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The Fun Pimps needs to understand something..


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I've been reading a lot of threads and lately all the new posts about the A20.


Guys! you don't seem to understand the most relevant concern here, the fans wants a tougher, harder, challenging game.

The A20 is wonderful, it has many features, so much changes and improvement.


the big BUT is how easy it has become! do not forget that these updates and improvements are meant to be mostly for your current players, which means these players already have experience. they no longer noobs! and the 2 zombies running at them wont scare them off or stop them from looting...


it isnt normal that 30min into the game you find lvl 6 steel pickaxes and you have bunch of items and food.

so what i cant find food or water in houses... i find 100's of empty jars all over the place and rivers all over the place where i can fill them and boil them..


cooking pots all over the place, animals all over the place, chickens and bunnies running in the snow area like it was a farm...


you guys added now the pipe wpns as well and an abundant amount of ammos that i actually have stacks of ammo that i am putting in storages.


solution isnt to just make them more rare... need to add a more challenging way to get them, adding more zombies, harder way to kill animals, could help.


i would say using traps to catch animals is better than just hammering down every chicken or the ton of tigers out there in the snow area.. i just go inside a house and kill bears and tigers from the window..


i honestly think you need to add more zombies and groups of them, not just single ones wondering around. it can help improve the game by 1000%.


games become interesting with more challenge and harder it gets... i played FFXI for 15 years lol i can tell you that it took 1 year for ppl to even reach cap lvl! took 30min to get something..and gears ...forget about it lol but ppl loved it!!!! the more challenging it was more ppl played! 


i dont understand why you guys not doing it when we asking for it... try it damn it ..and dont say we dont do it because we need to respect the min requirements... we use to play FFXI with 6000ppl on the server and raid NM's with 16 ppl with @%$#tier pc's, internet speed and video cards..

im sure today our pc's can handle some more zombies ..lmao


give your fans what they want.. stop holding back.. unless you guys working with 486's still haha kidding


P.S if it was up to me, only way to get a gun would be from the traders private stash or schematics. or even certain hard missions..

if private stash, then higher lvl perks and very expensive. not in a toilet bowl at lvl 10 lol







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12 minutes ago, saoron666 said:

it isnt normal that 30min into the game you find lvl 6 steel pickaxes and you have bunch of items and food.

Your right, that is not normal.😆


What game are you playing, because we must be playing different games.  I am currently waiting on Day 6 to start (I stopped playing night of Day 5) and the best tools I found so far are Q1 iron tools (and 5days in at 1 hour days is 5 hours of game time).

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Some of the main things I love and enjoy of this game is randomness of the loot .. I can be having a crap go to start and my buddy is finding awesome sauce loot. IMHO the game fits for a lot of players at different levels. A newbie can keep up with us (yes they are still out there, I’ve got one coming in this weekend!!) or vets like us can find ways to crank up the madness.. little adjustments on a few setting here or there.. then, there’s the mods, they can be a game changer for sure.

seems like every word I start up I’m playing a different game … just trying to survive!

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I do sometimes wish all the things that can be found are without a level and rather have a bigger variety of what can be found. Example I can think of would be a Rusty AK 47 that can potentially jam every few bullets or an ordinary one you could get of a trader, perhaps even have a complete failure where the weapon just explodes to pieces and that is the end of it, this would probably make exploration a bit more fun too.

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40 minutes ago, saoron666 said:

do not forget that these updates and improvements are meant to be mostly for your current players, which means these players already have experience. they no longer noobs! and the 2 zombies running at them wont scare them off or stop them from looting...

The updates and improvements are to finish the game and are therefore for all players new and old.  And just what could TFP add that would scare players with 100's or 1000's of hours in game?????   "Blah blah blah...more zombies, add more zombies... stop holding back" Have even read these forums?? there a multiple threads where this as been discussed & the TFP have answered.  

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There's something wrong with your install or the server you are playing on. Other than meat appearing to be more abundant this alpha none of the other loot complaints are happening. In terms of the pipe weapons, except for the machine gun, I didn't find any of them worth using. And the pipe machine gun does not do much if ammo is sparse which it absolutely has been in my game. My machine gun is using be used for dogs, wolves, and emergencies only because I've had limited ammo.  

