoe said:

my bad and i am looking at the icon... BFT shut up... my glasses are as old as i am :) my fingers dont type what i mean anymore. :(


and stay off my lawn


Maybe rename it in localization to “Egg and bacons”? Then it would make sense to take only take 1 egg in the recipe :)


I feel this being the beginning of a wonderful mod. ….. ummmm … “50 shades of Bacon”  All it contains is 50 recipes for egg and bacons. 1 egg, 1 bacon. 1 egg 2 bacons (etc). And icons for each one showing the *exact* number of bacon strips.


you could argue making a copy of the egg and doing the same, but that’s crazy talk. Nobody eats 50 eggs and 1 piece of bacon.




(I know nobody calls them bacons. I’m just enjoying the word)

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9 minutes ago, doughphunghus said:

I know nobody calls them bacons.

I do. LOL I have this thing where common words will escape me for a moment and instead of trying to figure out what I'm trying to say, I'll just adapt what I'm saying. And so one evening when that amazing smell wafted into my room, I went into the kitchen and gave my roommate my best cute begging puppy face. He asked me how much I wanted and since the word "pieces" got lost, I just said, "two bacons, please!". He was like, "bacons?" and it just kind of stuck after that. :D 

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8 hours ago, Mahnogard said:
8 hours ago, Mahnogard said:

I have an idea for a "restoration" playthrough where I rebuild a neighborhood, maybe an entire town

I had one I was thinking about, you might find it interesting.


1. make the game super hard (chose your difficulty, whatever it needs to be). You can also do a random gen map, but this might make step 2 weird as spawning in TFP maps seems done nicely. I also suggest loading up the “furnishing” mods that add clear glass and nice doors and lights/decor.

2. Then, when you spawn, the first house you see (you have to walk on the road to find any structures) you have to live in for at least 1 horde. You cannot leave it until it’s been “refurbished” and you just try to live in it “as if it were real” meaning: all chests have to go in normal places (not on ceilings or in floors) campfire has to go in a real

place (not on wood floor) etc. the refurbishing has to be complete (painting, windows put back) etc. you cannot upgrade everything past it’s natural “house” state (no steel floors, etc). Basically “you thought you could rebuild and live but the zeds caused you to realize you had to leave”

3. Once you complete #2, you are free to play the game as you want, but you are trying to get to the next “thing to “win” which is…

4. Find poi “skyscraper 4” (or whatever that one is called) and completely rebuild it. It’s the one that’s basically a construction site. You have to rebuild “nicely”.  You are allowed to not use it as a horde base (can live next to it).  Wherever you live, you also have to rebuild and furnish. Rebuilding the skyscraper requires you (mostly) to build around the steel skeleton. You have to finish it up by taking down the crane and the fences and redo the grounds, etc.

5. After the skyscraper is rebuilt, make a horde base out of it. Try to make it “real” meaning no kill pits etc.  let the zeds come in through the doors and run up the stairs to get to you, etc. use traps as much as possible.  Note: you’re allowed to build the traps and stuff in as you rebuild, or after your choice.


Then continue playing as you want. Challenge completed!

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14 minutes ago, doughphunghus said:

I had one I was thinking about, you might find it interesting.


1. make the game super hard (chose your difficulty, whatever it needs to be). You can also do a random gen map, but this might make step 2 weird as spawning in TFP maps seems done nicely. I also suggest loading up the “furnishing” mods that add clear glass and nice doors and lights/decor.

2. Then, when you spawn, the first house you see (you have to walk on the road to find any structures) you have to live in for at least 1 horde. You cannot leave it until it’s been “refurbished” and you just try to live in it “as if it were real” meaning: all chests have to go in normal places (not on ceilings or in floors) campfire has to go in a real

place (not on wood floor) etc. the refurbishing has to be complete (painting, windows put back) etc. you cannot upgrade everything past it’s natural “house” state (no steel floors, etc). Basically “you thought you could rebuild and live but the zeds caused you to realize you had to leave”

3. Once you complete #2, you are free to play the game as you want, but you are trying to get to the next “thing to “win” which is…

4. Find poi “skyscraper 4” (or whatever that one is called) and completely rebuild it. It’s the one that’s basically a construction site. You have to rebuild “nicely”.  You are allowed to not use it as a horde base (can live next to it).  Wherever you live, you also have to rebuild and furnish. Rebuilding the skyscraper requires you (mostly) to build around the steel skeleton. You have to finish it up by taking down the crane and the fences and redo the grounds, etc.

5. After the skyscraper is rebuilt, make a horde base out of it. Try to make it “real” meaning no kill pits etc.  let the zeds come in through the doors and run up the stairs to get to you, etc. use traps as much as possible.  Note: you’re allowed to build the traps and stuff in as you rebuild, or after your choice.


Then continue playing as you want. Challenge completed!

I do find it interesting, it sounds like a fun challenge! There are some things I would excel at. Like the storage thing. I don't use regular storage boxes past like day 2, and all of my storage cabinets / racks go in normal places. Picture of my current kitchen attached. LOL I've been building my own houses from scratch so renovating one would be no problem. I'll keep this in mind for down the road. 


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