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1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

Your right, that is not normal.😆


What game are you playing, because we must be playing different games.  I am currently waiting on Day 6 to start (I stopped playing night of Day 5) and the best tools I found so far are Q1 iron tools (and 5days in at 1 hour days is 5 hours of game time).

what what game lol this happened a lot... i seriousely got a lvl 6 steel pickaxe max 1 hr in game from a car before i scavange it.. oh yes and a wrench and hammer before that!

20 minutes ago, Kosmic Kerman said:

There's something wrong with your install or the server you are playing on. Other than meat appearing to be more abundant this alpha none of the other loot complaints are happening. In terms of the pipe weapons, except for the machine gun, I didn't find any of them worth using. And the pipe machine gun does not do much if ammo is sparse which it absolutely has been in my game. My machine gun is using be used for dogs, wolves, and emergencies only because I've had limited ammo.  

i created the game myself and picked navezgane map. didnt touch any files and it is fresh install.

me and my gf only.


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1 hour ago, saoron666 said:

do not forget that these updates and improvements are meant to be mostly for your current players, which means these players already have experience. they no longer noobs!


This line right here reveals that you either forgot the game is still in development and/or don't understand the goals of updating the game. You aren't alone. Tons of people assume this is a finished game and that the updates are DLC expansions meant to add new content for existing game owners. Sorry, but we are not to that stage yet.


This game is currently being developed to become the base core game experience. That means that the devs are NOT designing updates with experienced players in mind. Updates are meant to create the game they will be presenting to brand new players who purchase it once it is finished. We are working towards 7 Days to Die 1.0 and nothing more at this point.


Someday the base game will be finished and then hopefully there will be some updates that broaden and expand the gameplay and content for us experienced players. Plus there will be plenty of mods to add complexity, difficulty, and new experiences that would fry the minds of noobs but just feel like an extension of the game to l33ts.

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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45 minutes ago, outhous said:

The updates and improvements are to finish the game and are therefore for all players new and old.  And just what could TFP add that would scare players with 100's or 1000's of hours in game?????   "Blah blah blah...more zombies, add more zombies... stop holding back" Have even read these forums?? there a multiple threads where this as been discussed & the TFP have answered.  

multiple threads.. answers... ok take action! how much more can we read and ask for same thing over and over again... have you read the threads and what fans want? i dont think you did! because they want more freaking zombies and more challenging environment.. 

2 minutes ago, Roland said:


This line right here reveals that you either forgot the game is still in development and/or don't understand the goals of updating the game. You aren't alone. Tons of people assume this is a finished game and that the updates are DLC expansions meant to add new content for existing game owners. Sorry, but we are not to that stage yet.


This game is currently being developed to become the base core game experience. That means that the devs are NOT designing updates with experienced players in mind. Updates are meant to create the game they will be presenting to brand new players who purchase it once it is finished. We are working towards 7 Days to Die 1.0 and nothing more at this point.


Someday the base game will be finished and then hopefully there will be some updates that broaden and expand the gameplay and content for us experienced players. Plus there will be plenty of mods to add complexity, difficulty, and new experiences that would fry the minds of noobs but just feel like an extension of the game to l33ts.

you are right Roland, but nearly 10 years later "1.0" ? i mean by the time this game becomes finished, we more likely to be finished as well lmao 

not sure how i dont understand how this works ..

to have a little twitch in the game and make things a little more challenging rather than have guns and ammos 30min-1hr in to the game takes away the "survival game" its supposed to be imo..


but who im i to argue lol and i tried the add ons , somehow every mod i tried the zombies became dumb and unresponsive..

i rather play the original version.. 

1 hour ago, ElCabong said:

All I found on day one was an iron shovel. You need to check your settings.

idk what setting can give you lvl 6 steel shovel or an iron one.. all i did is fresh install, load new game navezgane map and play.. and i play on warrior setting.

only my gf can join the game..

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I know I'm beggining to sound like a bloody broken record but...

If we had settings that we could just change to tailor loot, hunger, farming spawns etc then EVERYONE could have the game they wanted.

Which would mean more props for TFP.

And more 7 Days.



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10 minutes ago, saoron666 said:

you are right Roland, but nearly 10 years later "1.0" ? i mean by the time this game becomes finished, we more likely to be finished as well lmao 


That may be true for those of us who joined early access early but it isn't true of everyone. There are still people who haven't played the game yet. There is nothing stopping you from stopping playing until its done if you're worried about getting burned out before the game is finished. The fact that it has been 8.5 years has nothing to do with whether the game is 1.0 or not. It is fantastic that TFP has delivered a playable indev version of 7 Days to Die consistently over the years that is so good that people get fooled into thinking that its just a buggy finished game rather than an incomplete prototype. But playing it to the point that you get burned out before it is ever done is something only you can control. :)


15 minutes ago, saoron666 said:

not sure how i dont understand how this works ..

to have a little twitch in the game and make things a little more challenging rather than have guns and ammos 30min-1hr in to the game takes away the "survival game" its supposed to be imo..


Twitch integration is more than it seems. It is going to be the basis for an upcoming random event generator which will create events and encounters for the player. As for survival balance, once again they aren't balancing it for experienced players. We have to increase the difficulty through settings and edits to the game. That being said, give them a chance to make adjustments. This is only the first iteration of experimental so we can expect adjustments.

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2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

Your right, that is not normal.😆


What game are you playing, because we must be playing different games.  I am currently waiting on Day 6 to start (I stopped playing night of Day 5) and the best tools I found so far are Q1 iron tools (and 5days in at 1 hour days is 5 hours of game time).


2 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

You're so right. That is not normal and I seriously doubt you have a lvl 6 pickaxe mid day of Day one. You're either modded, bugged or lying to make a point. Which is it?

Everything is repeated over and over again. The person writes a post of 3000 characters, you both rip out one sentence again and cling to it trying to refute everything else with it, again. How funny. I guess "30 minutes" is an hyperbole, exaggeration. Do you know this word? And he is right about everything. The game gives much more than is required. The game is very easy.

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1 hour ago, Lasher said:

I know I'm beggining to sound like a bloody broken record but...

If we had settings that we could just change to tailor loot, hunger, farming spawns etc then EVERYONE could have the game they wanted.

Which would mean more props for TFP.

And more 7 Days.



Yes, they definitely know. No need to repeat it, people were asking for options all those years, though everyone for a different one 😉


But an official option means the developer has to maintain and test and at least marginally balance all combinations of options. So (I may be imagining this, but I think that) developers are very careful and conservative with adding options. Meanwhile TFP provided all the options you could ever get and more through modding. And they have and surely will add more options, but carefully selected and the later the better (for them).


I wish they would make the difficulty setting change more stuff than just relative damage between players and zombies. Minimally loot percentage should go down at higher difficulties. But if it ever comes it will probably in the last phase of development shortly before going gold.


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30 minutes ago, bachgaman said:


Everything is repeated over and over again. The person writes a post of 3000 characters, you both rip out one sentence again and cling to it trying to refute everything else with it, again. How funny. I guess "30 minutes" is an hyperbole, exaggeration. Do you know this word? And he is right about everything. The game gives much more than is required. The game is very easy.


I don't think they refuted everything he said. They confirmed to him that it wasn't normal to find a T6 pickaxe on Day 1. Its true that they doubted that he was playing vanilla which isn't very nice. Better would have been to say was that it was a bug.


The game is going to be very easy for veteran players. To make it hard for veteran players they would have to make it beyond the skill of new players and right now their focus is on creating the base version of the game that is suitable and approachable for new players. That isn't to say that that they should not keep trying to work on balancing things so that it isn't too easy but I think from dev comments that a purple pickaxe on day 1 is not intended. It was a fluke and not representative of the intended design.

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

You're so right. That is not normal and I seriously doubt you have a lvl 6 pickaxe mid day of Day one. You're either modded, bugged or lying to make a point. Which is it?

how can i prove it.. besides why would i do or say such a thing when im trying to help improve this game.. i rather be playin than sit here and make up lies for what benefit? im serious , it happened when my gf got a lvl 5 pipe wpn right away and later i looted  car in the snow area and i got a lvl 6 steel pickaxe !

2 hours ago, Lasher said:

I know I'm beggining to sound like a bloody broken record but...

If we had settings that we could just change to tailor loot, hunger, farming spawns etc then EVERYONE could have the game they wanted.

Which would mean more props for TFP.

And more 7 Days.




I agree with you 100% but it is supposed to be a survival game so you should be struggling and not enjoy an evening at the holiday inn hahaha

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4 minutes ago, saoron666 said:

i looted  car in the snow area and i got a lvl 6 steel pickaxe !


The snow biome has a loot stage bonus which means that suddenly a level 6 steel pickaxe could possibly be found. I'm sure it was an extremely lucky find. You weren't pulling level 6 gear out of every car right?


If you go outside of the forest you will have a better chance at finding better stuff. This is brand new and they will need to spend some time dialing in the probabilities to get it right. 


One thing they probably should do is remove the new player buff now that players spawn in forest. Without that buff you wouldn't be able to go into the snow biome without freezing on day 1. The elements don't touch you so that is probably an oversight.

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58 minutes ago, bachgaman said:


Everything is repeated over and over again. The person writes a post of 3000 characters, you both rip out one sentence again and cling to it trying to refute everything else with it, again. How funny. I guess "30 minutes" is an hyperbole, exaggeration. Do you know this word? And he is right about everything. The game gives much more than is required. The game is very easy.


glad someone see's what i am saying! no exaggeration though, it happened as i described it. my gf looted, lvl 5 pipe rifle, i got a wrench, she got robotic schematic, motorbike handlebar and we finding a lot of shotgun ammos and 9mm..


this is not more than few hours in total! 

4 minutes ago, Roland said:


The snow biome has a loot stage bonus which means that suddenly a level 6 steel pickaxe could possibly be found. I'm sure it was an extremely lucky find. You weren't pulling level 6 gear out of every car right?


If you go outside of the forest you will have a better chance at finding better stuff. This is brand new and they will need to spend some time dialing in the probabilities to get it right. 


One thing they probably should do is remove the new player buff now that players spawn in forest. Without that buff you wouldn't be able to go into the snow biome without freezing on day 1. The elements don't touch you so that is probably an oversight.


oh! now you talking.. i like the idea of not being able to spawn or just walk in the snow area on day 1 

i tell you what happened and where it happened, the mansion on top of the hill in the snow area, all the way on top of the mountain there is a mansion..

thats where i went and built my cabin.


and i wasn't even freezing! i thought its a bug or something... i made some plant gears and i was perfectly fine in lower areas as well ..


To be well geared in order to go in snow or desert area would be a great idea!


27 minutes ago, warmer said:

There are plenty of settings to make the game so hard you'll rage quit. Nightmare speed all day/night, 64x horde, horde night everyday, drop all on death, 33% loot and no loot respawn, no air drops...


Play that and tell us its too easy. I'll wait. 

i dont want to turn the game into an impossible tastless game where i cant get up to go pee lol


i meant, make it challenging and not super easy like it is now... and i have played with 64x all u need is a bunker with 1 way in and build a long staircase going up or down and place some obstacles in a cross they will simply get stuck and you can kill them easy..

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i think adding the pipe wpns from start makes the game just way too easy, especially when you keep finding them everywhere..

like the entire population before turning into zombies had pipe wpns on them lol


its one thing to build them but to find them none stop and so much ammo to go with them takes away the fun on even making a xbow or bow..

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57 minutes ago, outhous said:

Fix that for ya!😉

I have fixed.


The question is not what can I achieve by creating modifications and remaking the game for myself. The question is why TFP doesn't care about those who have learned to play and want difficulties.


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Just now, bachgaman said:

The question is not what can I achieve by creating modifications and remaking the game for myself. The question is why TFP doesn't care about those who have learned to play and want difficulties.


The answer to that question is that they are not developing right now for those who have learned to play and want difficulties. When the the 1.0 game is done and shipped then they will likely do some updates designed for existing owners who have gotten good. Why? Because they want a game that is approachable and playable for first-time players.


They do have telemetry data that lets them see how often players die after how much time and they get a lot of feedback. Most first-time players are struggling and dying and not successfully surviving. The game is not an easy walk in the park for quite a few people.


Saying that TFP doesn't care about us experienced players is a harsh way of putting it but you are correct that we are not their target at this time. I hope you don't feel the need to keep asking this question now since you have the definitive answer on the subject. You may not like it but it is the answer to your question.

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